d5a950 No.107487[Last 50 Posts]
Tommie Lindh, a Swedish 19-year old nationalist was brutally murdered on 10th of may when he was trying to interrupt an ongoing rape.
The murdering rapist, Abubaker Mohamed, is a 22-year old Sudanese man who came to Sweden as a young boy. He allegedly stabbed Tommie Lindh multiple times with a knife.
Abubaker Mohamed has past charges against him, such as minor theft and sexual offense. He has previously been found guilty of sexually assaulting a 14-year old girl.
Swedish media is barely mentioning this, and covering up the details, but here is a few sources:
Swedish articles:
The murderer on facebook & instagram:
Rest in peace
Tommie Lindh
ᛉ 2001-2020 ᛦ
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c30e52 No.107498
>imagine dying to protect a defective being such as a woman in this day and age
Don't be a simp. It may cost you your life.
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1f095b No.107503
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5866da No.107504
Heh, if I saw a woman being raped I would smile a little bit, turn 180 degrees and walk just fast enough in the opposite direction to get me out of there quick, but not fast enough to cause any suspicion or disturbance.
Rape is a great boon to our cause. I've heard of many slogan spouting mollycoddled libshits doing a far right turn after being visited by the rape fairy - either themselves or their family. Why would you want to stop it?
Also, it's just dumb to interrupt a crime if you're not in a position to instantly end the criminal's life.
I'll give him a Rest In Peace for effort and good intention. But, you know what they say. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In this case quite literally.
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1f095b No.107505
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1f095b No.107508
Thats some vibrant diversity.
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20633e No.107517
>upstanding Swedish civilian stops heartless xenophobic racist nazi from taking away his culture
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7c00bb No.107525
Women are the natural enemies of all men.
The swede should have beaten the woiman in the head with a stick.
Not only rape is a correctional action for women, but the act of protecting a woman whom is not your own (meaning your property) is insanity.
The same simp who protects a woman would attack an innocent man falsely accused of rape. It is a good thing that this simp died. He would be one of those white knights who would enable women to get away with their crimes if he was still alive.
Kill the enablers along with the traitors.
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49069b No.107529
>imagine dying to protect a defective being such as a woman in this day and age
>oy vey, group cohesion is bad goy. dont be prepared to die trying to defend your people. hop on the MGTOW train, goy.
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ba815a No.107534
Dont be a fag. It's the sury of white men to protect our women as well as stand for each other. If another white person is being attacked by a shitskin you ought to jump in, we need white solidarity, dammit.
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bebc96 No.107555
Faggots make themselves so easy to filter now.
I wouldn’t do it unless I had a gun on me and could get a clear shot. Then I would ‘interrupt the rape’ but not in the way most people are thinking. Rape deserves the death sentence. If you do not kill rapists, then your society is full of rapists.
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8d2f2a No.107562
Thread's salty and full of cucks because a Swedish (yes) zoomer did more to try to fight akbars than anyone else here. He probably didn't go into it armed or in the smartest way since it was a moment's notice, but at least he fucking tried, and in a way that doesn't get gun grabs going as a bonus.
>Rape deserves the death sentence.
Breddy much. If you're going to act like a fucking nigger then you don't deserve any better treatment than one. Pushing for the stable families that (((someone))) keeps trying to break apart is always better in the long run than running around screeching like an ape and trying to stick your dick into anything that moves. If you think behaving like the latest Mohamed creature manifestation that killed this fucker is a good idea, then fuck off and go back to Somalia where you and your AIDS belong.
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f7fc1e No.107596
Leftypol approves of this cultural enrichment.
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836e06 No.107605
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2e0990 No.107646
He was a hero that died protecting his people. Acting like your cowardice and apathy is in any way a good trait, and insulting him for living what he preached, is fucking pathetic. An attitude for servile dogs. Everything you do is a victory. Well aren't you fucking inspiring.
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f35c1a No.107650
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dc6dad No.107653
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b86888 No.107659
archive the articles motherfucker
>Women are the natural enemies of all men.
somebody gets it
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bb32b8 No.107664
He's a noble man, but I'm sure the chick doesn't give a fuck beyond upcummies. She'll probably be dating a nigger in a few weeks.
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bb32b8 No.107665
>I've heard of many slogan spouting mollycoddled libshits doing a far right turn after being visited by the rape fairy
yeah, not always
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17f7d9 No.107672
The (((MGTOW))) lexicon gives you away every time.
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28ad2f No.107673
Just the ones that don't enjoy it, of course.
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bd8ccb No.107677
Truth. There is an influx of kikeniggers due to Coalfax upsetting their agenda of White genocide. If you are dumb enough to think White women are your enemy, then the genocide is working.
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9cb3d6 No.107713
… you're really desperate to get viewers for your shitty board, aren't you.
>Enligt de uppgifter som cirkulerar i sociala medier sympatiserade Tommie med det nationalistiska partiet Alternativ för Sverige (AfS).
The source for the claim that he was some sort of nationalist is 'information circulating on social media'. That's not actually proof, that just means someone is spreading memes that say he was.
Interrupting an ongoing rape is more consistent with antifa membership than with fascism, though there are a few fascists who oppose rape. Either way RIP, because whether he was a neutral, one of us, or one of the few rare fash who try to do something good, his acts show that he was based.
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bd8ccb No.107722
Not my board and you are here when you could fuck off to someplace where the other niggers gather. But you won't…
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9cb3d6 No.107729
Y'know, the only thing more pathetic than shilling this hard for Coalfax would be shilling this hard for it when it isn't even your own website.
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eee34c No.107756
What is the story of this one? Did he die? Crazy how that gun failed to go off 3-4 times. If that guy lived he must look back on that with nightmares.
>Also, it's just dumb to interrupt a crime if you're not in a position to instantly end the criminal's life
A lot of truth to that, if you are going to step in on a random event like this and risk your life for a stranger you don't know or the situation and (they may not even be worth saving), but if you choose to step in, you have to be willing to act with devastating deadly force without hestiation. In the current climate of things, its not worth it, unless its someone you know, sister or mother etc.
Feel bad for the kid, he tried to act with honor but in the current climate of things, it just wasn't worth it.
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7e9313 No.107766
You're the media, anon.
