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The holocaust never happened

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00b92e  No.105068

The communist California governor (((Gavin Newsom))) has unveiled a new policy dictating that all those suspected of being infected with the coronavirus will be removed from their homes by the state. Along with, as noted in the press conference, Bill Gates style human monitoring technology will be instituted and forced on the public with the heavy hand of the law in order to ensure complete and total cooperation with this new, and very unpopular, policy. Such a far-reaching and loosely-defined law will inevitably be used to coerce family members of the infected to as well to further surrender their rights to the despotic and power-tripping ruler Gavin Newsom.

This is California now.

WATCH the reveal: https://youtu.be/dJ62Fm-AgAo

Source: https://twitter.com/TrumpsXmasList/status/1258513361173544960

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00b92e  No.105069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They're openly admitting it now. Why isn't california fighitng back? https://youtu.be/dJ62Fm-AgAo

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5d5da6  No.105074


>Why isn't california fighitng back?

Because it's full of Californians.

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bd5de8  No.105077

Trace the tracers and fuck up their shit?

It's a simple matter of numbers.

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b946a2  No.105086

File: 85a7b81763dc35f⋯.jpeg (29.28 KB, 480x276, 40:23, 7182D115_A2C4_4050_A1CA_A….jpeg)

Oh man.

This is fantastic.

Have fun California.

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dda593  No.105087


This is pure insanity.

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dda593  No.105093

File: f34fb73fc6345a3⋯.jpg (142.47 KB, 600x458, 300:229, Govt08.jpg)


>fed posting

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82953e  No.105098

It's because the Proud Boys, who are actually from California, are busy pretending to be Michiganders and protesting there instead of cleaning up their own back yard.

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4535ae  No.105110

This is not even remotely what they are doing anon. The war starts May 10th. Both sides have already started liquidating the opposition.

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ce721c  No.105358


Feds are awake.

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640d87  No.105383

File: fac6562f242738e⋯.png (123.02 KB, 463x343, 463:343, glownigger_shabbos_goy.png)


In the communist utopia branded as democratic socialism that is coming down the pike. The annual flu will be used as a pretext to spy on and purge political enemies.

>subject x has the flu

>subject x didn't make it, it was the flu

Very communist China approach. It will be especially easy to eliminate anyone who dissents when they have full control of our "health care."

Just look at how well that worked out for Joan Rivers who said something that wasn't permitted >>104402




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e453cd  No.105438


It's a nothing burger. Your listening comprehension is lower than a nigger. He said it was specifically for the case of infected individuals living in a home with only one bathroom.

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fe4150  No.105635


I though McInnes, whos from Ottawa, then Montreal, then New York, started up proud boys in Brooklyn?

How are they Californians?

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