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File: 1434143525468-0.pdf (47.57 KB,Hans-Friedrich Mueller Lat….pdf)

File: 1434143525469-1.jpg (7.71 KB,260x196,65:49,dicks.jpg)

f4dd72 No.1680 [Last50 Posts]

Greetings from /lang/

here we should post language learning things, from Aramaic to Zulu

Here is Hans-Friedrich Mueller's Latin 101

(Sorry for crappy image)

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f4dd72 No.2001

Anyone have any torrents or pdfs on russian language learning??

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f4dd72 No.2003


Need also, bump

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f4dd72 No.2028

Not solely pdfs, but language learning material used for members of the US Foreign Service Institute are now in the public domain and located here: http://fsi-languages.yojik.eu/

Probably not the best for more popular languages, but it's one of the best resources for learning more obscure regional languages.

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f4dd72 No.2030

File: 1437530142909.pdf (6.75 MB,Sumerian.pdf)

A Descriptive Grammar of Sumerian (AH Jagersma)

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f4dd72 No.3586

File: 1456811279842.webm (3.24 MB,352x288,11:9,russian road.webm)



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f4dd72 No.3592


anybody have links to /pol/ tier books in other languages. I'm want to learn German, Spanish, Italian, French,etc.

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f4dd72 No.3593

File: 1456887289476.jpg (78.33 KB,640x388,160:97,1450314048245-pol.jpg)


Bumping for French

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f4dd72 No.3604

File: 1456908012486.png (43.62 KB,541x728,541:728,1453959450266.png)

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f4dd72 No.3625

File: 1457278435641.jpg (78.08 KB,470x647,470:647,1455678698455.jpg)


The PDF in the OP cannot be opened in Okular. Maybe it has been corrupted? If somebody can view it please save it in an alternative format.

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f4dd72 No.3634

File: 1457300751493.jpg (41.7 KB,351x450,39:50,1456371647235.jpg)


It cannot be opened in Acrobat Reader DC, too.

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f4dd72 No.3637


Thank you so much for this! Trying to improve my russsian and german, as well as learn french.

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f4dd72 No.3638


Absolutely based


Are you me? Fucking hell lad

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f4dd72 No.3644


hello me, except that I already am french :^)

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f4dd72 No.3790

I'm learning french, but I'm still a beginner.

Requesting easy to read books on traditionalism and masculinity.

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f4dd72 No.3850

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f4dd72 No.4005



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f4dd72 No.4012

Does anyone happen to know of a book about learning the Berber language, the language of the natives of North Africans?

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f4dd72 No.4013


*North Africa

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f4dd72 No.4018

File: 1465756365283.jpg (19.05 KB,480x360,4:3,0.jpg)

>Tfw no Afrikaans in this thread

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f4dd72 No.4045

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f4dd72 No.4901

File: 847e79ca8d84206⋯.pdf (577.37 KB,Arabic (Levantine), Colloq….pdf)

Dropping a file for a mate

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f9e6c6 No.6795

Anyone have any Luxembourgish?

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facd13 No.7267

French plox

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197567 No.7269

Bumping for Norwegian

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f94b71 No.7283

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b7f06e No.8945

File: ba0366baf26ee20⋯.jpg (18.9 KB,338x475,338:475,Hans Ørberg.jpg)

File: 18b0c85366f9399⋯.jpg (20.95 KB,312x500,78:125,lingua latina pars II.jpg)



>lingua latina by Hans Ørberg

>From 1953 to 1961 he worked in the Naturmetodens Sproginstitut, an institute where the languages are taught according to the "natural method" of learning. While there he created a new course in Latin: Lingua Latina secundum naturae rationem explicata published in 1955–besides the author's name, there isn't a word in the book that is not in Latin. The method has been revised a few times, including in 1983 and 1991, the title now changed to Lingua Latina per se illustrata

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96c6aa No.8963

I know it's a long shot, but I haven't been able to find much in regards to learning Sanskrit.

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8dd518 No.9004

File: 8bc8660215402fa⋯.png (1.32 KB,255x170,3:2,255px-Flag_of_South_Africa….png)

Anybody have PDFs on learning Afrikaans?

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8f4fc0 No.9022


is that you john wayne?

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32b00c No.9062


You're better off learning just Dutch.

