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File: 1428741800150.png (40.32 KB,418x1334,209:667,Germany's trials.png)

07dbec No.1138 [Last50 Posts]

I start this thread to upload books in German that are supressed, censored and banned by the German "Government"

Deutschland Erwache

Das Manifest zur Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft des Geldes - Gottfried Feder



Kampf Gegen die Hochfinanz - Gottfried Feder



Rassismus Legal: Der Juden III. Riech; Halt dem Kalergi-plan - Gerd Honsik




Coudenhove Kalergi - Praktischer Idealismus



Coudenhove Kalergi - Adel



Coudenhove Kalergi - Krise der Weltanschauung


Coudenhove Kalergi - Als Freimaurer


Coudenhove Kalergi - Apologie Der Technik


Coudenhove Kalergi - Das PanEuropechie Manifest


Coudenhove-Kalergi - Der Gentleman


Coudenhove-Kalergi - Mutterland Europa


Coudenhove-Kalergi - PanEuropa


Other German Archives.

http://brd-schwindel.org/ (Go to download section)





http://nsl-archive.tv/indexnsl.htm - Buecher nach 1945.






Books in German here.



German chan with pdf supported file board, 49MB file limit.


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07dbec No.1139

File: 1428742050906-0.pdf (1.51 MB,German - Kritik-folgeNr.60….pdf)

File: 1428742050906-1.jpg (24.55 KB,212x307,212:307,Gold im Schmelztiegel.jpg)

Savitri Devi - Gold Im Schmelztiegel
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07dbec No.1145

File: 1428824880612.jpg (22.89 KB,245x346,245:346,Die Jahrhundertluge.jpg)

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07dbec No.1157


Is this really suppressed in Germany?

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07dbec No.1287

File: 1430378633005-0.pdf (4.94 MB,Gary Allen-Die Insider, Bd….pdf)

File: 1430378633006-1.jpg (43.33 KB,322x475,322:475,Gary Allen Die Insidier.jpg)

Gary Allen - Die Insider

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07dbec No.1293


The book Griffin plagiarized (and watered down) was:

>Eustace Mullins is the last living protege of Ezra Pound, the author of the only book burned in Germany since Hitler (a burning under the direction of Americans) and a former researcher for Joseph McCarthy.

>The German edition came out in '55 and it was burned by the German government.

Was there a rationale?

>Well, it went before a court hearing and judge named Israel Katz, an Occupation judge, ruled that the book was unconstitutional under German law. It broke laws against race and that was the legal excuse for them to ban the book. [author's note: Secrets of the Federal Reserve makes no mention of any race]

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07dbec No.1294



I won't say Griffin did that.

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07dbec No.1297


Well, you'd be wrong. Even Mullins called him on it.

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07dbec No.1638

File: 1433592323529-0.pdf (3.91 MB,Ralf Uwe Hill - Das Deutsc….pdf)

File: 1433592323531-1.jpg (20.1 KB,245x346,245:346,Das Deutachland Protokoll.jpg)

Ralf Uwe Hill - Das Deutschland Protokoll

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07dbec No.1639

File: 1433610297601-0.pdf (4.46 MB,German - Adolf Hitler - Me….pdf)

File: 1433610297603-1.jpg (21.15 KB,260x390,2:3,Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf De….JPG)

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf

1936 volume 1 & 2 scan.


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07dbec No.1640

File: 1433615935859-0.pdf (411.19 KB,Bernt Engelmann - Hotel Bi….pdf)

File: 1433615935869-1.jpg (17.43 KB,213x356,213:356,Hotel Bilderberg.jpg)

Bilderberg meeting is only a few days away.

Taking place this year in Interalpen Hotel, Tyrol region in Austria.

Bernt Engelmann - Hotel Bilderberg

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07dbec No.1653

File: 1433753687146-0.pdf (5.82 MB,Dr-Klaus-Maurer_Die_BRD-Gm….pdf)

File: 1433753687146-1.jpg (9.54 KB,254x346,127:173,BRD GmbH.jpg)

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07dbec No.1866

File: 1435933242944-0.pdf (6.23 MB,German - Berndt Stephan - ….pdf)

File: 1435933242946-1.jpg (97.56 KB,870x1297,870:1297,alois-irlmaier-ein-mann-sa….jpg)

Alois Irlmaier: Ein Mann sagt, was er sieht - Stephan Berndt.

