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"Watching Initial D is basically track time right?"

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don't be a faggot

File: d2aa305efabb52b⋯.png (30.79 KB,633x260,633:260,$ wrench.png)

e18774 No.11248 [Last50 Posts]

Post your questions here.

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e18774 No.11249

I'm looking at getting new brakes for my 2012 SS Commodore (Series II). I don't want to pay out the ass for top of the range Brembo or whatever other meme brakes are out there, but I still want better than stock. I have no skill, abilities or tools to do the job myself. What are my options?

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e18774 No.11261

Hit a deer, cylinder is out because the spark plugs are bad. How can I get the damn thing open when it seems the deer fucked up the lock on the hood?

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e18774 No.11263


I would guess that you would use a pry bar (will probably break the lock but if the front end is fucked up from the deer anyway probably not a big deal) or cut it.

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e18774 No.11273


It's really easy to do that job yourself. Like follow along a 6 minute youtube video level easy. And if you buy the tools and parts necessary, you would still save a lot of money versus paying a mechanic or shop.

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e18774 No.11274

File: a3c361e4c5c6b21⋯.jpg (2.84 MB,3842x2920,1921:1460,1400987322990.jpg)

File: ea20f6ade44bfb0⋯.jpg (797.86 KB,1419x1506,473:502,1400987343452.jpg)

File: 62016bab8de54df⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1400x1684,350:421,1400987377975.jpg)

[insert obligatory post about how we need a more up to date and/or Euro friendly version of the first pic here]

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e18774 No.11283


Didn't think of bikes… Oops. Thread title updated.

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e18774 No.11284


Forgot capcode…

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e18774 No.11285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That chart isn't just outdated, it's wrong. There are way better options in most of those categories.

>first generation Odyessey


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e18774 No.11461


There's a thread about a Euro version of the advice pic. I haven't had the time to update it myself and didn't want anyways since I didn't have much comments on my OP.

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e18774 No.11584

File: 8820aa0a6af3d3f⋯.jpg (216.75 KB,663x550,663:550,jeep wrangler air filter.jpg)

Would it be possible to modify my airbox to accept a cone air filter rather than this stock one? Jeep JK

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e18774 No.11586


Drop-in kits are made for most cars. I found this with a quick web search: http://www.extremeterrain.com/wrangler-jeep-jk-air-intake.html so they do exist. Search at your parts retailer of choice and get one. Installation is usually just taking out your stock airbox and dropping in the new one, but look it up to make sure because I've never done it or seen a video of it.

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e18774 No.11588

File: 9d7dc8fcead8a92⋯.jpg (33.18 KB,776x297,776:297,xhdsnorkelmea.jpg)


Oh I know about those, I should have clarified perhaps: I'm a cheap fucking bastard so that's why I was thinking of modifying my current box.

Ideally I'd like to get this http://www.ruggedridge.com/jeep-accessories/engine-underhood/jeep-wrangler-snorkel.html

But that's way out of my budget right now.

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e18774 No.11592

File: 22a9628c06b5a51⋯.jpg (44.51 KB,500x371,500:371,maga yard sign.jpg)


I see. I guess you could fabricate/nigger-rig something similar to one of those kits. Maybe look up the dimensions and make a pipe with PVC, then slap on a filter. As for heat-shielding (I assume that's what the metal plates on those kits are for), I've seen things as nigger-y as corrugated laminate signs (like pic related) used. I don't know if that's a good idea, though.

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e18774 No.11775

Well guys, I'm thinking of doing something crazy. I'm honestly, seriously thinking of buying this, shipping it over here to the USA and using it as a daily driver. How retarded am I being right now? https://www.tradecarview.com/used_car/nissan/laurel/19960148/

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e18774 No.11777


I guess the main question I have is why?

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e18774 No.11778


Very retarded, but do it anyway. Also, answer >>11777 and tell us why.

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e18774 No.11779


because <$3k manual RWD RB20e with the potential for a direct RB20det swap later down the line. I'm a big Nissan fan that wants something that is possible to DD but don't want to break the bank. I've been looking for a 240sx with not much more than 100k miles on the engine but thanks to the drift tax its impossible to find one in decent shape for non-ripoff prices. I also can't have two cars due to where I live and my living situation.

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e18774 No.11780



>under $3k

I don't know much about importing, but it may not be that cheap after shipping charges. Have you actually researched how you would get it here?

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e18774 No.11783


what's with that Renault 4L behind on the second pic? That'd be a sweet ride in the US.

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e18774 No.11784


I like that guys channel.

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e18774 No.11786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's pretty good aside from some slight pandering to Jalopnik in the past (which is understandable because I think his "big break" came from an article he wrote for them.) He is also an English major (masters degree?) with apparently slightly left-leaning political tendencies. Those don't come up often though. So he is very entertaining 95% of the time.

stopping now because this is off-topic

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e18774 No.11787


That's one thing I really appreciate about Regular, topical commentary is a big part of his schtick but he never involves politics.

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e18774 No.11796

File: 53b6dc774bb4c29⋯.jpg (46.11 KB,900x375,12:5,Protege_Bushings.jpg)

I need new shifter bushings on my 2003 Mazda Protege but can't find anywhere that sells OEM (and I don't wanna fuck around with $40 bronze ones). Is there something I can do to my current ones to improve the shifting?

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e18774 No.11807


If all you want to do is replace the OEM ones, try looking for the same thing but for a Ford Laser of the same year. They are the same car underneath the body panels. (You will almost certainly have to buy from overseas but you may be able to find OEM ones)

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e18774 No.11889


I recently opened up my hood to disconnect my battery so I could do some electric work inside. I thought I'd scrub baking soda on the terminals to get rid of some corrosion while I was at it; that's when I noticed that acid had come out of the vents and pooled on top of the battery. I know it was acid because it was reacting with the soda. Is my battery fucked? I'm too pussy to reconnect it as-is or try to neutralize the acid.

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e18774 No.11897

Cousin just got a Ford Fiesta RT good pick?

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e18774 No.11900


Not bad, it's a cool little hot-hatch. What year is it?

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e18774 No.11902


I think its current year, or last year. But its new and not used.

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e18774 No.11907


I don't know much about batteries but I'm guessing that if it's leaking acid it's probably fucked. I would look it up or call a mechanic if no one who knows what they are talking about comes in here.


>Fiesta RT

Never heard of it and a websearch returns nothing. If you mean Fiesta ST, I've heard bad things about reliability. Other than that it's okay imo, as new cars go.

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e18774 No.11908


meant ST. Huh, dont know if I should tell my cousin about the reliability.

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e18774 No.11909

File: d383b642f847429⋯.jpg (229.54 KB,1800x1696,225:212,diehard.jpg)


Battery update if you or anyone else is curious; Research indicates I need to throw baking soda all over it to neutralize the acid, clean it up, then test the battery to see if it's truly fukt or just needs more acid. I'm tempted to just replace it with a leak-proof battery anyway, though. This is a huge headache.

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e18774 No.11922


I would tell him.

Here is the J.D. Power rating for the 2016 Fiesta: http://www.jdpower.com/cars/Ford/Fiesta/2016#model_ratings

You can select other model years at the top of the page. The first source is some guy on here who I think was a Ford mechanic and was talking about the C-Max, I believe he mentioned the Fiesta was pretty shit too. I forget which thread it was otherwise I'd link it. A quick websearch reveals that they tend to have clutch/transmission problems early, among other things (depending on the model year).


I assume you will have to do the baking soda thing in order to safely remove it so you may as well do it anyway, unless you want battery acid all over your engine bay (and hands)…

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e18774 No.11936

Check out http://blackdogmods.com for great prices and selection.

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e18774 No.11940

File: 64011cac68c62a9⋯.jpg (88.09 KB,1500x1050,10:7,61XtCxwHZFL._SL1500_.jpg)

File: 5f2c01b7599ec03⋯.jpg (85.06 KB,1500x1050,10:7,61AsyPj-rgL._SL1500_.jpg)

I found some shifter bushings for my car, but they come in graphite-infused and non-graphite-infused flavors. Anyone have an opinion as to which is better? they're the same price

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e18774 No.11941


I did a quick websearch and the only thing I found is a review that says "customer service recommended black ones because they are graphite infused, which self-lubricate."

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e18774 No.11943


Yeah, I've got to believe there's some disadvantage to it though, or else they wouldn't sell both. My current running theory is maybe they're not as long-lasting or something.

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e18774 No.11945

File: 9f30460e81eeda3⋯.jpg (359.21 KB,1280x960,4:3,IMG_20170103_231905-R.jpg)

File: e14197d02a09d41⋯.jpg (374.02 KB,1280x960,4:3,IMG_20170103_231922-R.jpg)

File: 1e669d042363d26⋯.png (62.79 KB,864x754,432:377,bushings.PNG)


>2213 energy suspension

I bought a pair of the red ones for my ZX2, I'd get black if you don't want the chance of having little squeaks. the only difference is they have graphite in them as >>11941 said

if you have a zx2 you'll have to take off part of the exhaust and a heat shield to get to the old bushings.I've been meaning to install mine for over a year now

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e18774 No.11946


Glad someone here has experience with them. I have a Protege5 which has the same shifter as the ZX2, but the heat shield/exhaust isn't an issue.

go install those babies, your car deserves it

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e18774 No.11953


I'll get to it this month, I'm really sick of the unending buzzing and AWFUL shift feel.

