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94dd8e No.2386

In my tenure on various paranormal boards and forums, there was one mention of a collection of rare or suppressed books written by an individual named Undervick Moskedovarko. One of the titles of which being "On Chaos." Supposedly these were banned by the Russian government for being too politically subversive but also for other, less political reasons. Some suggested they contained truths that were meant to be hidden, that humanity as a whole wasn't ready to contend with.

Strangely enough, it seems "On Chaos" is actually available to read online. But it's in Portuguese. Any anons know it, and could comb through it to see if it's got any merit/validity?

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94dd8e No.2388

Interesting, but it sounds like an /x/ hoax. Googling the name brings nothing up.

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94dd8e No.2389


Interesting. It seems the posts about it on Above Top Secret and the "O Caos" submission to Scribd have both been removed. If there was ever any merit to it, we may never know, now… Oh well.

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94dd8e No.3618

Do you have a link to the Portuguese edition?

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94dd8e No.3639


smells pretty hoaxy

if anyones got a copy, even if its in another language, post it

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