The biggest struggle in my heart right now is whether I'm a fascist or a libertarian. I don't know which to say I am to people. I want to settle this matter so I can tell everyone which one I really am.
Things that make me think I'm probably a fascist:
1. I want Canada to be 100% whites + natives, with racemixing between the races banned, and a kind of apartheid state where natives and whites don't mix. All other races should not be allowed to work in, have permanent or temporary residence in the country, and will executed if they engage in miscegenation or do crimes while visiting our country.
2. I am pro-eugenics both in the form of government incentives for the best quality individuals to breed and in the form of sterilization and culling on the retarded end of the population. I want paraplegics, the horribly deformed, etc. to be encouraged to be given euthanasia. If they are so damaged they can't even consent to euthanasia (so vegetables) then it would be forced on them without their consent, but for those with enough of a mind intact to say yes or no, they will just be encouraged to accept it until they eventually do. As for babies born defective, they would be mercy killed on the spot, before they can grow up into sentient beings that actually suffer. As to where to draw the line on the killings, well even minor defects would be worthy of culling, we don't need genepool being polluted with gremlins that have no teeth or are born with only one eye or have an extra limb or something or who develop 100+ allergies and are constantly sick and need to live in a bubble or whose bones suddenly disintegrate they they are 20 years old or who develop a condition where they can't sleep and literally die from sleep deprivation and so on and on you get the point, it's hard to list everything but we need to start culling babies that carry significant defects. Things like a predisposition to heart disease maybe wouldn't be worth culling over though as they can quite easily live a healthy life by not being obese and smoking and such and I think predispositions to ailments that are activated by poor lifestyle choices are just too common to cull them all.
3. I am a free speech absolutist I don't care if people are saying whatever the heck they want. I would execute people for their actions not their words. You could whine all you want about my state on the internet but the moment you do something in the real world is when we come for you.
4. I want draconian law. There'd be no prisons in my ideal state. In cases of property damage and thievery you're just enslaved and forced to pay back debts in a manner similar to biblical law (e.g. you steal some dude's cow you pay him back with 5 times the value of that cow if you return the cow to the owner and 7 times the value of the cow if you can't return the original stolen cow). For crimes like sodomy and miscegenation and cheating spouse and whoring I want public executions.
5. I want a propaganda ministry that collects accurate statistics and works all the time to influence public opinion towards supporting my political ideology. Their work will be to win hearts and minds through the word instead of the sword.
6. I want every single man, woman, and child in my state forced to own a weapon and be trained to use it.
7. I want a lot smaller government and more freedom for regular people to enforce morality themselves instead of relying on police. I'd abolish "hate crimes" and censorship. A crime would just be a crime with no "hate" label to it. Regular people would be allowed to shoot thieves and rapists and anyone that tries to perpetrate any crime on them.
8. I would cut all foreign aid. No more money for Israel, no more food for Africa. I would maybe fund groups though that want to spread my ideology abroad and help make other nations actually self-sufficient so their problems don't fuck up the world, but I would do it in a brutal and unforgiving fashion. The moment some dumb niggers sabotage the infrastructure we just put in place for them to water their crops, or they fail to plant the crops and are starving the next year, we just let them all die and tell them to fuck off. They get one chance to become a based and self-sufficient people with our help and that's it, and any programs that make them into a dependent and stupid lazy people (like the hand-outs they get right now) are not going to be allowed.
9. I would abolish copyright laws.