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File: 647eb3a184cfb8c⋯.jpg (97.83 KB,1070x602,535:301,kindle-voyage-product-phot….jpg)

45b808 No.9501

Hi anons.

I'm looking to save my eyes some strain by purchasing an ereader. Reading pdfs on my computer or phone makes my eyes bloodshot and gives me a headache that I never feel when reading books on paper.

However, some of the e readers I have seen have advertisements and limit the content of what you can read to purchased pdfs.

Is there an ereader put there that lets me upload whatever files I would like to it from by desktop? Either by cable connection or Bluetooth connection? Even better would be if I could download straight from /pdfs/ or mega.

Do most e readers handle other files besides just pdfs?

My friend bought one for ~80 bucks and it had no functionality. He could only purchase ebooks from Amazon and not upload them himself, and he had to sit through advertisements.

I would be willing to spend ~150+ dollars on something like this


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cdbacb No.9502

I have a kobo glo hd and you can upload stuff (epub/pdf/jpg) yourself, via usb cable.

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608e7e No.9504


this, Kobo has best file compatibility, sd card, physical build, etc. like $40-60 for an e-reader you'll use for decades.

Kobo > nook > Kindle IMO.

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07a207 No.9524


are pdfs laggy on it?

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103bc5 No.9537

File: 81fe123795e8fd7⋯.pdf (1.48 MB,Programmed to Kill - David….pdf)

File: f20442d70645efb⋯.jpg (419.08 KB,1104x1500,92:125,kobo_aura.jpg)


I've got a Kobo Aura and PDFs are fine as long as you don't zoom in. If you zoom in you're going to get a bit of lag partially due to e-ink tech and partially due to the device itself.

For any ereader though you want to use epub/mobi rather than pdf whenever possible. PDFs tend to have large margins for printing, which means lots of wasted space on an ereader. There's a custom chinese-made OS for the Kindle called Duokan that'll trim out the whitespace automatically but obviously that's not ideal.

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45b808 No.9581

I don't see the glo available anymore. I'm going to order an aura I guess.

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dfa6b4 No.9586


You don't really need a specialized e

-reader. Just get a simple tablet and install

Twillight app, set it to minimal red-ish light, and enjoy your eyes being fine. It is what i am doing. You can even reduce brightness to 0 if i'm not mistaken.

Having a normal tablet is much better as you can install anything you want easily, like having an IRC client to download books, download them from here, or even from scihub.

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103bc5 No.9589


Downside of this approach is a battery life measured in hours rather than weeks.

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dfa6b4 No.9590


True enough, but realistically, it is most likely impossible that OP would be away from any place with electricity for more than a few hours.

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45b808 No.9597


Doesn't that hurt your eyes?

I do the same thing on my phone with a blue light blocker and lowest brightness, but it hurts my eyes.

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551edf No.9600


i had two kobos freeze and stop working. Now I use a kindle and mostly like it. I kind of want something bigger now like a boox readet… but goddamn $1100 CAD :(

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959c5f No.9611

I cannot find an e-reader that I like for the life of me.

I hate Amazon Kindles, Nooks, and Kobos, because of the price, the necessity of making an account, and the fact that it has a screen size of 6 inches. I want a larger screen e-reader where I can simply upload pdfs/epubs and read them without having to set up an account. The only thing that I've found to what I want is ONYX BOOX but those are way too much.

I want something that looks nice and can give me the ability to have a micro sd. Sorry for the rant.

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9521a2 No.9625


Kobos are nice tbh. I get the account thing but you can skip it and they support every other criterion.

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959c5f No.9653


Not really. The newer ones are all 6" screens and it looks like they've just removed microSD cards from all of their products. The refurnished ones look like they cost more than they're worth.

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959c5f No.9667



I guess I'm just gonna save up for something from Onyx Boox.

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f13b37 No.9676

just get an ipad tbh fam

>but fuck apple. expensive garbage owned by shitlibs

I bought a kindle as an inexpensive option and I had nothing but problems with it. Forget the program I used to convert pdfs but it sucked ass and was cumbersome and time consuming. Ipads all you have to do is open pdf link and add to ibooks. No bullshit. No file converting on a pc. One last thing - if you have a pdf of a book whick consists of scanned pages then you’re going to have a real bad time trying to read it on a kindle because the book might be scanned in landscape mode and kindle doesn’t support reading in landscape.

Just my 2 cents but you can get a great, new ipad for around $300. Not to mention all the other apps available for the platform.

>inb4 fuck off applefaggot

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f13b37 No.9677

Forgot to add that as soon as you open said pdf or epub in ibooks that it saves it to ibooks automatically. You can even save web pages to ibooks in pdf format just as easily. Excellent for pages/news stories that will eventually get memory holed.

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976f88 No.9721


reading on iPad sucks. And, they're expensive.

What kind of battery life do you get reading?

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4d8782 No.9738

I agree with those saying kobo.


I get the account thing, but of any of the main ones, it has the best file support. If the other anon is right that you can skip it then this isn't even an issue. You could always give them some made up email if you wanted.


>. The newer ones are all 6" screens

That's wrong. The Aura One is 7.8-inch screen. The Aura H2O, both editions are 6.8-inch screens. Having had an original Aura that is 6-inch, the 6.8-inch makes a large difference. The 7.8-inch would be too big to put in any pockets, but you clearly have a different preference.


>. PDFs tend to have large margins for printing, which means lots of wasted space on an ereader.


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959c5f No.9745


Yeah but neither of those have micro-sd card inserts do they?

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143892 No.9871


You can side-load books onto the kindle by copy and pasting the file into the documents folder…

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f13b37 No.9874


I never use it solely for reading but a charge lasts around 4-5 days for me.

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f41f5f No.10214


I have tried various kindles and kobos.The kobos were terrible and froze constantly. The kindle is fine if you're reading text, but if you have complicated PDFs with charts and images, you'll want to run the PDF without converting, which is impossible on most kindles because the screen is too small.

I just bought a used Kindle DX on Ebay and I really like it. It was expensive - cost $220CAD, but it displays PDFs well. I honestly could go a bit bigger, but I can read PDFs without too much eye strain. I just wish I could buy one with all of the new technology.

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501d97 No.10249

So I got myself a kindle paperlight and it shits the bed whenever I try to read http://library.sciencemadness.org/library/books/Mellor_ACTITC_01.pdf . I am assuming this is due to the massive filesize (and apparently the entire .pdf is loaded at once instead of just what I'm reading). Any suggestions on how I can reduce the strain on my device to make it readable?


Mine demanded that I give it a wifi connection and create an account, but I just said "later" and haven't had any issues about that. .pdf is, however, the only format I've used it for.

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d5a895 No.12889

Hi goys…

I've been using certain Bolle safety glasses to work on my pc, and use my smartphone indoors for several years, and I cant recommend them enough.. Certain industries demand new technologies to filter blue light, I've been looking at this CSP range, I believe the coating filters out 99% of blue light but i'm not totally sure.. worth a look anyway..


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a645af No.12892

op, I was facing your dilemma a couple of years ago. I ended up buying an andriod tablet and for me it has worked out well, besides being "paperbook page size" and being able to read all types of ebook formats with 64 gigs of storage to boot, I am also able to use it as a tablet, or more specifically my kid uses it to play some apps just about every day.. this is one of the few random-tech pieces that I will never regret buying. (Unlike my PSP)

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