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File: 58786bc88682eb4⋯.jpg (4.2 KB, 153x150, 51:50, celtic_cross_1.jpg)

555912  No.103638

don't post here often but; my wife got raped by a jew a few years back (we're in college). we found his number today and were thinking of ways to get at him, thought the crowd here might like to help us fuck him up and scare him a little. his number is here:

+353 083 888 9588

he's also a fucking furry

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bf886b  No.103639

hopefully none of you are dumb enough to fall for this

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b13c3c  No.103643


do it yourself you fucking faggot

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555912  No.103646


would but he has our contacts in his phone so he would know who was texting him

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b13c3c  No.103647


cool story, agent smith

how many cocks have you sucked today?

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e9a5c6  No.103649


Link to the last thread you posted on /pnd/

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fb8e04  No.103650


Then buy a burner phone…or am I supposed to buy one?

*sigh* Well there is one way to go about this, and that is to stoke some 3rd-party mob into harassing him. Should be easy enough on just about any leftist social media. Even just by printing a flyer "PLEASE HARASS MY RAPIST ###-###-####", and putting it somewhere on a college campus… But honestly OP should have thought of this.

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e9a5c6  No.103660


OP is fake because he could #METOO the shit out of that faggot anytime he wanted but for some reason he wants YOU involved.

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b19eae  No.103665

File: 2cdde89986197a7⋯.png (90.57 KB, 318x289, 318:289, butitdo.png)


>Should be easy enough on just about any leftist social media

This but accuse him of saying the "N" word.

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658c40  No.103681

If she was actually raped you would be a real man and castrate schlomo then set him on fire so he can never reach his devil God. Story is fake and gay anyways.

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55772e  No.103717


HAHAHA this.

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317e3a  No.103791

File: 6b0024bf83b1aa4⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 320x200, 8:5, b683567a75d206f178656dfd9a….gif)

imagine being married to a woman who was raped by a jew.

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e022b8  No.103796

By rape do you mean willfully sucked her drunken pussy juice off his cock then regretted it the next day?

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319317  No.104114


>hopefully none of you are dumb enough to fall for this

ummm….. unfortunately I can guarantee you that at least two morons will call that number.

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cd304e  No.104116


You and who else?


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cd304e  No.104118

File: 087c2a70668d8ee⋯.jpeg (34.25 KB, 500x412, 125:103, 939A10F6_982C_4358_97DD_8….jpeg)


Imagine being married to a woman who was raped by anyone and him still walking, raping and rolling on down the road.


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b68115  No.104162


wow you didn't even read the pattern primer.

I'll pretend with you

Tell him you saw a bunch of fursuits being given away for free and then give him the address for for the Foreskin Preservation Society.


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b9c5e8  No.111313


im calling

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8d7b21  No.111331


Let us know what happens, anon. :)

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a4835c  No.111334



Now I know where kek comes from…

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4d04ed  No.111463

File: 044135676ae4234⋯.jpg (75.87 KB, 992x558, 16:9, branch_davidian_fire_01_gt….jpg)



Why not just set his house on fire officer? Do you need us to carry out your justice nowadays?

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4d04ed  No.111465

File: 82aa2569d65580a⋯.gif (248.74 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1580408059954.gif)

By the way, the fact this thread is still going just shines as further proof that the agents that run this board are fully aware of the shit they make us endure. And they should meet the same fate.

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