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and shitslinging
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The holocaust never happened

File: 43d64e82c89ebf2⋯.jpeg (28.97 KB, 386x600, 193:300, F52C09E2_FD51_4059_9DF1_D….jpeg)

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974fd7  No.106009[Last 50 Posts]

Why do aliens visit us and what are their intentions? A theory I heard and that sounds reasonable is after we detonated the first nuclear bomb it caught their attention and they wanted to stop us from going to nuclear war. When we entered the nuclear age they saw us as a more advanced civilization that was worth their attention. A lot of military and scientists have said that they turn off our nukes showing we are not allowed to use them. What are your thoughts on this? Why would they not want us to fight yet never make formal contact with us? Are our governments working with them? My thoughts are when aliens look at shit holes like Africa that go “we wuz Kangz” or the Jews who want to infect and destroy civilization. They look down upon us and think we are too simple to interact with and view us as a zoo. All alien discussion and theories are welcome.

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97d526  No.106011

there is no space. the advanced tech are from agartha.

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830549  No.106014

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974fd7  No.106015

File: 787b34be7330bed⋯.jpeg (73.02 KB, 590x787, 590:787, FC10BA1B_F0FB_4FA6_9956_2….jpeg)

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97d526  No.106018

and even if there was space, occams razor says that the most simple answer is the correct one. either aliens travel squillions of miles to stick shit up our asses for 70 years or the earth has more places that we dont know about that nazis or whatever live.

see hollow earth, admiral byrd etc

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9fb0b9  No.106019


>Why do aliens visit us

They don't.


>if you disagree with me, you're a shill

You don't even know what "shill" means. No wonder you believe in fairy tales. You're 12.

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97d526  No.106027

gfy. you asked our opinion and we told you our opinion. that doesnt make us shills it makes you a baiting asshole.

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97d526  No.106030

this faggot op thinks isreali tech is aliens

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974fd7  No.106031


Aliens likley use some kind of worm hole or faster than light travel to reach us. I doubt distance is a problem for them. Plus why would aliens be sticking shit up our asses? Are they a bunch of perverted homos?

>Travel Gorillions of miles to molest humans.

Possible but doubtful.


Well there is a 100% chance that paranormal activity exist. So either the UFO’s come from parts of earth we are not aware of or space. Other way it would be aliens. Not to mention the (((government))) admits to UFO existence. How is talking about facts fairy tales? Credible Air Force officers would disagree with you. Just like with 9/11. You are not a shill because you have a different opinion. You are a shill who shows no evidence to the contrary while being dumb enough to think I will believe in your (((fairy tales))). And by adding nothing to the discussion but detailing the thread you clearly are a shill you stupid nigger.


Your opinion is what? Buzzwords with no context?


So Jews have flying saucers? Lol shills mad. I knew to trust my instinct and create this thread.

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9fb0b9  No.106038


>100% chance that paranormal activity exist

No, it doesn't. Just because you can't wrap your smooth brain around an event doesn't mean it's paranormal. Fairies and goblins and Santa and God aren't real, smoothie.

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45aa44  No.106039

File: 934a733ecf306d6⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 500x627, 500:627, E526293F_A10D_47E5_AE07_B1….gif)


Jews are alien, anon. Well, part alien. Hybrids.

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97d526  No.106040


i'm not gonna insult you and call you an idiot cos you might be new/young. i will just respond to the 3 that were adressed to me.


scifi bullshit doesnt exist


you used the shill buzzword and then repremand me for saying i am not? you should be ashamed of your self

>jews have ufos

i dont know if its the agarthans or the jews or if they are in cahoots but either way it isnt space aliens , which is what you were originally refering to in your op

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830549  No.106042


Reported for spam.

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a3c3c9  No.106044


Space is fake.

Space walks are filmed under water, look for bubbles.

Dudes floating around doing tricks is done on vomit-comet style planes, that's why the clips are never more than a few minutes long.

Interviews are done with idiots on literal strings, look at their waists where the strings attach. Also hair looks different from the shorter clips because it's just hairspray holding it up.

Okay, so space is fake, but why would that make aliens fake? UFOs are certainly real (unidentified, unknown), and all we can do is speculate about what they are, but aliens as an explanation is retarded since the premise was made up in a hollywood basement.

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974fd7  No.106046


Alright (((fellow anon))). Then explain all these instances of paranormal activity in my moms basement alone with multiple people. I’ll try to put them in order. Names will be changed.


>Home alone

>Hear what sounds like a hammer banging on the wall in the basement below my room for a minute straight.

>Pray to God for it to stop.

>Stops immediately.


>My friend Tom feels like something is staring at him in my basement. As we ankle weed.

>Gets freaked out and runs out of the house.


>I tell my friend Mike I think there is a spirit in my basement but it will leave you alone as long as you don’t disrespect it.

>Starts talking shit lol.

>He starts getting nervous and bothered as we smoke.

>Leaves his weed and runs out of the house without saying anything.

>Paranormal shit just hooked me up with weed, jackpot!

>Tells me later he felt like someone was strangling him, he goes outside and pukes.

>Told me his car ride home it felt like someone was sitting in his back seat and staring at him.


>My mom calls me in the middle of the night when I am not home. Don’t pick up the phone because fuck that bitch.

>Hear her talking on the phone with someone a different day.

>Talks about how she heard someone walking up the stairs.

>The dog heard it too.

>She called me to see if I was home.