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e18774 No.11976

File: e015d69695738a3⋯.jpg (26.7 KB,500x407,500:407,tappu.jpg)

I plan on tapping a hardwired phone charger into my driver's side fuse box. What's something I could tap into that's not constantly running? Windshield wipers, radio, etc?

Also, if I'm tapping into something that's off when the ignition is off, do I still need to disconnect the battery first?

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e18774 No.11978


Just hook it to the cig lighter circuit.

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e18774 No.11980


There's no fuse for my cigarette socket, and it's busted, anyway. I'm toying with just fixing that, but I'm too lazy to disassemble my center console.

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e18774 No.11981

89' Jeep wrangler wont start. I can flip my headlights on and off easily and they work. But I do hear a click when I turn the ignition key on trying to turn it on but nothing happens.

What do I do? I checked to see if the battery clamps were on good and put took them off and put them on again and the lights still come on but it wont starts. All I hear is one click and thats it. It stopped working after I killed the battery and removed the clamps to charge the jeep. The thing that charged my jeep shows that my battery is fully charged so I dont know what to do.

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e18774 No.11982


did you try the simple stuff yet? (auto) start in neutral, (manual) roll a tiny bit and pop the clutch in first then turn it over, hit the starter with a stick.

is there a power draw when you try to start it? headlights/dome lights dim

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e18774 No.11983


I knew about the rolling start, but its snowed today and it'll be pretty hard to move my jeep by myself currently to do it, also trying the rolling start where I live would only put it downhill and making it hard as fuck to push it back up.

Headlights are not dim. or no loss of light.

I did try to start in neutral since its how you always start it right? but I can try to do the rolling start in 2nd or 3rd gear. Though its stuck in a gravel lot so I cant really move it. Basically its gonna be tough to move it.

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e18774 No.11988



>it clicks but doesn't turn over

>electrics work fine

Sounds to my novice ears like a bad starter motor/ignition coil/whatever.

This seems to back that up: http://www.justanswer.com/dodge/1kx0b-1999-dodge-caravan-won-t-start-even-turn-relay-just-clicks.html

>Chances are good that if you hear a single loud <click> as you try to crank the engine, your starter is bad.

>I did try to start in neutral since its how you always start it right?

That or just put the clutch in.

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e18774 No.12003


Final update on my battery situation- I bought some spray-on acid cleaner, cleaned it up, hooked it up, and it ran beautifully with no issues. I then proceeded to lock my keys in the car. any tips?

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e18774 No.12004






Shoulda had a Saab. It's impossible to lock your keys inside my 900 because if the door is locked when you close it, it unlocks.

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e18774 No.12007


my mazda has that, try holding the handle up as you close it.


make spares m8

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e18774 No.12017


Thanks, never knew it was so easy. I'll def have to make spares like >>12007 said. I used to have three keys and two keyfobs, but they've been floating around since 2003.

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e18774 No.12046

My brother just graduated from college and is being offered a job so hes gonna make around 52k starting and what not. He asked me to find a truck around 5-12k but he just wants a really reliable car since all the cars we had in the family always break down and are pretty shit. Also preferable it can seat 5.

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e18774 No.12048


>reliable crew cab truck

I don't know of any but I don't know trucks that well. There is a crew cab Toyota Tundra but I don't know how good it is since it's newer.

>reliable truck (not crew cab)

Nissan D21 (small)/D22, Toyota Tacoma.

>reliable SUVs

1st/2nd gen Toyota 4Runner, 90s Land Cruiser, 1st/2nd gen Nissan Pathfinder, Jeep XJ (with the V6).

Again I don't know much about American trucks beyond that American cars in general are not very reliable compared to the Japanese competition, with Jeep as an exception. Both GM and Ford have multiple crew cab offerings so look at what's in your price range and look up reliability ratings.

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e18774 No.12056


Whatever you do, don't let him buy an American truck. Tell him to look at Hondas, Toyotas, etc. That's about the extent of my knowledge. /k/ might be good to ask about trucks; they're more active and very outdoorsy.

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e18774 No.12057

Is there somewhere I can go that'll let me use a car lift? I don't have jackstands and I don't think they'd give me enough clearance to install my shifter bushings, anyway.

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e18774 No.12064

Is tire rotation necessary on a rear wheel drive vehicle?

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e18774 No.12065


Why wouldn't it be?

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e18774 No.12066


Because all the power is going to the rear wheels to balance the weight of the engine on the front wheels I guess?

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e18774 No.12072


It's not really about weight; the tires driven by the engine have more wear on them. Tire rotation is less important on an AWD for this reason, but it's still a good idea.

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e18774 No.12079



Yeah I knew offhand that a American Truck would not be me choice, I knew the Terrorist go to truck was a tacoma so I figured they will probably be good but I think it's probably gonna be a Honda, Toyota, or a Nissan.

I heard offhand that Ford has gotten better but I wasn't sure if those were just made up rumors. I think they are.

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e18774 No.12080


>I heard offhand that Ford has gotten better but I wasn't sure if those were just made up rumors. I think they are.

You couldn't get a new anything for $12k anyway.

There are also Nissan Frontiers and Titans in crew cab. I don't know anything about them though, beyond that the newest Frontier with a crew cab is third gen (twice removed from the Hardbody).

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e18774 No.12183

I just spent AUD$11k on new brakes, wheels and tyres. Kill me.

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e18774 No.12186


Did you DIY or take it to a shop?

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e18774 No.12190


I ended up taking it to a shop, the labour costs aren't that bad where I'm taking it. The brakes alone cost just over $5k, and since I've got zero experience I didn't want to screw up and damage something that expensive. I'd love to get a little shitbox to practice working on, but space and money.

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e18774 No.12207


What car? Was it a major upgrade? That's insane for a brake and tire job.

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e18774 No.12210


2012 Holden Commodore VE SS Series II (everything is in ausfag dollars). Upgrade from standard stock kit to 380mm x 35mm 2 piece ventilated and grooved discs/AP Racing 6 Piston calipers front, and 350mm x 26mm ventilated and grooved discs/AP Racing 4 piston calipers rear. Wheels (without tyres) are valued around $4.5k

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e18774 No.12211


Sounds like a pretty major upgrade…

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e18774 No.12212



I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

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e18774 No.12213


I'm not.

You clearly aren't short on cash so why are you considering suicide?

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e18774 No.12214


Because I don't have the ability to do it myself. If I was replacing stock with stock I probably would have given it a shot, but I didn't want to risk screwing anything up with this kit. I love cars, but I know completely fuck all about them.

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e18774 No.12247

Not really a car question, but it's appropriate; How can I get oilstains off my untreated concrete driveway? The HOA is breathing down my neck. It's power steering fluid and Dex/Merc, if that matters.

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e18774 No.12261

File: 4ce205b2d0098bc⋯.png (2.9 MB,1166x869,106:79,axc.png)

Posted in QTDDOT

How do I clean my brakes when they're blocked from the hubcap or whatever it's called? I'm so new at this I don't even know what it's called, those aren't rims.

Also today noticed my car makes a thud noise when braking, could it be brake dust causing it? My car has been sitting for a week or so and I haven't washed my car in forever.

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e18774 No.12272

File: d9593e0a4afa209⋯.jpg (398.61 KB,960x640,3:2,front 1.JPG)

File: cf5b9e373f514b0⋯.jpg (449 KB,960x640,3:2,front 2.JPG)

File: 89aa4b98a5fdf42⋯.jpg (501.77 KB,960x640,3:2,new.JPG)

File: fc23b0193251664⋯.jpg (380.2 KB,960x640,3:2,rear 1.JPG)

File: 6a690903ea4b8e6⋯.jpg (406.65 KB,960x640,3:2,rear 2.JPG)


End result.

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e18774 No.12278

File: 742b408d226c72d⋯.jpg (18.15 KB,300x225,4:3,control arm.jpg)

I have a 2006 Volvo XC90. I need to change the control arms on this and Volvo's OEM ones are ~$250 a piece, together with labor mechanics here quote me $700-1000 for the pair. This is a bit of a sticker shock for me.

There's some aftermarket parts on Amazon that are much cheaper. A few mechanics said they would mount those, which saves me about ~$400. They say they won't warranty (obviously since the part isn't theirs). I'm really conflicted about whether I should use the OEM or the aftermarket.

On the one hand I really like the car, and since this model went from great to shit after chinks bought em, I feel like I owe it to this one to keep it going as long as I can. It's also a sweet spot between being new enough to have electronics I like, but too old to have cancer like phoning home. I bought this as a cheapish starter car expecting to get a new one after a few years, but honestly it's growing on me and looking at newer cars, I can't say I'm looking forward to the shopping experience.

On the other hand this is pretty pricey and would prematurely top out my budget for maintenance on this car that I was planning when buying it. I have the money, but I don't want to fall into the trap of burning money to keep a car going past the point where it's reasonable (mine is at 120k miles). The aftermarket parts are much cheaper, one guy called autopartszone sells a pair of these for $50 (10% of OEM!) and says they "meet or exceed OEM specs". Looking online people say ScanTech parts are shit, but otherwise I haven't heard anything bad about this or many other aftermarket part sellers. There's some forum posts ominously admonishing to only use OEM parts, but just as many say "I put aftermarket parts on my Volvo and it was fine" (none for my specific model though).

I don't get if the people saying OEM only are just drinking the kool aid or what. Volvo clearly price gouges on parts, they asked me recently for $380 for a new keyfob, and $250 for just a shitty valet key which I think is just ridiculous. I doubt this part really costs $250 to manufacture, the aftermarkets could probably make a quality part at the prices they tout if they wanted to. But I have no idea if in reality they just use cheap chink steel that falls apart or something. I've seen the advice that "suspension is not the place to save money" which sounds logical enough but I also couldn't find any hard evidence that the OEM parts are worth it, only rumors and hearsay.

tl;dr Is it worth spending $400 more for a pair of OEM control arms?