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07dbec No.1870

File: 1436001542918-0.pdf (7.6 MB,Udo Ulfkotte - SOS Abendla….pdf)

File: 1436001542918-1.jpg (23.43 KB,232x346,116:173,SOS Abendland.jpg)

SOS Abendland: Die schleichende Islamisierung Europas - Udo Ulfkotte

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07dbec No.1876

File: 1436046597025-0.pdf (1.76 MB,Rudolf, Germar - Diktatur ….pdf)

File: 1436046597026-1.jpg (104.5 KB,873x624,291:208,Diktatur Deutschland.JPG)

Germar Rudolf - Diktatur Deutschland

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07dbec No.1884

File: 1436100375360-0.pdf (7.76 MB,German - Serrano, Miguel -….pdf)

File: 1436100375361-1.jpeg (10.88 KB,217x300,217:300,Gas Goldene Band; Esoteri….jpeg)

Das Goldene Band; Esoterischer Hitlerismus - Miguel Serrano

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07dbec No.1891

File: 1436172363757-0.pdf (3.17 MB,German, Economics - G Edwa….pdf)

File: 1436172363816-1.jpg (25.45 KB,225x350,9:14,Die Kreatur Von Jekyll Isl….jpg)

Reupload of Die Kreatur von Jekyll Island; Die US-Notenbank Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin

The other upload contained only half of the book

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07dbec No.1963

File: 1436780497839-0.pdf (1.75 MB,German, Sapce - Die_Raket….pdf)

File: 1436780497840-1.pdf (1.83 MB,German, Space - Die_Raket….pdf)

Die Rakete

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07dbec No.2385

File: 1442083049538-0.pdf (909.95 KB,Udo Ulfkotte-Der Krieg in ….pdf)

File: 1442083049539-1.jpg (42.67 KB,341x499,341:499,Der krieg.jpg)

Der Krieg in Unseren Städten - Udo Ulfkotte

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07dbec No.2397

File: 1442172095287-0.pdf (4.75 MB,Bernt Engelmann - Einig ge….pdf)

File: 1442172095288-1.jpg (20.16 KB,204x320,51:80,Einig gegen Recht und Frei….jpg)

Einig gegen Recht und Freiheit - Bernt Engelmann

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07dbec No.2724

File: 1445444634468-0.pdf (7.15 MB,Schwarz-Dieter-Die-Freimau….pdf)

File: 1445444634481-1.jpg (34.78 KB,346x500,173:250,Die Freimaurarei.jpg)

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07dbec No.2733

File: 1445500405453-0.pdf (2.47 MB,Edward Bernays - Propagand….pdf)

File: 1445500405454-1.jpg (17.2 KB,316x420,79:105,Propaganda - Bernays.jpg)

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07dbec No.2734

File: 1445501277678-0.pdf (2.05 MB,George Orwell - 1984 - Ger….pdf)

File: 1445501277679-1.jpg (49 KB,386x567,386:567,1984 Deutsch.jpg)

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07dbec No.2853

File: 1447412031062-0.pdf (4.34 MB,Reichsdeutschland - Die Dr….pdf)

File: 1447412031063-1.jpg (25.21 KB,316x499,316:499,Die dritte macht.jpg)

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07dbec No.2854

File: 1447412238898-0.pdf (3.31 MB,Gilbert Sternhoff - 2016 D….pdf)

File: 1447412238909-1.gif (15.67 KB,186x300,31:50,Dritte Macht.gif)

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07dbec No.2875

File: 1447547069279.pdf (5.84 MB,Hitler_Marriage_Will_Polit….pdf)

Adolf Hitler's Marriage Certificate, Last Will and Political Testament

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07dbec No.2893

Board owner here. Dumping some huge rare files in German.

Will edit later.

This one is about the Neuschwabenland antarctic expedition.


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07dbec No.3297

File: 1453572277135-0.pdf (1.85 MB,German - Udo Ulfkotte - Vo….pdf)

File: 1453572277729-1.jpg (35.51 KB,320x500,16:25,Burgerkrieg.jpg)

Vorsicht Bürgerkrieg: Was lange gärt, wird endlich Wut - Udo Ulfkotte

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07dbec No.3417

File: 1455318896938.jpeg (66.34 KB,960x540,16:9,rubbel kahane.jpeg)

Gustav Meyrink - Der Golem.mp3


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07dbec No.3418

File: 1455321991598.jpg (1.94 MB,2400x1600,3:2,hölderlinturm.jpg)


hölderlin - hyperion fragment mp3s

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07dbec No.3419

File: 1455322290654.gif (122.41 KB,738x630,41:35,faustus.gif)


goethe - faust 1 mp3

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07dbec No.3420

File: 1455330517275.jpg (56.27 KB,624x416,3:2,Nietzsche_Wagner_Listenbil….jpg)

nietzsche - götzendämmerung mp3s





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07dbec No.3558

File: 1456403904879.pdf (340.29 KB,Behr_Schmidt_German_Bankin….pdf)

>The German Banking System : Characteristics and Challenges

>White Paper by Patrick Behr and Reinhard H. Schmidt

>This article is the first version of an article to be published in the forthcoming “Palgrave Handbook of European Banking” edited by Thorsten Beck et al.