5. This one takes all the marbles. And I don’t even tell people about it because I know they won’t believe me. And when my friend would I would get annoyed because people viewed us as crazies when we would.

>Be in the basement with my friend Pan Pan.

>We smoking up.

>I start doing my psychotic thing where I channel certain things by talking to a person using non stop double entendres.

>My friend catches on.

>Starts doing it in his own way.

>We both feel something among us.

>He starts doing his thing than says something like “hero’s of light”.

>Lights dim to eerie yellow.

>We start to directly address it.

>Lights go out.

>We both burst out in laughter.

>A few seconds later the lights come back on.

Explain that asshole.

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97d526  No.106051


all those revolve around the mind altering substance. i can smoke now but had to quit 10 years ago cos was getting panic attacks when smoking weed. it fucks the brain i shit u not.

invite me over and i'll debunk all your ghosly shit in one night by sleeping in that spooky basement or whatever

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974fd7  No.106053


Have anything to add to this other than just saying it?


What are agarthans? That’s what I meant by buzzwords. Science and math both state wormholes are possible. How do you know they are impossible? If you actually study the concept of aliens they would be thousands to millions to billions of years ahead of us in technology. If you went back in time 500 years ago people would say the same thing about our current technology. Yet here we are. Using plastic and electricity to discuss theories around the world. So your statement is not only moot. But invalid. How do you know UFO’s are not space Aliens? When logically speaking it’s clearly space aliens. Jews can’t even control what is said on their own website. I doubt they have magical technology anonkun.


>Literal shitposting threads with no substance currently up.

>I am reporting yours because it could reveal things we don’t want revealed!

Your kind really need a bullet in the back of your head.


So where are our satalities then? No offense. But you are talking out of your ass. What I am talking about is subjects known and documented to some point. Please site sources when you make outlandish claims. Space is clearly real. You can literally see it. And where do space shuttles and rockets go? Up Gods ass? You’re worse than me when I am fully hallucinating. I suppose the moon landing and and space walks could be fake. But where are the people in those ships to space going then? Your views make no sense tbh. Also aliens wasn’t created by Hollywood. It was popularized by Hollywood.


Except not every situation involved smoking weed. What does my mom have to do with me smoking weed? What does me hearing a hammer have to do with weed when I did not even smoke at the time? Weed has nothing to do with my dog hearing noises either. Also that basement is a literal biohazard. If you slept in it you would likley get sick at best. And probably hospitalized as it’s only gotten worse over the years because my mom is literally retarded. She likes to live with black mold and mice that eat better than the majority of humans. I don’t really associate with my mom anymore. But I am 100% I could cause paranormal activity if I was given enough time down there. Not to mention your explanation explained nothing. Weed doesn’t dim then turn off your lights.

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97d526  No.106058


>If you actually study the concept of aliens

you mean science fiction? And i have. the imaginary concept of aliens is emense. but it is all in my imagination.

> what is agartha.

google it bro

someone please post the uboat directions to antarctica

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9fb0b9  No.106061


Obviously I cannot give an explanation for events during which I was not present. I can tell you, however, that strange things happen to people all the time. It's not because of some supernatural or paranormal event. For example, your scenario (1): the hammering you heard could have simply been air in the water pipes, which causes a loud knocking until the air is cleared out.

If you want to believe that everything unusual happening to you is a product of gremlins or whatever, that's fine. You go right ahead and believe what you want to believe; but when your beliefs conflict with reality, reality will not only win, but it will kick your ass in the process. Also, move the fuck out of your mom's basement, nigger, and stop smoking weed.

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974fd7  No.106062


So essentially you have nothing to contribute other than derail my thread? Why are you even here? Go back to reddit or cuckchan you will enjoy that place more.

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97d526  No.106063

File: 0fd18fcdf0dfeee⋯.jpg (536.33 KB, 1600x1142, 800:571, ck80gep713r21.jpg)


seriously i'm as open minded as you. the fact that the whole world governments are guarding antarctica and the natsoc documentation , plus admiral byrds testimony etc explains aliens, ufos, flat earth bullshit away if you look into HOLLOW EARTH.

i never been myself but it's the best my high iq can comprehend

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974fd7  No.106064

File: f11bba13847a1f7⋯.gif (85.83 KB, 840x484, 210:121, 6D566B15_C9A5_4B2F_B847_C8….gif)


>I don’t really associate with my mom anymore.

>Also that basement is a literal biohazard. If you slept in it you would likley get sick at best. And probably hospitalized as it’s only gotten worse over the years because my mom is literally retarded.

>Also, move the fuck out of your mom's basement, nigger, and stop smoking weed.

>Nigger can’t read and continues to derail.

You can leave with the other faggot too.

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97d526  No.106065


if you want me to derail and turn this into a spiderman or tranny tread i will show you the tru meaning of derailment. i was contributing faggot. if you dont like my truths then you should just trans into a woman. i would fuck you op

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97d526  No.106068

op is a fucking low iq moron if he thinks a ufo is aliens and not hi tech earth shit. ffs he aint even talking about aliens just the ships the sposed to arrive in lol

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97d526  No.106070

yeah but its not like any earth tech we seen before

welcome to earth noob

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9fb0b9  No.106072


So, you don't want explanations, you just want to blog. Try tumblr.

