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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 3be7bc1ea9e8c0d⋯.png (316.41 KB, 434x438, 217:219, 3be7bc1ea9e8c0df720899bd3e….png)

8d14bb  No.106932

I decided to become christian. Here is what I discovered so far.

Catholics are ok with muslims, but hate jews.

Protestants are ok with jews, but hate muslims.

For the most part, catholics are conservative and protestants are libtards.

Who should I choose? Which christian sect are you?

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64da8e  No.106933


You’re not fooling anyone. Just get out.

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56fd14  No.106934

Taking spiritual advice from imageboards is the same mentality as chopping off your dick and becoming a tranny because a discord chat peer pressured you into it.

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7f5390  No.106943


this means it's spam by the samefag who's been posting shit threads

stop responding retard



especially you, mega retards

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a7cc95  No.106986


Team Mega Retard to you buddy.

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64da8e  No.106989


>lol u dum cuz u call out spam

Holy shit, kill yourself.

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e44562  No.107032

The Jewish one.

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62a2bf  No.107088

File: 6c843e3b7c399d5⋯.png (59.86 KB, 1325x724, 1325:724, Oekaki.png)

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