And sorry for the long post. inb4

>you get what you pay for

Sometimes you do. Sometimes a part is overpriced because the manufacturer plans to scam a low-information market. Sometimes a quality part seems cheap because the other ones are overpriced. In this case OEM clearly is not interested in giving me a fair price, so price has little relation to quality.

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e18774 No.12279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>control arms

>labor costs

Should be easy enough to replace them yourself unless Volvo did something really fucky when designing them.

>aftermarket parts that cost 10% of oem

Be careful with those, could be cheap Chinese steel like you mentioned later.

>other aftermarket parts

Probably fine, search for reviews and if they are good get them and replace them yourself.

>120k miles

If I'm not mistaken Volvos are supposed to be pretty reliable, so if you take care of it you could get another 100k+ out of it. How much you would have to spend depends on the condition. Whether it's worth it to fix or not depends on how much you like the car.

>I feel like I owe it to this one to keep it going as long as I can.

If you don't like the car enough to keep it running then don't. It doesn't matter how rare or special it is to some people - if it's not worth it to you to keep the car for what it is (something that fulfills your driving needs) then sell it to someone who actually cares about it and enjoys it.

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e18774 No.12284


>Should be easy enough to replace them yourself

You'd think. But I can't find service manuals for this car anywhere. Saw like 3 torrents for Russian shop manuals, none have seeds though. The only other lead is eBay, but they sell them for $60 or something and I have no idea if it's even real or what. There's Youtube videos I possibly might be able to follow.

Other problem is that I don't have a garage or equipment to raise the car. I don't know if it would be easy with just a jack.

Seems like servicing this car is a bit complicated, they didn't go out of their way to make it hard but some things are inconvenient to do.

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e18774 No.12285


>service manual

Check these out:




What about a driveway? You might also get away with doing it on a dead end street or some other unpopulated area (abandoned parking lot?). That's what I do when I change my oil, since my garage is full of crap right now and my driveway is sloped.


You can get jack stands for pretty cheap at Harbor Freight. Floor jacks are kinda expensive though (~$100). You could try a bottle jack but check the height of the jack, how high it jacks up to, and your car's ride height before you buy one to make sure it will work. A floor jack is a necessary investment if you plan to do a lot of your own work in the future.

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e18774 No.12295

I want to get a Mazdaspeed 6 GT but since they are so limited, I feel like before I can save enough money for it there wont be any of them left. FUCK!

Posted it in the wrong thread.

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e18774 No.12306


Here's a thought:

If you don't know how to get to a brake because it's somehow blocked by some round thing you don't know about, perhaps reconsider touching that brake.

I'm not saying you're going to break it, I'm not saying you can't do it, but since they are making an abnormal noise to begin with, "cleaning" them isn't likely to help your cause, and diagnosing, dismantling, cleaning, prepping and reassembling the brake in working order to solve your issue *MIGHT* be a bit more of a task than you're up to. Brakes are the most important safety device on your car, take it to a shop.

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e18774 No.12307


>they're blocked from the hubcap or whatever it's called?

If you are referring to the large round item in the picture, that would be your wheel.

>thud noise when braking, could it be brake dust causing it?

Extremely unlikely. I would suggest taking it to a mechanic to have it checked out, or look up your problem. I also agree with >>12306 , you don't sound like you know what you're doing.

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e18774 No.12312

/o/, question: I'm a youngshit and I'm interested in a Corvette C4, with a few for a reasonable price at 100k miles. Are there any major reasons to avoid these things? Is one model year in the generation better than another in reliability/performamce? Do they shit the bed past 100k miles? What should I inspect when I look at them in person?

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e18774 No.12313


The C4 is pretty popular, and most likely a lot better than newer ones. Test drive it, and if it's a manual, you def wanna see how it runs in the 3-4k RPM area, since people who like their car to be loud will tend to run it in that range a lot (which wears on the engine a lot faster).

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e18774 No.12315



Pretty shitty imo, but I don't like muscle cars so that doesn't mean much.

>What should I inspect


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e18774 No.12318



Thanks for the tips. I'm a wee baby and they're more common and less collectible so generally cheaper so it's an auto, so I'll see how well it drives on highways. I figure even if I have to work on it every so often given it's age, it should be relatively cheap to get parts for and shouldn't give me too much of a headache and I have a Focus as my reliable, sensible 4-door commuter.

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e18774 No.12417

My cars master cylinder won't stop fucking leaking. I took off the old cylinder and inspected it and thought it was the issue, so I got a new one. However the new one leaks in EXACTLY the same way. It leaks at the bottom of the plate that bolts up to the brake booster. I'm thinking of putting some sort of gasket there to force it to stop. Does anyone have experience doing something like custom gaskets? Could I just tighten the part down on an o-ring and call it good?

This shit is fucking up my paint and I'm tired of it

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e18774 No.12567


>tfw no RWDS car reviewer

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e18774 No.12606

So I fucked up and crashed my MR2 Spyder. Thankfully nobody got hurt and the car is structurally sound, but it didn't end up completely unscathed. After I got it back from the towing company I was able to jump start it a few times but never start it on its own. Now the car wont even jump start. Every time I try to do so, the dash lights flicker and it wont even crank. Without a jumper its even worse, as it just shuts itself off completely as if someone had disconnected the battery completely. Google hasn't been much help to me. Anybody have any idea what could be wrong?

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e18774 No.12624


Where was the impact?

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e18774 No.12632



You can actually disregard this now as I got it to start again. Turns out the only thing that was keeping it from starting was rusty battery terminals. It was raining for 2 days straight while my car was being held by the towing company, so it wouldn't surprise me if the idiots just kept the hood open while it rained.


to answer the question that is in your head, yes it was snap oversteer

Spun out on a twisty road at night and ended up in a ditch on the side of the road. Coasted backwards and clipped a sign, which tore off the right side mirror. Waiting for the replacement to come in the mail. Also getting some new tires (Yokohama S-Drives) eventually because one of the tires is almost completely out of tread and tires should always be your first upgrade except for MAYBE if its a drift car. Previous owner didn't replace all the tires at the same time or even with the same brand, so it pulls to the left a little as a result.

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e18774 No.12663

File: d777c5f5a40831e⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,690x388,345:194,key to gains.jpg)

I've got a 2000 Ford Focus, manual transmission, one of the original hatchback ones. Had to have the fuel line, gas tank and spark plugs replaced about six months ago, along with oil change. It was running fine for a while, but now the car is hard to start, I'll usually have to give a little gas to get the engine to finally turn over. Car will drive fine, but then when I go to idle at a red light or wherever, the RPM's will fall and the car will stall out. Car will restart just fine. Basically just have to keep a little gas going when I'm idling. Is this a common issue? Any ideas on what the problem could be? I'm not very car savvy

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e18774 No.12687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sounds like a bad idle pulley/sensor/whatever it is. The thing that makes it idle. Found this in 30 seconds of a web search for "2000 ford focus bad idle". http://www.carparts.com/ford/focus/idle-control-valve

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e18774 No.12694


pls fucking respond tho

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e18774 No.12697


What car? Have you done any web searches?

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e18774 No.12699

File: 6d586ee4e06fd99⋯.jpg (60.98 KB,675x750,9:10,adidas cake.jpg)


Thank you. I'm gonna give that a clean tomorrow, hopefully will solve this issue

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e18774 No.12708


aw11 mr2 and yes and they're all worthless results. Only one person may have had a similar issue but there is no conclusion to the thread. It just looks like these MC's are fucking engineered to leak at the base like that. They have a machined fucking channel that the brake fluid leaks through when it slips past the seal inside the cylinder.

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e18774 No.12721

I don't know what they go for where you guys are, but I've looked in NY, NY, CT, DL, and east PA and I can not find an MX5 NA under 4k that is not beat the fuck up. Whoever told me they're only $1500 is a fucking lair. I've been finding them from 5-10k with 6k being average. Anything under looks like it will need more time than I can give it for a daily. Is 6k way too much for an MX5 NA. Let's say it has under 100k miles and is in good shape? What's the most I should spend? I refuse to spend over 7k unless it somehow has under 60k miles on it and none of that fading paint. Should I hold out for that 3-4k gem or is that wishful thinking.

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e18774 No.12725


Very strange. You mentioned a seal - is there a bad gasket? Maybe someone makes an aftermarket one without that issue?


KBB puts a ~120k miles ("average mileage") NA in decent condition around $2k. NADA puts the same around $4k.. Have you actually inspected any examples and negotiated a price or are you just looking at listings? It's pretty much standard practice for people to ask for more than they actually want, so you can't really go by list price in most cases.

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e18774 No.12730


I'm just looking for now so I have a good idea of what to ask for when the time comes in a few months when I can buy it.I'm not ready just yet. I don't want to buy a car without having at least 1-2k on stand buy if anything goes wrong.

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e18774 No.12737


People (both private, dealership and used car lot) often list cars for 2-4x the real price. They will drop 30% or so easily just for asking, and with serious bargaining you can often halve it. If you're an expert bargainer you could probably even get the car for less than half of the list price.

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e18774 No.12758


There is no factory seal, and I was asking if I could just find a generic acceptably sized o-ring to torque down inbetween the brake booster and cylinder would stop it.

