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File: 90ae434570be1ac⋯.jpeg (3.93 KB, 275x183, 275:183, index.jpeg)

1b6e2b  No.103403[Last 50 Posts]



ENGLISH - https://anonfiles.com/jb8bF5v3o7/AEN1_pdf

DE - https://anonfiles.com/T36fD4v8o7/ADE1_pdf

ES - https://anonfiles.com/BcTbC2v5o9/AES1_pdf

RU - https://anonfiles.com/D2T9C0v9o4/ARU1_pdf

FR - https://anonfiles.com/FeT9C7v8o2/AFR1_pdf

IT - https://anonfile.com/34YeCav9o7/IT_pdf


edit from last minute, we received that file that needs to be shared : https://bra.in/2j9QLR

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9435e8  No.103406

Nice OP faggot.

Go back to cuckchan.

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1b6e2b  No.103414

do you work for the fucking mossad ?

its very strange that everyone posting about her are receiving first minute after post some idiotic insults like you did… go check what collabo means because you are one.

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0332ed  No.103415

wat dis

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1b6e2b  No.103416

in 18 days thousands of satellites will be launch by SWARM owned by nicole junkermann

all . around. the. fucking. earth.

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0332ed  No.103418


so what. besides its a woman. even if the intent is evil women cant do anything right.

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1b6e2b  No.103420

optimism. that file is being shared in 6 different languages

many websites

everywhere. sure we can do something.

if you think we cant than you might want to kill yourself already with what is coming.

we believe in hope

we believe in actions

and bravery….

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0332ed  No.103422


its some fucking satellites. what will the bitch do? death star lazer the planet or what?

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1b6e2b  No.103423

i am sorry but I CANT fix your ignorance in few lines.

i am not insulting you be sure about that

but if you have no idea of the topic

no idea who gates musk and junkermann are doing i cant teach this to you in few hours… go look at it yourself.

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27f168  No.103424


Since it is a woman, maybe she is making an independent space based internet.

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0332ed  No.103426


cheap internet that will make them billions of dollars? if you cant tl;dr it in a few sentences its probably some /x tier bullshit

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1b6e2b  No.103428








thank you.

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1b6e2b  No.103429

were you ALL asleep when the epstein thing popped up ????

oh my god….

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0332ed  No.103430



its a fucking woman. i fuck her in the pussy, and she does what i say. a literal animal. women are not equal to us anon. if you would be afraid of, lets say, bill gates, i would understand that, but this is just some dumb blonde pussy, spending daddys money.

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80fadd  No.103434


>Dumb blonde

Kike meme


Just explain it here you lazy cunt. No one is going to open your PDF


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80fadd  No.103438

File: b9b60fa0fecb687⋯.jpeg (834.71 KB, 1227x908, 1227:908, F51242AD_00DA_4B8C_BE0D_5….jpeg)

Now this is interesting…

Those satellites are not going to make any kind of web that we might want.

>In November 2018, Junkermann was appointed to the Department of Health and Social Care’s Healthtech Advisory Board. The board guides the Secretary of State on the potential of technology in health and social care.

the potential of technology in health and social care

That doesn’t sound good at all.

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80fadd  No.103440

File: f9670267ba1d958⋯.jpeg (272.72 KB, 2713x330, 2713:330, FAE92AE2_4F31_4127_A807_B….jpeg)

File: c46bf005a1de7e8⋯.jpeg (2.32 MB, 2256x1277, 2256:1277, 9352F463_BA1D_4872_A167_E….jpeg)

File: c377f968e0d46ff⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 2465x872, 2465:872, B43597D3_0935_4F06_A92E_1….jpeg)

File: f8b174d127750d3⋯.jpeg (1012.4 KB, 2324x919, 2324:919, 08C457A8_39F1_467E_9B37_3….jpeg)

Put it all together and what do we got?

I am going to look for connections to Fauci/Gates

et al

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80fadd  No.103442

File: 80bc289e4178c40⋯.jpeg (2.65 MB, 2648x1874, 1324:937, 09C0872D_CCE2_439C_BDF2_2….jpeg)

Yep she is part of the bioweapons release crew since she is part of Epstein’s people/an associate of his.


