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File: 1417433453278.pdf (1.9 MB,CultureOfCritique.pdf)

44004d No.171

Kevin MacDonald
Culture of Critique
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44004d No.212

File: 1418601512204.pdf (1.35 MB,CofC02 Separation and Its ….pdf)

Culture of Critique is book #3 in the series.

Separation and its Discontents is #2.
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44004d No.213

File: 1418601607948.pdf (2.06 MB,MacDonald, Kevin - A Peopl….pdf)

"A People That Shall Dwell Alone" is #1
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44004d No.217

>"A People That Shall Dwell Alone" is #1

I've been wanting to read this. It's a shame the formatting is poor, inconsistent with the books original layout, the contents list inaccurate page numbers and all the in-book hyperlinks are broken. I haven't had the chance to read it yet, but the unnecessary spaces between the first bracket and name/date citations would seem to indicate that that this is an uncorrected OCR. If someone isn't going to make the effort at fixing OCR inaccuracies they should just use page images with text hidden underneath.
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44004d No.218


On further notice, it appears that this is from a scan of the 1994 Praeger edition of APTSDA, despite the fact that the cover of the 2002 iUniverse edition is used. As a result, the advertised monograph of "Diaspora Peoples" mentioned on the cover isn't actually contained within this book. Thankfully you can download that from MacDonald's website:

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44004d No.2178

Hey thanx for the pdfs..

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44004d No.4473

File: c457d3779ccd9f0⋯.pdf (592.03 KB,Understanding-Jewish-Influ….pdf)

Understanding Jewish Influence: A Study in Ethnic Activism

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