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3c4b54  No.102876

Swiss, Bavarian, Austrians and God knows what else are eccentric, drunk niggers. I can't tell the difference between them but I can tell the difference between Northern Germans and Southern Germans and Southern Germans should seek to be more like the Prussians; being in the Alps must give these people dark skin.

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f44887  No.102937

File: f0de0b99a724330⋯.jpeg (9.33 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download_1_.jpeg)

File: dc2b17a16ae5461⋯.jpg (100.14 KB, 662x662, 1:1, 1588429588669.jpg)

File: bd9da1f7d27e447⋯.jpg (118.08 KB, 665x1024, 665:1024, 1588414805739m.jpg)

File: e0a551db96dc1bd⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1588417159665m.jpg)

File: cb60c8ebf610e3e⋯.jpg (120.35 KB, 850x564, 425:282, fa938b7e69c24a4e3fc014a5d8….jpg)

No you are a kike.https://youtu.be/qAzpLJbEAvE

The Alpine people do not deserve to be regarded as eccentric drunk niggers . The fuhrer came from this part of the world, he was according to Elizabeth Forester nieztche "the noblest disciple of zarathustra". The Alpine people maybe more rustic than northern germanics, so what? Consider the based krampas' of vipteno. https://tv.iltempo.it/cronache/2019/12/08/video/krampus-vipiteno-pestaggio-razzismo-bolzano-demoni-1252627/. When was the last time you beat niggers in the street? Now let us shift our attention north to a man that seemed to be the archetype of Chad around the milenium. That's right ,THE TECHNO VIKING!!! well this fun loving I'll tempered tree punching ex lumberjack ended up a reclusive pole smoker. So can you explain this? I think there is way more degeneracy in the north than in Bavaria or the surrounding Alpine regions. Where did shize films come from? It wasn't from the bucolic garmisch, no it was up north. *The cows :) as a boy I loved to see the cows they would come up and down from there pastures everyday. Oh how I loved those cows. The town would give them room and they would moo and clang their big bells :) don't be sorry because you are a kike, just kys and kys again just to be sure.

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0544bd  No.102951


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