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97d526  No.106073

being a low iq idiot is ok. not accepting other peoples (low iq or otherwise) opinions and calling them shills is not okay. go back to reddit if you like karmas bitch. you wont get many with shit like this tho

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974fd7  No.106074

File: ac48f1e5554ca81⋯.gif (5.09 MB, 728x408, 91:51, C17A52EA_02E3_4D01_AC53_EF….gif)


>Contininues to derail while threating to derail.

>Post garbage conspiracy theories with no sources

>Also conspiracies pushed by the CIA to hamper discussion on things that matter like what I am trying to discuss.

>Also admits to being a fag.

>No one can shut me up literally, yet continues to try to.

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974fd7  No.106076

File: 219f4e6064e75cd⋯.jpeg (55.36 KB, 419x421, 419:421, 705A6203_D2BF_43F6_8FE7_F….jpeg)

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73e0e6  No.106078


>Literal shitposting threads with no substance currently up.

Yes, that’s this thread.

>I am reporting yours because it could reveal things we don’t want revealed!

No one is ever going to fall for your well poisoning.


>derail my thread

Your thread is spam.

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974fd7  No.106079

File: 4a80aebaa5e826f⋯.gif (118.94 KB, 479x681, 479:681, FBFA9069_932A_4269_ACA7_A2….gif)


>Dead board

>Gets more replies in a hour than many threads have on here being up for weeks.

>I wonder who is behind this post?

>Clearly spooked

>Same typing style implies IP hopping.

>As always, they don’t send their best.

>What do you expect for 60k a year?

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97d526  No.106081

most of these responses are me and i wish i was zog paid.

you are just a stuborn kid that wont accept other anons opinions. no more effort attempted by me at least

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974fd7  No.106083

File: 75e7dcc15dfb6c0⋯.png (14.24 KB, 229x220, 229:220, 514F8B06_FE4B_45C7_996C_29….png)


>All alien discussion and theories are welcome.

>Everyone post retarded shit

>Hehe I already derailed the thread!

It’s okay I’ll remake it. How do you delete threads? I want to remake mine without derailing shills?

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97d526  No.106086

how new must you be? it isnt derailing if we are disgussing the topic you started.

your topic was aliens and we been talking about 'aliens' the whole time. you just have coping issues you need to resolve fagot

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97d526  No.106087


i bet a thousand dollars that you are an only child. 2thousand that you dont know your father. and 3000 that you are not white

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974fd7  No.106088

File: 25a23f4d1a3a937⋯.png (191.12 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, FFA1BAA0_C1DB_47BF_B326_B8….png)


I’ve been here longer than you have been on the job (((fellow anon))). By saying they don’t exist with no form of substance? Pushing flat earth bullshit? Clearly you suck at your job. And how many times did you say you would leave yet you continue to derail? You know people see this shit and this is why they no longer come to your honeypot. Looks like I win faggot. You lose. Does a mod want to delete my thread so I can remake it?

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974fd7  No.106090

File: e6d610812e61525⋯.jpeg (28.9 KB, 300x300, 1:1, BEC068AD_B08A_43F0_B763_5….jpeg)

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73e0e6  No.106094


>Dead board

Aww, look at the little yid panicking.

>Gets more replies in a hour than many threads have on here being up for weeks.

Definitionally impossible, but you know that.

>I wonder who is behind this post?

Jews. You're behind this post.

>Clearly spooked

You're clearly a spook, yes.

>Same typing style implies IP hopping.

What's funny is that you think anyone's falling for your ayylmao spam.

>As always, they don’t send their best.

Said the faggot who believes in aliens.

>What do you expect for 60k a year?

You really think the JIDF gets paid more than 25k?

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97d526  No.106095


i came when cripple wheels was just started. but it was all pedo. thats when i checked out again real quick. are you saying you were one of the pedos?

i'm not a fe check again. and i like you kinda and encourage debate but if you cant accept critisism and will resort to insults when you get beat then there is no discourse.

and i didnt derail i just made an effort to explain what if i did derail would intail. it just went over your head. i still love you. i can be your friend and help you get more red pilled if you like anon. no hate from my side bro

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974fd7  No.106098


The topic was aliens. You just post garbage. I posted literal proof they exist in the fucking 3 photos glownigger. I don’t know how much JIDF gets paid. But I’m sure you do. Not to mention why would they care about an aliens thread? Glowniggers get 60k a year last time I checked to slave away to their Jew Overlords. Is it more now you would know?


I came when 4chan was all pedo shit and had classified information dumps. Which (((someone))) removed from my computer. Apparently they didn’t want me to have the blueprints of Russian WW2 super weapons on my computer. Fucking bootlickers. You know once the pedo shit was removed the site was ruined. There was actual good users on the site. Like organized crime and leakers, hackers ect. The pedo shit is the canary in the coal mine. Once it’s removed all the smart users know the site is comrpemised. And to take into consideration the pedo shit was only removed only 4 or so years ago you are clearly new. My red pill in life was when I tried to tell the FBI who robbed them of guns and they said those mobsters dindu nothing. I am fully aware how this world works. Also do you not like nice young perky breast? What are one of those gays?

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20a2d8  No.106101

File: 8b00d226212e0bb⋯.jpeg (143.99 KB, 1024x692, 256:173, 8A5F0E9B_9183_436A_8C5C_E….jpeg)

Aliens exist but space travel isn’t meant for biological bodies, just drone like bodies. Jews don’t want you to know about aliens because the alien topic is an ongoing web of mystery they themselves are not anywhere near the answer to. Not to mention, aliens btfo the chosenites telling everyone they’re God’s chosen people. What do you think a drone piloting a disc that can travel the galaxy would say if they read the Bible? I don’t ask you to believe my words, instead believe the words below of multiple witnesses civilian and military stating that the Roswell NM crash was the crash of a spaceship of unearthly origins.

