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File: 1436120309450.png (209.62 KB,937x497,937:497,Search 2,617,358 eBooks (F….png)

bc46c9 No.1886


I found this site in the comments while reading up on why Libgen.org went offline, and thought to share the link.

Supposedly it has more books than Libgen and the site was launched by the guy a couple of months ago.

Libgen Goes Down As Legal Pressure Mounts –June 22, 2015



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bc46c9 No.1887

Welp, it looks so that is a direct mirror of Libgen http://gen.lib.rus.ec/

Might as well post other sites as well that were shared in the comment sections of the TF article:




I2p: http://u76v7ha6j4jmtz3k2lseaso5qy36lxs77klhovmptufwcodovatq.b32.i2p/

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bc46c9 No.2007



wow. nice

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bc46c9 No.2019



i can't for the life of me figure out how to actually get the damn book from this cite. any advice?

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bc46c9 No.2085


Do you mean on http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ ? Do a search -> Click the title of the desired book in the results -> Click the cover of the book or the title to download the file.

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bc46c9 No.2124

File: 1438668961427.jpg (160.93 KB,547x768,547:768,11149422_1632393920325405_….jpg)


Thanks for these sites m8

Knowledge is half the battle… the other half is violence

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bc46c9 No.2263

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bc46c9 No.3236

File: 1452651705634.jpg (196.38 KB,800x800,1:1,Doing.jpg)

You can use http://libgen.io now, I'm guessing its just a sitename but its the same as http://gen.lib.rus.ec/

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bc46c9 No.3239


not a real contender but still a good ressource

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bc46c9 No.3288

you have to pay to download books from that site?

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bc46c9 No.3291


that shit costs and it's full of twilight clones wtf man how can you compare it with libgen

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bc46c9 No.3352


I know now. When it was launched, it was completely free. The owner(s) have changed the model.

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01ca8d No.12741


You can find a lot of old books on archive.org/details/texts (though only legit, obviously).

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2b53a5 No.12750

I'm sure I found LibGen on Tor within the past year, but I did not bookmark it, RRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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