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File: 1424057970594-0.jpg (98.6 KB,180x270,2:3,9780521709590.jpg)

File: 1424057970594-1.pdf (2.08 MB,John Charvet, Elisa Kaczyn….pdf)

e3dea0 No.665 [View All]

itt books that are apologetic of liberalism, multiculturalism, human rights and/or any other features of modernity. All leftist materials go here also. I'll start with this.

>The 'Liberal Project' aims to transform society in accordance with liberal values and practices. This volume argues that the United Nations regime on human rights is an attempt to realise this project on an international level. The authors provide an engaging theoretical and historical context for this argument, defining the concept of liberalism, its origins and evolution, and identify it as a universal value that constitutes the very essence of the international human rights regime. The book explores the possibility of a cross-cultural consensus on the issue being reached, but problems of sovereignty and nationalism are also discussed as potential obstacles to the Liberal Project's completion. This penetrating and insightful work will appeal to a wide range of scholars and students interested in liberalism and human rights from the fields of international relations, law, political theory and political philosophy.

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381a0e No.7613

File: 31dcb0c6961ae21⋯.jpg (38.67 KB,318x500,159:250,snyder.jpg)

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bd60a7 No.7703

File: 69488d0e1b1d9bf⋯.pdf (746.37 KB,lenin on clausewitz.pdf)

File: 9e4daab1da21ef3⋯.png (20.37 KB,503x211,503:211,lenin.png)


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696052 No.7710

File: 2327f204df1e8ba⋯.jpg (38.3 KB,318x500,159:250,legiticmacy of the modern ….jpg)

>(((Hans Blumenberg))) - The Legitimacy of the Modern Age (1966)

wanted to refute Carl Schmitt's main assertion in "Political Theology" that "all significant concepts of the modern theory of the state are secularized theological concepts"


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ad8e10 No.7901


>The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.

t. Engels in Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849

part of the archive: Marx and Engels on Russia


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77804f No.8972

File: 4ca1656b88e74cd⋯.pdf (3.95 MB,StealThisBookbyAbbieHoffma….pdf)

Abbie Hoffman- Steal This Book

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77804f No.8973

File: efb245cc68e4a5c⋯.pdf (8.8 MB,jerry-rubin-do-it-scenario….pdf)

Jerry Rubin- Do It!

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77804f No.8974

File: 8895df06ddd358a⋯.pdf (4.3 MB,kthkcn.pdf)

Eldridge Cleaver- Soul On Ice

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77804f No.8996

File: 708a99cd15d8621⋯.pdf (3.34 MB,ANTIFA_Bray.pdf)

Mark Bray- The Antifa Handbook

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77804f No.9020

File: ebaf26b1cc27381⋯.pdf (8.36 MB,Maps-of-Meaning-The-Archit….pdf)

Jordan peterson- maps of meaning

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77804f No.9048

File: e175c4193234810⋯.pdf (4.61 MB,12-Rules-for-Life-An-Antid….pdf)

Jordan Peterson - 12 rules for life

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77804f No.9049

Jordan Peterson's other book is too large to post here:

Personality and Its Transformations


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77804f No.9050

File: 5db81a4df5dce7d⋯.pdf (3.69 MB,Union_Now-Clarence_K_Strei….pdf)

Clarence K. Streit– Union Now! (Talks about the north Atlantic union idea)

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77804f No.9073

File: 65491ac63497496⋯.pdf (2.74 MB,weatherman.pdf)

The weathermen

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3c0543 No.9168


Not a book by Peterson - he excerpted a bunch of chapters from an earlier textbook on personality and psychoanalysis for his personality course. Still valuable, though.

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61c414 No.9383

Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically David Gilbert

Have this?

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13b54f No.9500

Does anyone attend UCLA, U Toronto, Columbia, Syracuse, Colby or have access to their libraries if you live near them? There's a journal that ran from 2011-15 on Critical Theory and Judaism, the articles of which are published online, all except one. The name of the journal is called Bamidbar and I'm trying to get my hands on Redemption ex negativo: Critical Theory and the History of Mystical Heresy by A. Angermann in Issue 4.1.

