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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

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e5a6ec  No.117834

So let me get this shit straight: some fat, boomer, failed black porn actor with a history of robbery and assault to other blacks, high on fentanyl, meth, benzos and even cocaine died, and it matters because some white cop was holding him while it happened? How the fuck are yanks so retarded as to consider this asshole a martyr? I get the part were blacks use some random black's death at the hands of a cop as an excuse to loot shit, that happened before, but whats with all the dick sucking to this fat dead fuck coming from everybody else? Like how does disney side with a guy who threatened a pregnant women to shot her in the belly? Thats some seriously fucked up shit for a company thats family-friendly and all

Think about it, nothing makes any sense

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d8808c  No.118138


>How the fuck are yanks so retarded


Consider this. If you are a yank, then you grow up learning about the ebil racist South and how YOUR side went down to teach them a lesson. You murdered 2 million Americans in the process, but it was all necessary to stamp out bigotry, and in every history class and in every TV show or Hollywood movie, you get reinforcement that you were the good guys and that's why it was necessary to burn Southern cities to the ground. That's why it was necessary to, 100 years later, force Southern communities to integrate blacks into their schools and communities at gunpoint. All of this tyranny was necessary and good. Your people fight for freedom and liberty and all the good stuff. This is part of your identity.

Now imagine suddenly believing you were actually the bad guys. That Southerners were actually right and all the pain and irreversible damage you have suffered the country through was merely for your own vain moral grandstanding… If you could actually bring youself to believe that, you would probably put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger, which is why you will never believe it.

We (the realists) don't just support the truth, the mountain that we must climb is to completely debunk the worldview of those yanks, thus inverting the self-image that they pride themselves in. It is no easy thing to convince a self-righteous person that they are the true evil.

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8059d3  No.118165


And the way you do it is massive exposure. Hipsters in gentrified gayborhoods where the diversity never comes, and housewives in the suburbs, love the #diversity they see on TV while never getting enriched in person.

The solution is not to crack skulls or give them any fake gay pretend enemy to claim as white supremism, but to call their bluff and pull police out.

Not just out of the ghetto which will destroy itself and blame us, but also the faggy self-hating white areas. Give Manhattan to BLM and you'll create 6 gorillion race realists in a week.

Exposure is the enemy of diversity

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eec5f7  No.118197


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058b1d  No.118209


>holding him while it happened

No. Floyd died over an hour after being hospitalized.

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d8808c  No.118216


>Exposure is the enemy of diversity

True. History has proven this.

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be8e9d  No.118221


anarchy-communists martyr criminals, it's one of their oldest plays. Sage as this is common knowledge and didn't need its own thread

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87c291  No.118228

File: 30b87523734f4db⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 455x485, 91:97, pu.jpg)



50 cent army status: activated.

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dd8daf  No.118334


>It is no easy thing to convince a self-righteous person that they are the true evil.

That's why you don't convince them they're evil. They don't want to be evil. Show them that they were being used, and now it's time to turn on their abusers.


>Not just out of the ghetto which will destroy itself and blame us, but also the faggy self-hating white areas. Give Manhattan to BLM and you'll create 6 gorillion race realists in a week.

Yes and no. It's a double edged sword and it can go either way, depending upon what those converts are made of. Once you abandon those areas to lawlessness, they have to be taken back quickly. Otherwise actual organized enemies, both of the internationalist variety and of the foreign actor variety, will take advantage of US lawlessness to set up an incursion point on US soil. If that's going to happen, it has to be brief so as to not create a hotbed of insurrectionist activity.

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57ae1c  No.118432

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dd736a  No.118597


Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if the South had been allowed to peacefully secede.

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9e3c88  No.118632

File: 0cc09ef6abbb93f⋯.jpg (94.17 KB, 1440x480, 3:1, 747475848382.jpg)

Should get the brits back to burn it down again.

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fcc0cb  No.120334

I've been suspicious of this propaganda bullshit event since day 1.

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790fc5  No.120354


what is 13 in mayan count there for?

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