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46e63e  No.113630

Can someone please explain to me how I am supposed to function anymore.

Why are cuckertarians pondering to the blacks? Is it blacked.com, sportsball or boomerism? Are they seriously thinking the nigs are on their side? Or is this some kind of psy op? Do they really think the blacks are going to stop chimping out and take up guns to defend Target and Walmart???? When they get arrested ofcourse they will be seen as "white nationalists". No fucking founding father thought what they think. I swear it has to be controlled opposition or something.

Are most non-coal burning normies under boomers under the impression that whites are causing this rioting? I literally saw millions of posts on kikebook last week how we should execute those 2 fat jogger hunters. Its not a serious mental leap for them to be sold on the idea of executing more.

I have to go back to my cuck job Monday and I am literally dysfunctional. I wonder if this is how motorolla or givi felt? I have nightmares about them northwest novels becoming reality where i wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweat for the last 2 weeks. Its all so fucking tiresome. I hope im not loosing my mind.

If anyone else feels the same way I do, at least now you know you are not alone.

ps: not jidf, fuck the jews at MSM and the fucking (((mayor))) and (((governor))). fuck jones and the fucking boomer tier controlled opposition mason shit.

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be2b79  No.113692

File: fa57cb337a19336⋯.jpeg (87.01 KB, 850x400, 17:8, CA94F375_D3A1_40B3_A9F0_A….jpeg)


>Can someone please explain to me how I am supposed to function anymore.

Replying because I have the same problem.

>Why are cuckertarians pondering to the blacks?

Because libertarianism was created by jews explicitly to atomize whites while collectivist nonwhites took over their nations.

>Are they seriously thinking the nigs are on their side?

They don’t care. Libertarians contextualize all human activity as economic. As long as it pays more to support niggers than it pays to hate them, they will support niggers.

>No fucking founding father thought what they think.

The Founding Fathers were national socialists.

>Are most non-coal burning normies under boomers under the impression that whites are causing this rioting?

The media says that white nationalists caused the riots, so they believe anything the media says.

>I wonder if this is how motorolla or givi felt?

It’s how Goebbels felt.

>I hope im not loosing my mind.

You already have. What life is this? Everyone in society is completely insane except for literally a few thousand white nationalists left, worldwide.

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945588  No.113835

File: 1d129899bb469a9⋯.jpg (441.47 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 1590873848342.jpg)

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What can I say anon. If you are Aryan, then your blood is a source of wealth. Your spirit cannot be killed. Long ago, your people lifted themselves into existence, and wherever there is the will to fight and refine, Aryan people will rise again (be it in a matter of centuries or millennia) like the phoenix from the ashes. If you understand all of this, then your despondancy could only be a result of your detachment from your Aryan roots. Aryanism has nothing to do with the outside world. It's a state of internal spiritual nobility. Let that nobility express itself by pouring your pent up passion into creation: Paint, write poetry, develop a runic alphabet, read ancient literature, and for God's sake be fruitful and multiply.

My dad is Libertarian. He doesn't read books. He doesn't care about history or culture. Pretty much all he cares about is action movies, facebook, and weed. He is completely deracinated. He complains constantly about Walmart destroying his small town, but he still shops there. He complains about the ever increasing traffic, but doesn't see anything wrong with open borders. And when our arguments ever reach the inevitable collapse of society due to these changes, his fallback response is "Well I'm a survivor. At least I know I'll survive." So, that is the extent to which he cares about the world. "So what if it burns? At least I'll survive". I won't say that all Libertarians are like this, or even that this is what Libertarianism means (see Hoppe for example), but this is what it has been twisted into. This is what all politics will be twisted into eventually. As long as people have netflix, porn, weed, fast food, and a job that pays just enough to support their life of nihilistic hedonism, they will be content. They are chemically enslaved.

But America is on the downturn now. In terms of economics, ideals, and community, it will never be what it once was even just a few decades ago. This is true in the cities at least, and rural America may be largely immune to what's about to happen. Things are getting worse, everywhere. America is becoming unstable and is falling fast relative to other countries like China who didn't drink the poison coolaid of progressivism. A lot of people are still in denial about this, and will be for another decade or so. But it's only a matter of time before we reach the tipping point. There is a shitty feeling swelling up inside of most Americans. Many don't understand its source. It simply hasn't clicked for them, and they aren't going to make it click because they are still comfortable. But when that shitty feeling has become strong enough to overpower the chemical enslavement allowed by modern technology, smart people will begin looking for answers, and stupid people will begin acting out in violent ways. When that happens, the mind-control apparatus will try to clamp down, but this will backfire. Our communist enslavement will be brought to light, and the floodgates will open. That is to say: His spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that he was right.

