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File: 1456595453057.jpg (152.44 KB,991x660,991:660,smBaXaS.jpg)

a3fa75 No.3567

What's some good /pdfs/ to read that's relatively light reading to get myself into reading heavier /pol/ or philosophical texts? I only read fanfics nowadays

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a3fa75 No.3569

File: 1456673390523.jpg (104.65 KB,434x675,434:675,0-271-01075-4md.jpg)


thanks for deleting a thread that probably had some good pdfs with your stupid askleddit thread, faggot

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a3fa75 No.3570

File: 1456678532643.pdf (563.26 KB,Generation Identity.pdf)


Here you go mate. Don't worry, the thread that got deleted was a 2+ week old askthread with no responses.

Anyway, this book right here is a bretty good primer on some /pol/ themes, Gonna see if I can dig up some more easy reading later

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a3fa75 No.3577

File: 1456712055763.pdf (1.71 MB,The_New_Totalitarians__Bra….pdf)

Roland Huntford's "The new totalitarians" Explains why sweden was SWEDEN YES as early as 1980 and it has shall we say a ton of relevance for the west.

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a3fa75 No.3656

File: 1457719218685.png (44.09 KB,496x500,124:125,wikileakspdf.png)

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a3fa75 No.3679


The fuck?

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a3fa75 No.3685



What the flying shit? Do they lurk here that much?

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a3fa75 No.3714


holy shit who knows how many normies we were just exposed to

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a3fa75 No.3723

File: 1458878362004-0.jpg (516.02 KB,994x1280,497:640,tmp_1454977706313-1-192183….jpg)

File: 1458878362008-1.png (697.56 KB,1023x838,1023:838,tmp_1454614848697-01608913….png)


>mfw its real

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a3fa75 No.3728


>pls can I get a follow back


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f02c06 No.12576


About what was this?

What was saying Bernie those days?

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4443d4 No.12580


I can't remember what the thing with Bernie was in reference to exactly but by the look of it Bernie was probably talking about the "Scandinavian model" of economics/welfare etc during the democratic candidate campaigns.

The book linked was this >>205 which was linked on both Wikileaks' twitter and Assange's personal twitter more than once over the years. It was when he was in the Ecuadorian embassy facing extradition to Sweden.

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