If you live in Sweden or a nearby country that might be interested in this story, send it to as many people as possible. This is how you honor his memory.
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08858b No.107770
>Find a good wife
The whole book boils down to:
-Be a simp.
-Throw your life away to live for social validation.
-Accumulate wealth in order to allow a woman to leech it from you.
The brainwashing doesn't work anymore, simps and shills.
Nothing, not even maintaining the existence of mankind, is worth tolerating women.
Either humanity moves towards the complete enslavement of women, or the complete replacement of women by artificial means for reproduction.
If those two are not possible, then it is better to let the whole humanity go extinct.
Extinction is preferable than having to deal with women.
Let me repeat myself: the brainwashing is over. NOTHING makes tolerating women worthy.
Letting the whole human race and subhuman races go all extinct is better than having to put up with women.
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08858b No.107774
And he died, while the rapists are alive and well to rape again, simp.
Also, the woman would sue him for racism against the mudslime rapists if he survived.
The brainwashing is over.
No woman is worth saving. Women aren't "our people". Women are our tools. If we aren't allowed to use and dispose of them as the objects that they are, then it is not worth having them around.
Go be a hero. I will go on living my life and abandoning all women to their own stupidity.
There is nothing that you can do about it.
And your brainwashing is losing power by the second, for men all over the world.
In the end, protecting women is never worth anything.
If you are dumb enough to believe that all women aren't your enemies, then the brainwashing is working.
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630612 No.107789
>there are a few fascists who oppose rape
What a delightful political organization you have.
So basically you codified 'BEING A NIGGER' and made it into a 'political ideology'.
No wonder it never works. Europeans don't want to live like niggers with nigger ideologies.
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630612 No.107790
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61c1c1 No.107805
Dont be a faggot, women follow and are attracted to strength and power. That's why men that display none get no women. I hope that zoomer is in Valhalla feasting with his ancestors. Anyone who says women are the enemy is retarded. Anyone who wouldn't jump in to help a fellow white man or woman is a faggot and coward. We need to stand with each other, and you should always help any white person being bullied, attacked, or otherwise victimized by a shitskin. The whole reason that it happens to begin with is they know whites wont stand up for or help each other, and we need to change that.
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4d1048 No.107815
>Interrupting an ongoing rape is more consistent with antifa membership
Antifa would jump in to bring more niggers so they can have a gang rape.
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594505 No.107845
The only appropriate post ITT is:
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886fee No.107848
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bc0ca5 No.107855
No thanks, 9cucks is run b jews and openly has niggers on its board that are welcome. It is basically 4chan but without the White people.
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81128c No.107856
>openly has niggers on its board
Which board? You know these sites have many hundreds of boards, right? /pnd/ is not ALL of 8kun.
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fb6204 No.107868
Fuck off you zoomer nigger retard and grow a pair of balls instead of rotting away your brain by playing video games all day
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87f125 No.107872
Ok retard, I will play your game. /pol/ on 9cuck is run by jews and I have seen them openly cuck to niggers who post AS NIGGERS on their board. It is disgusting. Like 4cucks but without White…just jews and niggers.
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fceb17 No.107969
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81128c No.107979
9cuck doesn't have a /pol/. It has cheap knock-offs. /pnd/ is a cheap /pol/ knock-off as well.
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5866da No.107989
paying my respect to this young man
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825757 No.108019
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f7fc1e No.108130
The coming degeneracy will lead to communism. Hail the proletariat.
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1109a4 No.108147
>he was trying to interrupt an ongoing rape
why? swedes want to be raped
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7f5af4 No.108240
>government a jews force something onto the swedes
>this means they want it
either extremely retarded and/or a shill
The people of these European countries getting flooded with browns ask for it or want it. they aren't allowed to complain or criticize it
oh yeah just like how in Germany when natsoc and commie groups were competing to rile up the masses the commies totally won
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6587ec No.108245
In all likelihood, this woman voted for the pro-immigration politicians who brought this Sudanese into the country in the first place.
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4d5362 No.108247
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f5d0ea No.108649
-Will you address the problem of when women start to get depressed for becoming old and undesirable?
-Will you address the problem of women who resent other women when they are younger and prettier than her?
-Will you address the problem of constant nagging and whining of all women once they marry a man?
-Will you address the problem of women never truly commit to one man, but are always looking for other strong and powerful men, even when they are already married to one?
-Will you address the problem of women only living with a man in order to leech off his resources and to show off to other women?
-Will you address the problem of women always trying to use the legal system (that is all in their favor and against men) to try to leech even more resources from their men, to the point of having the legal system take away his children to give to her once divorce sets in?
-Will you address the problem of all women becoming unsettling and nervous as they reach their 30s and after they become middle-aged, nagging constantly about their frustrations and never letting a man have peace and quietude in his life?
-Will you address the problem of women from all ages trading a safe and quiet life with a dignified man for some temporary adventure with any shitskin or degenerate that manages to impress them and turn on her impulses to feel dopamine rushes?
You are all talk about "get a woman" and "be strong and she will be attracted to you", but none of you ever addresses the many problems that all women bring AFTER a man attracts one of them to marry and to live with.
So, before you start preaching your empty brainwashing to me and others, would you address those problems cited above? Or will you keep repeating the fallacys of "be strong to get women", without commenting on all the problems that this brings to a man's life?
Are you going to address any problem at all, or simply repeat the "man up" (code for: be a simp) and preach about "be resourceful" (so women can leech the resources)?
Will you address what is worth all the trouble of MAINTAINING a marriage with a woman who will become old, ugly, with an unstable mind and full of resentment and complaining all day while leeching all of a man's resources and still craving for younger men, pretending to care about her husband but in fact dreaming about going out with younger men that she meet/met during her life?
Will you cite anything worth at all in keeping a relationship AFTER a man gets the woman?
Or will you just regurgitate "get a woman" without addressing all the problems that come with keeping the woman after getting her?
Tolerate women's incessant nagging just to have children? Not worth it.
Tolerate women's lecherous nature just to have children? Not worth it.
Tolerate women's promiscuous nature just to have children? Not worth it.
Tolerate women's inferior mind and child-like behavior even in their adult years just to have children? Not worth it.
Tolerate women's impulse-driven mind, controlled only by their emotional and immediate impulses just to have children? Not worth it.