>The private commercial banks, the small credit cooperatives and the savings banks and Landesbanken make up what is often referred to as the ‘Three - Pillar - Banking - System’. This structure makes the German banking system unique, with only the Austrian banking system showing a somewhat similar structure in Europe.

>This system is composed of three groups of banks: private banks including the so - called ‘big banks’, banks with government involvement and cooperative banks. The latter group consists of the large Landesbanken and the smaller savings banks with a local focus. This group comprises the banks with the longest tradition, dating back to the turn from the 18th to the 19th century. Then, around 1850, the cooperative banking group emerged as another important group of financial institutions. The ‘big banks’ were founded at the time of the creation of the Second German Empire after the German - French war of 1870/71.

>The Great Financial Crisis of 1930 led to the issuance of the first German banking law of 1934. It created a general regulatory and supervisory regime through which savings banks and cooperative banks were on the same regulatory basis as the private commercial banks. Mainly for political reasons, the economic importance of the savings and cooperative banks rose considerably in the period after the Second World War. This is partly due to the fact that these banks had been less involved in the crimes of the Nazi regime than the big private banks. Then, after German reunification in 1990 and under the joint influence of European integration, a general policy of economic liberalization and the acceleration of globalization, the private banks gained economic importance and market share until the global financial crises started in 2007/2008. The crisis affected the large private banks more than other banking groups because they were more involved in investment banking activities.

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07dbec No.3585


anybody have an EPUB of Mein Kampf in german that isn't just a scan, so us German language learners can more easily use the dictionary function? Something like a project gutenberg epub would be good if it exists.

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07dbec No.3683

File: 1458120667002.jpg (17 KB,293x393,293:393,sigilla veri.jpg)


eine art metapedia der weimarer republik.

bände 1-7 verfügbar, aber bände 8-9 bisher nirgends anschnur gefunden. insgesamt soll das lexikon nie über den buchstaben P hinausgekommen sein.

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07dbec No.3702

File: 1458390052891-0.pdf (2.57 MB,Hans Fallada - Wolf unter ….pdf)

File: 1458390052891-1.jpg (37.39 KB,299x499,299:499,fallada.jpg)

>Hans Fallada - Wolf unter Wölfen

> ein Roman aus dem Jahre 1937. Die Geschichte spielt im Inflationsjahr 1923.

>, als Kritik an der Weimarer Republik interpretiert, wurde positiv beurteilt und von Joseph Goebbels ausdrücklich gelobt

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07dbec No.3817

File: 1460717857954-0.pdf (1014.53 KB,brafmann-jacob-das-buch-vo….pdf)

File: 1460717857954-1.pdf (1.85 MB,brafmann-jacob-das-buch-vo….pdf)

File: 1460717857954-2.jpg (13.61 KB,311x439,311:439,kahal.jpg)

>Jacob Brafmann - Das Buch von Kahal (Band 1 und 2)

>Die Brafmann'schen Dokumente sind zweifellos echt.

Das beweist auch die Aufregung, die sich der jüdischen

Zentralstelle bemächtigte, als es bekannt wurde, daß Brafmann's Bücher

in Übersetzung herausgegeben werden sollten. Warum die Aufregung,

wenn es sich um Fälschungen handelt, die zu einer Zeit erfolgt sind, als

die politischen Verhältnisse in Rußland ganz andere waren als

heutzutage? Fälschungen von Dokumenten einer staatlich anerkannten

Behörde, die angeblich um 1800 herum angefertigt sein sollen, brauchen

doch wirklich die heutigen Juden nicht aufzuregen! So sollte man

meinen. Wenn nun doch ein Sturm der Entrüstung losgebrochen ist, so

kann dies nur darin seinen Grund haben, daß die Veröffentlichungen

Brafmann's für die Odisten der Gegenwart nicht gleichgültig sind, ihnen

vielmehr unbequem oder gar gefährlich erscheinen. In der Tat, die

Brafmann'schen Bücher sind geeignet, zu der Enthüllung des

"wandernden Geheimnisses" - so hat Heine bekanntlich das Judentum

genannt - beizutragen. Die namentlich in den Freimaurerlogen, aber

auch in vielen jüdischen Gesellschaften äußerlich in Erscheinung

tretenden jüdischen Verbände wurzeln nämlich in den alten

Organisationen, die Brafmann beleuchtet.

