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The holocaust never happened

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752104  No.112659

They have recently started pushing this crap everywhere, we are a year out from being chipped, physically or with this "passport" thing. They want us to be scanned and ask for permission to go FUCKING SHOPPING!! THIS WONT BE GOING AWAY!! HOW LONG WILL YOU PUT UP WITH THIS WHITE MAN!!!????? ENFORCED VACCINES COIMG!



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752104  No.112661


>What will life look like a year from today?

>Mandatory Tracking App

>Cleared for travel

>Thermal Scanning on every Street

>No public transportation

>Staggered Shifts

>Scanning before work

>Six feet distancing

>Permission to go shopping/ need to schedule

The first article may be written like a cuck's wet dream but how much of this do you think will be implemented?

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15910f  No.112663

>something we've been saying will happen "within a year" for the last 20 years is totally truly going to happen this time for sure, guys!

Smooth brains will believe you.

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aba269  No.112681

>Permission to go shopping

Already a thing where i live, but only matters if cops caught you.

In places with mobile phone tracking however they may fine you by your geolocation data.

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48f6cb  No.112682

File: a4b20c3195c7b7a⋯.png (294.34 KB, 411x333, 137:111, 612424.png)

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