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File: 7b166e6a4300994⋯.jpeg (17.05 KB, 474x575, 474:575, OIP.jpeg)

712ade  No.106401[Last 50 Posts]


1. Anons organize on here and elsewhere, print out uniform posters:


2. Put on mask and unremarkable clothing for anonymity, nobody will think twice because it's quarantine

3. Posters go up on campuses (and elsewhere) across the world

4. The media goes completely berserk, as they have in the past

5. Normies tune in to see what's going on, see the posters saying "It's okay to be white" and the media & leftists frothing at the mouth

6. Normies realize that leftists & journalists hate white people, so they turn on them

7. Credibility of far left campuses and media gets nuked, massive victory for the right in the culture war, many more /ourguys/ spawned overnight


Ignore anyone advocating criminal activity, vandalism, etc. These are shills trying to ruin our operation. It is pointless most importantly bad PR to do anything illegal. The point is to have the MAXIMUM CONTRAST between how evil the media portrays these posters, and how clearly benign they are to normies.


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d9a76c  No.106406


this is genius why had no one thought of this until now

also to maximize stealth go at night or near it

lets make the most out of this outbreak

godspeed anons

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9a2521  No.106456

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b4e7a9  No.106458

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f338c8  No.106466











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17ad1d  No.106470


>doing things the 4chan way

Fuck off, sperg.

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040936  No.106607


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0964c2  No.106613


Actually if you are a Muslim woman you can cover your face 365. I think some of you need to transition for about 2 hours on a regular basis.

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0964c2  No.106615

I mean, you can’t get any more ‘protected’ by the system than being a tranny Muslim woman…right? You should be able to publicly murder infants in front of a crowd and get away with it with that MO.

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c1c402  No.106620

Fuck yeah! Another sticky! All the board needs now is 88 year long bans and our journey to being kampfy's /pol/ will be complete.

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75308a  No.106621


They've already started up with the bans because of the China thing.

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c1c402  No.106622


Not to mention bans for being "Anti-Christian". Didn't Hotwheels convert like last year? Is the cripple a Vol here now?

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75308a  No.106623


They are worried about not being able to sell a narrative that advances their policy goals. That's what it all comes down to.

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043937  No.106633


I removed a sticky before adding this one, actually. Please get back on topic or stop using the thread.

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9a2521  No.106634

File: 2741e82a2e31fd5⋯.jpg (28.94 KB, 279x300, 93:100, 2741e82a2e31fd54261d5cce1f….jpg)






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ba87f4  No.106743


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e01420  No.106780


Last time I found one in the heart of the business district in my deep-blue city. It stayed up for days in a spot thousands walk by, until some sperg tore a strip out of it trying to remove it, and even then it was readable.

Anon must've dodged a dozen cameras putting it up. Impressive work and good to know that /ourguys are nearby even in this degenerate place.

Imagine how many of our lost or discouraged brothers saw it. Keep up the good work.

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85ef09  No.106782

File: c4870b678908304⋯.webm (2.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, It_s_okay_to_be_white_sig….webm)

File: a36e69735be32e1⋯.webm (3.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _It_s_okay_to_be_white_si….webm)


>y-you wont do nothing goyim

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31c758  No.106822


I agree it's getting old but it was good for it's time. This board needs to create new OC, the globals killed /pol/ culture. Content-wise this board is stuck in 2016 except we used to have /8diamonds/ and /bmw/ too, What happened to those anons?

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85ef09  No.106848


you seem to misunderstand, the world around you is created with your own will and intentions in it. so this fatalistic blackpilling you are doing are actually helping the globohomo elite to sustain the mind-prison you and large parts of the world are living in. change that, change the world.

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949dc9  No.106858


It's nice that the mods are deleting the fagpill posts. Fuck fagpilling, only struggle!

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949dc9  No.106860


Bolder font so it is more noticeable.

What about tagging with some fluorescent stuff? It would be harder to remove than just a paper.

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85ef09  No.106865

File: 49749efd231cce9⋯.png (64.58 KB, 244x331, 244:331, nande.png)


bit of a double-edged sword, newfigs can't see and understand the shit that gets posted either.. but hey.

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949dc9  No.106896


It's only mitigation, as more shilling gets posted all the time. Defeatist bullshit, slide threads full of trivial crap and everything else the feds are pushing should be cracked down on once identified, otherwise the board turns into pure shit real quick.

Still, it's interesting to see what shills are pushing for and what they are not pushing for. -D

http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/216559707/ http://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1560712403754.png http://archive.is/YJzmC

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f4de0c  No.106897

File: e3f78a3d0c3f5ea⋯.png (40.77 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Islam_is_Right_about_women.png)

File: 22752367e8c5b9c⋯.webm (4.29 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Islamisrightaboutwomen.webm)


what happened to this?

