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File: e42778703c81c14⋯.jpg (21.76 KB,432x372,36:31,firefox.jpg)

197907 No.9618

Is the host compromised? Firefox shows every .pdf downloaded from gen.lib as virus.

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037f0c No.9620

Probably a new (((antipiracy))) measure from the most recent update, though I'd avoid downloading anything at least for a couple days.

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f1d464 No.9626

Run it through VirusTotal or whatever it's called but I call Jewish tricks.

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7d4604 No.9631

Downloading from libgen works on google chrome.

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0de76c No.9651

File: 38e7fbb1ba20d63⋯.jpg (790.48 KB,1030x1878,515:939,1418642149277.jpg)

Grabbed a couple of books that had been accused of malware with another computer and ran a virus scam, there was nothing wrong with them. Also downloading through Bookzz don't give out any warning, so yeah, its just firefox freaking out over the goyim acquiring free knowledge.

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c64cb6 No.9880


Stop sending your data to Google you fucking nigger. Disable malware and phishing protection, in the options or about:config, they are nothing but Jewish tricks.

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