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File: c417b2d9206b94e⋯.jpg (12.39 KB,180x272,45:68,download.jpg)

File: b2b63fcd481795b⋯.pdf (4.17 MB,ThePassingoftheGreatRace_1….pdf)

File: 716b31f864a79b5⋯.jpg (33.1 KB,270x405,2:3,dse.jpg)

bf273c No.12632

Have access to forgottenbooks and with that a whole fuckton of old books. Every topic you could imagine is addressed and from a totally non-pozzed, pre-downfall perspective. If you have any special requests for old books go ahead but rn here's what I have.

Starting with The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant

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bf273c No.12633

File: f42e119da05bffc⋯.pdf (7.49 MB,TheOriginoftheAryans_10110….pdf)

The Origin of the Aryans

An Account of the Prehistoric, Ethnology and Civilisation of Europe

by Isaac Taylor

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bf273c No.12634

File: 1b45b7d665dea6d⋯.pdf (732.76 KB,Eugenics_10288078.pdf)


The Science of Human Improvement by Better Breeding

by Charles Benedict Davenport

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bf273c No.12635

File: 0f22d96a6cc253f⋯.pdf (3.36 MB,ChicagosBlackTrafficinWhit….pdf)

Chicago's Black Traffic in White Girls

by Mrs. Jean Turner-Zimmermann

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bf273c No.12636

File: 1db169695faac34⋯.pdf (2.76 MB,RaceSuicide_10033601.pdf)

Race Suicide

by M. S. Iseman

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bf273c No.12637

File: 4d94ca7938bf838⋯.pdf (2.28 MB,TheTruthAboutLynchingandth….pdf)

>The Truth About Lynching and the Negro in the South

In Which the Author Pleads That the South Be Made Safe for the White Race

by Winfield H. Collins

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bf273c No.12638

File: f352fe1ca7750b3⋯.pdf (4.23 MB,AryanSunMythstheOriginofRe….pdf)

Aryan Sun-Myths

The Origin of Religions

by Sarah Elizabeth Titcomb

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d2a68a No.12654

Anything on medieval herbology fren?

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451a2d No.12655

William Dudley Pelley's No More Hunger and anything else by him you can find.


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c12ce7 No.12663


It appears that everything you've posted is available on archive.org. Does forgottenbooks have anything that isn't already freely available? Just trying to figure out the point of subscribing. Thanks.

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e62df8 No.12665


Any links? Where can i find the whole library for free? Archiving stuff here.


Want the whole thing for archiving.

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19e7b1 No.12690


do you have The Jew And Human Sacrifice?

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441de3 No.13894


I'm not OP, but some public books are not available because of the ultimate boss: what happens if a copy is not available as a public scan?

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f3d44b No.13958


This copy appears to be complete if anybody wants it


I would appreaciate it if anybody has more books like this to post them on Libgen. There are still some titles that haven't appeared online which is crazy given the importance of the material…

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f3d44b No.13959

File: 5d788cf5c3df346⋯.jpeg (779.05 KB,1691x2560,1691:2560,Blood_Ritual_scaled.jpeg)

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2bf1ed No.13978


We still need the "Revisited", expanded version that Dr. Rhome (who wrote it under a pseudonym) was selling before he died. I've been meaning to email some of his friends, to see if any of them would be willing to pass it along, since it's impossible to even buy anymore.

Speaking of which, I found an old interview with Rhome about jewish ritual murder on an external hard drive. It's with a creativity podcast. It honestly isn't very good.


>Dr. Rhome has revised his book, now called Blood Ritual Revisited, and included much more information about this grisly topic. Many historical pictures, drawn by artists over the ages, have been included in the book, which is a painstaking journey into the Jewish occult's most dastardly deeds.

>Even if you have his earlier book - Blood Ritual - his newer version will be a welcome addition, as it covers much more information about this grisly crime.

>You can order an e-book from him, which has some pictures in color, or a spiral-bound book as well.

>To find out more about his newer book (and others), send an e-mail to Dr. Harrell Rhome.


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51ec40 No.14010


Do you know the pseudonym he used to write the updated version. He apparently wrote the Blood Ritual book also using a pseudonym. I want to help finfd it.

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51ec40 No.14011

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91afa2 No.14023


Ignore my stupid fucking question here.


This is the book with the same name..I got confused because Harrell was in the documentary.

Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese


And another free book on JRM by Ariel Toaff.


Still looking for "Blood Ritual Revisited"

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d884f3 No.14158

Any good folk lore, unknown knowledge of something besides kikes by any chance?

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8bbe7b No.14438

File: 1bc71e22812eaf5⋯.pdf (6.93 MB,The_Passing_Of_The_Great_R….pdf)



The Passing Of The Great Race by Madison Grant (1916) (chart errors) (cover, maps added).pdf


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71353d No.14571

I call such books good-forgotten… Indeed, there are many worthy books named here, but which, unfortunately, teenagers do not read. Now they have switched to electronics. My son recently read essays on Oprah Winfrey for example, used https://studymoose.com/oprah-winfrey for that. He says that he is not interested in reading a large article or book. He reads short versions and he likes it.

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74f21f No.14615

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