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File: 1415551166728.jpg (14.2 KB,231x346,231:346,index.jpg)

649459 No.29

Please can someone find the pdf of this book.I'll send you my left ballsack for it.
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649459 No.30

I don't think I have it.
Will check
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649459 No.32

File: 1415551394313-0.jpg (88.03 KB,504x779,504:779,Hitler Social Revolution.JPG)

File: 1415551394313-1.pdf (178.34 KB,Degrelle-HitlersSocialRevo….pdf)

The closest i have is this
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649459 No.38

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649459 No.41

Hitler's revolution by Richard Tedor is on Amazon as a kindle eBook, someone should just buy it and convert.

Also, here's March of the Titans, it's 45 mb so I can't upload it to the board.

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649459 No.42

If I only had money…well I guess someone will do that eventually.

Thanks for the book you glorious bastard!
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649459 No.223

It's 14MB, so I can't upload it, but here it is: https://mega.co.nz/#!MwwEkSJT!e_KvfMtfpliOwBfuUgdmfG4aFinI3TyG1S079At4yLs

Credit goes to an anon on /pol/ who claims to have bought the eBook and converted it.
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649459 No.224

> https://mega.co.nz/#!MwwEkSJT!e_KvfMtfpliOwBfuUgdmfG4aFinI3TyG1S079At4yLs

I don't care for AZW3 to PDF file conversions. Anyone got an AZW3 to ePub version?
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649459 No.225

File: 1418682087913.png (23.75 KB,750x814,375:407,Face to Face with Race - C….png)


I guess it would be convenient to have this in one file, but if you really want to read the contents I'm pretty sure all of the articles within it are already freely available on the American Renaissance website. Just use Google to site search AmRen.com for chapter titles.
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649459 No.4483


Thank you, whoever converted it!

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649459 No.4512


>I don't care for AZW3 to PDF file conversions.

Hear hear!

PDF should be reserved for eBooks released like that and scans of paper books.

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959cab No.13468

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53e3f9 No.13988

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