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File: 56bd186cd73f65d⋯.pdf (47.6 KB,100x100,1:1,LaVeyan-Khaos-Magick.pdf)

55989c No.5501

Dickmoo is trying to shill the chans. Posting up their pdfs as i get them for operational usage. This is their attempt at a satanic ritual to command kek, as if they could.

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55989c No.5502

>trying to command a god who even his own followers believe to be capricious and moved only by his amusements and hatreds

wew I hope they get Kek's attention for all their efforts the fireworks would be spectacular

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55989c No.5512


Add more pdfs or just use the General thread, laddy.

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55989c No.5523

This pdf is horseshit. Reciting a script that sounds like it was written for a fantasy movie about over-dramatic caricature wizards from thousands of years ago doesn't do anything.

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55989c No.5525


I've not been paying much attention to this whole thing but I did a bit of googling them and to me they just seem like Anonymouse tier edgetards.

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55989c No.5564


Is there a size limit? I'm having trouble uploading the other one I grabbed.

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55989c No.5568


12MB. Also only pdfs, we can't upload epubs or any other type of file. If it's too big try uploading to nya.is or mixtape.moe and then put the link in the thread.

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