All of this will happen within our lifetimes. That may not make you feel any better, but that's why I say you have to look inward in times like these. Kindle the flame inside you and keep it going. Let your own private habits be a microcosm of full-blooming Aryan society. If you want to be an activist, then be an activist. Go door to door and hand out the Red Team Planner text, or hide redpill leaflets in products/packaging at the big box stores. Want to express yourself? Create culture by creating art. Create Aryan art so advanced that normies can't even tell what it is; so advanced that its meaning isn't understood for a hundred years. Carve it in stone if you have to. Fuck the insane world you were brought up in. You don't need it. Be Aryan now. You may only have another 60 years, so there is not much time. Create. Create ruthlessly. That is your birthright and nobody can take it from you.

Sorry, I don't really have any inspiring pics for this situation.

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319df9  No.113914

File: 03182fdd55b2bec⋯.jpg (639.7 KB, 850x768, 425:384, 03182fdd55b2bec8a261a93459….jpg)



I usually dont post on here anymore, but I thought Id give you guys some info and tips.

I know how you guys feel, however do keep this in mind, ANYTHING you feel is an emotion. Thats essentially what emotions do.

They are your subconscious ways of steering you towards more of what the subconscious mind thinks you want or make you run away n steer clear of what it thinks you dont want.

Do keep in mind here that the subconscious and your logical mind dont have to agree for this to happen.

Thats why when you get emotional you do things you later regret and think why you were so stupid, its why you think "oh yea in this situation Id do X and Y" but once you get into that situation you do A and B instead.

Same thing here, the jewish' and its golems media attacking you day in and out, other white people acting like communists and antifa etc etc, this all plays a toll on you, and your subconscious mind will remember that.

Imagine it like training a dog, action -> reward. If the reward is shit or none at all, your dog wont do the action in the future.

Remember fapping? You faggots better be on nofap.

But when you fap youre like OH YEAH THIS IS HOT or whatever, thats an emotional trance.

Once youre done you go eww what the fuck and feel miserable or just neutral, just like that.

Cause you realize without the horny emotion that this shit sucks.

Honestly look into hypnosis, I know it sounds cheesy, but you can use hypnosis to solve mental blocks like that, to not feel lost anymore or blackpilled.

Otherwise you can do one of several tricks, part hypnosis too.

When you feel like shit/blackpilled/demotivated, close your eyes, stand up and imagine a time when you decided to accomplish something and remember the feeling just as you were about to succeed and accomplish it. Stand like you stood back then, breathe like you breathed back then and keep remembering and feeling that emotion for at least 2 minutes. Then come back to reality, voila, your negative emotion should be gone, this is a super simple trick that works even easier and faster the more you do it.

You should now feel motivated and see a logical approach to your goal.

Breathing deeply in general is something that wakes you up out of emotional trances, but the method I described above works better faster and longer.

Two last tips, Do not try to change your emotion via your mind or logic, that shit doesnt work, unless youre a highly trained specialist like some special forces or whatever.

Also sleep and eat well, your quality of sleep and food does reflect in your minds power to stay strong, if you dont eat well and have bad sleep your mind will succumb to your bad emotions faster.

I hope this knowledge and exercises helps you guys as much as it helped me.

Dont give up, and dont forget, you can _ALWAYS_ change the way you feel about ANYTHING, youre not robots, youre humans.

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4babb7  No.114655

op here.

thanks all for replies. I will continue to train, study and attend my work. I will look to assist others who think like me for the time being. Over the last 2 weeks my future plans have shifted drastically and I will be pursuing a policy of immigration from here on out back to my roots in eastern Europe.

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489fcf  No.114808


>Few thousand

Desperation breeds creativity and perhaps action, but it's more like a million. Out of 1 billion whites it's about 1 million, 0.1%. Perhaps a thousand truly live up to the ideal though.

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17180e  No.114870

I'd like to add that it's just what they're allowing on TV and social media. I live in a libshit area and even here people are all sick and fucking tired about it. I think that its mostly just a media psy-op to make you think people support this shit.

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e53663  No.114877


I don't know. I live in a libshit area too and I know plenty of people that support this shit. Even ones that are openly planning to go looting all because muh dead nigger.

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20b22f  No.114902


Fucking lmao they fucked with CNN before you guys did. The right is a joke.

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3df819  No.114941

Guys this is the accelerationism we all wanted. We're winning!

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