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2426fe No.12051

Is there a list or database somewhere that shows all the books that must be read for a given degree such as bachelors? Or do i need to manually look at the courses offered for them and look at the individual curriculae and syllabus?

Id like to start a small project for myself and was wondering if I could parse through some of the mandatory books early on in a degree to find out what i might be good at.

I should add that ive read probably 95% of the high school books that might be considered necessary to be ready for college. Things like homer, dickens, mark twain, wealth of nations, and

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6dd5bd No.12067

bump. pic in ops pic unrelated


found a decent list that coincides with a lot of what ivy league schools are recommending as prerequisites.

ive also found this: https://www.sjc.edu/academic-programs/undergraduate/great-books-reading-list

which is basically showing what the courses are about. im really just looking for a list of degrees with full lists of books

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845929 No.12068

Its really an asinine question because there's a thousand answers. Which country? Which university? Which field?

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c6e638 No.12088

Most universities have their curriculum public and in there they list mandatory and recommended reading.

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