Major Jesse Marcel: Then the intelligence chief at Roswell and the first to investigate sheep rancher Mack Brazel's find, Marcel confirmed in a number of interviews 30 years later that the crash debris had highly anomalous properties and was "not of this Earth." Marcel also spoke of Ramey's weather balloon cover-up at Fort Worth. Note particularly highly laudatory post-Roswell evaluations by base commander Col. William Blanchard, Gen. Ramey, and future USAF Chief of Staff Col. John Ryan.

Lt. Walter Haut: Former Roswell base public information officer who issued the base press release. Haut's "deathbed" sealed affidavit has just been published. In it he confesses to seeing the spacecraft and bodies in base Hangar 84/P-3 and tells us the mysterious press release was General Ramey's idea to divert press and public attention away from the closer and more important craft/body site.

Sgt Frederick Benthal: Army photographer flown in from Washington D.C., said he photographed alien bodies in a tent at crash site and saw large quantities of crash debris being hauled away in trucks.

PFC Elias Benjamin: Roswell MP, said he escorted the alien bodies from the heavily guarded base Hangar P-3 to the base hospital, and saw a live one being worked on by doctors; was threatened afterwards if he didn't keep quiet.

1st Lt. Chester P. Barton: A crypto specialist and assigned to an MP unit, Barton said he was ordered to the crash site 45 minutes north of town to check on the cleanup, saw a football-field-size burn impact area heavily guarded by MPs, scattered metal debris, was told radiation was at the site, heard archeologists had first discovered it, and also heard bodies were taken to base hospital and then to Fort Worth. Because of what he saw, he knew that the balloon explanation was ridiculous and there had been a cover-up. However, Barton was unusual in being a flying saucer crash skeptic, instead thinking that it was maybe a B-29 crash and nuclear accident.

Bill Brazel Jr.: Rancher Mack Brazel's son, Bill Brazel independently corroborated many details of Marcel's testimony, including the strange debris, the large, elongated debris field, and his father's story of an explosion in the middle of a violent electrical storm.

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20a2d8  No.106102

Aliens exist but space travel isn’t meant for biological bodies, just drone like bodies. Jews don’t want you to know about aliens because the alien topic is an ongoing web of mystery they themselves are not anywhere near the answer to. Not to mention, aliens btfo the chosenites telling everyone they’re God’s chosen people. What do you think a drone piloting a disc that can travel the galaxy would say if they read the Bible? I don’t ask you to believe my words, instead believe the words below of multiple witnesses civilian and military stating that the Roswell NM crash was the crash of a spaceship of unearthly origins.

Major Jesse Marcel: Then the intelligence chief at Roswell and the first to investigate sheep rancher Mack Brazel's find, Marcel confirmed in a number of interviews 30 years later that the crash debris had highly anomalous properties and was "not of this Earth." Marcel also spoke of Ramey's weather balloon cover-up at Fort Worth. Note particularly highly laudatory post-Roswell evaluations by base commander Col. William Blanchard, Gen. Ramey, and future USAF Chief of Staff Col. John Ryan.

Lt. Walter Haut: Former Roswell base public information officer who issued the base press release. Haut's "deathbed" sealed affidavit has just been published. In it he confesses to seeing the spacecraft and bodies in base Hangar 84/P-3 and tells us the mysterious press release was General Ramey's idea to divert press and public attention away from the closer and more important craft/body site.

Sgt Frederick Benthal: Army photographer flown in from Washington D.C., said he photographed alien bodies in a tent at crash site and saw large quantities of crash debris being hauled away in trucks.

PFC Elias Benjamin: Roswell MP, said he escorted the alien bodies from the heavily guarded base Hangar P-3 to the base hospital, and saw a live one being worked on by doctors; was threatened afterwards if he didn't keep quiet.

1st Lt. Chester P. Barton: A crypto specialist and assigned to an MP unit, Barton said he was ordered to the crash site 45 minutes north of town to check on the cleanup, saw a football-field-size burn impact area heavily guarded by MPs, scattered metal debris, was told radiation was at the site, heard archeologists had first discovered it, and also heard bodies were taken to base hospital and then to Fort Worth. Because of what he saw, he knew that the balloon explanation was ridiculous and there had been a cover-up. However, Barton was unusual in being a flying saucer crash skeptic, instead thinking that it was maybe a B-29 crash and nuclear accident.

Bill Brazel Jr.: Rancher Mack Brazel's son, Bill Brazel independently corroborated many details of Marcel's testimony, including the strange debris, the large, elongated debris field, and his father's story of an explosion in the middle of a violent electrical storm.

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830549  No.106106


>the topic was aliens


There’s a board for that. This isn’t that board. Your hoaxes are spam.

>actually pretending that someone magically removed a file from his computer

wew lad

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974fd7  No.106110


Why can’t organic life forms space travel? I don’t see why not? Technology should allow it when advanced enough. Why do you say it was drones and not the aliens them selves? Wouldn’t God probably be an alien anyways? What do you think caused the crash?

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a5dc79  No.106111


Fuck off, yang.

