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04e904  No.104688

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42a1eb  No.104689

There is one question one must ask oneself before even asking this question. That question is, "Does this deserve its own thread?"

The answer is:

No. No it does not.

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f7728c  No.104692

>A day after San Diego residents were required to wear face coverings in public, a man went grocery shopping while wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood, according to a report.

>The hooded creep was seen roaming the aisles of a Von supermarket in the San Diego County city of Santee on Saturday, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

S>tore clerks repeatedly asked the man to remove the hood or leave the premises.

>A supervisor approached him at the checkout line and asked him again to take off the hood or leave, company spokeswoman Melissa Hill told the newspaper.

>The man finally removed the hood, bought his items and left.

>“At Vons, fostering an environment of courtesy, dignity and respect is one of our highest priorities, and we work hard to hold everyone in our stores to these standards, including customers,” Hill said.

<“San Diego is #NoPlaceForHate,” Tammy Gillies, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League in San Diego, said on Twitter.

>Santee Mayor John Minto and residents said on social media that the man’s actions did not represent the values of the city of almost 60,000 residents.

>“Many thanks to all who stepped forward to curtail this sad reminder of intolerance,” Minto said. “Santee, its leaders and I will not tolerate such behavior.”

>The city has tried over the years to overcome a history of racially motivated incidents that led to nicknames such as “Klantee” and “Santucky.”

“>So troublesome in so many ways this is still happening in Santee at Vons,” resident Tiam Tellez wrote on Facebook. “Disgusting!”

>County Supervisor Dianne Jacobs also condemned the shopper’s actions.

>“The images I’ve seen are abhorrent,” she said in a statement. “This blatant racism has no place in Santee or any part of San Diego County. It is not who we are. It is not what we stand for and can’t be tolerated.”

>Hill, the store’s rep, said: “This was a disturbing incident for our associates and customers, and we are reviewing with our team how to best handle such inappropriate situations in the future.”

LOL the best part of this story is the fact that the KKK was created by a Jewish Democrat named Judah P. Benjamin who led the exclusively Jewish freemasonic International Order of B'nai B'rith cult, which is an arm of British intelligence and the parent organization of the ADL. The KKK was co-created by 33 degree British freemasonic cult leader Albert Pike, also an agent of British intelligence.

The ADL is vilifying the KKK, which its parent organization created. Read more about the ADL and the origin of the KKK here. >>50158

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f7728c  No.104693


>ADLthink - white people should feel guilt about embracing the KKK ideology we created

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416d1c  No.104703


>The ADL is vilifying the KKK, which its parent organization created

>sources: LaRouch and no one else anywhere ever

smells like bullshit in here

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5f635f  No.104716

File: 0aacac485c03c94⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 255x249, 85:83, 1446819857029.jpg)


half cuck jidf thread

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b9d78c  No.104874


pretty sure it was a kike agitator. ALL hate crimes are hoaxes with NO EXCEPTION.

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c74102  No.105114

File: a9a645d99f9f0ba⋯.jpg (671.36 KB, 1181x1893, 1181:1893, Every_Marvel_Villain.jpg)


This isn't a hate crime though. That we call this the "land of the free" has to be the biggest example of cognitive dissonance in history.

>Redpilled radio stations

>Redpilled record labels

>Redpilled churches

>Redpilled souvenir stores

These are all things that would exist in abundance if people with politically incorrect views didn't fear for their safety. We live under mob rule, and the mob is mentally enslaved by Satanic kikes.

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fb98ea  No.105118




imagine getting triggered by the KKK in 2020

back to reddit faggots

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