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07dbec No.3818

File: 1460722744406.jpg (21.23 KB,356x500,89:125,9783598219313-us.jpg)

Hitler - Reden Schriften Anordnungen 1925-1933 (12 Bände)


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07dbec No.4476


>anybody have an EPUB of Mein Kampf in german that isn't just a scan

Is this Mein Kampf German pdf file what you were looking for:


I read through some of it and the text looks like the real thing as best as I can remember it (you can always copy and paste some of the German text in to an internet search engine such as Yahoo or Bing or Google to verify for yourself).

Also, you can get the only English edition of Mein Kampf published by the NSDAP in WW2, the "Stalag Edition" for free at the link below (the translation is ok up through Volume 2, Chapter 3, but after that part the NSDAP translater bungled some passages up pretty bad, especially concerning the highly controversial "Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy" chapter). Here is the link:


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07dbec No.4603

Does anyone have an English Translation of Praktischer Idealismus by Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi? All I can find is the french translation.

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07dbec No.4965

File: 07ee3b5c4b3bb2e⋯.pdf (231.73 KB,Leon Bloy - Unliebsame Ges….pdf)

File: fcbe233ee55ecc1⋯.jpg (34.77 KB,500x500,1:1,bloy.jpg)

Leon Bloy short story collection "Unliebsame Geschichten"

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07dbec No.4989

File: cb08a79d4775558⋯.pdf (6.04 MB,[Miguel_Serrano_Fernandez]….pdf)

Miguel Serrano - Adolf Hitler - Der letzte Avatar

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07dbec No.5057


>Heinrich Schurtz - Altersklassen und Männerbünde


> His most significant work is said to be Altersklassen und Männerbünde (Age-classes and Male Bands) which emphasized the role gender and generational issues have in social institutions and argued that basing the society on the family was a step backwards. His notion of Männerbünde placed male associations, where he deemed masculinity more "unfettered", in opposition to the family which he saw as dominated by women.

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07dbec No.5076


Otto Weininger - Geschlecht und Charakter

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07dbec No.5089

File: 789be9b9ab07a5e⋯.jpg (186.64 KB,700x1017,700:1017,scannen0000.jpg)

Juden hinter Stalin - Rudolf Kommoss

(erweiterte Auflage von 1944)

just above the file-size limit


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07dbec No.5633

File: c5c2c433d111e9f⋯.pdf (2.3 MB,100x100,1:1,Rolf Peter Sieferle - Das ….pdf)

File: 7841ed44487d851⋯.jpg (285.98 KB,1884x2712,157:226,das-migrationsproblem.jpg)

Rolf Peter Sieferle - Das Migratiosproblem

>Die Unvereinbarkeit von Masseneinwanderung und Sozialstaat verdeutlicht der im

September 2016 verstorbene Historiker Rolf Peter Sieferle in seiner letzten Studie. Sie

ist Aufklärung, weil sie die Irreführungen einer »emphatischen Politik«(Sieferle)

entlarvt. Die Sentimentalisierung der »Flüchtlings«-Debatte kontert der Autor mit

ebenso nüchternem Blick wie die Narrenfeuer der Medien. Rolf Peter Sieferle

widerspricht der Akklamation, die an die Stelle der Kritik getreten ist und überwindet

die Sprachverbote der »offenen« Gesellschaft.

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07dbec No.5634



**kann reste von cuckservativen enthalten

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07dbec No.5736

File: 80b3ae6a4fa4cda⋯.png (136.52 KB,833x3771,833:3771,natsoc books list.png)

I have this folder that appears to be a collection of magazines and books. It is mostly German, which I don't speak so I can't attest to how good it is but it seems relevant to this thread. Request a file and I'll post it.

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07dbec No.5741


resembles content of "NSL archive" which is aready available elsewhere. table talks is also already here.