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f4de0c  No.106898

File: d982e04693f4a04⋯.webm (2.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Channel_5_ABC.webm)

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99d0e8  No.106899

File: 0bfbcf2f68e76ba⋯.jpg (51.82 KB, 750x845, 150:169, 97006428_1531152320422680_….jpg)

Was going to do this, which is better?

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f4de0c  No.106900

File: 04a69f290ec9d0c⋯.webm (3.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CBS_4_WBZ_TV_Controversia….webm)

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f4de0c  No.106901

File: e852f022139dc0a⋯.webm (2.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Boston_25_News.webm)

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f4de0c  No.106902

File: 8d608ab9b0a6fdf⋯.webm (4.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ABC_TV_Channel_7.webm)

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42b313  No.106904


I fully support that, but please make a separate thread if you're going to do it.

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f4de0c  No.106905






> Islam is RIGHT about women

> the cognitive dissonance

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5a2aa8  No.106907


Yes. Brillant idea.

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5a2aa8  No.106909


He He He. People tend to obey blindly…but one must realize that ZOG is dead…let's accelerate its decomposition.

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f4de0c  No.106911


IOTBW is only authorized during Halloween.

Wait until 31 October.

Thank you

The Management

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eac659  No.106957



Gotta say I actually agree. We need to shift focus to making this place more productive. Defeatist, black pill tier posts shilling against any activity or activism are retarded cancer, and I'm glad to be rid of it. Most of that shot is just feds, kikes, and /leftypol/ coming in from bunkerchan. I actually think it would be a good thing if this board/community had a Fuhrer to keep shills in line and organize productive projects, as long as it's not encouraging anything illegal anons could actually get arrested for. IE poster ops are good, actual vandalism/graffiti no.



I know it's breaking usual MO, but we have a golden opportunity with mandatory face masks. I understand the concern about the media wanting a white scapegoat story, but that's why it's just IOTBW, the go-to innocuous slogan the triggers leftists the most with its harmlessness. I think stepping up the campaign during times when tensions are high could be a good thing. Seeing the media frenzy and overreacting could be good for frustrated whites stuck home in quarantine, especially if they're recently laid off and sitting at home drowning in anti-white media propaganda with the Talmudvision on all day

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a4b762  No.107017

Shills all over this thread. Ignore anyone trying to discourage us. Put as many posters up as you can. There is nothing to debate about. It's okay to be White.

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a11b58  No.107027


> wearing masks is only normal on halloween.

I don't know where you live but I wish I lived there too.

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4233aa  No.107035

I am more of the opinion that we should be ever more on top of current events. When an orchestrated propaganda attack is made against us we should respond right back. For instance, I think right now we should be directing our energies towards spreading the jogger message.

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2b510c  No.107036


I agree, but we also have to be careful to not have a knee-jerk response to everything because that can also mean taking the bait, just like with shill posts. But yes, we do need to step up activity, especially now when tensions are running high and tens of millions have lost their jobs.

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85ef09  No.107091

File: e996d2f856db53f⋯.png (77.9 KB, 282x300, 47:50, question_mark_anime_girl_n….png)


>wants bolder font

there is no phase 2


>hour later, posturing oldfaggotry

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f4de0c  No.107092

File: 2691b99d46427c1⋯.png (194.74 KB, 1327x1651, 1327:1651, Oekaki.png)

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56444b  No.107141


>only engage in our controlled opposition campaign when we TELL you to do it, goyim

How about you kill yourself.


>ZOG is dead

Which is why they’re more powerful than ever, right?


Congrats, you’ve just forensic graphologically identified yourself to the feds.

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2cde27  No.107294

Look, it's simple. This shit was started on 4chan's /pol/, which is already recognized as a "white supremacist" site. So, no matter what you do, this will be seen as a "white supremacist" thing.

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721b9c  No.107312

That defeats the purpose. Im not sure if you're trolling or what. "Its okay to be white" is beautiful propaganda

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c7b4c1  No.107602


>Congrats, you’ve just forensic graphologically identified yourself to the feds.

Congrats, by using this website, you exposed your IP address even though you might be using a VPN

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f5eb88  No.107647


>Just be normal

yes, it's something only whites, and some asians can

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3e592e  No.107782


It's still a terrible time to put up posters. For the last 3 months I haven't seen a single story in the MSM that has absolutely nothing to do with COVID-19. Unless millions went out & did this, or someone found a high traffic area like a train station & put it somewhere out of arms reach, then maybe it could cause some kvetching in the media. Otherwise, Just wait until the usual date of October 31st.

