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d6ed7b  No.106815

Today I had an inspiration.

There are relatively few national socialists scattered between the 196 countries of this planet.

These individuals are few in number, but they are generally determined, active and in high spirits.

What would happen when one of these groups manages to overtake their respective governments? What then?

Here is how I see it:

The USA has an interest to destroy such a nation if it were to emerge. Their media would immediately start to propagate against said nation. The country would be at risk of turning into just another warzone for the US, Russia and China to widen their influence.

However, what if said nation was to offer residency to like-minded aryan individuals all around the planet?

An offer of living space only for white people. An aryan paradise.

Instead of each group committing to high-risk initiatives in their own respective countries, they could expand together.

Of course this has drawbacks too.

The groups have already built up their movements in their region.

If they move to this Aryan Paradise, they have to leave behind a lot of resources and potentially give up what they have built up in their homes. This is a discouraging element but could easily be alleviated with the resources available to a country of reasonable wealth and size.

This is also like an invitation for spies and dissidents to infiltrate the country. But if done right, it actually kills 2 birds with 1 stone.

You can gather all the willing in the country and then observe everyone's actions to filter out their true intentions.

The infiltrating rats are disposed of and the genuine supporters protected from these people.

As long as the country could propagate outwards that it is defending a minority of white people from discrimination and harm, countries like Russia and China could be used as allies, as they too take ethnic and cultural pride and will be supportive of an ideology that only threatens citizens that they do not have or like anyway.

Additionally, if said nation was European, since Russia & China's current plans of the silkroad require support of European countries, this would furthermore just play into what they had intended for the next ~20 years of geopolitical play anyway. Giving them ample reason to work together, interconnect and expand infrastructure together.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d6ed7b  No.106817


pic is unrelated.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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