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4e9925  No.109074

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: YouTube BLATANTLY CENSORS ALL VIDEOS Extensively Documenting & Exposing Coronavirus Hoax (UNBELIEVABLE!)

Are they getting paid off by the World Health Organization too?

MUST SEE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoGkvEGO6lA

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1268d8  No.109077

We have a coronavirus thread, boomer.

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445b75  No.109192


You suck as a shill.

This is an already well stablished fact though, such is the state of things right now. Youtube is obviously not to be trusted.

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cfdddc  No.109196

what kind of shameless retard still uses youtube?

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dfe1ac  No.109227


I do, for entertainment purposes not for information. I like cat videos.

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5be57a  No.109239

File: e26ff3bf3b94a6f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 925.54 KB, 1600x2348, 400:587, e26ff3bf3b94a6f52bbbcf89b5….jpg)


He's not a shill - op is posting a thread for which their topic already has a thread.

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d6281b  No.109248


Do they suggest cat videos from CNN?

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dcc4bf  No.109252

No shock there. They are censoring videos on that rapist presidential nominee Biden.


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2d97f8  No.109993






>imagine not using bitchute

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