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f34f76  No.107801


I literally LOLed a month ago thinking about the governments wanting to ban anything allowing protestors to cover their faces in US and Europe, only to be flooded now by an entire market of FACE MASKS.


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f34f76  No.107803


Only if you acquired your VPN account at Walmart.

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1e8034  No.107804


I understand your point, but IMO there doesn't need to be media kvetching for it to be a win. Even I'd it doesn't get big exposure on the TV it will still get picked up on the internet news and blog-o-sphere. Even just the IRL exposure is good to, just letting everyday people see the IOTBW poster is still positive propaganda regardless of media coverage. As far as I'm concerned it could be a monthly thing and we could even try getting more consistent propaganda out there into the real world to see of we can kick the hornet's nest or inspire a wave of converts/copy cats by stepping up operations.

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d0416a  No.107861

File: 5cb0114713bd97c⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 492x648, 41:54, maybe.jpg)

Something like this maybe?

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c7b4c1  No.107886


I got my vpn at Target, not across the street at WalMart

fuck you bitch

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e19be1  No.107981

File: 0098819808ad9a7⋯.gif (10.55 KB, 400x188, 100:47, 0098819808ad9a703f6d9b7045….gif)

I'll be sure to let the banners fly in great numbers this time around.


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5578a3  No.108002

File: 73df18772d9530d⋯.jpg (127.89 KB, 604x782, 302:391, Hey_weev_watcha_doin.jpg)

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bdbd74  No.108129


It's just a gif dude I don't spray paint or vandalize anything. I hang banners and flyers with which is perfectly legal. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2bbRzammXtQ

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5c7bf0  No.108210


>the Muslim woman is okay with it

Seems like Islam is right about women.

This is even better than IOTBW imao because they can't say islam is to be forbidden or why they deem it hateful but everybody understands the double standard instantly.

At first I thought IOTBW was an absolute dipshit idea (because it sounds defensive; as if this was in question) but it seems that it works for amerimutts. I wanna see more IOTBW and IIRAW in the future.


>it's legal to say

>I'm not on the side of free speech mumble muble it's hate speech!

>please give us explanation, so we have something we can form arguments against!!!!!!!

This calls for more signs with "Islam is right about women." and no explanations. Go for it!


The average normalnigger doesn't even know what a billion is.


That gif really doesn't send the right message. Just don't post it.

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73a90b  No.108412


>everybody understands the double standard instantly.

I agree on that. I've always just stuck with IOTBW personally but I found the lefts reaction to IIRAW to be particularly interesting. On one hand IOTBW works pretty well at uncovering the bias towards whites in the media. On the other one IIRAW almost totally breaks them. They can't pander to both woman and muslims at the same time due to the major contradiction of it so they end up in a state of angry confusion and end up tripping over themselves leaving the viewer to see the flaws in these bs beliefs while also producing some nice keks. My only suggestion is why not incorporate the gays in the statement as well? Knock out two birds with an even more controversial stone.

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dfc780  No.108734

File: 60a255153d86b56⋯.png (955.27 KB, 751x496, 751:496, interracial_1.PNG)


>6. Normies realize that leftists & journalists hate white people, so they turn on them

That's where you're wrong, because white people already hate themselves for "muh fo-hunnert" years of oppression.

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08b420  No.108786


>let enemy define terms

Fuck off kike

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d25fd6  No.108788

>so many newfags think this is a brand new idea

>they see nothing wrong with doing it when most people will be staying inside

Do whatever, but you're all mongs

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56444b  No.108855


>all the ZOGbots are inside

>no one to stop you from posting them

>no one to tear them down within seconds

>everyone leaves their houses and the world is plastered in whiteness

What’s the problem, newfag?

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c9dc09  No.108877

File: 91dfcc3cf135fac⋯.png (117.32 KB, 356x471, 356:471, glownigger.png)


>tag like a nigger while sending a message from anonymous whites.

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f60c68  No.108931


Watching these made me remember that they do hate us just for being born.

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e01420  No.108934


The problem with "There is (are) a billion people in Africa" is people will assume it's always been that way. It needs to address the trajectory.

Something like, "In 1985 LiveAID raised money for 200 million starving in Africa. Now there are 800 million starving there." But concise and clever.

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0b66e0  No.109043

File: d55ed1db85418cf⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 136.12 KB, 550x1600, 11:32, I_love_starvation.png)

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444509  No.109291

Maybe: Israel is right about Migration?

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7cde38  No.109300


Ironic since the bug people follow the same exact reproductive paradigm as the nigger.

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932461  No.109363

>> 6. Normies realize that leftists & journalists hate white people, so they turn on them

Nah, this is Underpants Gnomes thinking. Everything before 6 is nothing, and 6 on is completely unrealistic fantasy.

Profit? Not a chance. At least you're excited about it.