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2f3044 No.9101

File: 1af78ca817c37be⋯.pdf (1.26 MB,Hebrew - Essential Grammar.pdf)

File: b1373d1934b749c⋯.pdf (9.38 MB,04 Teach Yourself Modern H….pdf)

File: 6001ec978363f00⋯.pdf (1.95 MB,Colloquial Hebrew (BBS).pdf)

Learn a new (((language)))

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fd2b69 No.9104



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69664f No.9112


Ok Muruq can I read the Jewish bible if I learn Modern Hebrew, or is it vastly different from ancient Hebrew?

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c3626e No.9113

File: 2626fad9abbccad⋯.pdf (1.91 MB,taekim.pdf)



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6108a5 No.9139


gratias tibi ago

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fd2b69 No.9143

Do you have sources for Chinese Arno

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2f3044 No.9150


I'm admittedly no Jew myself but according to research the difference between Ancient and Modern Hebrew is somewhat similar to 21st Century English and EME (Shakespeare English). The grammar might be weird (Ancient Hebrew is VSO whereas Modern is SVO), and maybe a dictionary might be needed, but it should ultimately be possible. If anything if you really want to learn Hebrew I hear it's better to learn modern since you get to use it in a modern setting and it helps you learn Ancient should you ever require it.

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bd7221 No.9194


Someone in here have the Nihongshark Hacking Course?

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69664f No.9196

File: f1f096166cc70b1⋯.png (100.75 KB,600x849,200:283,B6kYKdlIMAAaASM.png)

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c4abd3 No.9305

Looking for Japanese the manga way.

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980c48 No.9306

Anyone got Hungarian i am planning on moving to Hungary in a couple years so i need to learn to speak the language

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738be9 No.9354

Does anybody have a pdf of Il Dalmatico, by Matteo Giulio Bartoli?

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2f1915 No.9403

File: fed7988f2525c50⋯.jpg (57.36 KB,604x284,151:71,img_3479.jpg)


Does anyone have the English Grammar series of Cambridge? i need to improve my english to take IELTS.

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f501a2 No.9446


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1b8369 No.9497

File: ff175b231c7aaee⋯.gif (111.63 KB,255x231,85:77,1527162585224.gif)



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754686 No.10015


Anyone got anything on learning Latin?

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267d57 No.10100

File: b5d6af780d02be0⋯.png (102.51 KB,624x434,312:217,greek pepe.png)


and a natural method for greek by W.H.D. Rouse


>A Greek boy at home, a story written in Greek; vol 1


>vol 2; vocabulary

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8920e5 No.10173


derka derka derka

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8920e5 No.10174


>>>/jp/ is that way.


where can I buy this book?

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bd7221 No.10237

File: 117bdc797db9763⋯.pdf (1.81 MB,german-crystal-clear-a1.pdf)

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a2a861 No.10247

Anyone have anything for Esperanto?

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3e020b No.10791

Anyone got English learning books?

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6f3fe5 No.11672

File: 83819b3d4c4a23e⋯.pdf (15.55 MB,German-for-Reading-A-Progr….pdf)

German For Reading.

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f760af No.12710


Esperanto was crafted by a messianic Jew as a means, in his own words, of establishing a one world language. Don't debase yourself, learn Aramean instead.

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ee0d3d No.12835

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bc21ca No.12862


We Already have a Lingua Franca: ENGLISH!

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3036ae No.13526


it's down now u.u

could you upload it again


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6747fd No.13537

File: ce24fbfafad579a⋯.jpg (156.63 KB,720x687,240:229,Screenshot_2020_09_25_18_0….jpg)

File: c9a0311accbe141⋯.jpg (879.7 KB,1614x2530,807:1265,91HsiQU_D2L.jpg)

File: 051e76c5c95f82a⋯.jpeg (294.62 KB,1042x1600,521:800,book_cover_malay_annalis.jpeg)

File: 994d3494fa000ea⋯.jpg (109.3 KB,500x617,500:617,farquhar_02_1_212_e1509369….jpg)

Is there any books on learning ancient Malay language?

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37de38 No.13639




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37de38 No.13640


truly based, cuneiform is now not a lost language anymore

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b61803 No.14584



can someone upload these did links please, thanks

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