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File: 1419186520036.pdf (1.9 MB,31323686-Guerrilla-Air-Def….pdf)

24006e No.267 [View All]

Guerrilla Air Defense
36 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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24006e No.3511

File: 1455996248144.jpg (11.85 KB,300x300,1:1,linebarger.jpg)


official military manual for many years

>Psychological Warfare (1948)

>by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger

>aka Cordwainer Smith



use pomf

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24006e No.3609

File: 1456968679241.jpg (39.02 KB,310x500,31:50,true believer.jpg)


>eric hoffer

>The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements


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24006e No.4938


Can somebody upload these books again ?.

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24006e No.4945


I uploaded Coup D'etat to Endchan /pdfs/ since it's too big to upload here.


Is there something wrong with The Man On Horseback file above? Seems fine to me.

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24006e No.5120


Thanks for your help bro, let's keep the good work!

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24006e No.5121


Thanks for your help bro, let's keep the good work!>>4945

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24006e No.5554

good shit. thanks fellas.

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120138 No.7670

File: f28e26e1afd2e8d⋯.jpg (37.27 KB,314x500,157:250,schelling.jpg)

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61f504 No.7681

File: 87ec12820be5be4⋯.pdf (3.32 MB,Bookchin-The_Next_Revoluti….pdf)

The Next Revolution: Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy

by Murray Bookchin

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c5234c No.8212

File: 9b582568ab78789⋯.jpg (18.78 KB,322x499,322:499,31 oql69nsL__SX320_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 90a657915244b32⋯.pdf (374.81 KB,the-invisible-committe-to-….pdf)

To Our Friends

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c5234c No.8293

File: 6978474b5bfacca⋯.jpg (43.34 KB,333x499,333:499,51nWF1FWn1L__SX331_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 9841660ebf14506⋯.pdf (2.09 MB,[Prof._James_J._Brittain]_….pdf)

Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP

by James J. Brittain

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c5234c No.8313

File: daf6f1b3ee88847⋯.jpg (13.19 KB,305x499,305:499,31Mh90q4TlL__SX303_BO1,204….jpg)

File: b716339cef442ae⋯.pdf (847.34 KB,coming in.pdf)

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c5234c No.8345

File: 7aa1eb4e42ffded⋯.pdf (3.72 MB,Invisible-Committee-NOW-RE….pdf)


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c5234c No.8348

File: e3ff76cc7483c99⋯.jpg (49.6 KB,323x499,323:499,51dQxQ5PKAL__SX321_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 3838f1b05490510⋯.pdf (665.36 KB,J._Moufawad-Paul_-_Continu….pdf)

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20e159 No.8367

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c5234c No.8369


That's the title, author(s) are anon, so no credit given.

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5472fe No.9875

File: 32002be378ec5ce⋯.gif (159.09 KB,301x475,301:475,system.gif)


>(((aaron nimzovich))) - my system

>considered to be one of the most influential chess books of all time

this edition uses descriptive notation


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ac5a38 No.10676

File: fbdf2a3350e7ee1⋯.jpg (28.41 KB,341x499,341:499,copeland.jpg)

File: efdbf063ae118fe⋯.jpg (34.4 KB,313x499,313:499,copeland2.jpg)

some Miles Copeland books


>The Game Of Nations(1969)


>Without Cloak Or Dagger (1974)

>Miles Axe Copeland, Jr. was an American musician, businessman, and CIA officer who was closely involved in major foreign-policy operations from the 1950s to the 1980s.








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6cf4cb No.10948



Is this real anarchism or some antifa LARPing shit?

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d10ce7 No.10992

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a76c99 No.11001


what is real anarchism?

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ea2eee No.11007


People like Proudhon and sorel to an extent

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394830 No.11010


who is sorel?

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ea2eee No.11013


Georges sorel newfag

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4d71df No.11020


>communism as real anarchism


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c546bf No.11021


Let me guess you did a quick google search and saw “inspired by: Karl Marx” and instantly assumed they were communists

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4b6501 No.11028


syndycalism is almost the same as communism

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08c44c No.11029


The only commonalities are that they are worker based and left wing. Let me guess everything on the left is “muh communism”. Seriously go back to /pol/ please

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f48117 No.11042


arent both egalitarian and anti-money and anti-capitalist?

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ea2eee No.11052


National syndicalism isn’t egalitarian as it believes in guilds and meritocracy in those guilds, it’s not anti money unless you look at anarchist syndicalism maybe but I doubt it since it contrasts with the whole point of guilds. Also what’s wrong with anti capitalism?

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8f147b No.11061


most anticapitalists are either communists or socialists

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ea2eee No.11062


Jesus you’re fresh out of /pol/ aren’t you?

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ea2eee No.11063


Maybe actually try reading something on this board?

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a76c99 No.11086


im not

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ea2eee No.11091


Then you have a very shallow view of politics my friend. Either that or your “right wing” propaganda videos told you that anything against capitalism is just muh communism or muh anarchismt

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a76c99 No.11095


>muh national socialism was not socialism


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a179dd No.11096

< "Why," I asked Hitler, "do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?"

> "Socialism," he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, "is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.

> "Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.

> "We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one."


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ea2eee No.11100


Who was talking anything about national socialism? Are you just pulling things out of your ass or are you just trying to find some political knowledge on all the memes on your phone?

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a5480d No.11103


what do you mean by capitalism in the first place?

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08c44c No.11108


Wow what ever could I mean hmmmm. Capitalism is such a confusing term am I right?

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536fd8 No.11113


yeah there are many subtypes of capitalism

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08c44c No.11116


Notice how I wasn’t specific and just said capitalism in general. When someone says anti capitalism it’s against capitalism as a whole.

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536fd8 No.11134


>capitalism as a whole

what do you mean by it?

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08c44c No.11137


I think you’re just trying to be intentionally retarded

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89ffbd No.11142

File: 31d6b672edbb603⋯.jpg (105.87 KB,304x475,16:25,reluctant partisan cover.jpg)

Do any of you argumentative autistic retards have .pdf or .epub copies of John Mosby's "The Reluctant Partisan" Volumes 1 &/or 2?

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e709a1 No.12124

File: 398be2123ca922f⋯.jpg (50.97 KB,353x500,353:500,hybrid wars.jpg)


>Andrew Korybko - Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change (2015)



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4ccfce No.12354

File: 6852adcb0ad1816⋯.jpg (34.98 KB,274x436,137:218,law.jpg)


decent book. I found one of his other books on kindle unlimited and uploaded it to libgen but haven't read it yet.

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b50d01 No.12445


This please.

I would be very grateful.

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9ac97c No.14699

These links are broken, can anyone repost them?

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9ac97c No.14700


The ones from >>289 and up don't download for me

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