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File: 174b648e239fbe4⋯.jpg (17.65 KB,221x221,1:1,truthserum3.jpg)

74db34 No.7011


Key: !93fyxtxHy0xRAVESdBDQHg

File list:

Bloody Passovers - Ariel Toaff

Debacle in Damascus - The 1840 Jewish Ritual Murder Case

Did Six Million Really Die_ Report of the evidence in the Canadian 'false news' trial of Ernst Zündel - Barbara Kulaszka (1988)

Don't Make the Black Kids Angry - Colin Flaherty

Dumbing Us Down - John Taylor Gatto

Fighting for the Essence - Pierre Krebs

Germany and the Jewish Problem - F.K. Wiebe (1939)

Hellstorm, The Death of Nazi Germany - Thomas Goodrich (2010)

Jewish occult murders - Hale Matt

Jewish Ritual Murder, A Historical Investigation- Hellmut Schramm

Jewish Ritual Murder - Arnold Leese

Jewish Role In The Bolshevik Revolution - Mark Weber

Jewish Run Concentration Camps In The Soviet Union

Jewish Supremacism - David Duke

Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation Political Control - E. Michael Jones

Mein Kampf (The New Ford Translation) - Adolf Hitler

Nazi Ideology before 1933_ A Documentation - Various (1918-1932)

Race, Evolution and Behavior - J. Philippe Rushton (3rd ed 2000)

Shattering the Myth of Racism, Volume I - Matt Nuenke (2002)

Shattering the Myth of Racism, Volume II - Matt Nuenke (2003)

Slavery in the Arab World - Murray Gordon (1987)

Take Your Choice, Separation or Mongrelization - Theodore G. Bilbo

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century - Arthur R. Butz

The Holocaust Industry - Norman G. Finkelstein

The Holocaust Story and the Lies of Ulysses - Paul Rassinier

The International Jew - Henry Ford

The Jewish Genocide of Christian Armenians - Christopher Jon Bjerknes

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Sergei Nilus

The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew

The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews Volume 1 (1991)

The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews Volume 2 (2010)

The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Highlights and Key Points

The Specious Origins of Liberalism - Anthony Ludovici (1967)

The Truth About the Talmud - Michael A. Hoffman II e Alan R. Critchley

The Ugly Truth about the ADL

The War Against Boys - Christina Marie Hoff Sommers

Understanding Jewish Influence_ A Stin Ethnic Activism - Kevin MacDonald

Weapons of Mass Instruction - John Taylor Gatto

What The Talmud Teaches on Gentiles

Ye Shall Know the Truth - Piper Michael Collins (2013)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1d2d33 No.7108


Motherfucker. The link isn't working anymore. Update it

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7dd752 No.9145

File: 3448e41be9181d8⋯.jpg (28.55 KB,579x351,193:117,faggot op.JPG)

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