Tolerate women's false accusations and protection from law so she can ruin a man's life just to have children? Not worth it.
Tolerate being constantly bothered by every single thing that makes women uncomfortable, to the point that they complain against their own children and husband just to have children? Not worth it.
Tolerate women's complete lack of loyalty, always carving attention from many men even if her husband is the strongest and more resourceful one around just to have children? Not worth it.
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f5d0ea No.108650
All women ARE enemies of all men.
There is not a single reason to keep a relationship with a woman.
As always, the brainwashed fanatics will scream about "getting a woman" without ever addressing all the problems and the lack of any advantages in keeping said woman.
A man's life is to be peaceful and joyful. Not a constant sacrifice towards pleasing a parasites such as any woman.
There is no reason at all for a man to sacrifice himself for a woman just to keep procreating.
It is never worth it.
What is the point of living if I have to sacrifice myself for the collective?
If all the sacrifice comes from me and other men, while women offer nothing of value for me and other men, there is no reason to even start any of it.
My individual life, individual happiness and individual quietude are more important than my race and any collective.
Either women are enslaved so a man can do whatever he wants with his woman (including abandoning her when she becomes undesirable because of her age) or marrying and constituting a family is not worth it.
And if you don't agree, why do you care about men who abandon women? There will be more women for you.
Or are you all as desperate for social validation as women are?
Do you need other men seeking the women that you have, in order to feel anything?
Me, and many others, are quitting the game. You can still play it with any woman, if you like.
You don't need us playing too, unless your real goal is social validation, and the whole procreation fallacy is just a cover up for that.
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1bbc61 No.108655
Who let the homosexual butt fuckers in the thread?
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b75757 No.108662
>Crazy how that gun failed to go off 3-4 times
It's because the owner was a nigger. Only a nigger is capable of taking such poor care of a firearm that it jams 3 out of 4 times, in normal conditions, after just working properly.
It's a blessing and a curse when you think about it.
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b75757 No.108668
I'm going to chime in and agree with this. I can't explain and I WON'T explain it to the autistic jewish shills on this site, but there is a deep, visceral, violent reaction I get when I see whites get victimized by ESPECIALLY non-whites. The reason it's BAD if you don't intervene in these situations from something as small as an insult to a murderous shitskin gang raping someone, is that the way these people operate as a group is to see how far they can push the envelope.
If a criminal nigger does this today and there is no response, then tomorrow it will be his friend, the day after that it will be an average guy and before long there is total demoralization and capitulation. Maybe it's a lost cause, but I won't give one fucking inch. If you injure me or my extended family in front of me, I will sink my teeth in and never let go.
tl;dr there is NO 4-D chess, or pro gamer move here. There's one winning move here and you know exactly what it is because you can feel it too, if you're actually a white person.
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fa0e27 No.108692
Yep, exterminate them all, no mercy. All of them. Men women and children get a bullet and a mass grave. Finally we will do what our God instructed us to do.
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139ec7 No.108716
Choose your battles, police would take care of it. They won't take care of jews, that's our battle.
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097df9 No.109116
Will you address any of the problems that women create?
Or will you just repeat the words in your programming?
The only winning move regarding women is to never help them.
The guy died while the shitskin and the woman are alive. The shitskin will rape again, and the woman will still be fighting against men of her own race, while allowing the shitskins free pass.
This. Kill them all (jews and shitskins) for being the parasites that they are. But don't ever sacrifice yourself for a woman. It is never worth it.
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17a1b7 No.109155
>oy vey, protect the parasites goy. die defending a parasite so it can live to have kids with niggers and jews. hop on the simp train goy.
Don't be a simp.
All of you always come from your hiding place to white knight cumdumpsters as soon as anyone points out the truth about their parasitic nature.
I will never be solidarity to someone who defends a parasite. Be the parasite a jew or a woman. Both are the same type of parasites who ruin men's lives.
>Rape deserves the death sentence.
No, it doesn't. Raping women is never wrong.
Women can only be corrected through rape and violence. Modern society and it's laws against rape and against violence are what allows women to run wild and become feminists and supporters of faggots and libshit politics.
>stick your dick into anything that moves
On any woman who one finds attractive? Yes. There is nothing wrong with that.
Caring for the woman is the wrong act.
You all talk about manhood, but as soon as you are put to prove that you have some, you cuck out.
Raping women is never wrong. Ever.
>at least he fucking tried
And failed.
And he died to protect a parasite that will undoubtedly go have children with some shitskin. Maybe even her own rapist.
More simps.
>Europeans don't want to live like niggers with nigger ideologies.
So? Raping and being violent against women was never wrong. You don't like the fact that godamned apes have more sense when dealing with their women than you? I have coped with that a long time ago. If the idea works, use it. No mater where it came from.
>Simps can't cope with the fact that niggers are treating women the right way, while we are losing everything by letting women be free.
Either rape the woman or move away. Being a simp never pays off.
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a638f7 No.109159
>On any woman who one finds attractive?
Rape is never about finding a woman attractive anon.
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a638f7 No.109160
>No mater where it came from.
So basically what you are saying here is that you are part kike and part nigger. Ok. You let me know how that works out for you.
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8adeb9 No.109161
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Ignore these retarded shills, or anyone else who uses divide and conquer tactics to excuse shitskins attacking and raping white women or any white men who would do the right thing and defend them. You are either shills or angry at women because you aren't successful with them, which is not a healthy mindset.
I'm glad there are some sensible people here. You should always stick up for your fellow whites because our bigness weakness right now is lack of solidarity. Seeing whites constantly being beaten, raped and murdered with no reprisal is all part of the humiliation and degradation campaign being waged against white people. They want you to be demoralized so you never fight back and don't stand up for each other, thus worsening the spiral of violence and victimization as the rape and murder of your people becomes an acceptable norm.
One of the biggest reasons the (((mainstream media))) is afraid of stories like this is that people like this young man can become martyrs and political talking points. Right now the Swedish media is trying to downplay this and are harassing the family of the slain young man, and it's exactly these kinds of issues that perfectly highlight why we need to stand in solidarity and why we need to use examples like this not to infight with each other over gay anti-woman shit, but to use it to validate our talking points and expose media/government/police double standards while also being able to cast ourselves as the good guys who save people from violent criminals. It's exactly that kind of real life memetics that will reach people and get them energized and fighting back and it's exactly what we need to do.
