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File: ebcfd059644a656⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 600x300, 2:1, Wayback_Machine.jpg)

feef33  No.108978

The wayback machine has recently started adding "warning lables" to sites that contain naughtythink. If I archive a website there can I rest assured that it will be kept up? Do we have any concrete examples of them deleting articles or websites that don't fit the narrative? What are other sites I can use?

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5f7cfb  No.108982

They've been censoring for years. The first real case I saw - related to actual truthful content and not piracy or something - was in 2014, when I downloaded a torrent that had archive links of pages on the late Ted Gunderson's website, all of which had been removed. Around that same time they also pulled the extended, higher quality version of "Conspiracy of Silence" that Nick Bryant had released.

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feef33  No.108984


Do you have screenshots of any of this? Or are those links available on another archiving website? I want solid proof of this shit so I can spread it around. I understand that may be difficult given the nature of what these pieces of shit are doing.

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5f7cfb  No.108985


I'm sure I have the Ted Gunderson torrent on an external harddrive, hopefully I didn't delete the text file. I'll dig it up later.

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595fc1  No.108995

File: f9a12e1cf9ee74b⋯.jpg (28.36 KB, 705x245, 141:49, DU4zMeqXkAADe7_.jpg)


>Do we have any concrete examples of them deleting articles or websites that don't fit the narrative?


Archive.today have so far rejected such requests. But for how long?

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11838d  No.109000

The entire internet is no longer ‘trustworthy’ anon. It is a CONTROLLED data operation not a place for information anymore.

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11838d  No.109001


Why’d they block out the guilty parties name. Why are they protecting someone who is censoring public information?

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595fc1  No.109012


The internet as a whole need not be a problem, especially right now. The WEB on the other hand, must be purged.


I concur. Probably worried about retaliation I guess (they've been threatened too, probably by the same party).

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11838d  No.109014


Well that reads like a mafia communique not a regular email. It doesn’t seem like they have much of a choice.

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11838d  No.109015

mfw extortion in the norm in our society and it is a corrupted low trust nightmare because people love their ‘muh diversity’ and can’t understand that the real problem with our nations is the foreigners who are in them and nothing else.

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b4181e  No.109144

Hotbacking on this thread. What's up with archive.today?

Even their .onion site requires JDude has bS/Cloudflare. What dee fuck

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f830d4  No.109352


Wewelsburg Archives (my upload) was recently purged from Archive. https://mega.nz/folder/FFZnnYoa#EGQLr0EKFExu2oSuKmpWZQ

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8471f1  No.109447


This. Old edgy content has been going missing from Wayback for years, but I assumed it was server retardation. I guess not, though.

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595fc1  No.109549


The site has been giving me and others 403s with particular browser configs for months now too.

Remember, one backup is no backups, two backups is one backup.

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85020c  No.133917

It's of deep concern and has not gone unnoticed.

The 24H news cycle allow propagandists to accelerate their attacks without the risk of this being obvious.

The next natural step is systematic redaction, after publishing something they will delete it to stop their previous and current stance be contrasted.

While other people say this has been happening for years, it's speeding up.

Under a new Liberal mandate of "removing hate speech" they will erase the history of the internet as major online players gain more control of the infrastructure.

This will be the decade of de-platforming, where those with the keys to mass media wage war against self published print and "unplug" movements

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f1d8c1  No.141499

File: 3b452e96603d281⋯.jpeg (67.68 KB, 690x1000, 69:100, 5B9D195D_101B_4B20_BFD8_5….jpeg)


they killed your MEGA link before I could finish getting everything. Hope you still have a good backup

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2c33f2  No.150476


For fuck's sake. I wanted to download photos and archive documents concerning Ostarbeiter and Russian prisoners of war, there was a good article on one site that was killed. It opened only from a certain point of conservation, a point of time, and still did not open further. I think that there are no other sites with saved documents of this kind in the network, and since the site was old and was killed in 2013, most likely there were no other ways to open it.

Ёбаный стыд…

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