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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

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74bb56  No.105716

If there was ever any doubt that these filthy kikes are behind all of this "diversity" and race mixing… and now we are getting school children to CELEBRATE it!!

If we gotta go out, i pray to god that we can at least go out in a blaze of glory.

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0ebe5e  No.105869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's all laid out in this video. At one point he talks about how to destroy Amalek aka white people. The answer is to be kind to others aka bring in third world savages. He mentions how Amalek gets angry when they're kind to others. It's all there and towards the end of the video he mentions devastating Amalek financially.

Which they do on one front by lying us into their wars, bribing our eklected reps thru hand outs to Israel and on another front thru skewed college admissions, affirmative action and the big one no one knows about JEWISH VOCATIONAL SERVICES.

All the Jewish groups affirm how what their doing is important to Judaism, meaning they work toward destroying Amalek.

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0ebe5e  No.105870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jewish Vocational Services

Every major city


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74bb56  No.106494


Blaze of glory lol… you know that was an exasperation comment right?

I disagree with the God aspect, in fact, after i saw this video called "The not so chosen people" i've never been more affirmed in my faith, and more sure that the son of Judah are my enemy.

As i have learned historically that Judah, sold joseph into slavery, joseph was the ruler of israel who had 2 sons, who became their own tribes Ephraim and Menasseh who escpaed to europe through the phoenician trade routes and mixed mainly with Brits, Italian Greeks and Germans but spread to other countries as well.

the true heirs to israel are peoples of those races.

That is our land. the Jews are from Judeah, a kingdom to the south.

Judah has been at war with Joseph and later his sons since the day they sold Joseph to egypt.

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32353d  No.106538


Thanks for this, always interesting to see what they're really thinking

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