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File: 1431526623178.jpg (60.53 KB,858x608,429:304,0.jpg)

0b338b No.1379

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0b338b No.1380


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0b338b No.1382

File: 1431535105062.jpg (73.95 KB,609x450,203:150,7.jpg)


so what?

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0b338b No.1384


There needs to be an effort put forth to translate more of Gen. Degrelle's works.

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0b338b No.4486

File: d9b0b7537276cae⋯.jpg (513.99 KB,829x2100,829:2100,___multiple_gas_chamber_do….jpg)

File: f0dcffa8b8d7ee0⋯.pdf (163.71 KB,Degrelle-Letter_to_the_Pop….pdf)





Here is a pdf of Degrelle's famous "Letter to the Pope on his Visit To Auschwitz"

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0b338b No.4487

File: 6f53704b5bbe68a⋯.pdf (147.57 KB,Degrelle Léon - The Epic S….pdf)

File: fb30d82060cf820⋯.pdf (7.55 MB,Degrelle Léon - Léon Degre….pdf)

Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS & Léon Degrelle: persiste et signe

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0b338b No.4488

File: 415e559d5cc89b9⋯.jpg (46.33 KB,413x551,413:551,Nuestra Europa - Leon Degr….jpg)

File: e9d8a0957bc40ac⋯.jpg (324.79 KB,1025x1600,41:64,Degrelle Η δική μας Ευρώπη.JPG)

also, requesting this

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93f009 No.13148


Thanks for that Persiste et Signe. Much appreciated.

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