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What is OS-tan?
OS-tans are personifications of operating systems (obviously) as well as various other computer-related things. While not the first personifications to do this, the various characters made by artists on Futaba and Nijiura (another Japanese imageboard) as well as on various English speaking sites over the years, the OS-tans are some of the most memorable personifications of computer-related things.
OS-tans gained popularity in the west with an interactive flash animation known as "Troubled Windows" being released in the wild.
The fandom grew from there, even with some slumping around.
OS-tan Galleries
Current Kazumi Gallery - http://kazumi386.org/~maid/_OS/
Old Kazumi Gallery (Requires Japanese IP) - http://kazumi386.org/~ostan2/os_uploader01/
OS-tan Booru - http://os-tan.booru.org/index.php
OS-tan Collections Gallery - https://www.ostan-collections.net/gallery/
Otakubell Gallery - https://www.otakubell.com/os-girls/
OS-tan Wikis
OS-tan Collections - https://www.ostan-collections.net
irc.rizon.net #osmeta
File Board
Contact Information
What OS-tan are you?
The results page brings up a 404 error, but thankfully you can find your result in the URL!
twok - 2k-tan
ninefive - 95-tan
nineeight - 98-tan (unsure if FE or SE)
linux - Linux-tan
longhorn - Longhorn-tan (That shows the age of this quiz)
dos - MS-DOS-tan
osnine - Mac OS9-tan
osx - Mac OSX-tan
me - ME-tan
xp - XP-tan