The call number is B5800 .B36 or ISSN: 2079-6943

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a4f129 No.9550


lol this place is for poltards.

maybe try leftypol.

pretend that you are a poor leftist and that you want to study critical theory and ask if anyone of them goes to those schools. Since leftypol is the place for high IQ peole you should find someone to help you.

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d842c8 No.9610

File: d1f2c00b7e8f423⋯.png (102.46 KB,1067x438,1067:438,c63ccc31-d939-4e37-8cd3-4f….png)


>High IQ

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77804f No.9615


>Reddit spacing

>No caps

>Unwarranted self importance


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fb2457 No.9748

Any thing on jews and their involvement with the Frankfurt school?

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13b54f No.9750


>implying the Frankfurt School was anything but a purely jewish creation

Any text on the FS will be about Jews. But, if you want to know more, read the relevant chapters in Culture of Critique, as KMac does a good job highlighting the extent of jewish identity of the leading figures. If you are so inclined, you should also find yourself a primer on their guiding philosophy, like The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, or The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories, and Political Significance. A review of critical theory would also be helpful. If you really want to know them, you have to read their own works, especially Dialectic of Enlightenment by Horkheimer and Adorno.

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aeca9a No.9833

File: 5cc0474d008b2e2⋯.png (330.96 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_2018-07-26-07-1….png)

File: 98f34c6af843a66⋯.pdf (381.6 KB,IsraelLobby.pdf)

Under rated essay

The israel lobby

By mearsheimer and walt

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7c5562 No.9923

>"What is a Nation?" ("Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?") is an 1882 lecture by French historian Ernest Renan

an early manifesto of civic nationalism


>Civic nationalism (also known as liberal nationalism) defines the nation as an association of people who identify themselves as belonging to the nation, who have equal and shared political rights, and allegiance to similar political procedures. According to the principles of civic nationalism, the nation is not based on common ethnic ancestry, but is a political entity whose core identity is not ethnicity. This civic concept of nationalism is exemplified by Ernest Renan in his lecture in 1882 "What is a Nation?", where he defined the nation as a "daily referendum" (frequently translated "daily plebiscite") dependent on the will of its people to continue living together.

>Renan begins his essay by noting that there is frequent confusion between the idea of nationhood and of racial or linguistic groupings, a form of confusion which he says can produce "the gravest errors".

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b6e033 No.9934


Ames is a stupid fuck but other guy, the War Nerd (something Brescher?) should know better. It's incredible how much detail people can amass about the world and still be blind and clueless as to how it works.

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32584a No.9949

File: d784307eb90d157⋯.jpg (30.69 KB,474x715,474:715,semitism.jpg)


>Jonathan Weisman - (((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump


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77804f No.9995

Does anybody have (((Ayn Rand's))) stuff? I'm a glutton for punishment, and I want to try to slog through Atlas Shrugged.

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469665 No.9998


no i dont, but good luck anon

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a5fb91 No.10004

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1374cc No.10005


should be tons of hits on google

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1374cc No.10006


a lot of (((journalists))) get into cover war at random by their editors and that is what War Nerd seems to me.

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64ef70 No.10372


>tfw ambient music is one of my favorite music genres

I guess blade runner is officialy fashy goy cinema

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77804f No.10498

File: 93fa0bb4322244b⋯.pdf (1.74 MB,The.Autobiography.of.Malco….pdf)

The Autobiography Of Malcolm X

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77804f No.10499

File: f1901fbdfb0b182⋯.pdf (1000.6 KB,germany-is-our-problem.pdf)

File: 344fff79c5f2322⋯.pdf (362.46 KB,Germany-Must-Perish-Theodo….pdf)

File: f4546f57aa004a4⋯.pdf (14.44 MB,whattodowithgerm00nizerich.pdf)

Anti German Books-

Henry Morgenthau Jr.- Germany Is Our Problem

Theodore Kaufmann- Germany Must Perish!