She isn’t going to blow anything wide open as she is probably complicit in the pathogens creation due to her links to the Epstein crew and MOSSAD. I would say that she had infiltrated NHS but since most of the ‘ruling elite’ of Britain are kikes it wouldn’t make any sense. It would be like someone making the case that because I drive my own vehicle to the store I have infiltrated it…nonsense.

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8e2662  No.103456

Can someone give me a briefing on this? I got reports of satellite swarms being noticed in the sky, is this kikery somehow related?

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80fadd  No.103457


I don’t think those are satellites. Those are something else. They don’t move like satellites and they certainly don’t move like drones.

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80fadd  No.103460

File: f3ad508a3230f79⋯.png (727.74 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 903FD65D_8B84_4780_8AB0_1E….png)

File: 44d236a9a467028⋯.jpeg (972.19 KB, 1541x1947, 1541:1947, 0654BF47_C986_45C1_9607_4….jpeg)

I hope you guys are reading this shit.

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80fadd  No.103463

File: ae92e5ea2191085⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1584x2000, 99:125, 0AF6B34F_5119_49EE_B560_A….jpeg)

File: 97a71af1fb56fa1⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1578x1859, 1578:1859, 26063D4D_0670_4127_926B_3….jpeg)

File: c8e4f0467dd804a⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1584x2000, 99:125, 531435D8_8FDE_4E69_96E4_0….jpeg)

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052ebd  No.103465

File: f1ebd4350ff8187⋯.png (27.84 KB, 654x157, 654:157, NAHTZEES.png)



Worse, it's alex jonesian "nazis under the bed" hysteria.

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80fadd  No.103466

File: 37e1addf6e3d6de⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1571x1939, 1571:1939, D26C6CB3_4D1D_40FD_8EB6_C….jpeg)

Does anyone have background on Junkermann? Who are her parents? Relations?

I know it is a stretch but any relation to Juncker?>>103465

‘Black nobility’ or the ‘nigger aryans’…so gross. This is the kike lineage that operates the Illuminati now.

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370503  No.103469


Can't you just attach the PDF? Not everyone is keen on using a third party. Especially not for a file that small.

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628ba7  No.103480

File: 96f9af3929db7f5⋯.pdf (58.64 KB, AEN1.pdf)


If you are incapable of briefly and effectively communicating your concepts then why the fuck are you even bothering? You have already lost before you even started all because of your ego. You don't even need to make entire sentences, just throw a few keywords in the air and we'll try to piece it together. If you can't do that then you can just fuck off.


English version here. Not going to bother with other languages because this shit is short enough to copy-paste into a single post. Not going to touch the bra.in link though.

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09578b  No.103532


Thank you anon for the pdf of that horribly written document. So what are we supposed to do with this ‘information’? Are we supposed to ‘pew, pew’ shoot down the so called satellites?

Part of me wonders what exactly OP had in mind? If she was on Lolita Express then she is in deep with our own State Department since that plane is dual purpose and registered to the State Department AND to Epstein.

Shall we ‘storm the state department’?

I am confused.

It would have been a better document if OP have given us some sense of what her background was and who are her relations. I can’t even tell that, obvious kike, traitor to Europe but….IDK.

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de4765  No.103580


Do not click is what

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2bbc74  No.103826


Lol! This guy is on point, I love how they use the terms "infiltrated" when what it should say is "invited after handling our business in Germany, and received a pay raise."

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2bbc74  No.103834


But, the way I see it is, why would we have an advisory board that advises the state department? Sounds like an easily fixable clerical error, but I bet Ivanka and Jarred would say that it's a bad idea to rule your own country with pragmatism. Bunch of fucking morons.

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c633d2  No.103854

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c633d2  No.103858

File: 4cf76407117b429⋯.png (200.7 KB, 932x1867, 932:1867, nj_td.png)

Feeling the pressure I see

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1907f9  No.103989


I think I saw you posting on another thread. No offense, sir, but are you LARPing as a Chad, or what? This isn't Instagram, none of us are here to praise the fairer sex… but the over-the-top FHRITP shtick is a bit much.

8kun can't seem to get off the ground. I wonder why. Dumb blonde pussy cunt posting. Sliding the thread. Now I'm caught up in the slide.

