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File: 1460019257263.jpg (23.32 KB,600x274,300:137,trump-lion.jpg)

dc2981 No.3781

PDF cache of files used to create a comprehensive list of delegates supporting Trump.

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dc2981 No.3782

File: 1460019379480.pdf (70.94 KB,Pennsylvania alt delegates….pdf)

Pennsylvania alt delegates list for verifying correct merging.

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dc2981 No.3783

File: 1460045681293.pdf (289.83 KB,Pennsylvania delegates.pdf)

These are all the Pennsylvania delegates in just a plain list. Click the delegate's name or petition link for more info (that should be put into the table if you feel you have the time).

I've kept all the redundant info in this table for reference. It should preferably be trimmed out with any update.

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dc2981 No.3784

File: 1460046611911.pdf (284.78 KB,Pennsylvania delegates tri….pdf)


Realized it would take me two seconds to do this.

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dc2981 No.3803

File: 1460363237140.pdf (193.76 KB,Delegates.pdf)

Contact information and survey results entered.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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