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Anarcho-fascist eco-accelerationism

File: 95fe6fb2d7d8248⋯.jpg (164.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Banksters.jpg)

483360  No.100181

Trumps Mission

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eafc3d  No.100185

Trump was bailed out by Rothschild Inc., and appointed a Rothschild banker as commerce secretary. And while Kennedy was an enemy of jewry, Executive Order 11110 didn't do what you think it did. The only one of them who actually fought International Finance was Hitler.

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434a45  No.100197


Kennedy wasn't an enemy of the jews. Him and his brother went after Hoffa and the Teamster's to destroy White living standards. He was very anti-Soviet and very pro-israel. He was a rather public degenerate. Lied about the imaginary missile gap to enrich the MIC. The mythology around JFK really needs to die. It's not our job to keep boomers' illusions intact.

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eafc3d  No.100199

File: d7dd1a4e61e98c8⋯.jpg (104.49 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, The_Real_Reason_JFK_Was_Mu….jpg)

File: 2a779634e598e5d⋯.jpg (621.18 KB, 1457x643, 1457:643, Kunstler_Rubenstein.jpg)


He opposed Israel's nuclear program and was killed for it.

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434a45  No.100200


Yeah, I'm familiar with that argument and I don't really buy it.

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bac3b8  No.100202

>Saying nice things about ebil king roolcuuk

No you're supposed to make death threats stupid goy

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142b4e  No.100205

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