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cbae6c No.1359

Requesting this book. It was released recently, september 2014.

Dracula: The Engraved Chest Of Time by Vasile Lupașc (2014)


Draculea The Engraved Chest Of Time is the book that people have been waiting for since 1897! Finally after Bram Stocker`s century old success, we have in our hands the true story behind the myth of Dracula.

Extremely well documented, and using many of the era`s sources, this historical novel brings to light a long forgotten story that shaped Europe more than 500 years ago.

Compared by some with The Three Musketeers, and by others with The Lord Of The Rings, The Engraved Chest Of Time is a fascinating true tale of insane acts of bravery, endless love and supernatural devotion to an ideal!

Surprisingly there is just as much blood as in Stocker`s book, more action and surely more suspense. And surprisingly there is no vampire. Or is there?

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cbae6c No.2288


Not what you're looking for but bumping for interest with this movie.


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cbae6c No.3623


So I finally bought this as an ebook. I've yet to read it. https://my.mixtape.moe/lwqthf.pdf (10MB)


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