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c7ac8e  No.109476

File: 4677886c6368889⋯.jpg (216.22 KB, 1342x900, 671:450, iotbw_masks.jpg)

Remember to participate but take precautions to minimize your risk. Wear a mask, keep an eye out, watch your back, keep your posters / stickers hidden until the moment you're putting them up.

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c7ac8e  No.109477

File: 5f424396bf3251d⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2043x1700, 2043:1700, iotbw2019_salt_compilation….png)

File: 1a9f78437e4a371⋯.png (39.62 KB, 353x630, 353:630, iotbw2019_salt_mount_saint….png)

File: db465b0d41a91b8⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 701x723, 701:723, iotbw2019_salt_7News_twitt….jpg)

File: edb81dd7dcdaf5f⋯.jpg (129.15 KB, 1137x825, 379:275, iotbw2019_salt_cosmicdisas….jpg)

File: 16ceb1852c72072⋯.jpg (94.1 KB, 773x825, 773:825, wehuntedthemammoth.jpg)

dumping a small sample of the salt from last year

>anyone doubting whether IOTBW is effective or not has an IQ below 20

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2deb80  No.109479

File: c3a362488e8d180⋯.jpg (261.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, iotbw2019_post_physique.jpg)

funny thread where one of /ourguys/ who did IOTBW last year used his physique to taunt leftie scum who were posting threats

>remember that leftists are weak sacks of shit

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aaf632  No.109486

File: 6af39c6b7f5ac27⋯.jpg (276.13 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, iotbw_promo_2020.jpg)

promo pic for spreading around and recruiting poster campaign participants

>schizo-friendly printing links



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aaf632  No.109487

File: 106fc0589501da7⋯.png (231.21 KB, 800x725, 32:29, iotbw_poster_npc_scene_HON….png)

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73a90b  No.109493

File: ac348f79fd66a84⋯.png (84.84 KB, 920x675, 184:135, 243_2436014_it_was_probabl….png)

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5c7bf0  No.109591


>My only suggestion is why not incorporate the gays in the statement as well?

It would

>get to complex for the normalfagbrain

>create an imbalance, just pointing towards islam

>lose the core message which is that all that globalist, liberal stuff is horseshit because of being more specific

Of could make another one.

How about "Trannies are right about feminism"?

I'm no expert. Maybe this works, maybe it needs to be refined.

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9da8d9  No.109667

File: 5092fb04c73d4e8⋯.jpg (16.7 KB, 226x310, 113:155, ok_bl.jpg)


In universities (like U. Missouri) people angrily tore down "It's okay to be white." signs. Are they consistent? (Someone may have already suggested this.) Will they tear down "It's OK to be black." signs with equal energy? Some will be reminded of the earlier sign. The first sign was subtle hence funny; get subtler.

Another: "'''It's okay to be black. Is it okay to be white?"

Another: "It's not okay to be white?"

Another: "Is it ever okay to say 'okay'?"

(Then they may try to extend the new strict prohibition against the hand-gesture to the word "okay", with less easy success….).

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dba1d5  No.109729

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99dd78  No.109766

I am truly appalled at what you retards have done to imageboards. 4chan was obviously a lost cause, but at no point did it have to be this way.

>Come from stormfront or wherever the fuck at Jim's behest

>Start shit at every opportunity and fracture the userbase

>Get the site shut down

>No one with a brain comes to this fucking knockoff of a site

>Since the only people here are complete fucking morons you can't even come up with any good ideas





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bcf55a  No.109767


I was thinking of the same poster. Though I don’t think you would need the other variations. By having white and black variations, the corresponding reactions would communicate the entire narrative. Black posters stay up, white posters go down. The advantage to iotbb is that, generally, there would be no consequences for the person putting them up. You could claim to be “fighting back” against iotbw and visually drown people in the poster. The ultimate benefit of this variant would be its ability to persist and act as a constant reminder of iotbw. Iotbw is quickly memory holed because it is designed to be removed. Iotbb is designed to remain, the message itself is not useful to us, but the similarity and the ability to remind the viewer of iotbw is.

Even if the media, or leftists caught on to where it originated, the ability to spin the story is incredibly limited or dangerous for them. If this were to ever spread organically amongst blacks it would be golden.

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4080ac  No.109902


>posting a jewtube vidoe


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73a90b  No.110442

File: f1495f861f81a57⋯.jpg (14.8 KB, 292x292, 1:1, 8c87a459daab86f0b5b42ff2ef….jpg)


Yeah so what? Gee am I supposed to post stuff from bitchute? Get real sperg.

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eeae79  No.110492

File: 51cb28380026530⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 280x268, 70:67, Baby_bay.jpg)


If you're not using bitchute at this point you obviously don't belong here.