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07dbec No.5866

File: f7db1a4b063f5d2⋯.jpg (73.39 KB,679x1080,679:1080,images.jpg)

File: 05c4eb502255fa3⋯.pdf (2.86 MB,Die Abschaffung des Bargel….pdf)

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07dbec No.5867

File: 0f4b1116d9f95ba⋯.jpg (46.35 KB,400x297,400:297,die_grosse_verschwulung.jpg)

File: 3e164cc3f901398⋯.pdf (1.88 MB,Die große Verschwulung - W….pdf)

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07dbec No.5868

File: d3a61b3759d9a2c⋯.jpg (13.89 KB,218x218,1:1,51i9RRi6aRL._AC_US218_.jpg)

File: c71a5e4f357082b⋯.pdf (1.42 MB,Umvolkung - Wie die Deutsc….pdf)

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07dbec No.5869

File: 83a55495f1530a9⋯.jpg (140.59 KB,250x390,25:39,954800.jpg)

File: 2d6791512da8d09⋯.pdf (9.2 MB,Der Links-Staat - Enthüllt….PDF)

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fea473 No.6707

File: 21e10c3b531eb68⋯.jpg (6.48 KB,180x255,12:17,JohannesRogallaVonBieberst….jpg)


>Johannes Rogalla Von Bieberstein - Jüdischer Bolschewismus Mythos Und Realität

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e20d33 No.6743

File: f02f4b66871a149⋯.pdf (3.01 MB,GekaufteJournalisten-UdoUl….pdf)

Another one from Kopp Verlag. I see if I can make the collectiong complete some more published by Lichtschlage, especially Roter, Brauner und Grüner Sozialismus by Schlüßlbrunner.

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e20d33 No.6744

File: 3c9adf6fc45ade3⋯.pdf (1.85 MB,udo-ulfkotte-vorsicht-buer….pdf)

This one is kinda important too. It concerns the potential civil war outbreak in Germany, the rampant corruption in Germany (Like Jürgen Tritin's faible for anal champagne) and the infamous Atlas der Wut. Only important for city dwellers though. Before any of the mentioned factions gets into the country side, the infra structure would have collapsed from all the cars on the road.

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e20d33 No.6746

File: c937d5d26fffc8b⋯.pdf (2.48 MB,Buch-Volksverraeter-SPD.pdf)

I'll post more political books until I reach the non political ones.

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e20d33 No.6747

File: d38eb28487a5a87⋯.pdf (586.31 KB,Free Men Own Guns and Gold….pdf)

Huge Red pill on the Kallegeri plan. If you are not familiar with it, this one is good start.

Free men own Guns and Gold is a little pramphlet on the right to bear (or the lack of it in Germany).


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960d15 No.6754

File: 6b23e03fc18f7e2⋯.pdf (1.83 MB,Udo Ulfkotte-Gekaufte Jour….pdf)

File: f02f4b66871a149⋯.pdf (3.01 MB,Gekaufte Journalisten - Ud….pdf)

File: e678b9ba3cf41d2⋯.jpg (110.88 KB,250x394,125:197,Udo Ulfkotte Gekaufte Jour….jpg)

Gekaufte Journalisten - Udo Ulfkotte


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01cac2 No.7520

File: d849ecd418cadb3⋯.pdf (9.52 MB,Springer.MuskelRevolution.….pdf)

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01cac2 No.7521

File: 447690da9e05840⋯.jpg (20.49 KB,228x346,114:173,41J Kj2ylbL._SY346_.jpg)

File: d0ead35b5fdf6c8⋯.pdf (862.3 KB,PITT Force Professional In….pdf)

File: f17e662440bc272⋯.jpg (56.86 KB,386x500,193:250,51PKuC6x0QL.jpg)


Forgot the Title

Marco Toigo: MuskelRevolution: Konzepte und Rezepte zum Muskel- und Kraftaufbau

Another One:

Karsten Pfützenreuter - P.I.T.T. Force

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bfefa6 No.10083

File: 937281b2f76a772⋯.pdf (1.38 MB,Autogenes Training - Maria….pdf)

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357d87 No.10127

Hey guys i don't know if this is the place to ask, but can any one of you post pdf's of Norse mythology especially sagas of Odin

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77c3a2 No.10168

File: 90f84a26e7dc96a⋯.png (451.63 KB,1120x697,1120:697,1522269885019.png)

Any Nazi-era books on physical fitness/training, body image, nudism, etc.?

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237343 No.10192




I cant read any of this, it's in german, what a shame.

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197bc1 No.10224


They all got pulped by the allies.

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709d94 No.10267

File: 4fcc4f2b1d2c1d8⋯.pdf (900.16 KB,Andrew Macdonald - Die Tur….pdf)

Andrew MacDonald - Die Turner Tagebücher

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14db4a No.10284

Can any of you guys help?