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a638f7 No.109170
He is not really sticking up for Whites though. He is only sticking up for 50% of Whites. That isn’t really solidarity, anon.
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0030a4 No.109189
We need to ban these fuckers. Where are the mods? Only way this place won't be shit anymore is by banning the worst of the board, sometimes publicly to make a statement and laugh at the fucker's bullshit.
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c30e52 No.109197
I don't even know why rape is illegal.
Most women are such loose whores they probably don't even realize when someone is raping them.
The only time a women remembers they're being raped is when she wants to get something.
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6c28a5 No.109205
>woman was a race traitor
Anyone saying this is a blackpilled faggot whose mind is so rotted out by kike propaganda that you really should just kill yourself at this point. Nordfront covered this entire scenario in depth. Tommie knew the woman in question before this, she mainly associates with nationalists.
>b-but I didn't know that
You shouldn't have had to have known that. Most white women do not fuck non-white men. The fact that you immediately jump to the assumption that she was a race traitor is enough to condemn you.
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fa0e27 No.109226
They are homosexuals anon. They have been waging an ongoing war against women and men (but particularly women) for thousands of years.
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0f80c7 No.109229
Women don't even notice when they get raped.
They just go
>what's a dick doing there?
>didn't I just fuck two hours ago?
>why am I fucking again?
>I don't remember.
And then after it ends she decides if it's a raep based on how the guy looks and what's there to gain from the accusation.
Happens all the god damn time.
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f2c187 No.109409
Post images related to what happens just a few years after a man has married and had children with a woman.
Pictures relating what really happens, and not your fantastical and completely out of reality fallacy.
Are you angry for being found out to be a simp?
Grow a pair of balls = code for "become a simp enslaved by a woman and the legal system. The same as "muh man up".
Why are you so mad about me and others quitting the game? There will be more women for you to be their simp.
All jews will be killed.
There is no future for jews.
All leftists will be killed.
There is no future for leftists.
All women want to be raped. They are not people. They are just animals who act upon instinct, without any rationality.
Women want to be raped. Their very nature is what allows jews to do that to many nations. Jews first (((liberate))) women so they vote for niggers to flood the country.
No woman from any race has any loyalty to her race. They just want to have any subhuman to fuck them endlessly.
As for the men in those nations: those who don't kill their enemies deserve to suffer.
Simps want human beings to worship the very parasites (women) who enable the other parasites (jews and shitskins) to infect their nations.
Notice how they never address the many problems that women (with their literal minds of a children) create for a man when they are together.
Also notice how they keep repeating their programing of "get a woman", "man up", and all the other fallacies, without ever addressing how harmful to a man's life a woman is, once she is engaged to him.
White knights/simps are just as desperate for social validation as women. They want an audience of man looking for them and desiring to have a woman like they have, or being jealous over them having said women. Once rational men started to quit the game, those simps desperate for validation got enraged. Their "prize" (conquering a woman) has no value anymore, as many an are simply moving away from this flawed system and living their lives for themselves, as every man should. Those simps hate the fact that nobody else cares anymore about the women that their have, or any woman at all. Men are sick of living for validation from women, and to have their lives shortened by women's behavior. Those simps "fought" to conquer a prize that is not deemed worth it anymore, and they hate when people point that out to them. They don't defend women in order to have white children. If they did, they would impregnat as many white women as they could find. Instead, they are defending women just to show off to both other women and other men. They are acting in order to have an audience to either praise them or to envy them, in the same way as women behave. They are not acting out of racial concerns or noble causes. They are simps desperately seeking social validation from women and other men. They become desperate when they hear other men saying that they will simply quit the game of relationship. They get desperate in the same way that women get desperate for not receiving attention and validation. The minds of simps and women are the same. And both are not worth dealing with in one's life.
Live a good, quiet and very long life anon. Don't shorten your life in order to defend or conquer a woman. It is never worth it. And don't ever risk your life in order to impress women or other men. It is also never worth it.
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5b45e7 No.109415
thats fucking awful man, god im so fucking sick of these goddamn shitskins. the Swedish government has irreparably damaged its country with these immigants. what is it now 1 million to added to a pop of 10 million people?
i wish we could force these brownies off the continent. maybe one day.
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0653e3 No.109464
If you became known as the guy who wrecked a few somalis to save a girl from a rape, quality women would instinctively flock to you. Also, why would you ever pass up the opportunity to beat the shit out of an invader. The only mistake this guy made was failing to use a weapon. At the very least, carry a collapsable baton in case the need to beat a nigger should arise.
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c0ff99 No.109557
>Hate your women goy, go your own way!
>Hate your elders goy, fucking bomers amirite?
>Hate your men goy, fuck the patriarchy!
>Hate your history goy, have some nigger culture instead!
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4bb243 No.109637
Exposure to Rape shouldn't be a necessary part of the redpilling of anyone. What if this happened to you or someone you cared for, blackpill? If nobody cared to stop rapes in progress, these people go unpunished.
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627486 No.109849
No, you are a coward.
Also it's already been seen that liberal women who got beaten or raped by niggers or rapugees were quick to find them excuse, usually pointing fingers and white men.
I won't blame women though because men can be just as dumb and we, the fighters, are actually responsible for allowing ourselves to be so dominated by (((effeminate urban parasites))).
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627486 No.109856
>Post images related to what happens just a few years after a man has married and had children with a woman. Pictures relating what really happens, and not your fantastical and completely out of reality fallacy.
In a proper White society, a family happens. Didn't you know, retard?
>Why are you so mad about me and others quitting the game? There will be more women for you to be their simp.
Proudly identifies as a quitter yet accuses others of being simps.
The chutzpah of these (((mgtow))) faggots.
>All women want to be raped.
And this shows how you have no experience with women at all. It's a good thing that people like you wanna quit, your inbred idiocy will end with you thankfully.
>They are not people.
> Jews first (((liberate))) women so they vote for niggers to flood the country.
That is not the first thing Jews do and this happens only because men don't do anything to fight back. Quitters like you or the cowards who wouldn't protect a White woman, if only for principles, are the reason this goes on.