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73a90b  No.110623


Well I guess I'm going to have to start uploading to bitchute now. My YT channel just got deleted for hate speech. Haven't even put a new video out in a couple months.

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7133ab  No.110650


Bitchute is so much better than youtube.

You can actually post images on the comment section.

I'm dropping redpill infographics all over the place on the more popular videos.

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73a90b  No.110775

File: 29fb1a5e9ec9c08⋯.jpg (213.17 KB, 632x690, 316:345, 1584847065605.jpg)


>post images on the comment section

It's funny you mention that because I always thought even before bitchute that a comment section that works more like an image board thread would be an excellent improvement. Not claiming I that came up with the idea first or anything btw. I just hope the site grows.. I'm so sick of not being able to get the message out there. Whenever I reupload all my shit on there I plan to do something a bit bigger for the channel rather than a shitpost or just a short vid showing off one single banner.

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531aaa  No.111288

File: bf1cb2e7e3bf6f2⋯.jpeg (50.23 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, apu_on_computer.jpeg)


Has anything every actually come of this?

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531aaa  No.111294

File: 56c35f143a4d38e⋯.png (561.44 KB, 960x948, 80:79, based_brittany.png)

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35bc5f  No.111381

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73a90b  No.111437

File: 9a7d204c57a6ea3⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 336x326, 168:163, 1585866930967.jpg)


The media freaks out and more of our people wake up to the based against them which can also lead them to do some research about (((the cause))) of the bias and eventually they convert to our side. It happened to me that way. Hell as embarrassing as it is in 2016 I was one of the iSrAeL iS oUr GrATeSt AlLiE people. As I saw the anti white/pro diversity bias grow more prevalent during that time I started to open my eyes and question everything I've been taught about the world around me. Hearing about people being upset over these posters was part of it for me. Now I'm one of the guys posting them up. Sometimes less can contribute to much more anon.

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39b355  No.111441


The world agrees with your statement "Sometimes less can contribute to much more". - And encourages you to follow these words of wisdom. If you want your opinions to matter, it's probably best that you do not personally attempt to articulate them, since you are incapable of doing so effectively. Have you considered hiring a company to facilitate your responses? Most posts on this board are obviously chinese bots they are not expensive

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39b355  No.111444


"Genus"? Lol try reading the actual post sometime

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c6c379  No.111451


someone should put these up side by side and see what happens

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73a90b  No.111458

File: 08d1ada2792d414⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 224x224, 1:1, 20200528_040422.jpg)


Oooo I'm down to make a video for that actually!

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73a90b  No.111459

File: 5755a58e4c59e70⋯.jpg (57.9 KB, 1000x722, 500:361, woman_pouring_pills_into_h….jpg)


Take them.

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17d64b  No.111574

We've been doing the same fliers for awhile now. Remember any tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Here's a new idea for a flier: "The Left Laughs as Your Tongue is Cut From Your Mouth"

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ddbd51  No.111634


No retard

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721894  No.112015

Wouldn’t it be more effective to say <IT’S NOT OK TO BE WHITE ?? Accelerate the hate

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c0fb28  No.112025

File: 5ebc103d9d909df⋯.jpg (175.58 KB, 1660x1120, 83:56, 1564322327053.jpg)


>"I don't know what it means it or what is trying to be said but it isn't praising women so it's wrong"

You can't even fake their stupidity, christ

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380796  No.112717

Antifa is organized and rioting, we're secretly shitposting


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73a90b  No.112724


Rioting is for ignorant niggers.

We're better than that.

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69fc88  No.112756


They're also supported financially and protected from the law by the same powers who would infiltrate our own groups or protests.

What do?

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69fc88  No.112758


Right wing coding squads should fork dissenter into this type of thing. imagine a chan thread for every youtube video, (((news))) article, etc.

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fa8cc9  No.112775

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b845f1  No.113642

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03e41b  No.118986


yes. yes. YES

With any luck it might get some people questioning why 'black lives matter' is all well and good but 'white lives matter' is muh hatespeech.

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774a76  No.121575

now might be a good time to put up some IOTBW posters

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5c7bf0  No.121765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I watched the embed.

Now I was basically forced to make it.

Summary: JK Rowling gets attacked by trannies because they "steal" her "biggest victim" identity card.

She writes that she loves trannies but wants the concept of sex because it "has shaped her life".

Thus she stepped on the landmine between feminists and the otherkin attack helicopters.

I mean who would have thought that being for the superiority of one binary gender aka sex and being for infinite genders/no sex is a contradiction.

What absolute CIS white male thought line. Now I have to go to my white privileged male rehabilitation camp, so I don't have those weird thoughts again.

