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File: c7142b9ea7bcf1f⋯.png (28.86 KB, 646x750, 323:375, tranny_zoom.png)

ab3cb3  No.103905

Who else is going?

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991897  No.103911

File: 7bf932ed258825c⋯.gif (4.16 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 13215321352.gif)

>mandatory registration

someone get in there and record literally everything though, don't leave a second without it being documented for future reference.

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779678  No.104088

File: 80d86fceba81669⋯.jpg (4.3 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1588619080429s.jpg)


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05fab9  No.104092


I can’t imagine a worse way to spend an evening that listening to a bunch of men talk about dilating and their period. GOD…LIKE FUCKING HELL ON EARTH…an entire room full of drudged up mentally ill out of touch with any aspect of reality freaks. {chills} I would rather tweeze someone’s taint than endure this meeting.

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fb4b3a  No.104108


yeah but the normies don't know that unless someone shows them hard proof.

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05fab9  No.104115


At this point they are willfully blind and not worth saving if they don’t comprehend globohomo degeneracy.

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8b73ff  No.104611

File: fec8768207072c9⋯.png (25.3 KB, 643x601, 643:601, tranny_zoom1.png)

They changed the date.

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146479  No.104614

Bumpn. Hopefully some hero finds a way to fuck with this. Would be entertaining.

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ab3cb3  No.104945

Where can I post this thing where it won't be deleted by some pearl clutching jannie? Posted it on normiechan /b/ and /pol/ and it was removed in like 2 minutes.

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b87ad2  No.104949


What's truly funny is when MtFs scream about their abortion rights and when you point out they don't have a uterus, they call you transphobic and get you banned.

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90b594  No.104978

File: 80f7fcf4a922f8b⋯.png (15.41 KB, 668x57, 668:57, ClipboardImage.png)

Pending. Got my hopes, though most of the info is fake

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4872d8  No.105208

any good news?

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0b11fb  No.105213


Doing God's work anon.

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2f6301  No.105217


good luck anon, make sure you record everything. Honestly if I went I would lose my temper, trannies are the worst.

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05fab9  No.105382


This is why they only have closed meetings. Exposing that level of mental illness to the public would be a ‘bad idea’.

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f2f0c7  No.105466

does anyone have the password?

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ab3cb3  No.105617

Was anyone able to get into this?

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81f21a  No.105709

We need a hero

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dc222f  No.106041


Nigger didn’t deliver

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bf098f  No.106371


did raid get recorded or fail?

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f2f0c7  No.106375

what happened or did no one deliver

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ab3cb3  No.107430


All I know is that they kicked me before the event started. And apparently changed the time. So I think they got tipped off somehow. Maybe some retard tried to register with a bunch of meme info or something.

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18a19d  No.107474


My guess is that it was the phenomenon known as "personal army backfire". Someone posts a link to something and requests a personal army to raid said thing. Instead of raiding said thing, some enterprising young anon simply sends a link to the thread and warns the intended target. Happens all the time, which is why we always say "NYPA" to these things. OP's job is to deliver, not to request.

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5a1f49  No.134414

File: 6271bd38dab6e4d⋯.pdf (15.93 MB, Freemasonry_Ideology_Organ….pdf)

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