97d3c7 No.11875[Last 50 Posts]
I am a based zoomer currently living in a medium size city in the midwest. I used to be an egalitarian faggot because I was in a nice middle class neighborhood where I was sheltered from niggers, except a few "good" niggers who acted white. I also was brainwashed with holohoax propaganda. However this has all changed in the last year. The kikes who run this town decided to take an abandoned building not far away from our house and turn it into a low income housing area. Not surprisingly it is filled with niggers, and I have seen their behavior from close up. Every day their are police cars around because niggers are selling drugs and shooting each other. It is no longer safe around here because of all these niggers, and it possible that whites will start leaving the neighborhood if this keeps up. There are also some spics who live in that piece of crap who aren't much better. There are also a small number of white residents who are mostly meth heads, coalburners or faking disability.
Since then I have started looking up facts about niggers and found it that they really are genetic trash and from there I've been able to find out red pills about kikes and other issues. I have realized that all the kike education system and my christian zionist boomer parents taught me is bullshit.
However I do have a question because there is another part of this story. There is a white girl who lives in the housing project who is a year younger than me. She often hangs out outside during the day on weekends (it isn't safe out after 4 pm though) and I've talked to her on a few occasions. She is lonely and doesn't really seem to have any friends around here, and is in constant fear from living in a building full of niggers, while most of the whites in this neighborhood look down on her and call her white trash. She comes from a single mother family and apparently her relatives aren't very savory people. Her brother is a wigger and hangs out with the niggers. But she seems like a nice person and she likes me, and I like her. She feels like I'm the only one of her neighbors who shows her any understanding so she gravitates toward me for that partly. Because of being around so many violent niggers she it's been easy to red pill her too.
However we aren't in any kind of formal relationship. My parents are neocon boomers who see her as a piece of trash and don't like me associating with her. They say it would be beneath me to be in a relationship with a welfare brat, and I should be looking for nice middle-class christian zionist girls instead. I'm wondering what the national socialist position on this is? Should I try to go any further with this girl? Even if my parents don't approve?
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8c6926 No.11878
Stop being a fag and bang that ho already
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882095 No.11880
teach her to eat your poop and then tell her the red pills are in the poop and then she will become so redpilled that she becomes wise!
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d30519 No.11882
Do not even think about it. First off, how do you know that girl isn't ridding nigger cock on the side? It would be one thing if she was in school or bettering herself to get out of her nigger infested ghetto but she 'hangs outside all day'. She is going to use you rather than pull her own weight. Your parents are correct. She is dead weight and you will regret every second you are with her.
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52559e No.11886
Going solely on what you have stated, it's your duty to SLOWLY reveal your power-level and bring her up to speed before planting your seed in her.
Monetary affairs are inherently anti-white in nature. That's not to say you should strive toward poverty, but no value should be placed upon a persons economic status in jewden-land. Only in the Reich, where ability is rewarded above all else is economic status a benchmark for success.
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65ed47 No.11893
Your first priority at the moment is finding out whether she is a virgin. If she isn't, she almost certainly burned the coal already. Such a non-person has essentially forfeited it's right to live, let alone reproduce with a white man.
If you can confirm her purity, then get her the fuck out of there. Run away with her if necessary. Do not let cowards and traitors in your family prevent you from saving an innocent white girl and potentially securing your own offspring. Even poverty is preferable to inaction.
But you must confirm her purity first.
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d30519 No.11894
She knows fuck all about a good family or how to perform in a partnership as a wife.
Don't do it son, you will regret it your whole life. You will be strapped with a wife and kids and she will cheat on you with other men because she has no father and is a ward of the state. DO NOT DO THIS TO YOURSELF. She will drag you down into poverty and misery.
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65ed47 No.11895
Following up on my previous post, a good tactic to get her to reveal her true colors is to pretend you're trying to learn what a woman gets turn on by, then ask about her experiences with any previous partner or boyfriend she's had before. Refrain from just asking her without the previous setup, because she'll most certainly lie about it.
If she's had any sort of previous sexual contact before, don't even bother asking if the guy was white and listen to the other anons in the thread. Coal burners are just as subhuman as the filth they mix with, their only use to you is that of target practice, their only salvation is violent death.
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65ed47 No.11898
I think you ought to calm down, sir. Being a child of a single mother is certainly a red flag, but not bad enough to warrant this level of paranoia, specially if the girl is a virgin.
If anon is a strong man, he can lead and discipline such a girl until she is moulded into a worthwhile partner. I've seen it happen.
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d7869d No.11899
> My parents are neocon boomers
> They say I should be looking for nice middle-class christian zionist girls
If they were real boomers they would want you to be dating a negress to raise their social credit score
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d30519 No.11901
He is making the worst mistake of his life. Choosing a low IQ retard who is most likely already raped by niggers or POZZED to mix his genes with when he could have someone of his own class and have a successful life with is not just crazy, it is clinically insane.
This isn't fucking Disney movie there is nothing on the fucking planet that is going to 'save that girl' from her destiny which is to be a nigger fucked white trash in the ghetto whore. He is not going to be 'saving her' he is going to be destroying his own future.
It would be one thing, like I said, if she was working to improve her lot but she is going to be a dead weight on him for the rest of her life and there is no 'fixing' her.
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239126 No.11902
And you're making a shit ton of assumptions based off of your experience, which is PROBABLY CORRECT, but we can only go off of what he said which is indicative of what he will inevitably do.
Keeping that in mind, knowing that he is going to pursue the girl no matter what anyone says here, the only good advice is advice confined within the constraints of his OP.
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d30519 No.11904
File: 5a45a095b667912⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 56.29 KB, 215x234, 215:234, when roast beef goes bad o….jpg)

Ok but knowing that he is determined to destroy his own life, that of his future offspring and cause his entire family total misery we should be crystal clear with him so that he can cut ties while he is getting pozzed and cheated on with niggers by 'crazy'. He will remember this OP and even though his dick will fall of later from nigger dick rot he might be able to contribute to society in some other manner…say suicide bombing a good target since he will never have a fulfilling life or future…just saying when he starts to see shit go totally south and has no future maybe he can still be of service to the White race.
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000000 No.11927
How old are you, how old is she? If she is going to be in that shithole for longer than a year it's not going to end well for her and it likely won't end well for you either. She is in a shit situation and you will be brought down into it.
I know you won't listen to me or anyone else telling you to run. I was young and horny once too. If you do associate with her, get her the fuck out of there as much as you can. Don't hang out there, don't be around the niggers more than you can help it. If you don't lift, you should start, niggers respect strength, they prey on the weak.
Good luck anon, you have some hard choices.
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97d3c7 No.11941
I am 16 and she is 15.
I really don't want to just forget about her. I mean is it really the right attitude to say that she should just be left to be fucked by niggers? Plus I find her so fascinating.
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92ac20 No.11948
never accept the responsibility for the actions of others, anon.
with that said, do not reveal your power level. A female will turn on you quicker than you can imagine. Become that which you admire and others will come to admire you, in turn.