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5c7bf0  No.121767

File: 60b7833e25cd5b1⋯.png (62.57 KB, 1920x2048, 15:16, taraf.png)

Forgot that pic and embed don't work.

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5c7bf0  No.121772

File: 4dcc676a81cb86f⋯.png (69.66 KB, 1920x2048, 15:16, taraf2.png)

Made a lighter variant to be in line with the "peaceful unoffensive massage" method of IOTBW and IIRAW.

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5c7bf0  No.121776

The point is:

We don't give a shit about faggots. There barely are any and they aren't in our way.

Feminism however actually negatively affects us.

Because we aren't faggots and like women, we care about them liking us.

Being told that men are evil doesn't really bring love into this world.

So why is it I can't report Jews for hatespeach anywhere? Do they have a license for that?

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5c7bf0  No.121778

Use the light one for big print outs and the normal one for small stickers.

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0c82b9  No.139799

File: 1612a50e2bdbca2⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0285_3_.JPG)


Don't forget to target traitors.

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0c82b9  No.139806


Tagging is nigger tier, and either ways the leafs will just paint over it or something. Someone actually went out apparently unable to tear down several posters I placed up around my city and painted over them with white paint, thats just how dedicated these cunts are.

Anyways the best way to make them last longer is simply to add copious amounts of sugar to the whet paste e.g. 3-4 tablespoons per cup of water, add this when the mixtures is starting to cool so the sugar doesn't burn but make sure it dissolves. Then of course place the posters on flat smooth surfaces, best seems to be metal power wire poles, finally make sure the poster is fully plastered to the surface, no air bubbles or dry spots. Obvious stuff but still important to remember.

Another thing you can consider is placing some posters really high up just to piss off leafs trying to remove them.

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8c0971  No.139817

File: 9c30850d0c80f04⋯.jpg (256.36 KB, 1300x1203, 1300:1203, a_wall_in_germany_painted_….jpg)

File: 783b7f015683f95⋯.jpg (226.38 KB, 1300x1077, 1300:1077, events_second_world_war_ww….jpg)

File: a3e3d7edaedc95c⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_from_2020_07_13….png)





Yesterday, I put 25 IT'S OK TO BE WHITE posters up in my area and every single one was ripped down and I saw the little white shreds of paper still stuck to the walls. I used lots of glue in the wheat paste mix but still they were ripped down, using spray-paint well presented manner is highly effective.

Have a look at these, they used paint bucket and brush, but the idea is the same. The Germans effectively boosted morale even in the end stages of WW2, and is much more powerful then just paper.


It's nothing like 'tagging' where the writing is corrupted, but is a clear cut message for all to see.

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525c9b  No.142079

File: 09659e4471a6cf5⋯.png (19.86 KB, 519x691, 519:691, All_Lives_Matter.png)

Don't be racist, all lives matter!

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90d053  No.142086

File: 7c31d65a05f28dd⋯.mp4 (372.69 KB, 264x480, 11:20, Thumbs_up.mp4)


Yours don't.

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c66812  No.142111


>all lives matter

This is literal retardation that is so far removed from reality that I question your sanity.

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bc1ec9  No.142118


No. They don’t. Get the fuck off our website.

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193da7  No.142126

Does anyone know about how printers are marking prints with yellow dots?


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c66812  No.142129


interesting. We should know and understand how to control things like this.

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653d72  No.142151


Easy solution is to make stencils and spray paint every flyer.

Hell, in some places you'll be able to literally paint IOTBW on walls with a brush lol

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792a3a  No.142154


Good point anon.

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9484e1  No.142240

File: 6ded66152c8f713⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 794x794, 1:1, media_EIwRlC_U0AEj_H_.jpg)

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994bde  No.142257

Just get white rocks and black paint. Paint it on the rocks and you can just toss them around effortlessly. … IOKTBW ROCKS.

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4f56fd  No.142263


>everyone inside

thats where your wrong buckaroo more people are outside in my neighborhood now than before the pandemic

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4f56fd  No.142265

has anyone though of "its okay to be a pedophile"

Imagine what would happen. Who would they demonize?

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4ef4c8  No.142277


It's easy: use a black and white printer.

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4ef4c8  No.142278


> Do they have a license for that?

That's exactly what they have.

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08d44e  No.143632

File: 11047beb3fe9c52⋯.jpg (809.5 KB, 1447x1600, 1447:1600, ydnw_iotbw.jpg)


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27ad9d  No.144989


What kind of a retard buys VPN from a physical store?

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2aef7e  No.147184

File: efa64431e11cbf5⋯.jpg (818.5 KB, 2456x3300, 614:825, its_okay_to_be_white_8.jpg)

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2aef7e  No.147185

File: 9b5a5c1dfb12854⋯.jpg (654.36 KB, 1196x2125, 1196:2125, anon_in_action_4.jpg)

File: aebcbabf62ccfa2⋯.jpg (702.69 KB, 1196x2125, 1196:2125, anon_in_action.jpg)


action anon?