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e18774 No.12759


You could try it.

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e18774 No.12934

File: 95cd70bbc96a5fc⋯.jpg (267.87 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_0042.jpg)

Pic unrelated but it is the truck.

I have a 1995 Dodge Ram 2500 12v diesel and recently I got a coolant leak and it almost caused my engine to overheat. Coolant is coming out of the front bottom part of the engine possibly the radiator but I haven't really looked yet. I've tried searching online but every thing I found was for the v8 or v10 2500's. Anybody got any ideas?

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e18774 No.12965


I don't know anything about that specific truck but I would check the radiator and coolant hoses. Could be anything from a punctured radiator to a loose hose clamp.

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e18774 No.12978

File: 9887ed379842f74⋯.jpg (50.93 KB,448x336,4:3,minsk.jpg)

Thinking about getting an old soviet motorbike.

Any recommendations? I was thinking of getting a Minsk because of TopGear.

And no, non-soviet is not an option.

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e18774 No.12988

File: a96619c80d29382⋯.jpg (63.19 KB,640x480,4:3,ural__k750_molotov_1962_1_….jpg)

File: 26b2d97328d27b8⋯.jpg (42.99 KB,400x300,4:3,jupiter 3.jpg)


Ural k-750.

And Iž (izh) Jupiter 3

Good choices.

Leave cheap Minsks for easter european teenagers to destroy.

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e18774 No.13027

File: 4300122d22648b0⋯.gif (867.51 KB,500x200,5:2,bate thanks.gif)


Alright thanks mate.

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e18774 No.13064

File: c7525fb23bc898e⋯.jpg (37.79 KB,665x574,95:82,74c588543d1b69f883fbbef411….jpg)

I need a new floor jack and everything decent is to expensive for me to rationalize the >$350 price tag of a Hein-Werner or similar unit. I can afford it I just want a little input

anyone have some recommendations/experiences? I don't want to buy some chink sourced shit and have it send oil and shrapnel into my flesh.

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e18774 No.13065


>$350 floor jack

Are you a professional needing professional-grade equipment? I got my floor jack from Harbor Freight and it works just fine…

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e18774 No.13073


>open owners manual PDF on hein-werner jacks

>Assembled in the US with US and Global Components


I shied away from the harbor freight jacks just because of their 90day warranty. guess I'll need to do more research

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e18774 No.13079

File: e9aca71068c2b97⋯.png (2.03 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Car died while, I restarted it, and it started knocking. Drove home, pulled the plugs and was confronted with pic related.

How fucked am I?

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e18774 No.13080


*died while at a stop sign

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e18774 No.13081


I'm an amateur, but the only thing I can think of that would cause that is if the piston went farther than it was supposed to and smashed the plug. I have no idea how easily that would happen or if it is even possible.

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e18774 No.13084


Also not a professional, but my first guess would be that a connecting rod or maybe a rod bearing failed and the piston isn't connected securely to anything anymore. That type of plug damage could also be caused by something like a screw finding its way into the engine, but that usually doesn't randomly happen while sitting at a stop sign.

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e18774 No.13093

File: 561f18fad11a928⋯.jpg (427.17 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Ferrari 308 GTS.jpg)

I am planning to buy a Ferrari 308 GTB/GTS. Is fine to use for daily driving? Are the maintenance costs tolerable? If anyone here has owned or does own a Ferrari 308, what should I do? I really love Ferrari and this model is within price range for me.

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e18774 No.13094


I don't own one, but from what I've heard, they cost a lot to maintain, insurance is high and these are pretty fragile rides.

The engine and style, plus the value skyrocketing, could make up for it though.

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e18774 No.13096


>dailying a Ferrari

I don't own one or know anything about the 308 specifically but here's what I've heard/can glean from the fact that it's a Ferrari:

>high insurance costs

>high fuel costs (very inefficient)

>exceptionally high maintenance costs (all exotics do, for everything from replacing a door handle to major engine maintenance)

>some Ferraris require an additional, very expensive engine maintenance every 2 years or something

>they are not reliable

>value goes down with every mile you drive it

Basically I would not recommend it unless you make a lot, and I mean a lot, of money. But like I said I don't know anything about the 308 specifically, so it could be uniquely inexpensive to run (for a Ferrari). Do your research and find out.

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e18774 No.13102


I'm not a Ferrari expert, but what the other two guys have said are probably right. Italian cars in general have a reputation for being unreliable. Ferrari up until recently was owned by Fiat, so the old saying applies: FIAT stands for "Fix It Again, Tony."

They're not cars, but I do have some experience with some Italian manufacturing equipment. You could accurately say the manufacturer of this equipment was the Ferrari of its industry. Some of the machines are actually more expensive than a Ferrari individually. The summary of many long stories is that a random part of the line would break down on us about 50% of the time it was used, and all the machines had some fully retarded design decisions that caused us unreasonable amounts of pain. The same company also had a line of USA-made equipment that did the exact same thing, operated and maintained by the exact same people, and it never broke down in the whole time I worked there. Dealing with the shitty Italian equipment daily has caused me to distrust Italian engineering in general.

Bottom line: if you have money to throw at it then go ahead. A 308 is a beautiful car. If you do buy one, don't expect it to not break down on you, and don't expect the price of the parts and labor it takes to fix it to be anything even close to cheap.

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e18774 No.13104




Okay thank you for your responses. Another question, do all classic cars (e.g. classic muscle cars like Ford,Dodge, Chevrolet) have high maintenance and overall bad to drive daily? Are there any classic cars that are reliable and able to be driven daily?

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e18774 No.13107


If you live in the US, muscles are quite reliable, but subject to rust. You can daily drive them if you're not afraid of gas prices and low safety.

Maintenance costs are higher than for a more common car, but still not as high as a Ferrari.

Their prices are on the rise, so even if you don't daily it, it's an investment.

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e18774 No.13108


I have a 1969 El Camino I'm building to be a driver. For 1964-1972 El Caminos and Chevelles, parts are available everywhere. Mechanical parts are dirt cheap because of GM volume and standardization. Engines and transmissions are generally very reliable, and the vehicles themselves are very easy to work on. Other parts are often 10-40% more expensive than on other cars. It's not outrageous, but if you need a lot of parts, it adds up.

My operating costs with my new engine and transmission are 16 MPG, oil changes at 3000 miles, and spark plugs at 12000 miles in addition to the regular maintenance you do on every car. It is possible to build an engine for economy, fill it with synthetic oil and platinum spark plugs, and attach an overdrive transmission to make that more like 25 MPG, 10,000 mile oil changes, and 100,000 mile spark plugs.

Unless you spend money on an EFI retrofit, you will have a carburetor on top of your engine. That means that you'll want to spend ten minutes fine tuning your engine every 3-6 months as the weather changes, the engine will require 20-30 seconds of warm up in the morning, and it may act a little bit squirrely for the next three minutes or so depending on the engine's personality. If your car has power steering and power brakes, it will otherwise drive basically like a new car would.

As far as the safety items go, you will have crappy stock seat belts and on pre-1967, single reservoir brakes and a non-collapsible steering column. You can buy later-style parts to fix all of these problems if you wanted to. There are no crumple zones, which means that a low speed accident that would total a new car can probably be fixed with nothing but a hammer and a set of wrenches. At high speeds your risk of waking up in a hospital three days later is at least double.

Rust can be a problem. The worst areas are usually under the floors, in the wheel wells, and disguised body filler repairs in the lower fender areas.

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e18774 No.13114



Got it thank you.

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e18774 No.13117




Okay got it thanks!

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e18774 No.13151

File: d035e59a3d41486⋯.jpg (58.23 KB,1368x770,684:385,ghostbbusters.jpg)


Anything in particular to look at on the bike when buying it?

Also since I'm going to be doing long distance traveling on it, what spare parts and tools should I have with it?

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e18774 No.13152

File: 80b4556827571cc⋯.jpg (26.81 KB,489x499,489:499,CsQxC_1W8AEFzck.jpg)


Depends on where you live. But since those are soviet motorcycles, i would say checking piston heads/in-engine constructions is a must-do precauction when buying. They are made from questionable quality metal. Export versions are decent and actualy go for high prices in post-soviet countries, but if you buy one from Tajikistan or Poland, chances are you are buying questionable quality one.

There even are legends that when your motorcycle wore down its pistons, you can replace them with wooden ones with steel cap. Yeah, that is the kind of weird shit you hear when growing up in Baltic states

Fuel/oil filters should be top-notch quality and easy to replace at home. With little know-how.

As i stated at the begining of this post, it depends on where you live. If you will be able to check in at nearest service and get a bucket of spare parts for 5 euros, you need only screwdriver and few wrenches.

If you live in a western country, you are better of making friends in a local blacksmithing shop. Soviet parts are not hard to re-make if you have an original.

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e18774 No.13159

File: 9116ca5b7164e5f⋯.jpg (54.77 KB,189x416,189:416,ddd.jpg)


Thanks man.

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b33123 No.13164

Checked out a car today. Had this written on the engine. I know that it indicates that the engine came from a wrecker, but what exactly does it mean? Is it a damage code like https://www.kosiski.com/tools/damage-codes/ has (I don't think it is)? If not, does it indicate anything in particular about the engine or the car it came out of?

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b33123 No.13165

File: 2e8af2ca687185d⋯.jpg (549.28 KB,1440x1080,4:3,damage code maybe.jpg)


forgot image…

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1463ce No.13167


TB 84k = Timing Belt (TB) replaced at 84k.