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974fd7  No.106114

File: 761ba780e4409a6⋯.jpeg (707.08 KB, 666x3971, 666:3971, 0DF13BBF_DC6B_4262_9AD0_9….jpeg)


How is aliens which are factually real a hoax you stupid glownigger? I actually still have all the files from the dump except the 2 were removed. And I am about to get the computer back. And because there would be a digital trace of the hacking I would be more than willing to let someone who could find the trace look at it. My ex friend who has top seceret clearance and would brief Marine General Kelly at Southcom told me it was found by a watermark in the file. I believe him over you glownigger. Also not

The orginal file as I don’t have the computer but the same picture that was from the dump. One was a 1 page of a classified document in Russian. The other was a blueprint of the actual device. This one is the image they left on my computer.





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97d526  No.106115


omg are you sugesting you were remotely hacked by glowies and they stole youre blueprints but left your cp intact? whew laddie

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97d526  No.106116

if you think ayys are more likely to be from space than a laborotory then i'm glab i'm not related to you

think about it logically

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974fd7  No.106118

This >>106114 was meant for >>106106

you incompetent glownigger.


I’m Not Chinese you stupid glownigger. But




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974fd7  No.106120

File: 14e4edabb26d39a⋯.jpeg (22.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 4A093F20_97A4_49D0_9140_2….jpeg)


I guess I must have had a real weapon on my computer for them to do that am I right? If I was to guess what it was I would say a submarine. Also if you look at this corkscrew. You know the side pointy ends? It had a few of these sticking out of the object. Anyone have any idea what cool tech I had? Lol

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974fd7  No.106121


Logically speaking you are mad I made this thread and what I have to say in it.

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97d526  No.106124


laugh out load out load. i wish i cared about something, anything. nothing matters, we are specks on a rock. i'm blackpilled and nothing matters, especially your thread about corkscrews lol

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974fd7  No.106126


Apparently the NSA doesn’t like Kelly and snubbed him by not hiring his daughter. So she had to settle and become a CIANIGGER. Like you. ;)

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9fb0b9  No.106127


>being this retarded

Nobody cares about your /x/-tier blog, child.

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af6757  No.106129

File: c7d7dc69d2cc2c6⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 864x648, 4:3, FringeFaggot.jpg)


Take your meds, Kenneth, and fuck off back to /fringe/ before we call your dad again.

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974fd7  No.106132


What’s wrong? Trying to discredit me when I have no reason to lie nigger? Actually that wasn’t the only time. When I found an article about Patriot missiles in Taiwan and told my friend I sent him the link on Facebook. They changed the link I sent and my friend made a big deal about it when I told him. When I confronted him he wouldn’t talk about it when I pressured him on it to see what was said about me and he implied he was tourtured over it lulz. Though I don’t personally trust what he told me in general as I feel he was in on the psy op against me. But I can surely state what happened. Amusingly google maps revealed the batteries anyways but because I divulged this information before that it’s clear I am telling the truth.




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97d526  No.106133


only once will i allow you to talk about us like that. next time there will be a knock at your door

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9fb0b9  No.106134


>I have no reason to lie

You are a child. Like all children, you lie to get attention.

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974fd7  No.106135


Lol who is that faggot? You suck him off? I have kept it as a secret for years but if someone can tell me Ricky did infact betray me I have something to say that could ruin him.

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c59652  No.106138


smiley dox goes in all threads

Kenneth Schueler

211 Corrie Crescent

Waterloo Ontario

Father: Jack Schueler

Mother: Eva Schueler

Sister: Emily Schueler

FringeMagick @ gmail.com


Smiley's first meltdown on /cow/


Some Schulers get jewed by the mob


Smiley finally learned how to cut bread


Various meltdowns on /4chon/






Smiley's Steam





Smiley's pastebin and some copies of his shit code







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974fd7  No.106141


It’s like the 8th time I’ve said this so? Come through qt’s I have been waiting. ^_^ Also how nice of you to put your self. When the FBI lets Mossad and their goons ruin my life do you think I care about you and your Zog system? You already failed nigger. You know Max did say he was Mossad and K was being watched for years. Though I will say I was tripping balls when this happened so I am not sure if he said that but I am 90% sure tbqh.



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97d526  No.106145


let's be friends. i can come over with some booze and i have an extra girl. where you at bro?

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97d526  No.106147

cos i'm in Anonymous Proxy too, we should hang out

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974fd7  No.106150


Lmfao is that your boyfriend? I live by Chicago Nigger and purposely let it be known who I am to prove a point. I did laugh at the one I clicked. Thanks for the chuckle I don’t laugh much anymore. Life stopped being funny when I was in jail getting beat by the CO’s who were feeding me Illumanti BS. Being tortured for doing the right thing really put things into perspective for me. I don’t know who this fag is but he is probably you in the mirror.


I’m in Niles IL. Want to meet me at Oak Mill Plaza? The last time I offered you glowniggers to fight me and meet me there the thread got deleted. :( Lol I don’t drink. Can I have some weed from the evidence locker? Only if the bitch is hot and clean.

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830549  No.106151


>can’t quote correctly

>calls others incompetent

lol fag

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974fd7  No.106155

File: f16ab848adbabca⋯.jpeg (21.34 KB, 174x220, 87:110, 5EC56E35_7562_4D10_9784_D….jpeg)


>Can’t psy op properly

>Thinks I am afraid of a system that I already beat.

Lol u mad?

How’s Juan’s relative? Why couldn’t he give a statement on Paddock?

