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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: eca8ee752f48195⋯.png (5.8 KB, 800x421, 800:421, USA.png)

dce64a  No.114783

From: The Sons of Liberty

To: All citizens

The Revolutionary Communist Party of America, abbreviated RCPA, and all organizations affiliated with it, including all anarchocommunists,

Are hereby declared an invading, hostile force, for actions and plans to destablize the human race and civilization worldwide through the use of malicious operatives in all government and media organizations that promote society damaging propaganda and policy, and for organizing and enraging riots and larceny.

1 The RCPA actively causes Insanity(https://archive.is/gJqCL) and Death(https://archive.is/UaYA2), the end of your Species(https://archive.is/rq31Z), and harm to your Soul(https://archive.is/xoi1N).

2 RCPA agents organize no-knock raids on YOU intended to Kill. Move OUT of danger (https://archive.is/qd9Kz) RIGHT NOW.

3 They do not have morals or compassion, each is a Traitor and an Enemy.

4 They are Fair Game(you may and should silence all empathy and trust when engaging them. Give them no aid or ready assistance)

5 All citizens are to read The Internal Security Act of 1950(https://archive.is/dQHpS) and make valiant efforts to reenact(repealed in Public Law 103-199) in FULL at local, state, and federal levels.

6 Without harassment or attacks on them(Romans 13:1-2); The names, residences, and friends of RCPA affiliates are to be documented for future lawful interdiction under 64 Stat. 987.

7 Any reasoning that such efforts are tantemount to terrorism and that the government is soley responsible to act are communist lies, as only communists believe in the state as ultimate authority(https://archive.is/XdlMx) The US government, as a matter of principle, can barely handle active criminal elements, and will not legally be able to curtail an insurrectionary anarchocommunist-lead army built out of populist movements. It is explicitly your duty to self-mobilize and self-organize to defend the country against threats "foreign and domestic" as enshrined in the 2nd amendment.

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aa2d89  No.114820


>The Sons of Liberty

What's it like eating your own feces for breakfast and having sex with your sister's goats?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9e5b0f  No.114915

File: 9a17773ad468046⋯.jpg (286.13 KB, 1513x1109, 1513:1109, Responsible_Black_Man.jpg)

I will say, these protests and riots sure are keeping the police preoccupied…

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b9b14e  No.115328

File: 45f25014754c244⋯.gif (3.45 MB, 392x479, 392:479, 45f25014754c244fc7e0faba43….gif)

File: 8a72398ff8ba7e7⋯.jpg (144.91 KB, 785x992, 785:992, 91c2c1fc76f5c19ce1cac073d3….jpg)


>the human race

Your post would have been great had you not used this one retarded phrase. We're in a race war, you idiot. Every race is on their own right now, in the affected areas. Your special, magical "civil" categories demonstrably break down under this kind of stressyou're seeing it happen before your eyes if you're paying attentionand the natural category of race becomes the default and predominant category by which people organize. People stick to their own people when push comes to shove. Take your "human race" garbage and put it in the dumpster where it belongs.

What in God's name is it going to take before you self-hating civnats realize that we're not the same as these other peoples and we don't belong in the same spaces!? Does a nigger have to come and shiv you in the butt personally before it's going to dawn on you that they're a different species? Get with the program!

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