You are the enablers.
>No woman from any race has any loyalty to her race.
Oh you're just forgetting that this happens, again, because men failed to fight back when it was necessary to do so.
>Notice how they never address the many problems that women (with their literal minds of a children) create for a man when they are together. Also notice how they keep repeating their programing of "get a woman", "man up", and all the other fallacies, without ever addressing how harmful to a man's life a woman is, once she is engaged to him.
You just happen to sound like a fucking hideous kike who happened to stop at Corinth a long time ago…
White men must kill their enemies and fuck white women so they beget white kids.
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627486 No.109857
You're probably replying to Hasbara/CIA/FBI/sociopaths.
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685198 No.110184
>Dont be a fag. It's the duty of white men to protect our women as well as stand for each other. If another white person is being attacked by a shitskin you ought to jump in, we need white solidarity, dammit.
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685198 No.110186
>b-but muh people!
>white solidarity, dude!
Lmao at you wignats. 90% of young white women vote for open borders. Pretty much all of them will agree to censor "racist" and "antisemitic" opinions. Why the fuck would I risk my life for some random bitch I don't know and who probably voted for this? No reason at all, unless you're a fucking simp who thinks that you're going to make a difference by "standing up" for some dumb thot. You achieve abolutely NOTHING, if anything, we need more urban thots to get raped violently and thrown into a ditch so some people maybe start actually questioning themselves and discover the (((root))) of the problem.
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e6f0f7 No.110190
Tommie would have prevented more rapes if he killed the rape victim, who is probably inviting more rapists into the country right now.
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52f14b No.110206
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506504 No.112515
>90% of young white women vote for open borders
where is the source?
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cff305 No.112644
A source is hardly required at this point. It has been proven many times over on this board, and the original pol over the years, that the overwhelming majority of women stand behind leftist ideals; and to a significantly higher degree than men. You have to understand that the only reason we even listen to women at all, instead of ignoring their stupid nonsense, is because we have been playing a childish game for a hundred years, where we sort of pretend that women are even slightly comparable to men or are capable of the same endeavors. Women are like children in that they are unable to view the realities of the world in a way that a typical adult male would. Instead, they are vigilant as cats as to what is currently the popular opinion, and then shape themselves around it like the stems of a vine.
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ba6090 No.113186
The swedish government and world jewry killed this man. They also broke the soul of that young swedish girl.
Its time for Swedes to take up arms and kill politicians.
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ba6090 No.113187
Hi kike shill. You know that the "hate women, goy" angle does not work? We stand for the white race as a whole, that means including our mothers, sisters and daughters.
What you JTRIG shills are attempting is to prevent more mass killings of jews, niggers and other parasites by trying to take guilt away from the racially foreign rapists, framing mass rape of white girls as something "great" and desirable.
Kill yourself before a young white man with an assault rifle does it.
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340147 No.113192
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c403b5 No.113213
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46cd9a No.113215
You're white knighting. Supercell gif isn't the driveby kike. He's just pointing out women can't into ethnonationalism unless they're hanging off a white boy's arm, or living in an state that supports and defends that.
In a liberal state, they love socialist daddy gov unless they're getting more bennies from their man.
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a41187 No.113242
>y-you're whiteknighting
Kill yourself if you are unable to recognize the psychological methods employed by kike shills as damage control. I have been on this board for years and it has always been this very same narrative in different variations: "white women deserve it, goy, don't get angry, your women being raped is GOOD!"
Of course they know that this will work to some extent, they use the resentment of females many posters on /pol/ have developed due to their conditioned inabilities to get women to fuck them.
However, to anyone with an intellect its clear as day what they are doing.
>He's just pointing out women can't into ethnonationalism unless they're hanging off a white boy's arm,
I agree. However, this is due to the genetically determined subconscious drive of women to submit to the strongest force in their lives. The necessary conclusion of this is that white men have betrayed their women horrifically by becoming so weak and letting the kikes take over. They are responsible for all the blood and tears of aryan women that drench European soil.
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0e1851 No.113265
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d8af4b No.117723
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32740e No.117781
hi muzzi, hand over your paki women to us. We will give them lighter skinned kids that u cannot.
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e6c5d3 No.117885
This, although it would have been better to kill the nigger, and carry on the rape with the white man in place if the woman is a liberal (for white offspring).
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e6c5d3 No.117887
this, he should have killed the nigger.
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150482 No.118045
Raping women is never wrong either.
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150482 No.118048
Where did i say that, subversive retard?
Good ideas will always be good, no matter where they came from. If niggers are doing it right (and they are), use their methods. There is nothing wrong with that.
Will you stop using the internet completely? It was created by jews after all.
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bdc564 No.119067
> you aren't successful with them
You mean being a slave to them, simp?
Your fallacy doesn't work anymore.
Dying for a woman is peak stupidity. Followed by fighting to help some idiot who would die for a woman.
>the rape and murder of your people
Women aren't my people. Simps who let themselves be enslaved by women aren't my people either.
Solidarity as you say, only goes so far. If a bitch would try to deceive a man, she must be killed. But simps like you and the dead idiot would instead gang up on the man trying to do the right thing (killing the bitch) just to receive some validation from the bitch. Your so called solidarity ends as soon as you find some pussy that you willingly let enslave you.
If you want to go die for a piece talking meat with a pussy, go do it alone. Don't try to drag anyone along with you.
Too afraid to argument against the points presented?
>muh ban anyone that won't agree with me
No wonder you are a simp. Your mind is becoming a feminine (i.e, a defective) one.
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50a63b No.119403
All women are race traitors.
Every single woman from any race only cares about leeching resources and receiving social validation, no matter their own race.
>muh only faggots hate women
And then you wonder why the majority of straight men are moving away from being simps like you.
All women are the enemies of all men.
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9f4787 No.119476
The amount of incels who hate on this guy who died protecting his people and the girl who literally was just a kid is the reason why this site and all chans are just a bunch of larpers and will never get to anything more than memes, is not woman fault that youre a skinnyfat weak degenerate who cant speak 2 words without mumbling
Women are not your enemy, and the majority are less degerate than you, stop watching porn and stop being brainwashed by the media, thats exactly what they want
Man up faggots
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9afd26 No.119538
>literally was just a kid
not in sweden
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985f14 No.119544
Women are not our enemies, but neither are they our friends. We need to dump this mindset of caring what women think or attempting to get them over to our side. When we win, they will come over to our side anyways since that is how most women are inclined to behave based on their genetic programming.