Watch her behaviors and listen to her replies. She will tell you everything you need to know about her in 5 minutes if you know how to listen.
A good woman, one that can be molded, will be more interested in you and where you are going in life. "I don't like aspects of where we live" is a good lead-line. Get her to say, "I don't trust niggers and don't like living around them."
If you hear anything other than that, run.
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d30519 No.11951
>Don't hang out there, don't be around the niggers more than you can help it.
How can you do this to him. You and I both know that they will probably kill him one day when the mood strikes them. He is thinking with his dick alone. Not with his head. You can't tell him to enter nigger town where there is a fertile white female by herself without male protection…do not encourage him in anyway or you will be responsible for his death. They won't kill her because they can fuck her like a rag doll and probably already have. But he is just something 'in their way' and easily disposed of…they aren't even going to do time for killing him.
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080aa3 No.11974
A brave man dies only once. A coward dies a thousand times before the end comes.
If he abandons this girl now, he’ll be thinking about it and regretting it for the rest of his life.
If she’s a virgin he needs to get fucking tough and rescue her. If she’s already having sex at age 15 he needs to drop her as trash and move on.
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239e94 No.11993
Just pick up a gun and become zoomer bonnie and clyde, but preferably just silently sneak her away to your parents temporarily. Even if they accept her presence you will need to get out of there to not have to go to school with niggers. Considering you say you're in the midwest, it shouldn't be difficult to move to a smaller town thats still 90% white, but you might need to get a mobile home for a while since kikes imported a ton of aztec barbarians and made building houses illegal. If to goes sour with your parents, start looking into emancipation. Getting married is one of the ways you can be allowed emancipation, or living apart from your parents. Girls love a fascist. Don't listen to these shitzo schizo kikes that want to stop you from having a white family, it's what they hate to see the most. PS, if you need birth control for a while until you can sustain a family, get a copper IUD, chemical methods will fuck her up. Act fast
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ad080d No.11995
How the fuck is this is even related to politics again?
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eeaf38 No.12003
>Plus I find her so fascinating.
Teenage infatuation. This is not your brain speaking, or rather, not your sober brain - only chemical reactions that make you lose your rational thinking.
>There are also a small number of white residents who are mostly meth heads, coalburners or faking disability.
>She often hangs out outside during the day on weekends
>She comes from a single mother family and apparently her relatives aren't very savory people.
These are not red flags. These are Defcon-1 tier red alert. Abandon ship.
DO NOT GET ONEITIS. PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEA. Redpill about women is as important as redpill against niggers, if not more - you'll meet more women in your life, and many of them are going to want to exploit you for their own benefit as part of their inherent nature PLUS the conditioning their receive in current times, especially if you bear a semblance of outside success, like good grades, physical fitness, decent appearance.
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3d7f90 No.12014
Ok zoomie let me give you the real deal, here is the ultimate dealbreakers that if she does then you should drop her like a bad habit:
>does meth
>fucks niggers
>single mother (not because of rape or husband/bf died)
>talks like a wigger
Do the first paragraph of >>11895 and second paragraph of >>11948 to see if she ticks any of those mentioned red flags if she doesn’t then do what >>11993 says and try to gtfo with your gf/newly wed wife.
I would add for the time being if you can’t get a gun or unable to make a reliable one then carry a knife and taser or stun gun with you when seeing her and if she checks out get her some of that stuff too along with pepper spray. Also learn a striking and grappling martial art to help defend yourself and try to get into dropshipping to see you can get a hang of it as it will help you get some money while you are attending school or doing wagie jobs and if dropshipping works out for you then teach your gf dropshipping too (only if she checks out and don’t have any of the red flags) so that way you both can gather enough money to get out of that shithole situation.
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3d7f90 No.12017
Oh yeah almost forgot, if your gf checks out make sure for that time being she has some loose sweatpants and hoodie to cover her figure so niggers don’t detect her being a white girl right away
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5737ab No.12053
They aren't literally boomers they're in their 40s. But they think like boomers.
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d30519 No.12061
At least you have common sense. Unfortunately a 16 yo boy does not want to hear what we have to say. He was looking for someone to validate what his penis wants and that TERRIBLE JEWISH HEDONISTIC advice is what he got here. He is actually still stupid enough to not realize that half of /pnd/ is kikes really enjoying the fact that he is about to destroy his life.
I would give a kikes in this threads sons the same advice as the kikes in this thread gave him because I would want them to die at the niggers hands (which I would laugh about as well since they imported the protohumans and would deserve it; just like I laughed about the kikes who got hacked up recently).
#1 He is not a man.
#2 You are sending him after a worthless target
#3 Niggers are not human, their last common ancestor is chimps
#4 This is not 'muh bravery' it is a display of retardation when the niggers are cleaned out of the USA it will be because battle hardened White soldiers with war experience go door to door and shoot every nigger they find in the head like the animals they are.
>Don't listen to these shitzo schizo kikes that want to stop you from having a white family
Traitors to the European race GET THE FUCKING ROPE FIRST YOU PIECE OF SHIT KIKE (but not before you see your offspring die).
You know that a White boy is not equipped to deal with an entire neighborhood of niggers since they only fight in a fucking pack. Telling him to get a gun and 'bonnie and clyde it' is the depth of horseshit.
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a8dd86 No.12073
>She comes from a single mother family
The is a literal piece of shit. Avoid this. Don't poison your life with low quality girls that grew without a father. Every single girl/woman that grows with a single mother will:
-Spiral downwards in depression
-Be resentful of other girls that grew up in normal and correct families
-Let the resentment overcome them to the point that they won't be able to enjoy anything in life, ever
-Always regret their own lives even when presented with a good life, for they can't have what they most want: to go back to the past and to relive their lives with a father in a normal family
-Always be sad and angry, no matter what good things you do to her or give to her, as what they want is impossible: they want a father in their childhood, which is already in the past and can't be relived
-Look incessantly for that lost father figure, but always unable to be happy about it even when finding a good match, as what they really want is to go back in time to live with a father in their infancy
-Reject every single attempt to make them a better girl/woman, and reject every single attempt to make them happy, because she can't have what they want most
-Always complain about everything and everyone, everywhere, anytime, even after praising that same thing or that same person, because her feminine (i.e, defective) brain can only feel joy when her every whim is attended, but since her most wanted desire (a father when she was a child) can't be achieved, she will never be able to truly embrace happiness or to feel genuine joy from the good deeds that someone does to her, no matter how good that person is to her
-Always self-harm to the point of no return, angry because she can never have the father that so many other girls had in their infancy
-Always compare herself to other girls/women, and always feel bitter and angry whenever one of them has something that she doesn't
-Always increase her bitterness and anger towards life itself as she ages and become uglier, while noticing that younger girls are prettier than her
Avoid this poison, anon. Never be attracted by a woman for what she shows to you (kindness, good looks, etc), but by what she IS, by how she grew up in her life, and by what kind of people influenced her. Remember that women are soulless carcasses. They don't have a personality of their own. What they "think" is what the very first people in her earlier years made her think, by influencing and impressing her. Always look for a girl's past before even taking the first step towards her. A girl who didn't grew in a functional and traditional family will ALWAYS, without exception, grow into a bitter, jealous and depressed failed being that will drag down everyone around her to the bottom of the well.
