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File: 9fab76469f287cb⋯.jpeg (892.12 KB,2100x1441,2100:1441,recovery.jpeg)

156b75 No.9663

ITT we discuss how we can try to recover some of the lost literature of nazi germany.

it is known that the nazis burned rougly 3500 titles, but what is little known is that post-war the allies pulped and completely eradicated more than 30000 titles during a "de-nazification" period, and still do to this day

we need to find any surviving books and save them for the world to see, to not let them destroy anymore history due to their conflicting agenda

if you have any "rare" pdfs of 1935-1944 german books that you are willing to share, the world will thank you

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aed0f1 No.9666


>it is known that the nazis burned rougly 3500 titles

It is known because the jews said it.

Most of those burned pieces of garbage were jewish pornography and degenerate works from the usual suspects and their commie golems.

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156b75 No.9668


yes, satan, i am aware of this, however i wanted to bring attention to the 30000 books that the allies eradicated, i couldnt care less about the filth the nazis burned, i do however care about those countless german works with untold knowledge

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e01279 No.9669


>Most of those burned pieces of garbage were jewish pornography and degenerate works from the usual suspects and their commie golems.

How do you know this? I get it man, i hate the jews too, but these kinds of forceful readings of history are just intellectually lazy

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fae931 No.9675


>How do you know this?

Because the germans preserved banned books

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156b75 No.9684


>Because the germans preserved banned books

so if the former is likely. how likely is it that the allies preserved at least one copy of each book the banned/destroyed??

if they did save a copy surely there must be a repository where it can be recovered

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156b75 No.9697

File: ff0935665e3a29d⋯.pdf (2.94 MB,germany speaks.pdf)

dont know if this is a common one, but its a start

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629452 No.10307

what is far more interesting is the untranslated Nazi produced books elucidating on their worldview for a wholesome society. I have a few of these I picked up years ago with the hope of translating one day.

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b24829 No.10397

File: 043849ca17c3ccd⋯.jpg (129.31 KB,510x375,34:25,Dresden.jpg)


Pic related. This is dresden, does it look like anything was preserved by the allies? No nigger, "De-nazification" meant everything had to go. If the allies had preserved any banned books they would have built libraries you know? Like the germans had done with banned books… but they didn't, not a single one.

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63586b No.10403

File: 3b1eabbba7e60e5⋯.webm (7.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Book Burning In Berlin, 1….webm)

File: 41afcd9cc6c607b⋯.pdf (306.85 KB,Germany Lists of Banned Bo….pdf)


How does he know what?

>Lists of Banned Books, 1932-1939

>What was forbidden? What was burned? It is difficult to say for sure, in part because there were so many agencies which got involved. According to Leonidas Hill, author of "The Nazi Attack on Un-German Literature, 1933-1945," by 1934, over forty agencies had lists ennumerating 4,100 publications to be banned. The following list is necessarily partial, but should represent the most influential literature blacklists from 1933 to 1935.

http://www.library.arizona.edu/exhibits/burnedbooks/documents.htm - http://archive.is/4BBqJ

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b81021 No.10404


The first item was a work of a socialist. Point taken though.


If the allies had preserved anything, its in the private Library of some CIA nigger who happens to be into Crowleyian Magick.

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1e351e No.10411

File: 5226bfb9b3853ec⋯.mp4 (15.29 MB,200x200,1:1,Loot and Plunder After WWI….mp4)

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fb3f56 No.10854


>it is known that the nazis burned rougly 3500 titles

the German student union burned 20,000 titles from Herschfeld's institute of sex research alone, as well as the 4,000 from the catalogue of democratic-sounding works that they assembled

>and still do to this day


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f19726 No.10867

File: b9b4c33e49fd8af⋯.jpg (70.16 KB,800x512,25:16,Bundesarchiv_Bild_141-0763….jpg)

File: c1d2eeef262d24d⋯.jpg (710.25 KB,1000x824,125:103,Destroyed_Warsaw,_capital_….jpg)


Pics related. This is Warsaw, does it look like anything was preserved by the Germs? You do the same thing then cry crocodile tears about 1 city. Germs are literraly niggers of Europe

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108b87 No.10868


I wonder how this scum ended up in /pdfs/.

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72794f No.10871


What you're saying was in retaliation to a (((massive uprising))).

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34ad12 No.10890


Well, you ethnically cleansed and annexed east Prussia, so I guess you came out ahead.

besides the 50 years of judeocommunist domination, but it seems like a lot of polish nationalists like that era

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e8d95f No.11164

Seeing this thread reminds me. I spent a month working at the public library in Narvik, Norway as part of my education. The library has a "nazi collection" not available to the public, including several books by Quisling and nazi illustrations. While working there, the librarian with me said he was unsure what to do with them, they are historically significant, but making a display of them seemed wrong.

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e8d95f No.11165


Pic of the librarian I worked with and the "nazi collection".

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c66440 No.11495



do you recall which library it was specifically?

it would be invaluable if a collector anon with a book scanner were to scan, preserve, and disseminate the contents of that collection.

my biggest worry is that now that its in the "open" per se, there are certain "forces" which may seek its destruction.

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9a0192 No.11499


When was this? Get a hold of the scans (or document them with a camera) of course.

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e8d95f No.11506

File: ebc6d36365ed8fb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1137x596,1137:596,det_4_hjoerne.png)

File: 7b3e15b01e1448d⋯.jpg (93.98 KB,800x600,4:3,IMG_0431-800x600.jpg)

File: d3186b1ae64d39d⋯.jpg (132.58 KB,1280x852,320:213,getimage.ashx.jpg)



This was one year ago, spring 2018. It was the main public library. It shares it's building with the Narvik war museum.

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