Fuck. It does make one curious where straight, white men can have a chat on the internet, in 2020. Don't give suggestions. I know where. Limited hangouts, though. 8kun nor any alternatives are as good as 8chan was a few years ago. 4chan is insufferable drivel… barely above the likes of Reddit.

It's fine… I imagine other white dudes like me are in the same pickle. No safe space online or irl. This is good, ultimately. More time to work on projects, save money, fitness, gardening, bonding with the trad wife, etc.

Mfw Discord trannies and ShareBlue simps reach their goal and really do destroy Western society.

They're not going to like it. Thinking they're still gonna get gibs when the normies stop paying taxes. lel.

We'll see who is the last man standing in the very near future. Odds are it will be the intelligent, self-sufficient anons among us.

Obviously, the super-rich will prosper, as usual.

They're not self-sufficient, though. The second their sous-chef turns on them, they're fucked.

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c156b1  No.104256

File: d61037dfc8a4c1b⋯.jpg (63.32 KB, 800x600, 4:3, bump5.jpg)

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259ae1  No.104277


reddit spacing, schizoposting and niggerpilling because someone roasts you for being afraid of a woman, lol

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a362ce  No.104534

OP is a faggot for not making a proper post. Here are some good posts with info from this thread:






It seems some kikeniggers feels the board needs to be slid again. Could it be because of this?

Someone is covering this up:


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7b9c7f  No.104589


Do you have any info on her background anon? What is her family history? Who are her relations?

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e7c3b4  No.104596


LOL FHRITP shtick. New nickname for penis?

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41efd9  No.104767


nice try Schlomo, she's linked to Epstein and the pedophile cabal




why do you think some desert dwellers mutilated their son's penis thousands of years ago ? incidentally, it was around the time of Sodom and Gomorhea

hmmmm makes you think

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07224f  No.104798


Mutilating penis’ is a tradition that originated in Africa. That is the first known instance of the practice. Now where do you think the kikes got it from (who but their nigger ancestors).

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627f2a  No.104801


doesnt the talmud say that they come from monkeys or some shti?

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b02290  No.104944


They tell you that straight out with their ‘out of Africa’ origins.

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ea7541  No.106714

File: 6dbdac57e811d97⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 230x135, 46:27, livejupiter_1521656464_101.gif)

does she have a decent body and can she make a sammich?

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c63a49  No.106760


Interesting. Sounds like one of Epstein's handlers. Someone more connected to the people he worked for, overseeing their interests.


Is that what jewish porn looks like?

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09578b  No.106786


Definitely. His connections to the State Department (the fact that his plane was owned by them) and her connections to MOSSAD. Things like these really help me to understand how highly coordinated this all is and at what level. I can truthfully say that, because none of you would fight back we don’t stand an ice cubes chance in hell against these two megalithic governments destruction of what is left of life.

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80fadd  No.106820


Pretty sure that is a bug person. But it sort of makes sense that would be jewish porn since their 'partnership' with the jews is going to go the way that ALL partnerships with the jews go…

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47968e  No.107482

File: 92f25b41413ac2c⋯.png (319.6 KB, 1266x688, 633:344, 92f.png)

So many new threads.

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a9eddb  No.107486


Why would you need THOUSANDS of satellites in space right now, in such a rush, especially when so many countries have had their economies wrecked on purpose?

Superspying? Bluebeam project? Laser? Sound-to-head tech thingy that has its own wikipedia page? You name it.

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a9eddb  No.107488


The theory:

They can control the flow of reports by people and filter them, or even create fake ones to generate confusion during a false flag operation.

They can also manufacture facts to be presented in courts.

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a9eddb  No.107491


Health tech:

Pandemic, emergency.

The argument will be that you don't want anyone to suffer right? Imagine all the lives that could be saved! More than their money, goyim care first and foremost about their lives. Scare them and they'll accept anything.

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a9eddb  No.107494


They Egyptian priests were impressed about it, as we hear, so they copied it from niggers.

There is one thing that does not sound right. Either we're talking about an implied heavily mulatt'd Egypt (it could very well be the case when you look at the leaders, think South Africa but with more gold and pyramids), or it's a wholly different story and we're yet to uncover some very semitic filthy secret.