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9c4146 No.12082
How many nukes does Israel have, kike?
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aaffb2 No.12098
>I am a based zoomer
How do you do fellow kids?
>I am simping for a coalburner, wut do?
I'm glad you asked! You should, for the good of us all, shove a shotgun barrel down your throat and air yourself out immediately.
Thanks for asking, now get the fuck out.
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9c4146 No.12102
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aae48d No.12138
So how old were you when your dad left
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dc6955 No.12147
No fag, that anon is correct. I can speak from personal experience on this topic. Also she WILL fuck other guys, lots of the probably, no matter how much you love her she will ALWAYS be chasing the father she never had. She will never understand that what she really wanted was no a father but a husband. No love will ever fill the empty hole in her psyche.
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9c4146 No.12148
Stop with the purity spiral you fucking kike
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c9ff8d No.12164
>My retarded boomer parents that worship Israel are telling me not to date a girl around my age who likes me and is already redpilled on race.
Ignore your parents. Make sure to redpill her on sexual degeneracy as well and the negative effect it has had on society.
Form a lasting relationship with her and marry young, you have no idea how much of a unicorn you've found to have found a girl who's redpilled on race at a point in your life when both of you are still young enough for to have not screwed up by slutting around yet.
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d30519 No.12176
Run off to africa you fucking ape. Civilization requires rules, laws and boundaries…something you would know nothing about, ape man.
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9c4146 No.12178
No go back to Israel you faggot cunt. Only a kike would try to divide white people and turn them against each other. You are trying to demoralize us and undermine white solidarity. You filthy mossad piece of shit kike.
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d30519 No.12206
Clearly the ape is unable to scroll up and read its own comments. Degenerate piece of shit. You remind me of the kikes who freaked out over No Fap November.
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9c4146 No.12211
You literally say you want a white girl to be fucked by niggers. How can you call anyone a degenerate?
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a4a603 No.12214
Holy shit this thread is a mess.
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f5fdc2 No.12243
Nobody wants that. But they will do it, nonetheless. Women are soulless carcasses. The bery first man that impresses a woman is the man that she will carve for the rest of her life. And carve = fucking every single man that reminds her of the one.
Respecting women = jewish indoctrination.
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b3f7f7 No.12245
>respecting women = jewish indoctrination
Which is why women had rights in Aryan Pagan Europe, and only lost them when kikeianity took over. DIE INCEL.
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d30519 No.12248
Not only did they lose them when Jewianity took over but they lost their lives in record numbers as all who had spirit and intelligence were weeded out and murdered by the foreign occupying kikes who have besieged Europe for the last 2,000 years.
Do you White men want to know why White women are failing? Because you all let the kikes murder and torture all the good ones for shits and giggles.
You all allowed the kikes to dysgenically breed your women and then drive them insane.
Muh jewish porn though…right? Muh pedophilia though….right?
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6566a7 No.12255
You won't like what I'm about to say, but I'm speaking from experience, not just mine, but that of every single adult male ever: You CANNOT rely on yourself to make an accurate assesment of her. At that age, your brain is getting molested by hormonal imbalances 24/7, you'll fall in love with any random thot that isn't immediately repulsive to you. It's not just you, it's nature. But you should not let your emotions get the best of you.
Firstly, hanging out in that place is a time bomb, avoid it at all costs. Niggers do not tolerate white people on their territories, unless they are junkies or wiggers. Have the bitch hang out with you in a safer location, refuse to follow her in there. Do not ask her out nor make any advances. Instead, get to know her, all of her personality, every single detail and imperfection.
You will most likely rather quickly begin to lose your interest for the thot. Single mother, raised around niggers in a meth den. To not have absorbed from that environment is a human impossibility, and if she's no longer a virgin you can be sure she burned the coal.
The only reason I didn't tell you to outright cut all contact is because your teenage brain will torture you if you leave while having a crush on her. But after you get to know her as a friend you'll realize it ain't worth it.
Tl;dr friendzone the thot, and she will reveal her true colors.
>b-but i dont wanna break her heart! ):
You will be extremely surprised at how quickly she'll get over it. A full day (with really candid young virgins) is the max I've seen a woman be upset about a rejection before she's acting as if nothing happened.
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3d7f90 No.12285
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b3f7f7 No.12288
So giving women power leads to communism. I'm trying to figure out the problem here. I'm unironically a Nazbol you boomer faggot
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86a0d6 No.12299
Assemblywomen was about soyboys not women you fucking retard. Of course I don't expect incels to read, just complain, but if you had you'd know Assemblywoman is a comedy making fun of the politicians at the time and calling them no different from women with beards.
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b3f7f7 No.12301
BASED. I hope that incel cuntfaxe unironically kills himself
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3d7f90 No.12308
>sees nothing wrong with redestributiing wealth and resources to low tier wagies
>actually want unnecessary long lines for basic stuff because the government have to force businesses to accept workers and therefore businesses have to make bullshit jobs to justify the existence of certain employees
>actually want anti-entrpenual policies and incentivize people to never search for better jobs as already explained in first greentext
>actually promotes poor work effort as no one is really worried about loosing their jobs
Here’s a tip on how you can practice what you preach right now without dragging anyone else into your bullshit through enforcement of the state: go set up an account at https://www.seeking.com or alternatively any dating website and look for single mothers and tell them you are willing to give your money or resources to them with little or no effort on their part as you will be “the state” in that relationship. You can also get into being a “pay pig” in findom which I suggest you should look it up as this will be right up your alley.
>making fun of the politicians at the time and calling them no different from women with beards
Thanks for proving my point tard as the Ancient Greeks knew women are more communist prone hence the association
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cae408 No.12332
Since too many autists responded to this post with horrible or counter-productive advice. I am going to balance it out with some Chadness. Also… be careful who you take advice on from, as this board has a ton of leftists and other unsociable people lurking around now.
Now to your question…. what is the NS perspective on this? Well that is simple. We should raise our people from the very pits of hell if we can, it doesn't matter what her life is like now, she can change it all with you - especially if you are the catalyst she needs. Which from the sound of it you are.
So be her friend, get to really know her - no need to redpill too much or anything actually, once a woman falls on love with you she will adapt your point of view on pretty much everything. Help her if you can, and be there for her - give ideas to her that may benefit her life, like setting goals or aiming towards helping her mom out of their situation.
PS. Never give up on our own.
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37c7dc No.12391
>Which is why women had rights in Aryan Pagan Europe, and only lost them when kikeianity took over. DIE INCEL.
The rights of a child, you mean? Sure they had those. Wouldn't want your wife to beaten by random thugs.
They could not marry a person the father didn't approve of.
You think they would approve of NIGGERS? Clearly it is the opposite and emancipation of women is the kikes work.