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b33123 No.13169


I hadn't considered that… I'm having it inspected tomorrow, I'll mention that as a possibility. I don't know how common it is to write things like that on the valve cover… Why the space between the 84 and K though?

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1bc277 No.13179


Ive got a ford 300 straight six engine that stopped running right.

I cant figure out whats wrong and ive tested everything I can think of.

It starts ok, but it runs really rough and dies after a few seconds.

I can sort of keep it going if I give it a little gas, but any more or less and it stalls.

The compression is good, no vaccume leaks, pcv valve is fine, cleaned and rebuilt the carb twice, float bowl is full, timing is right where i left it, points and plugs are gapped, all plugs are getting spark.

Very rarely I can get it running just fine, but then the next day its back to shitting itself.

Ive had friends looks at it and ive done all I can do, but no one can figure out what the hell is wrong with it.

Anything else I can look for?

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991b9e No.13209


Sounds like a fuel delivery problem to me. Have you checked your fuel filter? Not just the one in the carb, but the one on the main fuel line as well. If a new filter doesn't help, then you could check if the fuel pump is actually pumping fuel.

I have an EFI version of that same engine that I love it to pieces. These 300s are some of the best engines ever made.

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1bc277 No.13210


Both filters and the pump are brand new.

Forgot to mention those were actually the first things I replaced since they were cheap enough.

I also tried a different carb that I had laying around.

On the off chance it was bad gas I tried pouring some heet into the float bowl and the tank the other day, but that didnt change anything.

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566fd0 No.13224

File: 4942ac3271e1b25⋯.jpg (144.21 KB,1224x918,4:3,bird me2.jpg)


One last question my friend.

How much should I pay for it? I was told by some "businessmen" that they had some such bikes for around $500, but knowing them they're overcharging.

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991b9e No.13226


I ran your question by somebody I know that used to write service for these back in the 1980s. His guess is a leaking intake manifold gasket. He said to test that theory, you could spray some WD-40 around the manifold with the engine running. If the RPM changes, there is a leak near where you sprayed. He also said that this isn't a problem you'd typically find on a Ford 6/300, and in his opinion would suggest that somebody may have done something to the engine at some point in the past.

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1bc277 No.13237


Ok, so i gave that idea a shot.

I couldnt really tell if the rpms were changing or not since since it runs so rough and they fluctuate a bit anyways.

Took a chance and pulled the manifolds off and installed a new gasket after cleaning the mating surfaces with acetone, torqed it spec in the correct order and all that.

The manifolds didnt appear warped or anything and fit flush against the head.

The problem remains unchanged.

I also toook a look under the valve cover while I was at it, but nothing seemed amiss.

Might just have to take it to the shop at this point.

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fb665a No.13301

How do you get bumper stickers off a car? There's four of them on the tailgate of the truck I just bought. I'm not particularly worried about the paint since it's already chipping on other parts of the tailgate and will need to be repainted soon anyways, but I don't want to leave it looking like an eyesore.

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fa42ab No.13302


88 Ford Tbird Turbo coupe with 5 speed manual.

Dude is selling it for $3k (might work him down a bit) and seems to have everything in order and working. Paint is solid.

What do you guys recommend? I'm getting this as a daily driver.

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16ed77 No.13304


razor scraper and acetone.

after you get the bulk of it off, you can get the remaining bits with sand paper.

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8cd491 No.13334


Depends on how much snow you get where you live. If you're in the Midwest or Southwest than you'll probably be fine so long as you invest in snow tires. If you're Northwest or Northeast then no.

Also, I would be careful on a turbo car that cheap, even if that model of car is pretty fucking sweet in my opinion. Do your research on forums for how reliable they are/aren't. I'm sure someone has already asked the question before, so make sure to google it or even ask yourself on forums so you don't get over your head with turbo replacement or whatever.

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eabac3 No.13338

File: 9a51bcf73fddd42⋯.jpg (349.24 KB,1080x1181,1080:1181,IMG_20170530_165758.jpg)

Just got this 91 Honda Nighthawk 250

$900 with all the goodies and some mods I don't really understand, runs perfect

What do you guys think? Should I have gotten a dual sport? I see a lot of people getting those as first bikes.

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1fd51f No.13342


>should I have gotten a dual sport?

Are there a lot of really shitty or dirt roads around you? Are you into enduro? Those are the only two reasons I can think of for getting a dual sport. I'm not a bikefag though so maybe there are other reasons.

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eabac3 No.13344


I agree, that's why initially I didn't look for a dual sport because I'll mainly be riding it around town on paved roads. That and they're a little more expensive.

I don't plan on going on highways and I'm a pretty small guy so I was just wondering if a smaller and lighter bike would be better. The Nighthawk is smallish but it's still a huge chunk of metal. I was just wondering since I've found a lot of threads elsewhere praising dual sports as the best starter/commute bikes.

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1fd51f No.13345

I suppose dual sports might be a bit lighter, and it might follow that it would be easier to handle at first.

Whether something smaller and lighter would be better for you depends on how small you are. I assume the average (young) rider weighs 160-180 pounds, and 250's are generally regarded as the smallest displacement you can go reasonable speeds on afaik. Unless you're really small (<5'8" <140 pounds) 250cc seems fine. Seems moot since you already bought a bike.

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eabac3 No.13346


5'8", 170

Yeah I know it's moot, I was asking solely out of curiosity. Just wanted to hear some opinions.

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1fd51f No.13347


Didn't mean to sound rude, if i did.


I think anything smaller (in terms of displacement) would be too small, for the reason I stated above (smaller = slower). Seems like you're golden.

I've been getting more interested in bikes recently.. Maybe I'll get a cheap 250 to putt around on in the dryer months, after my new (to me) car is paid off. It seems like it would be pretty hard to find a small displacement bike that fit me, since I'm tall and very skinny (6'1" 140).

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eabac3 No.13350


Didn't know I sounded so defensive lol, didn't think you were being rude.

Yeah, I'm just more or less surprised with how big my bike actually is, especially since it's supposed to be one of the smaller 250's. First thing I learned when buying a motorcycle is that they're a lot bigger in person lol.

Take a look at a few Ninjas on craigslist, seat height is about 30 inches so it's one of the taller 250's I believe and you can get them cheap.

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be53b5 No.13366

File: 6969ac18e545183⋯.jpeg (70.74 KB,700x466,350:233,Bratstyle dirt chopper pe….jpeg)

I'm looking to build a dirtbike chopper where should i start?

pic related

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8cd491 No.13377


>buy a used Japanese cruiser off of Craigslist (beginner friendly if you've never ridden before)

>take off as many body panels as possible

>add offroad tires, while changing out the shocks/struts and/or chain if clearance becomes an issue

>paint it


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1fb458 No.13413

File: fddc6fc068121b3⋯.jpg (144.2 KB,800x600,4:3,TMZ 5951.jpg)

I have one of these, what should i do with it

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1c682b No.13422

I'm nocarz right now. Is there a reason I shouldn't buy this?


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ea3c53 No.13424


>needs to be towed

Are you just looking for a car so you can get to places, or are you looking for a project car?

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1c682b No.13428


so I can get to places, but an Olds 442 is my dream car and this is so goddamn close. I know it's a pipe dream I just wish it wasn't

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ea3c53 No.13429


I guess it comes down to how much time/money you have. If you can take the time, and have the money, to restore the car then go for it. However if you need something right away to get around places then unfortunately you need to look at something else. What type of budget do you have?

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1fd51f No.13430

File: b74b18b2787f082⋯.png (376.48 KB,900x702,50:39,wht.png)


>no car, I need one

>is there a reason I shouldn't buy a project car?


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1c682b No.13466


Gonna have to get a loan from the bank cuz I only have about 1000 liquid and even spending that I'd be cutting it really close on bills. I don't want to go too much higher than 4000, Ideally closer to 3000.I have 3 weeks of rental coverage so I need to find a car by then.

My gut instinct is telling me miata, Small,, good on gas, entertaining enough, and from the buzz around here reliable and easy to wrench on. Seems like a good starting point. I did kinda fall in love with the aesthetic of the Dodge Daytona and 80d Nissans but I might be biting off more than I can chew with them.

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ea2eae No.13587

Thinking about installing a cold air intake in place of my stock filter, is this a good project for a relatively new hobbyist to pursue?

Any recommendations for parts that have good price to quality ratio?

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8cd491 No.13599


CAI's usually don't add much significant horsepower gains, even though it takes literally two minutes to install one. Other than ricers who don't know what they're doing, I usually hear people add on a CAI either because they are about to add forced induction to a previously N/A engine or they're people with N/A engines that just like the different intake noise. Same goes for aftermarket exhausts, if you replace intake noise with exhaust noise.

If by "project" you don't mean maintenance that you would otherwise do on a shitbox (change fluids, clear up fogged headlights, fix dents, etc.), then here are some "performance" mods I would suggest for someone relatively new

>upgraded brakes (even just new pads helps, but new discs do make a difference)

>coilovers and/or other suspension mods

>short shifter

>aftermarket seats

>sway bar(s)

>aftermarket steering wheel

>weight reduction (literally a free mod, could possibly make money off of removed components)

However, the absolute first thing you should upgrade on any "sports car" is your tires because they determine how well you can do basically everything from acceleration and stopping distance to handling and ride quality. It wont be the cheapest mod you can do (and you wont be able to do it by yourself without a machine unless you are installing big truck tires, but that's okay because Walmart Auto Center isn't that expensive), but I would still say its the best bang for your buck due to how many things it influences. Coilovers are probably #2 in that regard, and I would have some on my MR2 Spyder if I could afford them right now (needs new brakes and it's a good excuse to upgrade :D)

As far as parts that have a good price to quality ration, I would search the forums for your particular make and model. Fans for a car will usually be able to tell you what makes are shit, what makes are good for the money, and which ones are overpriced for what you get.