Since it's a mainstream claim, maybe it's made to insult the memory of those ancient priests? As Jews love to project their own sickness onto other people… didn't Moses have a nigger mother or grandmother? There's the whole Kush with Egypt going south, literally…

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0645fb  No.107835

b m u p

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e2858e  No.108719

A real shame the glowies got to this thread

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b4bd7e  No.108766


I gave up putting any effort into it when no one seemed to comprehend what was happening.

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cb465a  No.108795


>not uploading PDFs to 8cuck for direct reading



Thank you anon.

>it's about the Elon Musk satellites which are visible with the plain eye at night

We know this already.

Old news. It's like being sold a newspaper from half a decade ago.


OP could have just made a neocities site that is easily linkable. It's publicly known and no one is even trying to deny it.


>Is that what jewish porn looks like?



There are absolutely no indicators for this. People make porn without jews too.

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cb465a  No.108796

Great. Now I forgot to sage.

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b4bd7e  No.108853


>People make porn without jews too.

>its not the jews…


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cb465a  No.108868

File: 413ae5848f15034⋯.jpg (87.08 KB, 501x585, 167:195, chinese_merchant.jpg)


Did you even look at what I replied to?

It's weird asian porn.

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8c5c5b  No.110298

File: 9ef9cdbb313168e⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 300x251, 300:251, 9ef9cdbb313168e089dd632d73….jpg)

So many newfriends posting new threads.

All their efforts wasted.

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b626ff  No.136718


That's ok. We'll take care of it for you.

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1e3c7c  No.136735

File: c1b9bddba137c3b⋯.gif (291.57 KB, 600x833, 600:833, c1b9bddba137c3b737c37af57a….gif)


Just like how China is an asian country, huh?

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8968ab  No.136834


>bumps a 2 month old thread

>with no content

>to spite someone who saged


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818299  No.137064

File: 963e98c96e39be6⋯.jpg (91.96 KB, 929x908, 929:908, three_gorges_dam_collapse.jpg)


Exactly. That kikenigger Weidel worked at Goldman Sachs China as well and her only purpose in running for AfD in Germany was to destroy German manufacturing and secure the disgusting bug peoples lions share of manufacturing even though they are TERRIBLE AT IT…AWFUL at anything other than plastic shit. If the dam collapses it will kill or destroy 400 million people.


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ccbac3  No.137115

Well at least she's more fuckworthy than that pinprick blood sample bitch in the black turtlenecks and the deep voice. I'd like to lock myself up in a Las Vegas luxury hotel weekend for some serious depravity.

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686399  No.137129


I've had similar realizations.

Tragedy and Hope.

I feel as though I am becoming more religious, lately, out of desperation. I don't expect to be a survivor. If they have all my data, they know. I'm sure I'm on lists to be re-educated, at the very least.

If these fuckers were not so perverse and satanic, I might not be so opposed to the best and brightest rising to the top and dominating all others. But they are ruthless and depraved beings who do not seem to believe in morality. What a horrible thought that humans such as them will go on to populate our solar system and beyond…

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0f32df  No.141299

File: c0bec7bbfad1944⋯.jpg (69.58 KB, 698x492, 349:246, revelation_cluster_f_k.jpg)


>in 18 days thousands of satellites will be launch by SWARM owned by nicole junkermann

>all . around. the. fucking. earth.

I hate to ask. I mean, I REALLY hate to ask, but is there any way these things could, in some way, resemble locusts?

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986276  No.141580


Was BLM not 'enough' of a locust plague for you?

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7dd314  No.141735

bump for interest

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d2d546  No.141916


>pic related

You know the first thing western intel agencies do to prepare for an op is to publish some obscure 'expert' to frame a narrative, to set people on a false trail when that dam actually bursts? I saw a local news report on a squirrel in Colorado that carried Bubonic plague. Also, there's a big plague outbreak in Mongolia right now. Are they connected? No, but the narrative is being set. So keep that in mind, especially when publishing anything from those kike lackeys in Taiwan.