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37c7dc No.12393
And if they bought crap like they always do when shopping, their husband was able to return it by LAW IN GERMANY JUST A CENTURY AGO.
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37c7dc No.12394
>Erst nach 1969 wurde eine verheiratete Frau als geschäftsfähig angesehen.
>It was only after 1969 that a married woman was considered "fit for business". (Meaning trade is absolute. If a child buys something the parents can ALWAYS return it.)
So it was only 50 years ago and even after the allies were already here, it was still the fucking law.
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37c7dc No.12401
Having less rights can be very useful like in the example above.
How many things would you return if you could?
The kike took "gave them rights" to take their protection.
It's like with transgenderism and faggots. They serve to take the special protection of the mother written into law among other such things.
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37c7dc No.12403
Be sure she is not a slut who'd fuck anyone and doesn't do drugs.
If you like her, sure why not?
Ignore retard anons here who assume shit from words you didn't drop.
>welfare brat
Just ignore them. My middle-class surroundings is full of drug users, single parents and other degenerates. Money doesn't make your life better.
>national socialist position
Don't fuck her if she is mixed-race. Provided you're not mixed-race either.
Who gives a fuck about religion? When you're together for a while you'll pray to Woden either way.
>Her brother is a wigger and hangs out with the niggers.
Ewww. I have a relative like that too. Sucks to be her.
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d30519 No.12405
>giving women power
Not 'muh jews' it is 'muh White women' that are to blame?
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c9ff8d No.12407
Jews are to blame for giving white women any power and they did this because they know women are quicker to conform to new systems which would serve their goals. The fact that ultimate blame rests on the jews doesn't mean that women should have power. They only use it in a manner that harms society including themselves, taking their power if jews are defeated would help to protect them from being exploited again.
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37c7dc No.12408
OP pls reply if you are still here
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d30519 No.12411
You mean like retard anons who are giving out the advice that it is 'ok' if she is a slut who fucks other dude as long as 'you like her'? Are you 12 yo?
Also, you have obviously never HAD MONEY if you think it doesn't make your life better. And just 'so you know' actual middle class neighborhoods are not 'full of drug users, single parents and other degenerates'…
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37c7dc No.12413
>Also, you have obviously never HAD MONEY if you think it doesn't make your life better.
In which way? Consuming? Buying an apartment takes two decades of work here.
>And just 'so you know' actual middle class neighborhoods are not 'full of drug users, single parents and other degenerates'…
I live in one, you GNUfag.
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37c7dc No.12419
>You mean like retard anons who are giving out the advice that it is 'ok' if she is a slut who fucks other dude as long as 'you like her'? Are you 12 yo?
Have you misread what I said?
>If you like her, sure why not?
Is the response to the end of OP "Should I try to go any further with this girl?" and he should be "sure she is not a slut who'd fuck anyone and doesn't do drugs."
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d30519 No.12423
>I live in one, you GNUfag.
Right…no you don't. The standard for what passes as middle class keeps getting lowered by you faggots because you don't have the balls to stand up to the tyrants and oppressors. I am not talking about 'buying a fucking apartment'. If you don't own at least 2 homes and multiple pieces of property you are not middle class anymore. Also, the real middle class does not permit the sort of activity that you so blithely describe your neighborhood as, at all. We don't want to live around niggers and junkies so we make contracts and covenants with our neighborhoods to keep them out.
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6332d7 No.12424
Ok OP here. I am planning to call the girl later today and ask her about some of your concerns. I am only talking about the legitimate concerns, the cringe incels here can gtfo.
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37c7dc No.12427
>If you don't own at least 2 homes and multiple pieces of property you are not middle class anymore.
No. Home ownership in Germany is 51.5%. So half the people don't own a fucking shitty apartment to begin with. I'm not sure how you come up with shit like: You need 2 or you're not middle class.
>Also, the real middle class does not permit the sort of activity that you so blithely describe your neighborhood as, at all.
No after sitting in front of their fancy expensive TVs every evening they totally do! Like "cannabis isn't harmful, who cares."
Nice that you're still with us.
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d30519 No.12428
What a brilliant 16 yo idea. If she is ashamed or has been raped by the niggers she will totally tell the one person in her life she thinks might just be the daddy she needs. A 15 year old girl would never lie to you (over the phone no less)…OMG…will you just THINK about this, some people in this thread are not your enemy. Your parents are not your enemy either. They have invested their strength and their life energy into you.
Mein nigger, when are you guys going to stop taking it up the ass from every fucking random stranger who wants a piece of you? DAMN YOU…I know that somewhere inside you there is a fucking spark of LIFE.
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37c7dc No.12439
>I know that somewhere inside you there is a fucking spark of LIFE.
I hope so too.
>A 15 year old girl
That makes your scenario even less likely.
Why do you think she has to be niggered because she lives in a house with a lot of niggers?
I only have 1 nigger in my house, so I don't know.
And can you stop using … ? Like just type "… " and maybe use some — too instead like "ess) — OMG — will yo". It's the job of the font to do kerning and ligatures. You don't have to use a special character for everything.
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37c7dc No.12450
Fug it's the server that replaces the characters.
And here I thought I was talking to a linux user
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0d13e8 No.12476
>I am a based zoomer
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4bfa92 No.12499
>he wants to fuck some white trash that lives in a literal nigger drug then
Jesus christ, is there a law that forces every single teenager to be retarded?
Start lifting, kid. It'll do you good.
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37c7dc No.12509
>oy vey don't date dat white trash *rubs hands*
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01d6cd No.12510
He was fired because he doesnt look appear or act in a white trashy manner. (even if this whole thing is scripted).
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37c7dc No.12511
It's about using the term "white trash", you disgusting kike.
The fuck do I care about the orange kike, kike.
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4bfa92 No.12514
You gotta be a real cuckhold to defend some fucking junkie wigger.
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37c7dc No.12516
according to OP she fears the niggers
I told op to make sure she doesn't do drugs, so fuck off kike.
Nice typing there. Is it someone who holds up a cuck like you with the hand on your neck?
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c9ff8d No.12540
That jewess is losing her shit in the middle of a friendly interview with someone on her side. The very concept of whites sticking with one another drives them completely up the wall.
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dc6955 No.12571
The parasite always fears its host waking up. The jews are protohumans like the nigger. They cannot produce anything of value without stealing it and they don’t understand work, just like the nigger. Once a race starts fucking protohumans it never recovers because their DNA becomes ‘too diverse’ like the kikes (who have a long biblical history of fucking niggers). Any culture that would have been relevant gets subsumed by that nigger DNA and the race is utterly destroyed by the ‘chimp diversity’ of the nigger DNA. What probably bothers a kike like that even more than the host becoming aware of the parasite is the idea that the host would fully commit to a moral and purely human mode of life that could not be corrupted by the parasite any longer. Christianity almost accomplished the vaccination against the kike and immunity against their degeneracy….something Whites seem to need more than the care about anything else. Isn’t this why they freaked out over No Fap November? Once Whites are bred with protohuman niggers like in Sarcozy’s state address about the state taking ‘more coercive means of forcing breeding between humans and protohumans’ there will never be a reason or need for elevated thinking again. This branch of Homo Sapien will be wiped out forever…complexity will have been destroyed and our world will never recover because the parasites will have won out over the more advanced and beautifully refined recessive genes of the spontaneously organizing complexity of White genetics.