There's a few books in German from WW2 I need in this thread


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9a711f No.10381

File: 6578cf518196456⋯.jpg (272.53 KB,995x1074,995:1074,Junges Europa 1943 1-5.jpg)

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9a711f No.10388

File: c1bba1462faa433⋯.pdf (6.17 MB,Wintersonnenwende-Julfest-….pdf)

File: a0f37dd63636400⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1239x1754,1239:1754,Hoffmann, Fritz Hugo; Wint….jpg)

Wintersonnenwende-Julfest-Weihenachten; Fest und Brauch im Jahreslauf, Heft 2 by Fritz Hugo Hoffmann 1936


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bfefa6 No.10416

Gibt es gesammelte Aufsätze von Goebbels als Buch? Wollte mir seine Tagebücher kaufen aber habe gesehen, dass es sich um gekürzte Versionen handelt.

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4bc1ea No.10418

File: c689d35041cc70e⋯.pdf (7.57 MB,Joseph Goebbels - Michael ….pdf)

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f50d92 No.10453

Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums - Band 1-10 - Karlheinz Deschner


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e02268 No.10467

File: 5ce65fbec6324b9⋯.jpg (140.34 KB,1023x1438,1023:1438,BookReaderImages.jpg)

File: f8ae6cde1e62517⋯.jpg (65.02 KB,370x504,185:252,p7oyzj7IJb1x4c6nvo1_1280.jpg)

Vom Hakenkreuz by Vom Hakenkreuz (1934)


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9dfce5 No.10540

File: f577f056af7eb09⋯.jpg (193.82 KB,1020x562,510:281,image-0003.jpg)

File: 336a6051221dc11⋯.jpg (309.82 KB,1089x985,1089:985,image-0004.jpg)

File: 987e3c94b59184e⋯.jpg (454.19 KB,1935x1347,645:449,image-0005.jpg)


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237343 No.10585

File: 0c625f0d19b68d3⋯.jpg (330.09 KB,1064x1573,1064:1573,Scan1.jpg)

File: 350acc86412b1a4⋯.jpg (852.31 KB,1602x2367,178:263,Scan.jpg)

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237343 No.10586


Forgot to add, if anyone is ever willing to do a translation, or an audiobook in english I would be more than willing to listen and transcribe everything. I would really appreciate it.

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455586 No.10617

File: a2998d9212ac2a7⋯.pdf (1.97 MB,Christliche Grausamkeit An….pdf)

File: d6df10cd7432d04⋯.jpg (848.97 KB,841x1245,841:1245,Christliche Grausamkeit An….jpg)

Christliche Grausamkeit An Deutschen Frauen - Dr. Mathilde Ludendorff und Walter Löhde (1936)

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6838b7 No.10674


You are a wonderful man. You have no idea how long I've been looking for this book. Thankyou

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f346bf No.10694

File: 51c5ad1dc3ab807⋯.pdf (3.75 MB,Kämpfende Schöpfung by Han….pdf)

File: 47da0b93e6ff0ed⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1033x1754,1033:1754,Kämpfende Schöpfung by Han….jpg)

Kämpfende Schöpfung by Hans Bartmann (1942)


(I only have an idea what its about from a partly auto-translation)

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fa05ec No.10719

File: c0735973c8698d4⋯.pdf (6.18 MB,Wintersonnenwende-Julfest-….pdf)

File: d936f910203a273⋯.jpg (201.29 KB,558x983,558:983,Wintersonnenwende-Julfest-….jpg)

Wintersonnenwende-Julfest-Weihenachten- Fest und Brauch im Jahreslau - Fritz Hugo Hoffmann (1936)

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b61907 No.10723


/zundel/ here, how's life anon

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e6ed92 No.10729


I wonder if you meant a specific anon. Good yule anon

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a45077 No.10730

File: 12cc52e3006feda⋯.jpg (261.94 KB,972x661,972:661,745.jpg)

File: 6168d3570820ec8⋯.png (793.73 KB,1111x383,1111:383,5551232.PNG)


Nay, I am interested in anyone here because I know there are few.

Wanted to let you guys know I have gotten back into developing the archive. I have got a domain and site plan, finished collecting PDFs, working on a huge recommended reading list, etc. I'll be hosting the actual PDFs on archive.org though, because I really dislike mega and I want it to be a little more aesthetic than just some monotonous dump in a .zip file.

Pic related should explain the topics I cover, if there any concerns in that area.