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986276  No.141923


Yep someone I know who I suspect is a IARPA member of some sort (how would I know, right) has been talking about the dam failing for around three months now. He data mines the public consciousness. And china is a mess right now. I used to joke about Xi being dead but he hasn't been around for a long time now so it is in chaos; supposedly it will fracture into seven different regions…

And then there was the public mafia assassination in the autonomous zone Hubei/Wuhan…did you know that Hubei was an autonomous zone? Really activates the almonds for why they put the biolab in Wuhan, doesn't it?

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9c7185  No.158373

That Farmer girl got cancer from Mossad fyi.

Like Hogo Chavez, William Pierce and many more.

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8ea42e  No.158376


What ‘farmer girl’?

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66639e  No.159136

File: 6f4fa3c6b90c617⋯.pdf (83.2 KB, bill_of_rights.pdf)

File: 5331128939a7b18⋯.pdf (171.36 KB, constitution.pdf)

File: 6de78ebe7aaf0c8⋯.pdf (107.82 KB, declaration_of_independenc….pdf)

File: 81f261bcd6eb830⋯.pdf (467.63 KB, ProtocolsOfTheEldersOfZion.pdf)

File: cee5c354b01b043⋯.pdf (10.32 MB, PRZion_text.pdf)


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47e772  No.159197


> not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews











You’re not welcome on this board. Everything you say is a lie. You’re fooling no one.

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47e772  No.159220


>oy vey still not the jews

No, leave.

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66639e  No.159265

File: 722d8a076573a37⋯.jpg (10 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 119114140_328017231784292_….jpg)

File: efb9f889adf7669⋯.jpg (32.43 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 118947724_1217509961946329….jpg)

File: 92a6ad8d129c614⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 118942542_1995003307308996….jpg)

File: 101d906fb8b5697⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 119044142_332895357914589_….jpg)

File: f475dcc11d70fe9⋯.jpg (36.16 KB, 640x639, 640:639, 118975123_602911667048125_….jpg)




Anyone noticed that California has a dim sun now after 9/11?

No need to worry, the Israeli fire fighters will put the fires out in no time.

Pics and Sad beauty queen

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66639e  No.159266

File: 1d3b579c47f4afc⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Goyim_Goddess_Mossad_Appla….mp4)



I love the military industrial complex, i love ZOG...

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7ef98a  No.159352

File: 3c3b47b897dad1a⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 2448x6192, 17:43, Jews_US_DIstribution.jpg)

File: 6a07f6436bbfaa3⋯.jpeg (173.77 KB, 600x704, 75:88, jews_for_immigration.jpeg)

File: d9e3ca196b255c6⋯.png (895.78 KB, 1279x768, 1279:768, How_Jews_Would_Treat_Goyim.PNG)

File: 010f43767885def⋯.png (258.22 KB, 2092x1270, 1046:635, who_runs_the_media_update.png)

File: 2c3605f46db0908⋯.jpg (123.15 KB, 693x770, 9:10, jew_university_admissions.jpg)



Did you even bother lurking two days, you stupid boomer faggot?

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1bbfc7  No.159355


Fuck back to /qresearch/ you braindead sponge. Q was started for laughs on halfchan in the exact same vein as the time traveler AMA threads, and you morons slurped that shit down and asked for seconds. He's been stringing you along for years eating up your attention and your donation money. He's been cold reading you like a stage magician, letting you make up the fantasy he tells you with vague predictions that anyone could come up with. He let you delude yourself into thinking a shadow war is being waged against the elite when in reality the noose is coiling around us as it always has been, and you're sitting on your hands believing everything will be fine because you're too far gone to ever recognize the real enemy

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7ef98a  No.159359


>le typed vocalizations


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7ef98a  No.159363


>google search verifiable facts



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7ef98a  No.159368

File: f6c1bba1ce92302⋯.jpg (827.44 KB, 1932x1665, 644:555, bilderberg_group.jpg)

File: cfbaefb340b8153⋯.jpg (807.51 KB, 1500x1179, 500:393, supreme_court.jpg)

File: 49c80a4c2da3f9a⋯.jpg (375.29 KB, 1600x2812, 400:703, Jewish_feminists00.jpg)


>how many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible



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7ef98a  No.159369

File: 3c83cc8c49df93c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1162x9616, 581:4808, JEWS_EXPELLED_SOURCED_LIST.png)


Oy vey! Why you persecute me so?!