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810907 No.13189
Ok I talked to her again for a few hours yesterday. I have to say I really like her and I don't like how you faggots insult her behind your computer screen like a bunch of incel fucks.
No she is not a virgin, she was raped by her half spic cousin when she was 9 years old. She also had a white boyfriend who beat her and treated her like shit. I told her all about my "nazi" views and she says she respects that, and I can think whatever I want and nobody should care. She says she respects that I am willing to be what I want even if it is unpopular.
She also tells me she wished she could run off to a nice place in the country (implying being around white people) and that way she can have a healthy family life that was denied to her. She didn't say outright that she thought I could bring this to her.
I saw a lot of potential in this young Aryan lady and I can't believe that some of you talking so harshly toward her when you have never even met her. National Socialists are supposed to help our people, not abandon them and tell then to be fucked by niggers. Yes she does smoke weed but so do I. She doesn't so any hard drugs. So have I answered everyone's concerns?
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b0467e No.13198
>No she is not a virgin, she was –raped– fucked by her half spic cousin –when she was 9 years old–. She also had a white boyfriend –who beat her and treated her like shit–.
Double used. Well it's your thing.
Not any longer.
>Yes she does smoke weed but so do I.
>they are both degenerates
>weed is not a drug
I hereby apologise. Now she's a hoe according to OP himself who now turned out to be degenerate too. I was totally wrong and you were completely right.
To my defence I say that I'm bad at judging people through computer screens.
I hope you'll forgive me anon.
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810907 No.13199
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b0467e No.13200
You broke all my expectations:
· She is a hoe
· She does drugs
· You do drugs
You shouldn't even be here. There is nothing honorable or national socialist (which is about the state structure and not individual people) about those things.
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810907 No.13202
No, there is nothing honorable about turning back on your white brothers and sisters. When did Hitler ever come out against weed? Anti-weed fucktards do nothing but divide us like kikes. It was the jews who banned weed.
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000000 No.13206
Holy shit OP you're a massive fucking degenerate. Get your filthy posts off my board.
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810907 No.13208
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810907 No.13209
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b0467e No.13212
>It was the jews who banned weed.
Maybe for its other uses as
>rope, clothing and paper
Smoking it however makes you a stupid stinking limp degenerate. Jews propagate it for that.
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810907 No.13214
Who gives a FUCK what somebody smokes? Don't you have something more important to worry about. You deserve to be GASSED.
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b0467e No.13216
>When did Hitler ever come out against weed?
Weed was illegalised 1929 and Hitler did not change it. It can safely be assumed he didn't want to.
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810907 No.13217
WHO GIVES A FUCK? I hate you.
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191c82 No.13221
Your anger makes my penis hard.
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b0467e No.13222
Throw it away, clean your room, start by throwing away the empty pizza boxes, open your windows, to get rid of the smell, etc.
Get your shit together. I'm not even telling you to not be together with a girl that's just as shit as you are but get your life together.
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000000 No.13223
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b0467e No.13224
Have a good fap, dude.
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a4a603 No.13228
>Fuck you dad posting
As much I despise christcucks, this is still funny.
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a4a603 No.13230
>No mom, I won't clean my room. Fuck you.
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810907 No.13231
Shut the fuck up you piece of shit.
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b0467e No.13233
But we aren't Christians.
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810907 No.13234
Then fuck your christcuck moralfaggotry. Fuck your christcuck judgmentalness. Stop giving a FUCK that people have sex outside marriage or smoke a fucking plant. Hitler hated christian morality and encouraged unmarried pregnancies to help preserve the race. Get rid of our christian zionist faggot brainwashing.
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081fc3 No.13235
>There are also a small number of white residents who are mostly meth heads, coalburners or faking disability.
Me the schizo white guy at the soup kitchen.
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000000 No.13239
>a zoomer accusing /pnd/acks of moralfaggotry
oh goy
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b0467e No.13241
>outside marriage
>Hitler …
You were wrong about Hitler in your previous post, so stop using him in arguments.
>encouraged unmarried pregnancies to help preserve the race.
What a load of bullshit.
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b0467e No.13242
You just don't. The kike sacks in all of your shekels independent of what you smoke.
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810907 No.13243
Hitler hated christcucks. He ended the discrimination against single mothers and their children. He openly promoted forced breeding programs between young white people despite the way christcucks disapproved. If you think abrahamic prudery is "pagan values" that shows how much the semitic cancer had brainwashed you.
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b0467e No.13244
The jews say: A half truth is a full lie.
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b0467e No.13245
>He openly promoted forced breeding programs between young white people despite the way christcucks disapproved.
Which doujinshi is that from?
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081fc3 No.13247
>However we aren't in any kind of formal relationship. My parents are neocon boomers who see her as a piece of trash and don't like me associating with her. They say it would be beneath me to be in a relationship with a welfare brat, and I should be looking for nice middle-class christian zionist girls instead. I'm wondering what the national socialist position on this is? Should I try to go any further with this girl? Even if my parents don't approve?
My advice, and I'm talking from a lost of hard experience, and having a background of middle class (my parents own a manor and a couple other homes and a lot of cars) but was kicked out for being a "neo-nazi" aka National Socialist and am homeless, is to not compromise on anything with this girl. Expect virtue from her. Expect adherence to the ideology. If she fails then let it happen and be glad it didn't carry on longer than it had to.
There was a poor girl (her father was literal trailer trash) I met in the psych ward. She was addicted to cocaine and weed and tobacco and alcohol. She overdosed several times and they had to revive her from basically being dead.
I hanged out with her a lot while in the ward and went out on breaks with her. However after she met my NatSoc hobo friends and I walked around with her wearing an anarchist jacket I started to get suspicious. I gave her this letter that had a huge list of a few hundred authors I've read, nevermind books. I ran out of space to write on the paper because I lived hermit mode a good portion of my life and read maybe 500 or so books. Anyways, I listed all my influences. I also gave her a paper summarizing what fascism means to me. Explaining stuff like "we are latent potential and not blank slates". It was beautifully written and my fascist friends approved of it. Anyways, when I gave it to her, she refused to even comment on it. At first I thought she just needed time.
Then the final straw happened. She went and got a lip piercing. Something that my NatSoc cyberpunk hobo friend had spoken of about a week or two before in very blunt terms. She showed me this piercing and I told her that no, it was not beautiful, and that I couldn't kiss her.
She got really mad and started saying libtard shit. The relationship then ended like that and she went and overdosed yet again on cocaine.
There were some warning signs too though. Early on in the psych ward she told me she'd sold her body and been with hundreds of guys. She took a huge interest in me and I mostly just ignored her but she was pretty and she kept sitting beside me and talking to me and I was practicing socialization so I was always talking with people in the ward every chance I got. Anyways she seemed to accept the redpills but uncritically and unthinkingly. She never actually understood it.