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77abc8 No.10782


Someone said they would buy a rare English copy and scan it. I doubt they did though, it'd be great to have.

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237343 No.10784


help 2 transl8

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e140bf No.10787

anyone have politische theologie by carl schmitt?

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e140bf No.10788

Also "die wiedergutmacher" by unger.

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6c1f5e No.10910

File: d7da893b9d23380⋯.pdf (952.5 KB,Micah R. Sadigh Ph.D., Mic….pdf)


For (((you))) :^)

Chapter 7 is where the exercises start.

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996e01 No.10927

File: e59dae7c68bbc6b⋯.pdf (12.06 MB,Ambrunnen-Freimaurerei in ….pdf)

File: 1a95756911ea7e1⋯.png (877.43 KB,977x1421,977:1421,freimaurerei.png)

Arnold Ambrunnen - Freimaurerei in der Schweiz - Tatsachen und Merkwürdigkeiten OCR - 1935

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996e01 No.10928

File: a51deb87dd990be⋯.png (1.22 MB,991x1409,991:1409,judenfrage.png)

File: a5ca7d1dadb112c⋯.pdf (10.83 MB,Arnold Ambrunnen - Dokumen….pdf)


Arnold Ambrunnen - Dokumente zur Judenfrage in der Schweiz OCR - 1935

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996e01 No.10929

File: c871622e8edd32a⋯.png (1.06 MB,960x1442,480:721,judenschweizer.png)


Arnold Ambrunnen - Juden werden Schweizer OCR - 1935

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996e01 No.10930

File: 1ea91eb1cb495e8⋯.pdf (11.29 MB,Arnold Ambrunnen - Juden w….pdf)


Forgot the PDF

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3bbd73 No.10955

File: 1bbc7d28e36b4a3⋯.pdf (9.29 MB,Hans Reinsch - Kolumbus en….pdf)

File: 64d5055a16afd2b⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,897x1310,897:1310,Hans Reinsch - Kolumbus en….jpg)

Kolumbus entlarvt - Hans Reinsch (1937, 58 S., Scan, Fraktur)

From https://archive.org/details/folkscanomy_history

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4547c1 No.11024

File: 93d43d0a12d83c5⋯.pdf (2.28 MB,Goebbels, Joseph - Tagebü….pdf)

File: 0de5b93780193b1⋯.pdf (2.42 MB,Goebbels, Joseph - Tagebü….pdf)

File: 515bc781c969718⋯.pdf (2.46 MB,Goebbels, Joseph - Tagebü….pdf)

File: 62e7473ec0648de⋯.pdf (2 MB,Goebbels, Joseph - Tagebü….pdf)

File: 6af8c0aefa8a775⋯.pdf (2.05 MB,Goebbels, Joseph - Tagebü….pdf)

Joseph Goebbels - Tagebücher Band 1-5

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57f47f No.11657

File: c0c2b60ad95db25⋯.pdf (14.46 MB,Reichssicherheitshauptamt ….pdf)

File: 6a84ceb40c2199b⋯.jpg (112.35 KB,614x827,614:827,Reichssicherheitshauptamt ….jpg)

Reichssicherheitshauptamt - Reinhard Heydrich - 7. Maerz 1904 - 4. Juni 1942

I think it'd be great for this to be translated into English. https://archive.org/details/Reichssicherheitshauptamt-Reinhard-Heydrich

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87dba5 No.11745

File: 5e94d4a37425493⋯.jpg (554.47 KB,942x779,942:779,Hans_Thoma_-_Die_Gralsburg.jpg)


>Wagner-Lexikon; Hauptbegriffe der Kunst-und Weltanschauung Richard Wagner's / in wörtlichen Auführungen aus seinen Schriften zusammengestellt, von Carl Friedrich Glasenapp und Heinrich von Stein

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d67c09 No.11756

File: eb5636270dc93ca⋯.pdf (4.89 MB,Kleine Runenkunde - E. Web….pdf)

File: 537ac96228b18b2⋯.jpg (72.54 KB,582x942,97:157,Kleine Runenkunde - E. Web….jpg)

Kleine Runenkunde - E. Weber (1941)

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a825d7 No.12226

File: b6da2175f093858⋯.pdf (1.81 MB,Ernst Jünger - In Stahlgew….pdf)

>Strg+F "Stahlgewitter"

>0 Ergebnisse

Ernst Jünger - In Stahlgewittern

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ed6bf3 No.12236

File: e75027f05fdbcaa⋯.pdf (12.43 MB,Die Gestaltung der Feste i….pdf)

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394f99 No.12264


speaking of archives, I've got a shit ton of books more than I feel like counting at least and quite frankly it covers a lot of topics. How should I go about organizing all this shit? the overall theme of my library is /tech/ /k/ /pol/ /shtf/wrol/prepper/ etc but I'm having a hard time putting them in a place from the bulk of my collection.