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2aef7e  No.147187

File: 7106ee2aef9684a⋯.jpg (4.1 KB, 190x250, 19:25, It_s_okay_to_be_White_12.jpg)

File: b960f73097b5ef5⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 296x445, 296:445, its_okay_to_be_white_5.jpg)

File: 691e12d3eda2785⋯.jpg (90.85 KB, 720x960, 3:4, its_okay_to_be_White_10.jpg)

File: 5f054d602ce407d⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 580x460, 29:23, Its_okay_to_be_White_11.jpg)

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1efbb9  No.147194

File: eb751afd93c2670⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 1080x844, 270:211, 20200728_101949.jpg)

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afe73b  No.147209

File: d57aa5f1458368c⋯.jpeg (20.23 KB, 450x302, 225:151, communist.jpeg)

friendly reminder that all communists need to die

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d19e10  No.147223


It's funny how they can't help themselves. They really are not self aware, I guess that would require too much intellect for them.

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bd65ae  No.147226




>all lives matter

It's a statements that short-circuits leftist brains into back-breaking gymnastics. Think twice before you whine about it.

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f5eb88  No.147227


everybody dies one day, there's no need to kill all commies, just don't give them any power, and make them work possibly in labor camps

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d19e10  No.147238


It's a lie nonetheless. That's like saying that if a nigger riots and burns a car designed by a white man, that nigger's life would have more value than the property damage the nigger causes – pure liberal ideological nonsense.

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117367  No.151892


It is really getting old. We should move on to something else.

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6d56ad  No.151919

File: 86f1d87f253e484⋯.png (216.05 KB, 500x520, 25:26, 86f1d87f253e4847a2e09b4264….png)









Excellent brainwaves in dis bred, anons.

How should young intelligent men peacefully resist the legalized antihuman genocide inflicted upon us by (((Satan's chosen sociopaths)))?

You and your friends could certainly print out flyers of IOTBW, black on white crimes, holohoax redpills etc and put them up all across town, but thats risky. Such a hatespeechfullishy thoughtcrimes could summon the glowniggers to imprison you because of your h8speechy first amendment rights against the local synagogue.

Here's an out of the box idea.

They have the knockout game.

We have the eyeballin game.

Here's how it works:

>assemble a crew of your best and most trustworthy friends who will be attending school with you in a few weeks.

>about a dozen of you, each armed with social media and smartphones.

>first day of school

>you and your friends are in the school cafeteria.

>everyone is nervous, on edge, uncertain, doesn't know where to sit, what to do, who to talk to etc.

>the smallest member of your group makes eye contact with the biggest blackest negro in the cafeteria.

>all of you are discreetly livestreaming him from your vantage points in the cafeteria, feeds directly to your social media accounts.

>he must maintain eye contact, for minutes if necessary.


>CovingtonCatholicSmirking and Raising an eyebrow of condescension will psychically push the negro over the edge.



>negro jive turkey struts his black ass over to your friend, oblivious that he is being recorded.


>friend immediately begins reading aloud from a pocket constitution, declaration of independence, bill of rights, etc best optics possible.


<Warning: Chimpout imminent!

>you all walk over to your hapless friend and explain to the negro that he is being recorded.


>security guards and cops rush in, confiscate everything and apprehend all of you.

>Principal Schlomo Shekelburg and his sanhedrin begin interrogations and strongly consider gender reassignment castration for you and your friends.

>one or two of y'all manage to keep a voice recorder rolling, recording you and your friends reading your pocket constitutions aloud to the mob trying to crucify you.

>second lunch starts

>second half of your group of friends perform exact same peaceful experiment.


>Staff and faculty call 911 swat team to report hatespeechful whitesupremisty thoughtcrimes.

>cops in riotgear apprehend all of you as you continue reading aloud from the bill of rights.

>school shutdown indefinitely.

>good riddance, cultural marxist brainwashing center.

>you are now all 4chan chad memes.

>every girl at school saw your twitch, twitter, periscope, dlive, facebook, instagram, youtube livestreams of yall defeating the judeonigger system at its own game.






All i'm saying is that all options are on the table. Peace is the goal. Sex is the prize. Communication is key. Good luck y'all.

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778906  No.151984


You forgot the most important part:

> before you are shipped off to gitmo never to be heard from again, pass your videos to a confederate who avoided arrest so he can post those videos here.

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778906  No.151985


> We should move on to something else.

Like phase II?

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778906  No.151986


> It's a statements that short-circuits leftist brains

Not really. It's something Nazis say and therefore can be disregarded without the discomfort of contemplation.