She was also against having more than one child.
Lots of things like this. Anyways the relationship started and ended in like maybe 2 weeks. She bought me some things and liked to spend money to impress me. Was very obsessed with her work.
You best find out this girl wants to have children and make sure she really understands the ideology and that she is a woman of virtue and observe if she has high impulse control traits or not. Make sure she doesn't turn out to be some "freethinker" facade who refuses to identify their actual beliefs.
I'll post some examples of the surviving emails I have from her since she was too retarded to use protonmail's expiration timer ever.
Remember also to try to find the biggest litmus tests. Talk of having lots of white children for example is a good litmus test because it means some serious commitment and sacrifice on the part of the woman.
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810907 No.13248
Look I don't even care if you want to pray to the imaginary jewish messiah or not. Sure he never even existed but you're free to be a retard. But if you freak out that I smoke a fucking plant and threaten to kill me for "MUH DEGENERACY" because your kike god tells you so than FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT
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000000 No.13249
>hitler ended discrimination against degenerates
sauce pls
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081fc3 No.13250
Bro. Why can't you just do like me and pretend you don't have any degenerate habits? Just keep them secret and never ever speak about them.
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b0467e No.13252
>kill me for "MUH DEGENERACY"
I have no intention of doing so.
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810907 No.13253
Hating someone for having a lip piercing is cringe christcuck shit. If she didn't want to have children that really is bad though.
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810907 No.13255
OK but you totally derailed the thread by freaking out over the weed reference. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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b0467e No.13256
The single mothers part is true. Single mothers aren't necessarily degenerate. Men can die etc.
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b0467e No.13257
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
That is my question. You're both drug addicts and she is a hoe (according to my definition).
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081fc3 No.13258
Well I don't have all the emails but I told her I didn't really care about the lip piercing.
It was just the combination of everything. Wearing the anarchist jacket, doing drugs and overdosing over and over, getting this piercing when she KNEW it would piss me off (I am convinced she already wanted to end the relationship before she got that piercing and this was her way of doing it), dyed hair, etc.
The fact is, even though these things seem trivial, they are clear signs to avoid the woman. A decent woman would have just not put shrapnel in her lips.
One time she put cosmetics on and asked me how I thought she looked. I told her she was much more beautiful without the cosmetics. After that she didn't put the cosmetics on but she was probably offended because some women are retarded like that.
ANYWAYS, I don't have to settle for a woman like that. I am in many respects a highly desired male (many women do flock to me) and I have several much better women in mind who are true wife material.
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810907 No.13259
So someone who got raped is a hoe? Holy shit you are a cunt. And occasionally smoking weed doesn't make you a drug addict. Fuck you moralfag.
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081fc3 No.13260
>prostituting yourself
>being fucked by hundreds of men
>previous boyfriend was a soyboy who she left because the soyboy did nothing but smoke weed all day and wouldn't fuck her and she was hoping to be fucked by me a much taller and more virile male
>dyed hair
>lip piercing
>cocaine addict
>met in the psych ward
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810907 No.13261
Where are you from anyway?
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000000 No.13262
We both know that OP isn't referring to widows
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810907 No.13263
Hitler respected single mothers anyway because he wasn't an incel magatard or a christcuck.
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081fc3 No.13264
A place that used to be called Berlin but is now called Kitchener. Originally overwhelmingly German but rapidly being invaded by gooks & pajeets.
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000000 No.13265
Congratulations anon, I laughed
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081fc3 No.13266
I couch surf a lot.
I know a single mother.
She doesn't have respect for single mothers or for herself.
She knows she fucked up.
You should be able to disassociate yourself and understand it's okay to criticize something even when you belong to that category.
Self-criticism, humility, not taking things personally; these are valuable traits to have and will help you achieve peace in the storm.
We individually and as groups have faults and it's okay to talk about these faults and condemn them.
It is noble to struggle against our faults and try to overcome them.
If you are in this mentality then people will have tremendous respect for you.
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b0467e No.13268
That is a funny story of another degenerate.
>I gave her this letter that had a huge list of a few hundred authors I've read, nevermind books.
>Anyways, I listed all my influences. I also gave her a paper summarizing what fascism means to me. Explaining stuff like "we are latent potential and not blank slates". It was beautifully written and my fascist friends approved of it.
>women care about ideology
>Talk of having lots of white children for example is a good litmus test because it means some serious commitment and sacrifice on the part of the woman.
One fucking thing you're right on.
"Raped" by her boyfriend?
lad read the posts. It has nothing to do with OP.
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810907 No.13269
OK I understand. But don't be cringe like a lot of these anons are. Screaming about killing all the "degenerate" single mothers and how they can't be redeemed. That is against the spirit of natsoc which is about uplifting our people.
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810907 No.13271
You think she was willingly fucking a mestizo who was her fucking cousin, when she was 9 years old?
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b0467e No.13272
She had a white boyfriend. You told us, nigger.
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810907 No.13273
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081fc3 No.13274
>>women care about ideology
They do. You'd know this if you have a big group of friends who are all ideologically oriented. Women who pretend they don't care about ideology are ones who have an ideology opposed to you're own but won't admit it because they want to fuck you because you're chad.
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b0467e No.13275
You're her boyfriend now. If you're thinking about the relationship in a romantic way than you can see how boyfriends can be romantic partners.
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081fc3 No.13276
You're on an imageboard. What people do on here is impersonal and is called "hyperbole". Recognize it as such.
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b0467e No.13277
No they don't. They take on your ideology. They are flexible. Unlike men.
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081fc3 No.13278
I have known such things to happen. Right away this one girl I know who is addicted to fentanyl and meth (which she takes because of an injury that causes immense chronic pain, I have chronic pain too but not on her level). When she was about that age was when she first became homeless and yes there was a lot of sexual things going on and worse than that. Incest, significant age-gaps, etc.
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081fc3 No.13279
Not really.
It wouldn't be unusual for say a neolib to become a communist or for a libertarian to become a fascist but to some degree people are wired towards the political beliefs they'll end up having for life.
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810907 No.13280
Ok but this girl isn'ta hard drug user. She has family that are and are fucked up in other ways and obviously she is fucked up in some ways too but I can't imagine this was consensual. She hates the fucker.
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d30519 No.13283
I will never understand why you bolshevik pieces of trash think that you have anything in common with Germany or German values. You are literally the dogshit that needs to be scraped off my shoe.
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b0467e No.13284
No. They'll slowly bend to your ideas.
Womens brains are wired differently.
They can be communist one day and hate niggers the next.
>but I can't imagine this was consensual. She hates the fucker.
Who now? Her white exboyfriend?
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081fc3 No.13286
One thing I had Lily Rilling do for me was write down her values on paper for me.
I then brought that to an old man who I trust and a couple other people who all read it and analyzed it and in every case their honest feedback about it wasn't positive. Her handwriting style, the things she listed first, etc. all the various clues pointed towards character traits that would soon become very much apparent to me.