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9f4787 No.119552
You would be surprised to know how many conservative the majority of girls are in the real world anon, how many girls just want a peaceful job, a traditional family and love their man and childs, social networks dont reflects real life anon
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0030a4 No.119731
They wouldn't.
They would instead try to take away his resources at every chance, while crying "muh rape!" if the guy even tried to deny them his resources.
And a bunch of simps would go on to protect all those parasites, hoping to be the next ones in line for validation from those women.
For all the talk about "get experience with women", you simps seem to never understand women's nature.
The dead guy's mistake was acting to protect a woman. That is, a literal parasite.
Protecting a woman is literally the same as protecting a jew.
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b75757 No.119776
>One of the biggest reasons the (((mainstream media))) is afraid of stories like this is that people like this young man can become martyrs and political talking points.
Yes, and that is why we need to blast this. Most women will feel that he did the right thing, even if they won't acknowledge it…even if they can't even articulate why it was right or why it makes them feel good.
But here, listen for a minute okay. Here's what I want you all to do even MORE than spam this shit, way more important. I want you to tell yourselves every day what you are. I know you know what you are, or want to be, but you need to SAY it! All day you hear what other people want you to be, so you need to tell yourself for at least 30 minutes a day the TRUTH of what you REALLY are!
I was tempted to say "fuck women, they get what they deserve! race traitors, etc. etc." but I know that's the weak cop out. It's the stick man cope. Real wellsprings of vigor and strength of character don't do that. They will have the power to stand before all of this mess and say:
"regardless of the damage, the injustice and your treachery, I have the energy to sustain myself and others. Only I will remain when all others falter! There is an overflowing inner well of wisdom, energy, love for my people, forgiveness and punishment! I drink from the well and it overflows to nourish others!"
That is what the strongest of our ancestors believed for themselves and that is what we must believe. What should you care if others drink from your well? Let them! That will only be a message to others that YOU are the winner, the provider, the patriarch to those you encounter.
You think you're special? Start acting like it! You want to change something? Start acting like you're ready to change it!
This is radical participation!
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13821b No.119827
>the cigarettes they left where he died
Hit me pretty hard anons
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b4b00e No.120420
>Be enslaved by women, goy, give all your resources to the parasites!
>Obey your former hippies, goy, let them give all the money to jews!
>Ally with weak men who die for women, goy, let women decide everything in a man's life!
>Don't learn from other people's mistakes goy, history doesn't teach you how to improve! Keep repeating the same mistakes, goy!
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d7f016 No.120433
Are you literate?
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91a207 No.120773
>What if this happened to you or someone you cared for, blackpill?
This same fallacy of leftards.
Caring for ANY woman is the only crime.
What if? Nothing. Women aren't people. They aren't to be cared for.
>If nobody cared to stop rapes in progress, these people go unpunished.
And that is how it must be. Raping women is never wrong. And it certainly must never be punished as if it was a crime.
Always taking responsibility away from women, as a good old simp.
The jews aren't the only parasites.
Women, jews and niggers are all the exact same parasite.
Go die for a parasite if you are this dumb/simp. But don't preach about your insanity to try to drag down good men with you.
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2cfcfc No.121671
>In a proper White society, a family happens.
Being this delusional.
>Proudly identifies as a quitter.
Which is something to be proud, yes. Insisting on mistakes is pure insanity.
>accuses others of being simps.
Worshipping women and willing to be their slaves makes you a simp, yes.
>And this shows how you have no experience with women at all.
>Thinks that women don't want to be raped.
That shows how you have no experience with women at all.
>It's a good thing that people like you wanna quit
We quit from dealing with women. Automatization of reproductive tools (artificial wombs and their improvements) are already making women obsolete. Very soon, in less than a decade, all men who want to reproduce will be able to, independently from any woman.
>That is not the first thing Jews do
Yes, it literally is. Giving rights to talking meat (women) is the first step into the jewish corruption of any society.
>this happens only because men don't do anything to fight back.
Because it isn't worth it. Women aren't worth the sacrifice of men. Instead, those of us who aren't simps are creating workarounds in order to replace the need for women in procreation.
>Quitters like you or the cowards who wouldn't protect a White woman, if only for principles, are the reason this goes on.
You are the enablers.
Protecting women was always a mistake. One doesn't protect a parasite. Ever.
If you are so eager to die for a parasite, go do it. Be a simp and die for a parasite such as any woman. Might as well die to protect a kike or a nigger, since they are all the exact same parasites.
>men failed to fight back when it was necessary to do so.
It is never necessary to fight for women. They can always be replaced and discarded. They are tools. Not people.
And all women are disloyal. To any man, from any race. You fight for a woman, any woman, and she will still be disloyal to you, or to anyone else.
Women live for themselves only, simp. If you want to waste your life believing in your insanity, do it alone.
>You just happen to sound like a fucking hideous kike
Again: will you address ANY of the problems that all women create for a man in his life? Or are you just going to repeat your programming?
>White men must kill their enemies
Yes. Always.
>and fuck white women so they beget white kids.
Not anymore. Artificial wombs are in. Women are out. They aren't needed for reproduction anymore.
All civilizations prospered by getting rid of ineffective natural means/tools and replacing them with superior artificial tools. For the tools called women, it will be the same. Total replacement by artificial tools, since the natural ones aren't working properly (i.e, being completely subservient to men, without ever complaining about anything).
You can still waste your life with the defective tools called women. You will still be cheated and she will still leech of your resources with minimal contribution. and you will still lose the demographics race, since she won't want to be pregnant all the time, as she should.
For us who aren't simps and want to procreate fast and in high numbers, we will stick to artificial wombs. They are a better object than women. A better tool for reproduction.
And for those who don't want to procreate at all, it is their choice. They are at least avoiding to end their lives earlier for dealing with a parasite.
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92d161 No.121679
Shit like this makes me want to go ghost… Fucks sake
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bb439d No.122308
You phosphorescent negroids need to adjust your Standard Get Things Blamed on an Imageboard posting software to actually include SOME reference to the thread you claim to be commenting on.