Some of the trouble I have is that there is a lot of crossover between the different topics and so it seems innefficient as, if a file belongs in two places but can only be in one, then it may occur that I can't find it when I'm looking for it the next time around as it's in a different location.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

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65b342 No.12309

Hat jemand Carl Schmitt - Politische Theologie?

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65b342 No.12367


Do you have Eumeswil?

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cf5361 No.12584

39,63GB of German books.

>Bücher Bis 1945


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9a9efd No.12585

Hat jemand einen mega.nz link zum kompletten NSL Archiv? Die obigen Verweise sind mittlerweile alle tot. Ich habe nur in einer metapedia Diskussion folgende Einzel-links gefunden, kann aber nicht verifizieren ob dies das gesamte Archiv ist:

Bücher bis 1945


Filme bis 1945:


Reden bis 1945:




Laut diesem Blog gibt es noch eine Kategorie "Bücher nach 1945", von der ich allerdings keinen mega link finden konnte.


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9a9efd No.12586


Edit: Dieser magnet link scheint ALLES zu beinhalten. Sind allerdings 172GB.


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d70737 No.12723

File: f704a8d87d1a1ba⋯.png (249.38 KB,584x849,584:849,9Oie.png)

File: a13cd4df533c214⋯.pdf (3.99 MB,Antigermanismus, Globalism….pdf)

Keine Ahnung ob sowas wirklich rein passt (oder schon gar gepostet wurde) aber nach dem Totalausfall is sowieso keiner mehr hier.

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d70737 No.12776

File: 7855c83660a252d⋯.jpg (10.78 KB,263x400,263:400,images.jpg)

File: a08007413131150⋯.pdf (2.79 MB,Solschenizyn, Alexander - ….pdf)

File: c150665cce09781⋯.pdf (3.58 MB,Solschenizyn, Alexander - ….pdf)

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7d4f67 No.12978

File: 83ce0bdcce51fee⋯.jpg (276.53 KB,792x1127,792:1127,83ce0bdcce51feec8ae76c06e5….jpg)

Tolle Initiative, Kamerad.

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9d30b3 No.13320

File: e0bd95060755a3a⋯.png (1.19 MB,622x909,622:909,qsdf.png)

File: 99fc5768e3553cf⋯.pdf (9.56 MB,Pokora_Radek_Wehr_Dich_und….pdf)

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c7ff1d No.13335

Can I request titles?

Anthropologie (Das Fischer Lexikon Vol 15)

Volkerkunde (Das Fischer Lexikon Vol 13)

Any other rare German books on racial anthropology.

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c7ff1d No.13336

File: f735cbde1aec1ff⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.44 MB,2626x2598,1313:1299,1587806242239.jpg)

Keine Bücher, aber trotzdem fragen, was die deutsche Politik betrifft. Kann jemand diese teilen? Siehe Bild.

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9d30b3 No.13337



Your best try would be takea look here (have good ad block on)

http://ge n.lib.rus.ec/

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9d30b3 No.13338

File: 789e477d275bd89⋯.png (1.04 MB,702x910,27:35,ghju.png)

File: 61ba866fa958e95⋯.pdf (7.94 MB,Saat_in_den_Sturm_Herbert_….pdf)

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9d30b3 No.13339

File: 8895b276fad89b2⋯.pdf (2.38 MB,Alliierte_Kriegsverbrechen….pdf)

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000000 No.13340

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000000 No.13342

Hat jemand die Bücher von Friedrich Lenz im pdf, txt oder anderem Format?

Außer "Ekle Wurm… habe ich nichts finden können

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b1f640 No.13346



Libgen war der erste Ort, an dem ich diese Serie durchsucht habe. Aber sie werden niemals Bücher über Rassenanthropologie führen. Besonders wenn es von deutschen Anthropologen ist. Sie kennen den Grund.

Bei meiner zweiten Anfrage geht es nicht um Bücher. Dies sind Schallplatten der politischen Rede. Nicht einmal Red hat sie.

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99d00d No.14234

File: d61ec2c87c44eda⋯.pdf (1.98 MB,Die_Sprache_der_BRD_131_Un….pdf)

Die Sprache der BRD - Manfred Kleine-Hartlage

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