I understand not wanting to listen to your boomer parents. Boomers are fucked in the head. However if you know any redpilled old conservative men (or even young ones) I'd recommend to get second opinions. You might not listen to them at first; but what they tell you probably check out and you'll trust their opinion from then on.
I have a couple friends who I'd filter any potential wife through because they told me what I needed to hear but didn't want to hear and they are good at taking an objective look at the situation.
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810907 No.13287
I was talking about the spic but she hates them both.
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b0467e No.13289
And she fucked them both?
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810907 No.13290
Yeah but the spic raped her
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081fc3 No.13293
Ah. Rape.
I knew a girl by the name of Natasha who was raped.
Here's her youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC59qh1DGcGE1PdBs1V1QGwg
She was another deceiver. An atheist, an anti-natalist, a satanist, a murderer, a drug addict, an oath-breaker, an antifa; but I didn't know any of this at first.
She was molested, raped, attacked… has PTSD and many other major issues.
She gradually revealed all this shit to me like a game where you play for free but once you're invested in the game then comes the booster packs and whatever else shit you have to buy to make gameplay not tedious. Bait and switch.
She had me fooled at first.
Eventually it all ended with her betraying me and then disappearing to Elmira where she's hiding now.
Rape fucks a woman up. There's a reason most cultures have been brutal towards raped women. It might not seem fair, or just, but the fact is raped women end up fucked in the head. Men too I should add.
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ebf2ee No.13294
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810907 No.13295
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081fc3 No.13296
If someone does not have positive ideals and their whole worldview is basically shaped by trauma this will undo them.
I have my positive race ideals from my early childhood and from greek mythology.
This creates a desire for heroism, for raising a family, for honor.
You can make someone hate niggers through trauma.
…but it's in the early years that we receive these imprints of what a functional, healthy, normal family is like and come to want that for ourselves.
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b0467e No.13297
Is this the degenerates meet and drink tea club?
Not that I mind.
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081fc3 No.13299
Ah this is very true.
Especially I would like to highlight this:
>-Reject every single attempt to make them a better girl/woman, and reject every single attempt to make them happy, because she can't have what they want most
If OP starts to see this trend, it is a hopeless case. I know another woman (this one from online) who I have been in contact for many years who still hasn't done fuck all for self-improvement in the like decade or so I've known her. Just wallows in her own misery that in her case could easily be prevented and overcome rather than do any self-improvement.
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081fc3 No.13302
I suppose so.
I have many stories of degeneracy to share fren.
I still maintain hope though that I will overcome my own injuries.
Mainly because my genetic stock, my bloodline, is full of good traits and successful ancestors… at least on my father's side. Though there's a lot of good on my mothers side, except my grandmother was a whore, and my mother ran away at 16 and treated me horrible. However the men weren't that bad and my fathers side is excellent in every way.
I myself am mostly fucked up from the abuse of my mother and even the head psychologist said as much that it's not genetic. I also had genetic testing done and my genes are excellent. I was going to commit suicide if they weren't and talked openly with the nurses about that.
Through physiotherapy, medication, and constant coping with a wide variety of mental, breathing, etc. techniques I hope to be healed of my injuries and become a productive person.
The schizophrenia will stay with me for life but that's okay. I can still do construction work and such if I can just unfuck my bones.
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810907 No.13305
Ok well it's been interesting to meet you. You seem a lot better than most of the people who post here.
Except you're a fucking leaf.
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db99b7 No.13307
fpbp. Seriously, OP, get with this girl. She wants out of the shit. I wish I could do the same for my sister, but I think it's too late. She's enjoying fucking spics.
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810907 No.13313
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db99b7 No.13323
This happens even in functional intact families. A daughter can just go off track. I've seen it happen, myself. We're living in a very dark age, and people who aren't somehow immune to it, will fall. It just seems to be a luck of the draw.
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8966b9 No.13367
The head exists to serve the heart. Let love take you to hell and back if it must.
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4c8925 No.13599
Unfortunately anon, when you get involved with a girl, you tend to get involved with her whole family. This girl's family seems like low class, nigger loving garbage. Anything nigger related is best avoided. No doubt this girl has many unsavory hidden traits you aren't seeing yet.
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db99b7 No.13603
That guy was an antifa agent provocateur LARP'ing as a Natsoc, by the way.
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081fc3 No.13610
Sometimes people think they want out but when they're out they just recreate the situation they escaped from.
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081fc3 No.13611
We need a whole thread dedicated to antifa infiltrators. I'm fucking tired of antifa fucking our shit up.
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081fc3 No.13618
Statistically when the male is 5 years older than the female it's more likely to be a success.
At least she's not older than you. Any pairing where the female is older is significantly less likely to succeed.
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8f6168 No.13660
Obviously he was a lefty.
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db99b7 No.13673
That is true, although, I'd like to believe that there are at least some genuine ones who really don't want to be in the shitty situation that they're in, and have a complete fresh start. I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt, but you're right, one should be cautious of course.
The good thing is, they don't engage in good OPsec. He had visible socdem markings. And to be honest, no genuine Natsoc I know of wears a ridiculous swastika shirt like that.
Indeed. Though, I wanted to mention it for those who aren't aware.
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d90360 No.13760
I'm about as old as you op, but I'll say this: if she's not a virgin, don't bother. I live in a fairly bad area, but there are very many girls who are 14 or 15 and are virgins. I think when they're that young just a 1 year difference makes them look at you like an authority figure, and it's very easy to mold them and get them redpilled.
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cf235a No.13781
We are leftists too. Never forget that.
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d30519 No.14315
Who gives a fuck? Your tolerance of terrorism and parasitism is disgusting.
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76e98d No.14326
Your parents are more Marxist than you think using class divide over racial divide.
If she is stable of mind and good. genetics go for it champ.
As >>11886 said this economy doesn't prevent genetic trash from getting rich.
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76e98d No.14332
No we aren't, unless you're a boomer and you view everything to the left or right depending on how much (((economic freedom))) it gives you.
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2b1860 No.14355
We a kind of socialists and we had a workers party. We are THE LEFT.
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7fa198 No.14373
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76e98d No.14380
Yeah supporting workers isn't a strictly left thing, they believe in wealth redistribution and class struggle. We believe in class coperation and everyone in their natural place and are anti-wealth redistribtion. They believe in regulating supply, we believe in regulating demand to destroy materalism. Their goals are strictly capitalist just the polteriat taking from the boushwa not the other way around. We know both are nessary and have to work together and the existance of class struggle is INSANE if we are both working towards the same goal.
We are third postion for a reason, the only right is truth to the left is lies.
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76e98d No.14383
Not to mention Hitler was strictly
for private property and said time and time again that the Socialism of National Socialism is in no way related to Marxian socialism. And more akin to a societal structure like Indivualism and Collectvism.
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d30519 No.14384
>As >>11886 said this economy doesn't prevent genetic trash from getting rich.