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97d526  No.106158


i was joking really. i'm not an agent. plus i'm in england. i'd like to meet ppl from here irl tho cos my work friends arent cool and i have fuck all in common with them.

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97d526  No.106161


and as a non american i was in love with chicago when i was a kid. due south and adventures in babysitting/a night on the town, made chicago look cool. shame that when i grew up i found out its full of niggers. sigh

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974fd7  No.106162


Lol That sucks. I’d be in a vat of acid buried if I pulled the shit I do here in England. I would be in jail for shitposting according to your countries cucked laws. I know this because a fellow anon I shitposted got like 4 years for hurting someone’s fee fees. How do you survive in that shithole?

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974fd7  No.106164


That’s only parts. Where I am there are very little niggers. Only like 2 in my whole high school. It’s the South and West Side that has them. I can’t travel to half my own city because of this. So think how much it sucks for me.

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97d526  No.106165


>Where I am there are very little niggers

what you mean? like 4 foot tall niggers? how do they rob stores and stuff?

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97d526  No.106166


i mean they must not be able to see over the counter

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974fd7  No.106167


They don’t. I can call the police on someone for being black where I am. And the town by me niggers weren’t allowed to live there until the 70’s I believe it was.

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97d526  No.106168


seriously tho i dont know how a chicago nigger dare say shit about england. there is 1 sikh within 20 miles of me. rest is pure white. yes london and other cities are fucked but outside that its pure white. dont believe everything you see here same as you say chicago aint so bad i guess

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97d526  No.106170


i watched a dude drive around chicago (and ny la etc) on jewtube with a dash cam. there was hardly any niggers in downtown chitown that day

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97d526  No.106173


wait, did you not get that joke? lost in translation i guess. sorry for bad english i'm english

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974fd7  No.106174


Oh I see. So it’s just London that is full of rapugees. Honestly Chicago is pretty dangerous outside the mob and glowniggers. Half the city is a no go zone. You have to know the area to gauge your safety. You always have to stay vigilant in the city. Or you will probably get robbed tbh. Also if all the street signs are numbers. You are in the wrong neighborhood and should get the fuck out. I’m not kidding. If you don’t have a nigger friend to guide you there you will get robbed. I got out of jail at like 2 am and had to walk through the “worst” part of Chicago. This was before they stopped letting people out that late because people would get killed leaving the jail lulz. I was on the edge of civilization and had to speech check to not get robbed. I showed them my ankle braclet And said I just got out of jail which showed them I had nothing to get robbed. This is why I wish leftist would eat their medicine and go through these places. They would all get robbed or raped or both.

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97d526  No.106175

now this is how you derail a thread faggot. see how i wasnt derailing before when i was discussing your topic but you accuse me anyway? now i got you talking about chicago and not aliens.

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974fd7  No.106176


I use to work downtown being in local 705 Union. The only niggers are the ones with money and the homeless in the downtown area. Amusingly the white office workers would be racist towards the niggers. I wasn’t because I’m nice but it did give me a little dose of reality. Chicagoland area is extremely segregated which I like. So it really depends on where you go. Mexican areas are okay if you keep your cool and don’t get their attention.


I got it. But I had no response lol.

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974fd7  No.106177


Because it’s already dead and I gave up. You probably are still a glownigger anyways. ^_^

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97d526  No.106179


i did kick boxing for years as a youth and one punch would lay a nigger out.

if outnumbered hit the biggest and the rest will scatter. that being said id like to see the nice parts of chicago. the north, the loop and the siers tower (called something else now i believe)

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830549  No.106181


Provide proof that aliens have been to Earth.

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97d526  No.106182


no you. you're tryna get me to like chicago so i come there and you can lock me in one of youre cia dungeons

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6e8df6  No.106187


Lol this isn’t England. They all have guns. And value life very little. One of the white guys called one of my co worker niggers a nigger one day. The next day they brought a gun to kill them lmfao. But being a bigger he didn’t think and the job was at the Seers tower funny enough which makes all workers go through metal detectors so one of the smart older niggers told him he was a retard nigger and to stash the gun. Avoid all alley ways and stay in the public areas and you should be fine. It is called Willis Tower now but is still Seers Tower as far as Chicago is concerned.

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97d526  No.106188

i miss the late 2000's. i met chicks from america on xbox live and had so much fun

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6e8df6  No.106189


Umm I have seen UFO’s but I have never talked to aliens my self nigger. Roswell you nigger. Also this UFO over O’Hare airport you nigger. In the orginal post.

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6e8df6  No.106193


Those are on the South Side. I’m not kidding either.

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97d526  No.106194

dont know your age but i we had keenan and kel in the 90's. that was set in chicago too. and E.R.

shit no wonder i love chicago

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97d526  No.106197

keenan and kel and fresh prince are the only nigger shows i loved. K&K was by the nicolodian nonce foot fag guy too . what was his name again?

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97d526  No.106201


if you think our niggers dont have guns then you are mistaken. guns aren't banned here in their entirety. pistols and auto rifles are banned. you can still get shotguns and semi auto rifles here

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6e8df6  No.106203


I didn’t watch those shows. Too many niggers. Lol. It’s a Democrat cesspool where everything is corrupt and run by people nigging the system. I was working with some head(Probably top 3) of one judicial county building (glowniggers) buildings downtown and he was bitching about Comey dicking around Hilary. While he was likley getting bribes from my Union. All niggers

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97d526  No.106204


niggers buy blank fire pistols and bore out the chamber or whatever the long part where the bullet comes from. bullets are not illegal to buy i dont think or just make yourself

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97d526  No.106206


im with you but in the 90's i was unaware and fresh prince was funny

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6e8df6  No.106209


I actually liked Fresh Prince too. The only nigger show I enjoyed in jail. Honestly niggers are fine if you keep them at arms length. It was all the (((whites))) at my job that gave me problems.