How many little white girls do they have to promise you to get you to do this?
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be4ed4 No.122371
As if being a sociopath was a bad thing.
Indeed, the true nature of the simps.
They are literally saying that you should throw your life away for a cunt.
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ba0e7d No.123009
The root are the kikes. But the main enablers are all the women in the world.
He is completely right. You are the ones who must be shot for being simps.
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6a653e No.123520
Women were never to be listened to. Never to be free. And never to be treated as nothing more than resources, or tools, for reproduction.
Since simps along many decades committed the stupidity of caring for women as if they were human beings, now normal and sane men are creating alternatives, artificial ones, for correcting that mistake.
Simps dedicate their whole lives to worshiping the parasites, and now they are smearing anyone who moves away from their insanity and who creates alternatives to the parasitical beings known as women.
Women have no soul. They are walking carcasses. The same as jews.
Women and jews are allies against human beings.
>muh everyone is jew
Hi, simp. You know that the "muh care for women" angle does not work anymore? Your fallacy is dying faster by the minute, as real men are waking up to the women plague.
>We stand for the white race as a whole
<Hello my fellow white people
>mothers, sisters and daughters
Women aren't people, no matter how they are related to a man.
>trying to take guilt away from the racially foreign rapists
And trying to take guilt away from women is a good thing, right, (((fellow white man)))?
Also, raping women is NEVER wrong. Ever.
>something "great" and desirable
Every single woman in the whole world finds rape great and desirable, yes. Your defective simp brain can't process this truth.
>Kill yourself before a young white man with an assault rifle does it.
Young white simps are the ones dying, simp. Throwing their lives away for parasites such as women. Before a single deformed kike is killed by a simp, millions of simps will waste their lives protecting the very parasites who are allied with the kikes to genocide them: women.
Kikes are the root of all evil. Women are their enablers. Enablers of all evil. The kike mind is a feminine mind, and both kikes and women are parasites whose only purpose is to leech resources from human beings.
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53632f No.124137
You ARE white knighting.
>Kill yourself
Coming from a retard that literally wants white men to die for parasites such as women. Simping is indeed, a mental illness.
No woman is ever worth any effort or sacrifice from any man.
>white women deserve it
They do. That fact won't ever change.
>don't get angry,
I am angry. At women. They are defective beings who are always rescued by simps, even when they bring down whole nations by enabling kikles and liberal politics to run free.
>your women being raped is GOOD
There is nothing wrong with raping women. Ever.
>due to their conditioned inabilities to get women
The strawman of simps. Rule 101 of being a simp: "muh you just can't get women. Be a slave and shut up."
If you are so eager to be a slave of the parasites known as women, do it yourself. Real men are waking up against the female nature and how ALL women are enemies of all men.
>this is due to the genetically determined subconscious drive of women to submit to the strongest force in their lives
Which makes all women a cancer to the world.
>The necessary conclusion of this is that white men have betrayed their women horrifically by becoming so weak and letting the kikes take over
Again, taking away any accountability from women and putting it all on men's shoulders, like a true simp.
If women are crying and suffering, it is their fault. Not men's fault. No man is responsible for the behavior of any woman. Women either behave properly (total subservience to men), or they will be abandoned and discarded. They will all be replaced by artificial wombs or any other alternatives for procreation, sooner or later.
Women are not worth anything.
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825757 No.124772
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825757 No.124774
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894ae8 No.124793
You have no power to demand anything.
>muh everyone that doesn't agree with me is not white
Women aren't people. Nothing will change that fact.
And save another parasite?
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a750e1 No.125516
This, what a fucking simp
If anything he should've killed the guy and run, and if caught said he did it to save the girl as an excuse
Or just shot a bunch of sandniggers down, who cares
Instead he's dead for saving a roastie who was probably planning to fuck her rapist anyway, it just happened sooner than expected
Also this
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a750e1 No.125519
>If you became known as the guy who wrecked a few somalis to save a girl from a rape, quality women would instinctively flock to you.
Get real nigger, what would happen is that "quality women" would rekt his life for being racist and he couldnt get a job cleaning shit from toilets
Bitches dont give a shit about simps who help them, you been playing zelda too much
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f58cd3 No.125642
Jewish buzzword for cunts and leftards to use against people.
Way to out yourself (((fellow white man))).
Redditor exposed.
>literally was just a kid
Simps like you always pretending that fully fledged adults are not responsible for their mistakes.
>a bunch of larpers
Confirmed to be a redditor.
Go try to be the white knight who saves the damsels. In real life, your fantasy doesn't exist. You will be another dead body, who died trying to save the very parasite who will later go on a date with her rapist.
>youre a skinnyfat weak degenerate
Projecting, as all redditors. Does your brainwashing prevents you from understanding that the majority of straight, white and "non-soyed" men simply won't deal with women anymore? Some of us will work day and night in order to create their replacements, while others will simply move away from dealing with women entirelly. Do you think that this choice of ours is something from "muh niggers", "muh degenerates" or anything else? We are chosing those two ways out of our own free will. Women weren't ever worth anything. They were always just a necessary evil, but their usefullness ended a long time ago.
>Women are not your enemy
All women are the enemies of all men. In the same way that all jews are the enemies of all living beings. Both are parasites who can only thrive through leeching people.
>and the majority are less degerate than you
Projecting and exposing your fears, as always.
There is no degeneracy in being against women, since they are the enemies of men.
And your "majority" is nothing more than another of your delusions. In real life, the overwhelming majority of real men have already woke up against the true lecherous nature of women, and to the fact that all women are the enemies of all men.
>stop watching porn
Projecting or is it your programing speaking?
Will you ever address any of the problems that a woman creates in a man's life when she is married to him? Or will you keep repeating your programing endlessly?
>stop being brainwashed by the media, thats exactly what they want
Says the simp brainwashed by women. That is exactly what they want.
>Man up
Code for "be a simp and let women enslave you".
Your defective brain, carving for female validation, is the wrong thing here. Not our behavior.
You have a mental illness: you seek validation from women.
>Women are not our enemies
They are.
>When we win, they will come over to our side anyways
And those of us who are real men will dispose of them and replace them with better tools for procreation.