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7ba19a  No.152034


Indeed. The footage needs to be turned into gif and mp4 material and spread all over the chans before your testicles get the chelsea manning treatment.

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7ba19a  No.152037

File: 0ebd88331c3f163⋯.jpg (249.1 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 20200514_071628.jpg)


How thoughtless of me. I should have pointed out the orwellian nature of (you)r digits.

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bc1ec9  No.152041


>replies to a 3 month old thread

>last post was 16 days ago


How very suspicious.

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3b0062  No.152048


Yeah, ok, but has it worked? IOTBW started in 2017. After 3 years, has it changed anything? The massive expanse of BLM, the growth of Antifa, and the continued mudifying of the media has shown me that it's still not ok to be white. Are you going to now claim it's a "long game"? Because, frankly, we don't have time to wait. IOTBW is a failed troll.

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bc1ec9  No.152050


Okay. Your proposal, then? Will you even offer anything, or will you simply claim that anyone who says nothing will happen is a shill, and also that anyone who says to do anything is a shill?

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ef3b21  No.152053


>can't answer the question

You're like a guy who keeps trying to open a locked door and gets mad at someone for telling you it's locked.

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f5eb88  No.152054


>Normies realize that leftists & journalists hate white people, so they turn on them

they will not, if they would be able to do so, the world is so crazy that they would have done it by now

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bc1ec9  No.152055


>refuses to reply whatsoever

Yep, okay, thanks, you’ve exposed yourself. Fellate a shotgun. Every word you said is a lie.

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5a172c  No.152059


Well, can you answer the question? After 3 years, has it changed anything?

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6b1a5f  No.152060

File: 278b3527af38085⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 736x556, 184:139, You_must_login_to_view_thi….jpg)


Print out one saying "it's okay to be black" then print out "it's okay to be white" and put them right beside each other. Do that loads of times and people will start to notice that the "it's okay to be white" posters are torn down but not the others.

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bc1ec9  No.152061


You’re illiterate. Piss off.

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5a172c  No.152064


After 3 years, has it changed anything?

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bc1ec9  No.152065


>I am a paid jewish shill

Copy and paste your reply again, yid. I dare you.

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bf88ff  No.152068


After 3 years, has it changed anything?

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899e5b  No.152155


This anon gets it! Post either this or demographic changes over time. Get people feeling like they're being attacked if you want to do this. Would be much more effective

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0aeb62  No.152159


> IOTBW is a failed troll.


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ad784e  No.152241

File: c6304c8c8544e0e⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, whiteisbeauty.jpg)

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ad784e  No.152242

File: 899df4beb4c47eb⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, whitebeauty.jpg)

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7ba19a  No.152251

File: 84c3ddc098a5af5⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 441x345, 147:115, 1565975547209.jpg)

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525c9b  No.155059

File: f201ef14c7ba15d⋯.png (7.21 KB, 629x947, 629:947, jews_are_evil.png)

Simple and to the point, shocking and provocative.

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a48728  No.155097

File: d5f188d99369916⋯.png (122.61 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, INOTMB2.png)

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db7400  No.157909

Is Islam was right about women also a valid poster for Halloween or is it just a shill alternative, I feel as it is also a good poster to put up to awaken men who are drowning in feminist propaganda around college campuses.

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1083ae  No.157923


You'd need to get a little more set up in there. Have a picture of a girl and a boy with something like 'You wouldn't do it to her, why do it to him? Ban circumcision, don't mutilate children.'

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1083ae  No.157925


I think it's great because it really causes leftist to short circuit. If you watch any of the videos with people reacting to it, they can't actually articulate what about it bothers them so much.

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4f849e  No.159278


How is this getting such a reaction? It is ok to be white isn't it?

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4f849e  No.159280

File: b33dec3ae044e35⋯.jpg (137.86 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Universities.jpg)


Criminology faggot here. Those things are used for shit like bomb threats, not university conduct violations. Reminder that:

>~12% of burglaries are actually cleared

>Few spray painting graffiti incidents are even reported, fewer actually solved

>The MURDER clearance rate is like 50% (some localities having as low 17%)

>The rape clearance rate is extremely low, even among reported incidents

The fact of the matter is that if you take the most basic of precautions, the likelihood of being caught for violating a university policy and low level misdemeanor is extremely low

>Wear a mask/face covering

>Don't shit where you sleep (If you attend a uni, don't post them there)

>Don't break any additional laws (I.E. trespass, b&e)

>It is perfectly fine to use your own printer, but if you don't want to, buy a prepaid visa with cash and print it out at a self serve print shop using that (while wearing a mask).

Remember, BLM is getting away with ARSON and major vandalism.

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