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6e8df6  No.106212


I thought your country was a commie shithole. How does someone get years in jail for shitposting a memorial page on Facebook? They all have pistols here. Most fully auto rifles are illegal in the USA. My bro could have stolen a military grade rocket launcher but was too afraid to lol. What a pussy. Apparently every Vietnam weapons clerk stole all the arms they could.

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97d526  No.106213

crossbows are legal without a license. i bought some broadheads off amazon. do more damage than an 8mm round for sure.

i live in the country so could get a shotgun license .

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97d526  No.106214


>How does someone get years in jail for shitposting

by being stupid. we dont have a first amendment here. mind you hate speech is punishable where you are so free speech means jack shit there too

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830549  No.106218


I’m not talking to you.

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6e8df6  No.106221


9mm lol. True. I can’t own a gun for a while or until I leave the state. But I have a mini crossbow that appears to be lethal as it has no problem going into walls. But imagine having a rocket launcher made to blow up armor? Not a RPG. A actual rocket launcher. Imagine Swat pulling up thinking they are safe then blowing the fuck up lulz. Man do I wish I was a Vietnam weapons clerk. I would have stolen everything.

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97d526  No.106222


i didnt think sage worked here. even if it does, why would you sage a dicussion you want to be envolved in? (not op or anyone you replied to)

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97d526  No.106223


>I would have stolen everything

me too. when my great granpa came back from ww2 he had loads of watches and shit he took off corpses lol

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33240d  No.106226

File: e7615cd0af1cf11⋯.png (307.98 KB, 489x499, 489:499, Screen_Shot_2020_05_10_at_….png)

File: a97022024969fc6⋯.png (469.57 KB, 723x582, 241:194, Screen_Shot_2020_05_10_at_….png)

File: 0c4f44ab260439b⋯.png (349.32 KB, 566x531, 566:531, Screen_Shot_2020_05_10_at_….png)

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97d526  No.106227


my xbow is full size. 150lb i think

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6e8df6  No.106228


Lol hate speech is fully protected in the USA. It may not seem like it but it is. I know the law well trust me. I got into arguments with spic janitors at the mall I stated. The 2nd one has the nerve to call the cops on me and they couldn’t even understand him lmfao. So I grabbed the phone and told them where to come. Then said I was calling ICE to get them thrown back over the fence. The operator told me not to and I told them the hell I can’t its a free country I’ll do what I want. When the cops came the spic hid and the cops tried to argue with me by saying am I on my meds. I told them you want to talk about how you know me? They back pedaled and asked me nicely to leave. And were worried that I was calling ICE which I was but I gave up while they were there because I kept on getting machines. I wish they had just picked up. Could have gotten ICE to tell them to throw them back over the fence.

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97d526  No.106229


you can't say you have free speech one minute then get arrested for calling someone a nigger the next dude

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97d526  No.106230

even if you dont get arrested you will lose your job and have a pile of niggers at your door at best

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830549  No.106231


I don’t want to be involved in this conversation. The thread is spam. The OP is a kike shill. I’m humiliating him publicly and not bumping his spam thread. The entire thread is off topic.


You go to jail for boycotting Israel. You go to jail for saying the word nigger. You know absolutely nothing. Sit down and shut up, retard.

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33240d  No.106233

moar alien talk plz

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97d526  No.106234


it was off topic and belonged on x. now it's pol

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6e8df6  No.106235


I am OP. My VPN changes randomly for what ever reason.


He should have stolen weapons. I know of a guy who stole everything. Rockets, land mines, m16’s you name it. Even a rocket from WW2 would fuck shit up. Imagine if civil war happens. You could literally blow up tanks. I haven’t had the chance to fire mine as I need to go to the woods because I don’t want people to call the police on me. And from my experience if they think I have a weapon they will bring the whole department. I need to go to the woods to practice with it.

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97d526  No.106238


in the 50's there were alien reports every 2 days. now everyone has a camera in their pocket aliens are only conspicuous by their absense

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6e8df6  No.106240


Get a good lawyer you stupid nigger. I didn’t get an I Bond because the system wanted to. It’s becaise it has to according to the literal law. Get fucked for using lawyers that don’t know all the judges in the court house nigger.

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97d526  No.106241


how he get all that in his kit bag? up his ass?

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6e8df6  No.106242


Most of the people talking about aliens like that are crazies. But photos do get taken. It’s just not common obviously.

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97d526  No.106244


same as ghosts. horse shit

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33240d  No.106245

File: 65f4a4c8c2ea0cb⋯.png (262.18 KB, 483x473, 483:473, Screen_Shot_2020_05_10_at_….png)



kek this out boys. Right eye, 18sec on

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6e8df6  No.106246


I don’t know. I don’t know him personally. It was my brother that knew both. One was his friends dad who had a firing range in his basement with all the shit down there. The other was a girl housesitting for a teacher throwing a party. And when he went into his closet he found the rocket launcher in its case.

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33240d  No.106247

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6e8df6  No.106248


I mean I did have some kind of spirit in my basement. That’s a fact.