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ea2eae No.13602


Great reply, this is all some really good stuff. I already went ahead and bought the intake, but next thing I do will probably be tires. Do you have any suggestions or recommended brands? Also, why can't I do it at home if I already have a jack?

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1c682b No.13604

Making a rat rod seems like it would a be a good first project for someone with limited funds since it's less about mechanical skill and more about making shit work with what you have. Am I mistaken In thinking this would be more inexpensive than restoring a classic or even something like a fox body or F-body?

addendum, is it absolute heresy to make a rod from something newer or do I HAVE to go with something pre-1960?

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ea2eae No.13605


sounds like a fun project, ive got access to a machine shop and the skill to use it so it'd be neat to just make all the shit on my own and have a truly custom vehicle

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1c682b No.13606


I have a dremel and a patch of unlevel grass. If the grass belonged to me I'd invest in a sawzall and make my dead cavalier into a monster. I was thinking miata though

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8cd491 No.13607


>tire brands

Depends on what size your tires are. My MR2 Spyder has tire sizes that are such that the undisputed modern day best sport tires are Yokohama S Drives (except for dedicated track tires that would be useless/dangerous on the streets) so that is what I bought. How I figured out those are what I should buy is the following actions

>go onto tirerack(dot)com

>look up tires for my car

>enter results into search engine of choice followed by the word "reviews" easy for me because my only options were the pretty good Yokohama S Drives and some mediocre Omaha things

>buy said tires from whoever gives you the best deal (more me it just so happened to be on tirerack(dot)com)

>why can't I do it at home if I already have a jack?

personal experience trying the DIY approach with 15" tires. You can get them off okay with enough soapy water, pry bars and swearing but getting new ones on is another story. The "side walls" on smaller tires are so stiff that you can fucking stand on the things with your full body weight and, while the first edge will get onto the wheel, they wont compress enough to get on your wheels. The reason those machines work at all is because they use a fucking shitload of pressure to force the tire onto the wheel, as in more than twice your body weight unless you're a supreme fatass. This isn't a problem with stuff like tractor tires or big truck/SUV tires because there is more rubber material between the bead and the edge of the tire which adds more room to flex, making it possible to do with your body weight alone. The only time I have seen someone able to do a self install without a machine on small wheels is when ricers put on tires that are far too small for their wheels, which is a terrible idea for multiple reasons.



>"""rat rod"""

I think what you're actually trying to say is you want to get a cheaper car and do whatever the fuck you want with it because its your car and nobody else's. People who hate fun call it "ricing" even though ricing is something different (wanting people to think your car is fast when its power is either equal or less than stock)

Whether or not its a good first project with limited funds depends on how deep you want to go. Make sure you reserve enough money to actually keep the thing on the road. No amount of metal working fabrication or duct tape is going to help you if you need a new fuel pump or alternator.

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1c682b No.13608


Aren't a lot of good donor classics out here. I figured it might be a little easier to just hack a running and simple car but worn out car down like an old trashed miata to a frame and engine and then build up rather than try and cobble together something from the junkyard that can actually run. Rat rod seems to be the term for a car that everyone hates you for making so I figured it was apt.

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5bbc15 No.13609

Looking at a 93 Accord. Seems like a great deal (asking is $3k), looking for something fun that I can ease myself into mechanics with. Does anything look fishy here? And what does "sitting on coils and sleeves" mean?

>Has a JDM H23A PDE Spec engine

>JDM M2A4 H22 non LSD transmission

>Both are from HMO (~45k miles)

>Brand New full exhaust

>It has an aftermarket traction bar (innovative)

>5 lug conversion with 17" Drifz wheels

>NRG quick release steering wheel and hub setup

>It's sitting on coils and sleeves right now

>Aeromotive 340lph fuel pump

>New Radiator

>New distributor

>New Timing Belt

>New Water Pump

>New ignition coil

>New spark plugs and wires

>New valve cover gasket set

>New PCV valve

>New stage 1 Exedy Clutch set

>New Flywheel

>New Michelin Tires

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ea2eae No.13610


Shit alright, that sounds good to me. I just ordered the intake, cost about $130. I also got some insulating foam tubes and a plastic trash bin, which I plan to use for making a housing to keep hot air from being sucked into the intake. My car had a stock ram under the hood which directed air to the filter, so I can just use that and my new design together for maximum outside air.

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1e2dd0 No.13637

/o/tists, i fucked up. in a rush to jump my car i accidentally reversed polarity on the battery cables (dead car was correct). The jumper car is fine, but the dead car wont come back to life. how bad did I fuck up?

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b28613 No.13643


Are there any good guides about repairing a car in most of its basic parts, regardless of the model?

By the way, you might want to make the thread a cyclical one.

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2d4313 No.13664

I'm not an automotive guy, so please bear with me on this:

I need to buy a new truck for working with my cousin. I'll be driving it from New York to South Carolina, and will need some decent towing power.

~$12k or under is what I'm aiming for.

Any suggestions?

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86b7f4 No.13667


>new truck in NY under $12k

Rust is probably an issue where you are, but my first choice would be a 1980-1996 Ford F-150/250/350. They're good, reliable trucks for the most part, parts are available everywhere for cheap, and they should be well within your budget. All engines from the extremely reliable 6cyl 300/4.9L to the big 7.3L diesels have plenty of torque for towing.

Transmissions, especially the light duty manual transmissions in some F-150s, are typically the weakest part of these trucks. The earlier E4OD automatic transmissions had some issues, but if it was made or rebuilt after 1995, it should be very reliable. The older C-6 automatics are also very strong and reliable.

The 1973-1987 Chevrolet/GMC pickups also have a strong following for similar reasons, but I don't have any direct experience with them. GM put almost the same engines and transmissions in other cars that I do have some experience with, however. GM V8 engines are usually strong and reliable, and while the TH400 and 4L80E automatic transmissions are some of the strongest automatic transmissions around, the 700R4 and 4L60 are somewhat weak in stock trim, especially those made prior to 1986. have no idea what the manual transmissions were like for that generation. As with Fords, parts for older GM vehicles are generally very common and inexpensive.

I see your post on the front page, but not in the thread. Weird.


I don't know about those cars specifically, but with all those new engine parts at that price I wonder what is wrong with it. The radiator and water pump make it sound like it was overheating, and the distributor/timing belt/coil/spark plugs/PCV lead me to suspect it runs like crap and they're chasing a problem somewhere. I would probably test drive it all the same, but if there is anything at all even slightly weird or off about it or the way it runs, I would walk away. It also sounds a little too ricey for my taste, but if it runs okay and isn't a hideous abomination with 30 degrees of negative camber and tires four sizes too small for the wheels, it could be a good car.

>coils and sleeves

I think that means height-adjustable coil-over suspension as opposed to the stock coil spring over a shock absorber, which is something similar but different.


Depends on the car. Usually, cars are designed to prevent fuckups like this from causing damage. Does engine turn over when you turn the key? Do the headlights or dash lights turn on at all? Did you check for blown fuses? Did you try using a wall charger to charge the battery?

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73480c No.13673


earlier reply is solid and I would also suggest looking into trucks made by Toyota or Nissan as well. A Tundra or Titan should be able to handle far more than you'll ever need to tow and are arguably the most reliable trucks you can buy overall of any generations. They hold their value really well too, and for good reason. If anyone gives you shit for owning a non-American truck, not that you should care, remind them that they are in fact assembled in the good old USA and that their modern American shitbox probably has components made in Mexico, India, and The UK


some YouTube channels:





MightyCarMods (mostly early seasons, as the later seasons are mainly crazier stuff, although they do still cover basic things like replacing fuel injectors and spark plugs)

Really though, there are dozens of guides for everything. The only time you should really run into an issues is if you have a unique/strange problem and/or a car that hasn't been documented all that well. such is life when you own an MR2 Spyder and literally your only option sometimes is the obscure repair manual that I only recently just found after loads of digging

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4f875e No.13741


have any insight on any of the issues the 7th through 9th gen f150's have? I've been looking at the ones with the 300 i6 w/ manual box.

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9fffa7 No.13752


I've had 3 5.0 f150s. When i get them i just check for body rot at the cab/bed/core support bushings. Also the rear spring hangers rot and break. The leverage that into the negotiations.

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24823a No.13830

File: acbe30843d8df59⋯.jpg (2.51 KB,125x125,1:1,1427077468353.jpg)

I got a 2006 Ram 1500, 5.7L with about 114k miles on it.

Today the engine completely died, and at the same time the "Check Gauges" light popped on while I was pulling up to a stopsign. There was no drop in voltage or oil pressure from what I saw on the dashboard, and the car started back up no problem when I threw it into park and turned the key. No codes popped up either. This is the first time this has happened. I have no idea what it could be. I thought it may have been the battery, but I tested it and it appears to be fine.

Things to note:

I replaced the EGR valve myself a few days ago because the original was caked in carbon and threw on my "Check Engine" light. After I replaced it my truck's performance improved quite a bit. The acceleration was much more responsive and the mileage improved a little. Could the new unit be giving me issues now even though its not giving me any error codes?

