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The holocaust never happened

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fe3ae6  No.107932

A popular club in Dallas, the Lizard Lounge, has shut down. This place was well known as a being one of Dallas' largest far left, ANTIFA scenes. It was extremely degenerate. All forms of filth frequented it. Faggots. Gluttons. Communists. Militant feminists. Furries. MLP fags. Trannies. Drag Queens. Yes. All of this and much much more. But now it is shut down. Send your regards.


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3a9ee5  No.107934

Thank you, Corona-Chan.

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cc58b3  No.107936


A temporary disruption. They will gather somewhere else.

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efecf5  No.107943


Hopefully in a shallow mass grave.

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5b78c6  No.107964


I really hope they do. The more of them who infect each other the better. It is really a shame that the government shut it down. If they had a brain they would have fought to keep it open.

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666494  No.108004


>implying corona isn't a ploy to impose some serious shit

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43151e  No.108928

Global collapse of the world economies by covid19 why aren't these faggots happy? This is how the revolution starts! Pick up your guns faggots!

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