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86a3e7  No.159376



>The left cant meme pictures

Go back to 4ch

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66639e  No.159388

File: 05df98073ae2cf4⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Goyim_Goddess_Internet_Tro….mp4)











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66639e  No.159393

File: b41cafa4d356ba0⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I_love_zog.mp4)

File: e5b7c65a709d4dc⋯.webm (609.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, evalion_9_11.webm)

File: bfb6593a38648d8⋯.mp4 (699.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, people_who_run_the_world_a….mp4)

File: 0e3ef24708b075c⋯.webm (3.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, clown_world_propaganda.webm)

Anonymous 09/13/20 (Sun) 04:16:04 59e3f9 No.159346




ZOGbot comments disappeared, did it not work?

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66639e  No.159415

File: b505c5a654329ca⋯.webm (7.94 MB, 480x320, 3:2, jewish_hospitality.webm)

File: 653a9e73df2bdcb⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB, 636x360, 53:30, israeli_television.mp4)

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66639e  No.159416

File: bf4ff9b5e022544⋯.mp4 (10.87 MB, 480x360, 4:3, JewsGoneWild.mp4)

File: 1317153a62cd8c8⋯.webm (1.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Event_Horizon.webm)

File: 4873a2e80f32fab⋯.jpg (787.21 KB, 2180x1382, 1090:691, debt_slaves_the_pyramid.jpg)

File: 4c27c1a9917e9da⋯.jpg (561.28 KB, 1561x1526, 223:218, whitepriv_j.jpg)

File: ece6c5038cc727d⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_they_have_to_die_and….jpg)

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66639e  No.159425

File: 443392a46fc2c38⋯.png (132.29 KB, 666x670, 333:335, 2020_sept_11_yt_screenshot….png)

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66639e  No.159426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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79815e  No.159443


is that first video sinead?

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66639e  No.159450

File: d42ee515f0d0066⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, niggercattle_ultimatum.mp4)

File: aabba689ed16e74⋯.webm (7.83 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Yuri_Bezmenov.webm)


>the potential of technology in health and social care

>That doesn’t sound good at all.

chipnetwork, global positioning your ass, ht you dont like to be part of the herd?

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9cba2b  No.159518

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9cba2b  No.159519


The helicopter firm used was Bristows

The meeting was held at Foxcote House, Warwickshire

Two United States Senators were present

Leslie Wexner and Abigail Wexner may not have been present

All the talk was about the invasion of Iraq

It was a supposed hunting trip

Epstein walked into the main house on Sunday with a woman on each arm

The brunette was not identified but the blonde was identified as Nicole Junkermann

The internet issue was a major concern

An outside IT specialist was brought in late Sunday night

The majority of the security were moonlighting British cops

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21bbcc  No.159771

File: 461a54309f81202⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 550x412, 275:206, 130_Domains_Seized.jpg)

File: c86b7c5355a3c2f⋯.pdf (7.31 MB, Project_MKUltra_The_CIA_s_….pdf)


I can't watch all these videos alone!

FreiheitsFreund https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sJFDQtjzuuwx/ (backup@ https://archive.org/details/BitChute-channel-sJFDQtjzuuwx)

Mouthy Buddha https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKEt1xKVBLuL175dkk8rqLg/videos

C4I for June 3, Kevin Annett, Stew and Patricia

by Patricia Shupe, Donald T. Grahn, Director 206-440-1938; jd. https://archive.org/details/scm-410032-c4iforjune3kevinannettstewand

MK ULTRA black vault https://archive.org/details/doc-0000017481_202007/page/n7/mode/2up

Project MKUltra, The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification https://archive.org/details/ProjectMkultraTheCiasProgramOfResearchInBehavioralModification

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1d7a41  No.159780






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59e3f9  No.160403

This board owner censors the truth and bans people for doing the exact opposite of what he claims they did.

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58c79a  No.160578

File: a7d9ecc3fcf1b26⋯.webm (2.28 MB, 480x640, 3:4, 12.webm)

Get it while it's hot

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