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File: 1437740180476.jpg (63.84 KB,540x739,540:739,what-the-fuck-am-i-reading.jpg)

c1065a No.2067

Board owner here. Many people have complained about poor AZW>PDF conversions. I understand why. It gets a bit hard to read. I read them when I have no other alternative. Though it would be nice, especially for the eyes to have a book that is easier to read.

But what I want to ask is. Is there any programs out there that allows you to edit the file to make it more readable?

So we can turn documents that look like this.


To this.


So that we get books that we as a board can also improve the books posted. If you know of any or more programs that does this please name them below.

General discussion for converting and improving ebooks and files I guess.

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c1065a No.2076

You can use calibre to convert pdfs to mobi or epub instead of AZW (AZW works for me because I read them on my kindle but whatever works for you).


also thanks for this board, anon.

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c1065a No.2077


tfw http not https, sorry

also muh dubs

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c1065a No.2081

Once it's converted to pdf, I don't think there's anything you can do to adjust the text/formatting without it looking worse, unless you go through the book manually and edit each line.

As far as converting epub/mobi/etc. to pdf with Calibre, the most important thing is to adjust the output profile. IIRC, "Default Output Profile" (which isn't actually the default) is the one you want, then just add reasonable margins.

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c1065a No.2086


Calibre is the best tool out there in my opinion. Also, I always upload only good copies unless its a hard-to-find document of which only a bad scan exists on the internet.

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c1065a No.2087


>Once it's converted to pdf, I don't think there's anything you can do to adjust the text/formatting without it looking worse

Also this. I'm not sure if there's a way but I believe not.

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c1065a No.2088

From my experience AZW>ePub conversions generally look better, though I guess this wouldn't be /pdfs/ anymore if that is what we are posting.

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c1065a No.2089

It is my understanding that .AZW files are basically .mobi files with DRM protection. If people just stripped the DRM and posted a .mobi version, anyone could attempt to convert to .PDF OR .ePub with settings that accord to their own personal preferences.

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c1065a No.2109

I actually prefer the first one.

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c1065a No.2437

File: 1442646170133-0.jpg (881.36 KB,1356x2016,113:168,ex. 1.jpg)

File: 1442646170133-1.jpg (1.13 MB,1392x2072,174:259,ex. 2.jpg)

File: 1442646170133-2.jpg (1.32 MB,1752x1626,292:271,ex. 3.jpg)

What's the best way to create an OCRed .pdf out of a series of high-res photos of pages?

Examples of what I'm working with.

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c1065a No.2440


>What's the best way to create an OCRed .pdf out of a series of high-res photos of pages?


>Examples of what I'm working with.

I use ABBYY FineReader. Make sure "Text under the page image" is selected in the "Save">"PDF" tabs in the option menu, unless you are prepared to go through the entire text and correct OCR errors yourself.

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c1065a No.2444



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c1065a No.2451









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c1065a No.2453


I'll take requests if you want me to correct a PDF.

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c1065a No.2463


>not using LaTeX to set your own type

>scanning WYSIWYG docs and converting

I started this thread a while ago:


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c1065a No.2464



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c1065a No.2683

File: 1444983616304.pdf (536.24 KB,The World's Enemies.pdf)




I tried it with a 7pg booklet using "Recommended Preprocessing" and got this.

Did it turn out right or should I be doing something differently?

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c1065a No.3089



Can anybody look that over, and tell me how to lower the page resolution, so I can do the rest of them?

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c1065a No.3533

File: 1456182341317.jpg (19.4 KB,275x329,275:329,BTFO.jpg)

PDFs are not the answer, guise.

PDFs / scans should be a last-resort when a pro formatted epub / mobi / azw is not available.

I'm sick of filling up my harddrives / Mega cloud with your shitty 10MB - 100MB goddamn pdfs for mere text.

I'm also sick of all of the weekly <insert theme here> megapack uploads. Haven't you niggers and jews ever heard of "analysis paralysis"?

We need a final solution to these problems.

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c1065a No.3543

File: 1456261505722.jpg (31.91 KB,340x309,340:309,1287716831802.jpg)


>hating on based PDFs

At least with PDFs I almost always get decent formatting and page numbers - unlike epubs, where it's up to the whims of the creator whether there's even a fucking table of contents.

But you're right about the megapacks

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c1065a No.3582

Just sharing my experiences, I usually read on a Kobo which is shit when it comes to PDF files (mostly because those pdfs come with extra text at the top/bottom of the pages -chapter title etc- ) I just convert them to Epub using Calibre, and use the Regular Expression replacement tool in Calibre to remove those additional lines, also use Sigil to open the Epub file and do final edits, change text size, fix broken CSS rules, remove broken images etc.

So Calibre+RegExp feature in calibre+Sigil is what I use to edit PDFs and other book and make them readable on my Kobo

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c1065a No.3632


I'd rather have epub/mobi. They can be nicely converted in PDFs. PDFs to mobile formats? Not at all. My eyesight is already suffering from having to read shitty PDFs on the screen.

>inb4 go print them

I'm poor, nigga. Leave me alone with my kindle that was gifted to me.


I agree. Though I don't know how to escape this obsession for reading more and more.

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69c15f No.6183


Kindle/Amazon internet defense force please go. If you knew anything about classical books you'd know that a lot of them are scanned images without any text format.

>mere text


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