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File: a1cbe2d0fd9c625⋯.png (73.23 KB, 376x762, 188:381, ELONNN.png)

4e328c  No.103718

METEOROID W(idth) GROWING FIGJAM (Fuck I'm Good Just Ask Me)

What is Elon trying to say in his tweets? There are 23 capital letters in pic related.

Weaponised Autism Assemble - try and decode what he is saying.

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4e328c  No.103721

Is Elon trying to blackmail those in the know about C-19 (the meteor approaching Earth) and they are tanking his stocks?

It would stand to reason being a space guy he'd know a bit more about it than us

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4e328c  No.103723


"It will reach its nearest point to Earth on 23 May and come to perihelion (closest to the Sun) on 31 May." 23rd of May, 23 capital letters.

This is the meteor that has a 'tail' that is twice the width of Jupiter and Earth may be hit by a lot of this debris…which ties into the covid-19 lockdown and the government stocking supplies and going underground.

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6c2c64  No.103724



Look I heard from leftist trash that Elon was ‘going off’ (meaning that he was disclosing something) but I hadn’t bothered to look into it myself.

Maybe he has been drinking since his business is being totally crushed.

That man knows NOTHING of space. All that shit is CGI. What he does understand is how to bilk a native population out of billions of taxpayer dollars to fund your ultimately worthless pet projects by laundering the money that would have gone into ‘space exploration’ into your personal projects.

The mouse and opossum dinner theater show at ionosphere heights totally sealed the fate of Elon as a FRAUD forever.


B-b-b-b-b-b-ut anon, his Space X team is so ‘multicultural’…yeah, about that…

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4e328c  No.103727


You can also make JOE ROGAN and EDOMITE out of the letters he used.

The point is to brainstorm and try and get something out of it, it seems strange that he went seemingly haywire - I think he is trying to say something.

Not interested in Elon or space, just a high profile billionaire(?) acting strange.

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6c2c64  No.103743

IDK anon. Just a tentative look at this using a scrabble word descrambler it could have almost infinite meanings. It is entertaining, but I think that is all it is…

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bc4aba  No.103760


Take your meds.

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6d997d  No.103787


>I am a paid shill



We have a board for delusional bullshit.



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60eb31  No.104112


jé egy magyar

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