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The holocaust never happened

File: 85bd38b191d61aa⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 502x341, 502:341, Stab_in_the_back_postcard.jpg)

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5870a9  No.110675

Why does it seem that antifa and other bolshevik groups does all the infiltration of National Socialist groups and not really the other way around; are they just better at it or are National Socialists just really good at pretending to be bolsheviks and when the system collapses the actual bolsheviks are going to be fucked?

Anyways, I have decided to give up finding a National Socialist group I can be apart of and instead I am going to infiltrate Bolshevism; I am going to go to my community college and pretend to be a bolshevik and I'm going to study social sciences and learn their arguments and hopefully I will make "friends" who will direct me to their bolshevik organization.

Please share with me ideas on what I should do once I'm in there.

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05060f  No.111435


National Socialists infiltrating Commie groups are more common than you think, it’s just not reported as much and people aren’t caught. I know several people who have done and are currently doing this (sometimes for years) blending in very well but unfortunately not reporting that much. It seems that a lot of Lefties and other useful idiots of the establishment are all bark but no bite and infiltrators have to move from group to group to look for one that actually has plans to do something aside from whining about white people on Twitter. Also, some of the groups act weird as hell, I know one guy who found a group that consisted of pretty much only gays that were all bottoms and since he happened to be /fit/, they kept on flirting with him and he left because they they began to be suspect him as heterosexual (He pretended he was Bi when he went in) and he he got too uncomfortable. Also they do petty stuff like posters and graffiti and do stuff people don’t care about when Antifa does it but do when a NatSoc does, so even then there’s nothing they can do. They are not like criminal syndicates but more like a Sped class that screams about capitalists and Nazis occasionally when they aren’t acting decadent and being (ironically) very materialistic. You won’t find much to do but you get to know about this degenerate network and their structure which may help later. Also people who do do this actually look like Soyboy losers going in anyway so the might as well use it to their advantage even if it generally isn’t a good trait to have.

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6d80c8  No.112178


Is there the same level of paranoia over infiltrators in commie groups as there is in National Socialist groups. If I try to incite violence and terrorism against "fascists" among them would they say: "You're a fed, get out"?

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9ffc61  No.112193

File: 7d9f72dc34a6543⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 500x358, 250:179, DzBub1GV4AE0TSm.jpg)


Collect information on every node in the network. And just as importantly, every edge in the network - that is, the relationship between one node and another. Finances, organisational structure, typical meetup locations, everything.

Build dossiers on everything they are, everything they have, and everything you have on them.

But most importantly, bide your time. Don't be brash and expose yourself so early. As the anon above me says, there may always be room to ascend in the network and attain even more information. You will probably know when the time is right to act.

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db6cd4  No.112616

File: 93965daf0a0729c⋯.png (173.29 KB, 1034x1356, 517:678, Hitler_Speech_BERLIN_RHEIN….png)

File: 8f5d238732f44ae⋯.png (166.7 KB, 1022x1282, 511:641, Hitler_Speech_BERLIN_RHEIN….png)

File: 92cb48fdeadea31⋯.png (129.52 KB, 1016x1030, 508:515, Hitler_Speech_BERLIN_RHEIN….png)

File: 16084403908752c⋯.jpeg (263.41 KB, 1024x1342, 512:671, Hitler_Speech_BERLIN_RHEI….jpeg)


Unfortunately many still don't understand the tenets of National Socialism, they think it is just racist conservatism. It takes a truly revolutionary socialist mindset to operate on that plane.

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