Another Note:

Ever since I bought the truck (had about 104k miles at the time), the exhaust has had a rattle. Whenever I start the car, accelerate, when I idle, the rattle can be heard. Its not terribly loud, but it sounds like someone slowy shaking a couple rocks in a paint can, and its been a concern to me. I think I can trace it to the muffler, but the hell if I know for sure. I can replicate the sound when I hit the exhaust pipe hard enough with a rubber mallet. There are no loose bolts or clips that hold the exhaust system in place underneath, so that leads me to believe its something inside one of the components. I've brought it up to three different mechanics when I get it inspected for other issues, and everyone tells me its nothing to worry about after they "look at it", which I think is most likely bullshit.

Everywhere I look online gives me different answers. Some say its a bad fuel pump because it doesn't throw any error codes, others say its a catalytic converter problem or even a shitty manifold. One faggot even said it could be the alternator because they're known to be shit on these cars.

Everything else functions flawlessly on this truck. Transmission works well, theres no engine knock, no leaks whatsoever, but this issue has bugged me all goddamn day. Should I just take it to a fucking dealership now because the mechanics are incompetent, or am I just overreacting? Sorry for the blogpostI hope this paragraph isn't considered "reddit spacing" :^)

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55628b No.13863

File: 3651104e60addbf⋯.mp4 (803.31 KB,720x404,180:101,9RvslNi.mp4)

So what is a good beginner car? I want one that is reliable, cheap parts, easy to work on, and fun to drive?

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1b4e27 No.13868

File: 5d1a1b1095aa69f⋯.png (50.04 KB,295x346,295:346,d75c19618ebde815aba0d4df72….png)


check the heat shields underneath the truck. look around for anything that could come in contact with anything. or just start it up with the parking brake, crawl underneath and find where it's coming from.

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4b63aa No.13877


What country?

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72b818 No.13914


US, I was wondering if their are any recent good cars.

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54bb7a No.13918


>recent good cars


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f3da83 No.13926

File: d7695c11ed9aeeb⋯.gif (662.71 KB,256x256,1:1,d7695c11ed9aeeb8f1eb88987d….gif)

Is there militaryfags here? If so, is it even worth getting a car?

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4b63aa No.13931



>cheap parts

>easy to work on

>fun to drive


Pick maybe two and go from there. There's no car that fits all of that.

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f3da83 No.13933


Reliable and easy to work on

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54bb7a No.13934


I think you can reasonably pick three in a handful of cases.



>easy to work on


fox body mustang

>reliable (as americans go)

>cheap parts

>easy to work on

>can even be fun to go sideways

90s jap almost anything


>cheap parts

>easy to work on

Then there are some that only fulfill one or two.

Saab 900 turbo


>fun, as fwd goes

if you add a category it's also

>extremely practical

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f3da83 No.13936


Reliable and easy to work on its my first real buy, had a 2001 Acura CL type s but that thing was starting to get expensive with constant maintaince had about 180,000 miles on it so it was getting there, parts weren't cheap. So now looking for something that is a good daily commute and easy to work on, since I am just learning.

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f3da83 No.13937


Any specific miata?

>any 90s jap car

Thought about getting a Accord or a Corolla, maybe a Nissan Maxima

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4b63aa No.13938


>So now looking for something that is a good daily commute and easy to work on

What kind of work are you looking at doing on it? I would suggest that, especially since you are learning, that working on your daily might not be the best idea.

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f3da83 No.13939


Just small things, really. Oil changing, spark plugs, air filters, etc etc. Gradually work my way up, but I suppose you are right. Still, got any suggestions?

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54bb7a No.13940


NA Miata is the only one deserving of any respect.

Accords, Corollas, and Maximas are going to mostly be shitboxes. A32 Maxima supposedly has a nice engine, but I don't know how expensive parts would be. Hondas are like legos so parts will cost you peanuts, and they made so many Corollas the same applies there.


As long as you stay within your limits, you can't really break anything. Obviously he's not going to be replacing his transmission or something crazy like that if he's starting out. Probably doesn't even have the tools for that.

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457ee0 No.13941

>Accords, Corollas, and Maximas are going to be shitboxes

Why do you say that? I was always under the impression that these things last awhile and have cheap parts

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54bb7a No.13942


They will last a while and be cheap, but maybe except for the Maxima, they will be barebones, uncomfortable and probably not be in great visual condition.

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6534d2 No.13980

File: 286871a3e1d272b⋯.jpg (448.9 KB,1128x672,47:28,81a1a2e07a52c547e2033f2c66….jpg)

File: 814e6c3d1f25848⋯.jpg (23.99 KB,500x315,100:63,2004_pontiac_gto_coupe_bas….jpg)

If I was to buy an American car I'd go with something with a V8 other wise I'll just buy a jap car.

How well do the mustangs from the early 2000s hold up and how well did the GTO hold up? Not into how the "retro" mustang looks from the late 2000s. I also thought about the C5 Vette but that seems unrealistic.

I'd get the car in manual so if anyone know of any of them are good first stick cars that would be helpful too.

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caf99c No.13995


For the GTO, just ask an Aussie about the Monaro, it's literally the same damn car

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3f4a79 No.14007


What, in particular, do you want to know about the Monaro?

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6534d2 No.14008

File: 7eb057de9fd3f59⋯.jpg (46.49 KB,644x363,644:363,2004_Holden_Monaro-w.jpg)


>How are they as a DD.

>What are common problems?

> I read that the gear box is "sloppy" and people swap them.

>What do I need to look out for if I do find one.

>Will I look like an asshole if I took the GTO bumper off for the Monaro bumper?

>how's the clutch feel?

I'd ask about price, but I doubt it's even close to the same here vs there. If I can find one with the 6.0 that would be great.

They're a bit rare these days.The mustangs are fucking everywhere so that's both a good thing and a bad thing.

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3f4a79 No.14009


I'm assuming that you'll be looking at the CV8 VZ version that came out around late 2004.


Comfy leather interior with all the accessories that were around in 2004. Some models come with a sun roof. Chews fuel, as done any V8, but I'm assuming that's not an issue if you're looking at buying one.

>gear box

From what I know this is in reference to the automatic transmission and not the manual. The auto was only a 4 speed and typically needed replacement after 180,000kms.

>need to look out for

Heavy modifications. Being in America it could be less of an issue but a lot of them here are bought and extremely heavily modified and ruin the value and performance of the car. A lot of them also get picked up by people who throw them around like a sport car, which they definitely are not.

>look like an asshole

As you're American, probably. However I much prefer the Holden styling in comparison and it was a Holden first and just re-badged so there is an actual reason to use the Holden bumper.

>clutch feel

Dunno, never driven one but I daily a VE SS and the clutch is fine (which is essentially the same build underneath).

You'll pay more for it since it's a bit more rare, as you indicated. I'm not sure how many of the Holden Commodore range made it across re-badged, but you could invest in a SS that has the same build but has a general 4-door sedan body over the top instead of coupe styling. As far as I know the Monaro was a 5.7L, not 6.0L.

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8d7269 No.14010


I'm assuming that you'll be looking at the CV8 VZ version that came out around late 2004.


Comfy leather interior with all the accessories that were around in 2004. Some models come with a sun roof. Chews fuel, as done any V8, but I'm assuming that's not an issue if you're looking at buying one.

>gear box

From what I know this is in reference to the automatic transmission and not the manual. The auto was only a 4 speed and typically needed replacement after 180,000kms.

>need to look out for

Heavy modifications. Being in America it could be less of an issue but a lot of them here are bought and extremely heavily modified and ruin the value and performance of the car. A lot of them also get picked up by people who throw them around like a sport car, which they definitely are not.

>look like an asshole

As you're American, probably. However I much prefer the Holden styling in comparison and it was a Holden first and just re-badged so there is an actual reason to use the Holden bumper.

>clutch feel

Dunno, never driven one but I daily a VE SS and the clutch is fine (which is essentially the same build underneath).

You'll pay more for it since it's a bit more rare, as you indicated. I'm not sure how many of the Holden Commodore range made it across re-badged, but you could invest in a SS that has the same build but has a general 4-door sedan body over the top instead of coupe styling. As far as I know the Monaro was a 5.7L, not 6.0L.

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8d7269 No.14011

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6534d2 No.14014

File: 6d036f5ac54fe59⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,2592x1944,4:3,33088980001_original.jpg)


The last year they sold it here in 2006-2007 they added a 6.0L. The ones I do see always look stock. Hell I'd say 90% of the time they have the stock rims. The VE SS was sold as the Pontiac G8 here and it lasted a whole year in 2009 before the company was shut down. This makes it ( at least where I live) a rare car, maybe more rare then a GTO/Monaro.

I really liked that car too.

V8s to drink up gas, but I drive a v6 now and that fucker gets filled once a week. It's mostly highway miles so I get 200-220 miles on a tank give or take.

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3ad5fd No.14015


>added a 6.0L

Noice. If you want to daily an Australian V8 both the Monaro and SS would be good. You're in a lucky position of the Monaro being more available than the SS. If I was in your position I'd lean towards the Monaro, especially if they're the cheaper option.

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6534d2 No.14020

File: ddc2e7a71383fc0⋯.jpg (561.75 KB,1600x1200,4:3,27632-2009-Pontiac-G8.jpg)

File: b7937108b5d7fae⋯.jpg (40.31 KB,700x525,4:3,2009-pontiax-g8-gxp-Z06-1.jpg)

File: 34dabe96bbaf51d⋯.jpg (4.44 MB,3648x2736,4:3,30596970061_original.jpg)


Both are "rare" the G8 or as you call it the SS is very rare. I seem them sometimes and odds are I'd find an automatic cause lol USA. They made one with a 6.2, but those are in the high 20s to 30k.

