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The holocaust never happened

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4433fe  No.112119

I wouldn't have a particular problem with "National Socialism" if they just admit that Capitalism was a bigger problem than Bolshevism; instead they collaborate with Capitalists in their bitter rage against Marxism.

I can understand Jews controlling the banks and media but I highly doubt they own the factories; I think in the case of factories it is just Germans exploiting fellow Germans.

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3a6a6c  No.112126


How much were you paid to post this? Apparently not enough.

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dbac9c  No.112161

>Hitler didn't talk about the problems of unbridled capitalism.

Go back to school shill.

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35d1ef  No.112162

Wrong and retarded. If you want the best for your country, society, and people, then let people create things for their fellow man. Let them create businesses and jobs and let them prosper. Ideally without niggers and jews a fellow white business owner would have no issue sharing more profit with his fellow employees. But factory workers cannot simply own the means of production. If you force the owner to hand over his creation or idea to a bunch of laborers, then innovation and business will leave your country. This is just common fucking sense. Encourage owners and operators to make their own decisions on what is best for his country, fellow man, and employees. The predatory and jew like owner/operators will be looked down upon and no one will choose to do business with someone who brings shame upon their race in that way. Capitalism and common sense go hand in hand with National Socialism. A superior country, state, and people is not a country full of laborers where a collectivist elite make decisions for the rest of us. Too often the form of kike capitalism where niggers and spics accept shit work for shit pay enable your form of thinking and that is what you think of when you criticize capitalism. In a white ethnostate, capitalism and national socialism would take on a whole different image of respect, dignity, and prosperity for the race.

If you actually think white men becoming rich and getting away from nigger ghettos and not being forced to do business with kike corporations anymore is a bigger problem than bolshevism than you are a whole retarded shill, possibly a young college age nigger who does not operate anything besides your phone.

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3c8725  No.112259

stfu you fucking nazbol

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aa8f98  No.112289


Capital refers value, merit, etc. Attacking capitalism directly, as an ideology, is retarded because capitalism is just Darwinism in economic/business form. It's a law of nature. What you're referring to could perhaps be called "ultra-capitalism", but otherwise you are attacking a strawman made by communists who can't cope with Darwinism in general.

Identify the target before you fire your arrow. Corruption, ultra-egalitarianism, "muh equality", or globalism would all be valid targets. Survival of the fittest (capitalism) is not.

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229f0e  No.112441


Have you even read Gottfried Feder?

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00d65c  No.112511

File: 740d87efe458540⋯.jpg (174.33 KB, 722x541, 722:541, yeah_no.jpg)

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d1c774  No.112608

File: 47f7755fc349d33⋯.png (85.29 KB, 602x464, 301:232, Simms_Hitler_on_Capitalism.png)

File: aa33206cdaef56e⋯.jpeg (145.01 KB, 1080x637, 1080:637, Hitler_Capitalism.jpeg)

File: 3ca5fd07dc08ed3⋯.jpeg (117.15 KB, 1079x499, 1079:499, Hitler_Capitalism_2.jpeg)

File: ea9420f87760f2d⋯.png (74.81 KB, 604x445, 604:445, Simms_Hitler_Jews_Capitali….png)


>if they just admit that Capitalism was a bigger problem than Bolshevism

Actual ideological National Socialists have always viewed Marxism as a branch of international finance capitalism, Marxism is a means to free up the assets of traditional landed elites so that they could eventually be commoditized and financialized by the Jews. That is exactly how Marxism has always worked in the long run; after Marxism has sufficiently liquidated the old bonds to the land, social structures and culture of a nation it is then transitioned to direct ownership by rapacious international Jewish finance capital.

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8936da  No.112658


only jews like communism


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