Look what it did for the jews…it is a 'keeper'
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899d1b No.14395
This. It's pretty simple, see thinks from a strictly scientific (darwinian) perspective.
Social hierarchies, exist with their structure being nearly universal in all human populations, because they were proven to be a selective advantage for populations. Whenever wealth and power hierarchies transcend genetic thresholds it's a recipe for extinction for genetically distinct populations without a strong ingroup favoring bias.
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d30519 No.14401
Yeah, but you are really only talking about the last 6,000 years of kikenigger history and you sure as shit are not talking about the future and the literally endless possibilities that will become available to people in the immediate future.
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6c146a No.14408
>I am 16 and she is 15.
Muh Dick much? You sound like a nigger.
Read a book, then read more books until you become proficient and specialize in something you like doing. With you it is probably wanking. Find a job that is a joy to do and is not a chore; most are. Join a group that attracts your chosen peers, sailing, polo, church, trekking. You are now 21 and probably at the right age to Muh Dick and have something other than just Muh Dick to offer.
Also, 16? Get the Fuck out of here.
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7fa198 No.14414
Class collaboration was Hitler's biggest mistake. We can't retain that outdated shit. Most of the rich are Jews, and the rest may as well be.
Yes, we need wealth redistribution and communism, and we need it now. A Bolshevik revolution would terrify Jews today. The vast majority of them are neoliberal capitalists.
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d30519 No.14419
Let's replace our jews with other jews!
Is this retard night on /pwnd/?
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7fa198 No.14421
Why not kill ALL jews and set up an Aryan working-class dictatorship?
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d30519 No.14426
Because it would never be a dictatorship. We are cooperative. We would form cooperative governments. Do you like torture, rape and murder? Those are the backbone of dictatorship and not part of our DNA/genetic instincts at all. The USA (the parts of it we like best are all socialist/cooperative) libraries, firefighters, etc…all of those are socialist institutions.
The only reason our system isn't working is because there are foreigners in it. Literally the presence of foreigners in our nations destroys them, because foreigners/subhumans destroy everything they touch.
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76e98d No.14435
Ah, so that's why Jews support it so much. Not because it destroys societies and is impossible to implement without stealing from another economic plan (Lennism, Maoism). And tears society apart by setting the classes against eachother. noo It's because it scares them.
You're not a national socialist if
you believe in Marxism. Marxism operates on the lie that all men are equal so the poletariat deserve gibs and control over the economy for the single qualification that they aren't qualified.
Races are not equal AND Man in those races are not equal.
There are men suited to run those factories and men suited to work in them. The natural order, there is no reason to hate eacother as you are both in the best places to help the creation of the Folkish state which benifets you both. The only reason Jews rise to the top is because of (((investment and private banking))) which will be destroyed. And the currency replaced with a labour backed fiat one, so the task of finding Jews and those promoting their pratices is as easy as finding those who don't produce yet remain solvent.
Class cooperation was one of Hitler's greatest ideas as it removes class struggle instead of simply making sure your personal class (self intrest) gains from it to the detriment of the national health as a whole.
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7fa198 No.14446
Yawn. Your ideology is outdated. There are no Henry Fords in the modern capitalist class. Capital is the enemy of the White race and it is destroying us.
The vast majority of potential NS are in the proletariat. The best you can hope for even from the middle class are "racist" conservatives who will still take a middle class nigger over "white trash" and are usually baby boomers and Zionists. In fact in many parts of Europe, there is a struggle within the "far-right" parties between the antisemitic proletarian radical NS element and the middle class conservatives who are just former center-right voters who got scared of refugees in 2015.
As for the rich, they are pure traitors. Last time you trusted a rich capitalist to save the Aryan race, you got the Orange Zionist.
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76e98d No.14459
None of what you said refutes any of my points at all, I don't believe you even read my post. I don't believe the accusion of capital should be the goal of an economy nor do I believe it should simply be the mindless chasing of material wealth for my personal class. You are rightfully angry at capitalism, yet being a human of mostly emotional drive you run to it's "counter" Marxism while ignoring the merits or even nessesity of class. Your worldview is completly grounded in self-intrest not national-intrest, that's jewy if anything and at least not Aryan.
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d30519 No.14464
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000000 No.14503
>men suited to run those factories and men suited to work in them
<'The Brave New World'
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000000 No.14505
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76e98d No.14530
Ah, good to see you still have no arguments (((/leftypol/))) agitator and have fallen back on the old "you're a Trump supporter!" which I am not. Can't wait for the night of long knifes part two.
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862363 No.16444
vote for boinie sandahs, goy
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20bc0d No.16622
Anyone still voting in 2020 is too stupid to live because they think there is a 'political solution' to genocide.
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000000 No.17577
Don't listen to them OP. You're still 16 so you probably don't understand most posters here are failing in life in some way.
Get into a relationship with this girl. You can take her virginity and she will always have some sort of attachment to you. Usually high school relationships last a year. You can use that time to brainwash her into your thinking.
You need to be strong and learn how to fight because niggers will try to fuck your girlfriend. During the summers, start working in construction. You will earn a check and have some experience to fall back on when you graduate. Save that money. While you're in school, play with that money. Learn how to make your money work for you. Buy broken shit on Craiglist and fix it then resell it. Bake some cookies and hustle them. Kids would rather use their lunch money for cookies than shitty school food.
Graduate at 18 and get a job in HVAC, electrical, or plumbing. She will have 1 more year left in high school. Put a baby inside her a few months before she graduates. You will be working and you have your girlfriend and kid on the way.
Read that website to understand how to keep your girlfriend.
The advice I gave you is what I would do if I were younger. I would work harder and learn more about life outside of school like personal finance and business. From what I seen, if you can make your high school relationship work, your marriage will be a happy one.
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20bc0d No.17588
What a great idea…why didn't his parents or I think of this…stellar future you have planned out for him anon. I met my spouse very young as well but we stayed together for 3 years before we married just to make sure we enjoyed each others company. You have him taking her virginity (if it is intact; SOMETHING HER HUSBAND SHOULD DO) knocking up a potential AIDS baby 1 year into a relationship.
Great advice.
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781139 No.17604
Indeed the kikes did raise that building and leased it cheaply to niggers. Unsure if your country/county has any tax programs or whatever, but its possible building this was also subsidised.
This was done to push whites out and lower the value of all housing in the area. They will wait for more crime to come, or for everyone to start selling and buy up all the property cheaply. They'll then try to jewify the area, and possibly evict all the niggers as has happened in the past.
As for the girl, she could be nice to you just so she gets a stable roof etc. And may leave you once she feels safe enough to do so. She may also just really like you. Either way, screw what your parents think if you like her. We need more stable white families.
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8c678b No.17654
>Women are soulless carcasses
>Respecting women = jewish indoctrination
woah the kike shill practicing misogyny
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000000 No.19385
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cae408 No.20795
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d1faee No.63285
Have 20 white kids with her and put them all on welfare.
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3dc412 No.63288
Just impregnate her and then go on and impregnate other women. Who cares what women think kek
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