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File: d52ca9e1dc83c3b⋯.jpg (43.81 KB, 1210x726, 5:3, HUNGARY.jpg)

f1160c  No.101826


Hungary is getting prepared to end the legal recognition of transgenders.

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e62162  No.101871

Good, more countries should follow suit

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012b2c  No.101902

Now they just need to end legal recognition of jews as people and we're good to go.

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4a25af  No.101979


Isn't hungary controlled literally by jews?

This is just them trying to dodge the Ire of the growing nationalism in eastern europe

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5ed8f8  No.102031


Traps! Are! Gay!

Get over it, reprobates!


The jews controls Hungary and Slavs aren't even White, fellow goy! Support the EU-backed regime change!

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e07ed3  No.102072


In Iran, they are surprisingly okay with this because they see it as much a theosophic question as well as a psychological one- such surgery is necessary to ensuring the body and soul are aligned.




Traps are not gay. People are drawn to traps because there are aspects of them that are culturally perceived to be feminine. In my opinion, some of them are actually better at being women than their biologically female counterparts.

(TRAPS ARE GAY ASF >>>/gasyourself/)
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623df4  No.102077


>Attraction to cross dressers isn’t gay.

>Now suck that famine penis goy!

You need to go back.

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9ce12c  No.102079


>famine penis


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002614  No.102081



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fa9050  No.102082


I never liked Orban as a leader as he fucked up Hungary a lot but I support him on this issue.

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e07ed3  No.102094


Guessing that was a Freudian slip. Someone's feeling thirsty…

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d9e365  No.102120


>Isn't hungary controlled literally by jews?

Orbán is a gypsy and his main voter base is also gypsy.

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29dd6e  No.102146


>Traps are not gay.

I get why alot of people are prone to think that way. You might be referring to the cases in which female souls are born in the bodies of men and vice versa but this does not make them female in the body i.e they still lack the physical counterpart to the soul which makes it a whole. Weininger proposed the idea of differentiated plasma of two individuals present in the two sexes namely “arrenoplasma” and “taliplasma” which would make sex present in every cell of the body. (((Trans-surgery))) can never solve that because they’re only concerned with the genitals. And even then, if some unfortunate person does end up making love to one of these “traps”, your chances of obtaining STDs are elevated. All in all, Traps are still gay and you’re gayer if you decide to have intercourse with one because of your superficial choice in women.

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eb4d6d  No.104019


nice! use jews to distract people while laws are made! so original… its not like every other fucking thread on here does that, lol

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1bb892  No.104054


>such surgery is necessary to ensuring the body and soul are aligned.

>the soul is wrong, therefore we need to make the body wrong so everything matches.

Still doesn't make sense. You're talking like the surgery does what it advertises. How can amputating healthy body parts make anyone more healthy? Wouldn't it be less invasive and destructive to fix the "soul" instead.

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8d6642  No.104168



Soros banned by gypsies

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094cd3  No.104352

Hungarian parliament rejected Istanbul Convention.

>What the hell is the Istanbul Convention?

Technically a legal trap under the disguise of children and women protection. It's promoting it self as an answer against domestic violence while forcing your country to accept migrant children and women whitout any question. Also it's gives full rights and recognition to trannies. It's so blatant even if Ahmed says he is a she, then you need to allow him to get in your country without any questions and pay him her'.




I hope your countries step up against this shit too! Good luck guys!

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a42cf1  No.104375


no I reject your correction. I like famine penis better.

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a42cf1  No.104377


No anon. It is called humor. Look into it. Famine/Hungary…it is hilarious.

>there is no famine penis in Hungary

Traps are gay as well as being totally revolting.


LOL…when the gypos ban you it means…

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2ffe75  No.104386


Human sex hormone dictates which genetics are expressed. An XY has all of the genetic material its natal-female counterpart would. E is all that is needed to rewire the intricate bits of circuitry.

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562c1d  No.104392


>implying the "intricate bits of circuitry" are capable of being rewired and are not an intrisic part of your very existence

Polite sage for countering tranny nonsense

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a42cf1  No.104405

File: aeea14dc20c9843⋯.png (21.37 KB, 668x465, 668:465, 70487A77_9D5B_43E7_9280_A7….png)


>An XY has all of the genetic material its natal-female counterpart would

HAHAHAHA…did you totally fail biology?

This is quite literally insane and as wrong as it gets. All the missing shit is what makes a man ‘male’ and not female. You are literally missing BILLIONS of lines of code.

You could NEVER BE FEMALE no matter what you do or even come close, you stupid faggot.

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2ffe75  No.104406


Both X chromosomes are identical, yokel. You don't even have a picture of the world outside of what's shoveled into you.

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e9c6e2  No.104407

File: 2142f2d524beae5⋯.pdf (6.54 MB, An_algebra_for_theoretical….pdf)

File: 0ecd6c06a2f6f36⋯.png (2.22 MB, 5115x5310, 341:354, Shannon.png)


Based Hungarian rejection of British Tavistock psychological warfare.


Read up on George Soros here >>36035

When will our cowardly politicians and law enforcement officers stand up to this subversive kike?


>female souls are born in the bodies of men



>Human sex hormone dictates which genetics are expressed.

men are not women

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e9c6e2  No.104409


Gender is also math.

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