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97d526  No.106249


besides it's already been derailed from off topic aliens to on topic ww2 and chicago niggers

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97d526  No.106250


its more likely he bought that shit on the black market. accams razor bro

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97d526  No.106251

he may have smuggled a luger or some shit but if he turned up at base with all this stuff his C.O is confiscating all that

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97d526  No.106256


its not a fact if you dont have proof bruv. the mind plays tricks. i lucid dream, thats dreaming while i'm still awake. i know whats going on but others dont and think theres monsters in their bedroom and shit

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6e8df6  No.106258


I hate these people. I hate Republicans but Democrats are even worse. Putting invaders before their own people. Should be shot.


Dads aren’t buying shit on the black market. They definitely stole them while serving. I doubt records were kept well back then and my dad told me his suppior officers were retards for example. They told him to guard his base without ammo on his guns and he told them he and his men would not carry a gun without ammo. This was in Alaska but still. When we have Zog commanders like this do you really think they can keep track of their weapons? People sneak guns into jail. I’m pretty sure you can sneak weapons off a base.

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6e8df6  No.106259


I actually did have evidence on my phone of CIANIGGERS ducking with me. That’s why my phone was destroyed. It’s not the mind playing tricks when it happens to 6 different people in different occasions. Not to mention I am 100% sure I could make it happen again.

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33240d  No.106260

File: 3edc9ced813f019⋯.jpeg (77.93 KB, 686x526, 343:263, lolcheers.jpeg)


Spread far and wide!

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97d526  No.106261


do it. post results

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6e8df6  No.106262


I don’t live with my mother for the 10th time.

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97d526  No.106263


i want to believe you but i can't cos if you had proof of ghosts youd be the first and be rich

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97d526  No.106264


thats the 1st time i heard it and i been here all thread lol

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6e8df6  No.106265


Lol there was no actual ghost. It was what they did. Lights don’t go out on their own bro.

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97d526  No.106266


sigh yes they do. whats more likely? ghosts or an energy surge

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97d526  No.106267

ochams razor

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6e8df6  No.106269


Not with everything combined. Food steps don’t make their sounds on their own. Not to mention the timing.

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97d526  No.106271


there's a simple explination for everything. a practical joke or whatever. 20 years of cell phone cameras, millions of cameras around the world and still no proof.

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6e8df6  No.106272


There’s a bunch of videos with ghost online?

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97d526  No.106274

dont wanna be the snopes but all debunked or suspiciously low rez

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6e8df6  No.106275


Snopes is run by leftist farmer old farts. I need to sleep but was nice talking to you. If thread is still up I’ll be bacj. If not best of luck in life.

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97d526  No.106276

you should look into hollow earth tho. it explains ufos and why antarctica is off limits. natsocs knew about it

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97d526  No.106277


the second iron sky movie parodies it nicely

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6e8df6  No.106279


I guess but it could just be for other reasons. Like Antarctica having other secrets. Take care and avoid the glowniggers.

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97d526  No.106280


what? it must be only 6pm where you are. unless you lie lol

okay later bro

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6e8df6  No.106282


It’s 4 pm sand I do not sleep like normal people.

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97d526  No.106283


glad we both agree that you are not normal ;p

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64dac8  No.106311


>What about satallites (sic) then?

Most satellites are attached to balloons, some are ground based and simply faked.

>You can see it with your naked eye

What? The empty vacuum of space? You're retarded.

>Where do space shuttles go?

Remember the challenger disaster? Did you know that all the astronauts have literal body doubles still alive and well? Some claim they're twins, other very similar siblings. It's all made up. Stop believing in fairy tales.

>What I'm talking about is known and documented

By people who are lying to you. Don't believe what people say, just look af the evidence. Space is fake as shit.

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830549  No.106370


Nope, now it’s anchored. Fuck off, spammers.


>oy vey goy you have to hire a jew to cut you a plea deal oy vey

You’ve literally destroyed your own claims.

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04f70a  No.106590


They are machines, advanced to the point we don't have anyway to directly communicate with them. They are beyond bluetooth/telepathic to the point if they do try to 'talk' to you, you are immediately hit with a massive pressure on your consciousness that can kill you. They work through agents even though they have no interest in humanity. They do not manipulate DNA, they only give you an adaption key to unlock what is already in your DNA, if you are young and lucky. They can not give us any secrets of the universe through conversation of mathematical formulas, etc., we can't withstand their communication attempts to do so and would not understand a single thing even if we could.

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f39cdb  No.107783


>Explain that asshole.

Paranormal entities having the ability to either strangle electric circuits or inducing electric current in them is a well known phenomen. You are the idiot here since you haven't bothered to figure out a way to enable two way communication with this spirit, which is obviously trying to reach out to you.

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d8491e  No.107912


I’m more likley to be a death God then your theories being correct. Your a shitty shill tbqh.


Just because you hire Jews doesn’t mean I do you filthy kike.

>O Vey my lawyer enforced a law not being enforced got me out of jail on 0 dollar bond how horrible!

>Oh no how dare my lawyer do the best he can when CIANIGGERS are railroading me and they only got me on one charge because I literally handed them the evidence!

>How dare my lawyer go out of his way to get me a better judge!

U mad?


I’m pretty sure a species that can travel across the universe can decode our languages. Are they fucking retarded?


I was communicating with the spirit nigger. It was just cynical and probably trolling me. It’s not like I can have a chit chat with it either way. Nigger.

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