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File: 7effa07965a5385⋯.jpg (418.96 KB,1092x1071,52:51,pol books 22 - may 2019.jpg)

d2dbed No.12133



At over 500 books, I'm starting to cull the collection, moving some of the weaker titles to the "bonus books" folder, and deleting a few others.

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327eca No.12146

>horia sima




Thank you anon

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c3e470 No.12148

>E. Michael Jones

Very nice.

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d2dbed No.12149

>Horia Sima, History of the Legionary Movement

oops that should be (1972), 1995 was the English translation

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65b440 No.12176

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65b440 No.12177

File: d7af0e46ef5cf6e⋯.jpg (33.05 KB,316x475,316:475,barren metal.jpg)

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bd6449 No.12193


thanks for the upload. has anyone read the history of the legionaries?

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327eca No.12206




Have been looking for this one for quite a time.

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acbc0e No.12207


Holy shit, finally. Thanks a lot, anon!

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65b440 No.12223

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748f78 No.12224

File: a6b6e29c146a0f9⋯.jpg (56.35 KB,1000x800,5:4,5YjYpra.jpg)

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5facd5 No.12225

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1ae004 No.12232

File: c64b132028abcba⋯.png (71.08 KB,900x900,1:1,1404602540515.png)



Been a while since an anon delivered this hard, thanks a lot m8.

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1ae004 No.12233

I converted Bloody Zion for you m8 but couldn't do the others, you'd have to download PC Kindle 1.17 (that's the last version without the new DRM they're using for their ebooks) and reupload the azws you get from that version so that I can convert them. Alternatively you could do it yourself, just use calibre.



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d2dbed No.12241




I tried to deDRM using the latest plugin (6.6.3) for calibre, but it only worked for Bloody Zion… anybody have experience using other methods?

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d2dbed No.12242

File: ff45e781cd34c3b⋯.jpg (145.04 KB,529x622,529:622,400 corpses in 5 minutes.jpg)




Also thanks a lot, anon

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45f3f9 No.12273


The person who uploaded them has to deDRM them.

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4d1d6b No.12274


not possible since i don't know how to DRM strip books.

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f89913 No.12278

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2c942e No.12279

Great to see new polbook collections coming out. Still sad about inclib being gone, loved those DRM-free epubs.

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2c942e No.12282


For anyone interested I'm making the polbooks collections available on ZeroNet.

>inb4 it uses pozzed js

at least it'll still be around when MEGA gets taken down or pressured to take down the collection

You need to download and install ZeroNet, then visit this url


or use a clearnet->ZN portal, dunno which ones work rn

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d2dbed No.12283


based kimdotcom will never allow deletion of his favorite bookshelf

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2c942e No.12284


MEGA is not is his hands anymore

but I'm sure the fat fuck loves his bookshelves of peace

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98fee9 No.12297

Tons of good books. Thanks.

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a90950 No.12302

File: baabaa49b8ff6c1⋯.jpg (107.82 KB,960x627,320:209,D7p4EdpWwAAdbP6.jpg)

File: 49e6f2f43ad2080⋯.jpg (115.92 KB,926x670,463:335,D7p4E3WW0AALg-q.jpg)

File: 28f4378ed5bc4b7⋯.jpg (88.62 KB,1071x512,1071:512,D7p4FmbX4AAzkGN.jpg)

File: 21aa558813825f5⋯.jpg (199.79 KB,1719x602,1719:602,D75_1V-XkAYi18H.jpg)

File: a1d2c09643f3992⋯.jpg (182.36 KB,1689x571,1689:571,D75_1y2X4AICqem.jpg)

I quickly skimmed through the list, and didn't see "Days of Rage: America's Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence" by Bryan Burrough (2015)

I stumbled upon a few excerpt and find it interesting (pics related)

The current year look pretty much a repeat of what already happened some ~40-50 years ago

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6834de No.12308


deDRM plugin for Calibre also needs the Kindle for PC program from which it automatically uses the stuff needed to strip the DRM.

So the guy who bought the books needs to do this:

>Install Calibre

>download DeDRM plugin, install it in Calibre

>get the ebook file from Kindle for PC

>import the ebook file into Calibre and it will automatically strip the DRM from it

>get the ebook file without drm from Calibre library and put on library genesis

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22feca No.12346


the 5 mobi files at the bottom are the E Michael jones books with drm removed


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22feca No.12347

File: e6cf4adcd3ebc5e⋯.jpg (111.66 KB,306x475,306:475,how.jpg)

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22feca No.12348

File: 68d55b02d04520b⋯.png (418.51 KB,413x660,413:660,Screen Shot 2019-06-08 at ….png)

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22feca No.12349

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22feca No.12350

File: ed8bec3ea3ab525⋯.png (643.94 KB,1242x663,414:221,Screen Shot 2019-06-08 at ….png)


One other thing for people that want the rest of the e. Michael jones collection: Amerimutts can buy USD amazon gift cards to buy discounted (meaning pirated) ebooks from ebook.farm - They sell the jones ebooks from .30 - 1.00. Then just upload them to library genesis and link them here. Just sign in with a google account and top up your account by adding a $5 amazon giftcard.

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22feca No.12351

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22feca No.12352

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4d601e No.12701

Thank you for all of your book posts, anon.

Can some kind anon please post a working link for pol books 22 & 23?

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fd2e1b No.12702


I think the whole mega went down just after 8chan was shoah'd iirc. I remember checking it not long after and it was no longer there. No idea if that's because it was reported or book anon just bunkered it. He used to post these on half chan also I think, maybe keep an eye out there for a working link.

If you're desperate for a specific book/s feel free to list them. I didn't usually save the whole packs, just picked out a few I thought were interesting. Maybe you'll get lucky and someone will have what you're looking for. I'll certainly try and upload if I can.

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60e2c7 No.12703


Anon made a backup of the first 22 packs here that can't be taken down.


I'll upload pack 22 later in a zip file when I'm able to because it's missing on some of the boards I've seen and some people won't visit ZeroNet. Pol Books 1-21 zip files have also been posted in the 16chan general dump thread in /library/.

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fd2e1b No.12704


Thank you, anon.

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626e36 No.12707

File: 5ec4c120994e74a⋯.png (11.2 KB,562x109,562:109,ZeroNet.png)


The site must be under attack. Every other ZeroNet site works for me but this one has been stuck for 10 hours. Some people are saying it's ddos attacks.

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b54c0a No.12712


ZeroNet is completely useless. There are 20 people that don't seem to realize that they can't share. I'll wait for a zip files I guess. Somebody will have them and share them eventually.

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a0aa71 No.12732

I think somebody broke the site by sharing their 8ch downloads on zeronet, so there is folders for pol books 01 and pol books 1 etc., all the way up to 10. This is possibly a bug but I don't know much about ZeroNet.

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