/out/ is probably completely fucking dead but I honestly don't know where else to ask this. You guys know your shit.
I was planning on getting myself pic related (Taipen takedown bow) as it is cheap but it also seems decent. I want to start doing bow hunting and general archery but I'm not sure what equipment to start off with. I don't want to spend two thousand dollars on a tactikool compound bow and there are very sexy looking recurves out there. I just want to know if any sc/out/s who have experience in archery and bows in general can recommend me some decent first time bows which won't leave me broke.
>What arrows to buy?
>What to look out for when hunting
>general rules and shit (I know the laws and I have land I'm legally allowed to hunt on. But any advice in general would be apreciated)
>What draw weight for babby's first bow? I have a lot of upper body strength and I know I'll only get stronger over time but I don't want to fuck up and buy something way too heavy to pull. (As if recurves are that heavy, but just a thought.)
General tips welcome too.