Wanting women on our side will enable the same mistakes to happen all over again.
A bunch of simps would let women do whatever they want, because "muh it ours and their genetic programing", as if this was any excuse to allow regressive and self-destrucitve behavior.
Women's genetic programing is a emotional one. Thus, it is defective, and all women must (and will be) replaced by whatever we can built that it is better than them.
>You would be surprised to know how many conservative the majority of girls are in the real world anon
You mean your fantasy world? Women will say anything in order to be perceived as belonging to a group. Their very nature, as so many simps point out but ignore as soon as it makes their brainwashing crumble, is that of parasites. Women may say to be conservative, without being it. Women may even behave like conservatives, and not being it. They just pretend to be, until they get an opportunity to be their true selves: lecherous and promiscuous parasites.
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80d793 No.125651
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4d94ee No.125729
Do you really believe whst you have wrote? How fucked up can a human being be, you should really try and tall with a psychiatrist anon, you might have a serious mental condition
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818bff No.126187
Reality is what it is.
I'm still waiting for any argument at all about all the problems that a woman create for a man in his life, and how, despite all of those problems, somehow women are worth to deal with or to be tolerated.
>Most women will feel that he did the right thing
They won't. They will instead send love letters to the rapist.
Women hate younger girls. They resent any other female that may be more fertile and prettier than themselves.
>that's the weak cop out.
Facing reality for what it is is a strength. Not a weakness. Quitting a lost fight in order to preserve oneself is more important than anything. Even more when you add the fact that we can (and already are) creating alternatives. We will always have new choices for ourselves. Tolerating women is not a choice anymore.
>Real wellsprings of vigor and strength of character don't do that.
Yes, they/we do. That is why they/we are making a choice, out of our own free will, to abandon the defective beings known as women.
Self preservation precedes anything else.
>Only I will remain when all others falter!
If you chose to tolerate women, you are the one who will perish. The dead guy in this very thread topic is another of many proofs about that.
Your very own advise contradicts the end reasult of acting upon it. This dead guy and many others all did what you advise to, and they all died while the enemies of the white race remain alive, raping white women and being idolized by those same women.
>love for my people
Women aren't my people. Nor yours either.
Women are my/your enemies, even if you can't understand that truth.
>That is what the strongest of our ancestors believed for themselves
And most (if not all) of them fell and had their empires destroyed by invaders as soon as they started to care about women's well being.
>and that is what we must believe.
Why? There is no logic in that. "Preserve your race by sacrifing yourself for parasites, hoping that one of them will carry your offspring and not indoctrinate it to be a failure". Waste of time and resources. The better option is to replace all of them. For those who still care about procreating.
>That will only be a message to others that YOU are the winner
The one who dies is the loser. Life is about survival. Not about abstract concepts.
If you get killed, you lose. On this thread's topic, the rapist is free to rape again, while the dead guy can do nothing about it. With the added insult that the girl is guaranteed to seek the rapist and to admire and idolize him.
>the provider
Code for "the slave".
>You think you're special?
Nobody is special. We are living beings. Staying alive and keeping our resources are more important than anything.
>Start acting like you're ready to change it!
We are. Some of us are creating artificial replacements for women, in order to keep procreating without having to deal with the parasites. Others are quitting entirely and living only for themselves, which is also a good thing for any individual.
We are changing everything to attend to our needs. It is just that those changes are not the ones that you like.
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dc004f No.126676
Will you address any of the many ways in which women ruin men's lives?
Or your programming only allows you to shitpost as if it somehow made your "points" valid?
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73c6d6 No.127296
You can see the kikes all eager to push white men to throw our lives away for women, while at the same time those women will ruin any man's life, accusing him of racism, machismo or anything else, taking his money (and his kids, if he has any) away, while jewish courts get a share of his money and send him to jail for going against the narrative if he tries to put the woman in her place through force.
And then, those same kikes will call us incels, tell us to "muh man up" and such.
Don't fall for their tricks.
Women aren't worth it. Either enslave women, or, if not possible, abandon them completely.
Let the kikes and other parasites die for trying to exist in a society without white men.
Those who are not kikes themselves, are the literal simps that want to live in a world where they have an audience of men envying them. Those simps wasted their whole lives seeking female validation, and they hate the fact that society is moving away from it. It reminds them that all the "skills" that they learned for acquiring female validation and all the time put into it will amount to nothing, since more and more real men don't care anymore and won't even look at them even if they have all the women in the world carving for them.
Simps have the same defective and feminine minds of women: they live for social validation. In the case of simps, their only simpleton mindset is "get women = get attention = get envied". They don't live for anything else, and all other excuses that they make are simply fallacies in order to divert attention from that fact.
Now that real men around the world are waking up to the waste of time and resources that women are, those simps are as desperate as the women themselves, for all their "effort" into getting women for them will be ignored by most, and even (rightfully) looked up as embarrassment by a lot of other men.
Simps hate that reality which is forming before their eyes, and in which they have no power to change and no mental capacity to participate into.
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9b6f14 No.128293
I'm still here. You have no power to demand anything.
>Do you really believe whst you have wrote?
They are not beliefs. They are facts.
>you might have a serious mental condition
Says the simp who wants men to throw their lives away for women to let them live freely to fuck shitskins.
There is no bigger mental illness than caring for women's well being.
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b75757 No.130307
You know what? I think you're right.
I've decided to get pregnant.
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490bf0 No.130316
>muh simp xd
>muh blackpilled w*men bad
wow 8/pol/
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3e7d0b No.130326
was the girl one african too, anyways any incel who doesn't try to defend a woman that needs help is a pos.
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e6bfed No.130341
Without organization, you'll end up dying a death by thousand needles. I'd agree with you, but you are not organized to capitalize on it. Hence you will die, eventually.
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121f08 No.147021
Bump in remembrance of the foolhardy lad.
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99c09c No.152820
>the victim and perpetrator "knew each other" from before
Lol he "saved" a coal burning bitch. Cry me a river. Good riddence, might teach girls to stay away from rapefugees.
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ddb7a3 No.152975
Anyone have that video of looking at a daily mail story on a british(or whatever) internet connection, then using a swedish IP through a VPN to load the page and getting 404
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d62365 No.153057
You summed up the modern entertainment industry rather nicely, I think.
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