Louis Nizer- What To Do With Germany

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f10f16 No.10612

File: ba5557e333330d5⋯.jpg (47.19 KB,329x500,329:500,from enemy to brother.jpg)


>John Connelly - From Enemy to Brother: The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews, 1933-1965

>The radical shift of Vatican II grew out of a buried history, a theological struggle in Central Europe in the years just before the Holocaust, when a small group of Catholic converts (especially former Jew Johannes Oesterreicher and former Protestant Karl Thieme) fought to keep Nazi racism from entering their newfound church. Through decades of engagement, extending from debates in academic journals, to popular education, to lobbying in the corridors of the Vatican, this unlikely duo overcame the most problematic aspect of Catholic history. Their success came not through appeals to morality but rather from a rediscovery of neglected portions of scripture.

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77804f No.10638

File: 8fccfe40d05a6ef⋯.jpg (153.16 KB,533x694,533:694,d95c2bbf3035c793b09d41f075….jpg)

File: 3c1c2f1edd4af15⋯.jpg (37.72 KB,285x400,57:80,g_n_nofretete_02.jpg)


Just noticed this-

>similar in appearance to ancient Egyptians


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a47b4a No.10726



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a47b4a No.10727


Hegel's actually based.

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a47b4a No.10728


oh Scruton. that fucker. he hated based Kojeve.

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77804f No.10735




>bumps thread


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954361 No.10757


I think it’s a mix of willpower and morals. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you don’t have a sense of justice you’re just as much of an inanimate object as a book

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339e11 No.11518

File: 2257bc484f3883b⋯.jpg (119.17 KB,333x500,333:500,freire.jpg)

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cfdfb9 No.11523

File: 289d3a5e47c0d3a⋯.gif (319.05 KB,250x250,1:1,289d3a5e47c0d3a1cb70eebf33….gif)


I hate this piece of marxist shit with a passion.

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edbe20 No.11627

File: c8aa71674b19a39⋯.jpg (24.64 KB,213x360,71:120,Lin-Biao-Carrying-Out-5.jpg)


Hey, at least its not gay cartoons for kids

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ef43c2 No.11870

File: 060c90f1bb66f29⋯.pdf (2.13 MB,LutherBlissett-Q-en.pdf)

File: 8fb82607cbb5664⋯.jpg (32.68 KB,326x499,326:499,q.jpg)

>Luther Blissett - Q (1999)


>Throughout Europe, several critics have read Q from a political point of view, and maintain that the novel is an allegory of European society after the decline of the 1960s and 1970s protest movements. As in the 16th century, the Counter-Reformation repressed any alternative theological current or radical social movement, and the Peace of Augsburg sanctioned the partition of the continent among Catholic and Protestant powers, so the last twenty years of the 20th century were marked by a vengeful rebirth of conservative ideologies, and the International Monetary Fund-driven corporate globalization of the economy seemed to rout any resistance.

>This interpretation stems from the authors describing Q as a "handbook of survival skills"

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dcd63f No.12141

File: af6940003bbad69⋯.jpg (112.35 KB,390x600,13:20,9783730606063_3D_web.jpg)

Might as well read this. Then you know everything

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13b54f No.12272

File: ad4f7092582f715⋯.pdf (11.05 MB,David Sciulli - Theory of ….pdf)

I have yet to read this, but the title promises to be an attempt at a 'non-Marxist critical theory'. I look forward to analysing how, or if, this 'non-Marxist' theory is really different from the Freudo-Marxist critical theory of the Frankfurters.

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e87043 No.12291



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a47b4a No.12595


Nick Land isn't really that bad.


has some meaning but its still mediocre


I wrote my own, basically used Michel Foucault's theories and applied them to a right-wing praxis. I'm a dick, aren't I?

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a47b4a No.12596

btw, one polite bump, but I don't see any Karl Popper in here if you really want to get to the source of the enemy's base.

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d5c143 No.12598

File: 1ff0be1cc1d0c4f⋯.png (120.75 KB,1373x1830,1373:1830,alinsky.png)



Not really - I'd bet that a vast, vast majority of so-called Marxists haven't even touched it themselves. And possibly most of them haven't even read the Manifesto pamphlet.

Rules for Radicals is probably a better bet for this current brand of lunatics.


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