The normal 6.0L G8 are more common. If i found a really nice one at a good price I'd get one even if it meant driving an automatic (I'd rather a manual)

From, what homework I have done they're both in the same price range.Going from 9k-29k based on miles and if it's clean. Keep in mind I'm in the North East so I snow will platy a role in my life 4-5 months a year ( give or take)

If both are a bust Mustangs are a dime a dozen and I can always be that weird young guy with a Vette….

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a7d0bb No.14022


Have you also considered the Cadillac CTS-V? It's another RWD V8-powered sedan available in America and I'm pretty sure you can actually get them for cheaper than a G8 or GTO now and it is the only worthwhile thing that Cadillac has made since the 50's/60's, tbh. Depending on the trim and generation, it can have the same engine as either a GTO or a C5 Corvette Z06. Consider that a mid-range option between a Mustang on the low end and a GTO on the high end.

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46bcf2 No.14023


Does the auto G8 come with a 6 speed? I have no idea how they'd perform in snow considering they were designed in Australia and te worst we get is tropical storms and hail on occasion. I guess throwing some snow tyres on would do the trick.

Would you make any modifications to whichever car you end up getting? It'd be neat to see a twin of my car over in the US.

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6534d2 No.14025

File: ddc2e7a71383fc0⋯.jpg (561.75 KB,1600x1200,4:3,27632-2009-Pontiac-G8.jpg)

File: b7937108b5d7fae⋯.jpg (40.31 KB,700x525,4:3,2009-pontiax-g8-gxp-Z06-1.jpg)

File: a4add8ecd99d352⋯.jpg (3.12 MB,4032x3024,4:3,571254d1490233453-gto-6-0-….jpg)



I'm ways off from getting it ( sometime next year the soonest) so I have a while to think it over. I'd do the bumper mod on the GTO. I can't say for sure yet. not into the CTV-S later 2000s are too much and the mid 2000s ones are kinda bland to me. It's also like a used BMW around me. You buy it to look like you have money when you don't

If I can't find a V8 I like I'm going to end up getting some 90s or early 2000s jap car.

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6534d2 No.14026


posted the same pics lol 8chan

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0439f1 No.14143

File: 0bb8262c882abc5⋯.jpg (60.17 KB,650x322,325:161,El Camino cleen.jpg)

I need a new horn for my spicmobile and I want musical airhorns so I can be really obnoxious in parking lots. What's a reliable brand to look for? I've seen Wolo but a lot of reviews for them say they go bad after 3 months. Will I be better off with an electronic horn?

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6534d2 No.14150


Are you Spanish?

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0439f1 No.14155


I'm white

Like actually white not "FUCKING WHITE"

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c59cfa No.14263

Looking at a new (used) daily that has decent fuel economy. Doesn't need to go fast. Have decided to steer clear of anything European as parts are expensive. Which of these would be the better option ?

>2012 Ford Fiesta Zetec WT

>2011 Holden Cruze SRi JH Series II

>2011 Mazda 3 SP25 BL Series 1

>2009 Ford Focus TDCi LT

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caf99c No.14285


I'd say avoid the Cruze, anything GM made or sometimes even makes to this day are all based on 20 year old Daewoos.

Focus would be better than the Fiesta considering it's diesel, but I'd give the 3 a real look at.

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c59cfa No.14287


Thanks. I've been doing as much internet hunting for reviews as possible of the Cruze is definitely off the list. There are a couple of 3's around that are sitting at the top of the list. There are also a '08 Polo GTI 9N and a '12 Kia Rio SLS in the price bracket I'm looking at which could be decent options.

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d692ac No.14309

Is the Civic type R any good? is it supposed to be like the Subaru for toyota?

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756c45 No.14314

I am looking at getting a US made half-ton truck for under $5.5k. I will be mainly using as a DD with towing and hauling as the need arises. I am not sold on diesel vs gas at the moment, but I do not think my budget, or needs, fit a diesel very well.

So far I have been given a lot of biased input on the big three, and at the moment I have been fixated on the first gen dodges. Specifically, I found a '93 power ram that is pretty clean for $4k. It has the 5.2 Magnum and, I believe, A518 tranny. It seems like the first gen rams are pretty bullet proof, but it is difficult to find any objective data on engine/transmission failures of older vehicles. I am not loyal to one brand in particular, but I am a fan of the older truck looks.

Any suggestions or advice is appreciated.

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d3992a No.14374


>Civic Type R

>Like the subaru for toyota

I'm not sure I understand the entire flavor of your statement, but it can't possibly be like the GT86/BRZ, because one is a throwback, old school FR 2+2 with an absolute focus on simplicity, handling balance and an analog feel at the detriment of power, and the other is a 306 HP FWD turbo hot hatch with electronic drive modes, electric parking brake, automatic rev match and all that jank.

They are polar opposites.

That doesn't make it a bad car, it's the perfect car if what you want is a 306 HP fwd turbo hot hatch with electronic jank and garish body styling.

That doesn't make the GT86/BRZ a bad car, it's the perfect car if you want to do the slow-car-fast thing and chill in a classy looking coupe.

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4b63aa No.14378

Went and had a look at a 08 Polo GTI 9N3 as a new daily to replace my V8 which I want to turn into a project car of sorts. No good, could hear that the timing belt was playing up and the seats were surprisingly uncomfortable. Tried out some Lancer hatch after that but it was big hunk of shit with absolutely no guts to it.

Looks like a '10-'12 Mazda 3 is going to be the only option available to me within my price range sub $10k ausfagian. Anything in particular to look out for with them?

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ee5e0d No.14409


Look it up, but I think the first year of the facelift was also the first year separate from Ford and the Focus platform - in other words, I think that year range is the first generation of a new Mazda platform, and may come with some issues inherent to a new platform. Look up issues to be sure, though.

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a9d439 No.14417

What're some good sources besides Craigslist for cheap old cars? Most of the listings in my area are awful. probably because rural california

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c4cbf5 No.14428


Ebay Motors occasionally has good/decent deals.

If you're that far out you might want to extend your search a bit on Craigslist or otherwise. Might have to go down to the LA/SanFran area to get a good enough deal. Sure you would either need a favor or a bus trip and Uber drive over to get there, but if you're certain enough that it'll be fine and that you'll be able to get it for the price you want then the expense will be worth it. I personally had to take Uber to the next state over to get my car, then drove it back home.

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20bdf2 No.14429


Ended up getting a 9th gen Honda Civic VTi-S. My local car market lacks options and is pretty overpriced so I ended up traveling over 1000kms to find one at a decent price.

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0d4d9e No.14459


I have a Ford Fiesta Mk5 with the gutless and rattly 1.3l endura engine. If I got my hands on a 1.25 zetec S engine for the same model, I could pretty much bolt it right in, yes?

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8d915f No.14472


Thanks for the advice. Ended up getting a really clean unmolested EG Civic from some guy in South Lake Tahoe. Worth it.

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375846 No.14556

File: b2a478c22fa8b4c⋯.jpg (277.82 KB,1024x896,8:7,tiger 750.jpg)

Should i build my first bike?

I want something looking like a 70s or 80s triumph, preferably with 150-250cc.

First i thought about buying a cheap chinese motorcycle and modding it into something that doesn't suck, but their 150cc chassis doesn't inspire a lot of confidence for someone tall like me (6'2).

So i'm thinking of buying an old yamaha frame and building it off from there. I would also get some expertise into the mechanical side of motorcycles, which would probably help me in the future.

>get an adventure tourer instead

Too expensive. They're pretty great,if not a little bit ugly, though.

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561e4f No.14557


If you're going with smaller displacement because you're a new rider then you can also get away with something with 350 or 500-ish cc's as well. These older bikes aren't going to be as twitchy as more modern sport bikes so you could even get away with something like a 70's Honda CB750 if you're an older first-time rider. If you are DEAD SET on Yamaha then an RD350 sounds like a good option. If not then I'd suggest also looking into the Honda CB series, the Kawasaki KH series, and the Suzuki GS series. Really though, these bikes can be found cheap enough on the used market in complete/nearly complete condition that it kind of wouldn't be worth it to buy just a frame for them. Would still need a good tune up and restoration done though, so you'd still get that mechanical experience you're after as well (as is the case with fixing up any bike, but especially with vintage bikes).

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b2b0a1 No.14559

File: 14adf413e2f4038⋯.jpg (135.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,cb450.jpg)


Eh, i'm thinking of smaller bikes mostly because i live in a shitty country and it's more likely for me to find said lower cc bikes around here.

>old kawasakis and suzukis

Suzuki entered the country in the 90s, and Kawasaki in the 00s. Heck, there's not even the tu250 here, one of those would be perfect.

I will look into the Hondas, but i still think yamahas are going to be a little easier to find.

On the build thing, i just learned that the legislation of the country forbids me from building stuff from the ground, so that's out of the equation, sadly.

So far i've only found a CB450 from 86, which arguably has some potential, and a RD135 from 83. The thing with the 450 is that it's rather expensive (about $2500) and if its engine is busted, it might be difficult to find one that fits the chassis. The rd135 looks too small for me, so i dont think it will do the job.

Are those chink bikes really that bad? They cost about half as much as the CB, new. Arguably i would probably need to replace all the bolts and it's chain at the very least, but would that be less cost effective?

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561e4f No.14575


If by "chink" you mean Chinese, then yes they are that bad. If you buy a Chinese motorcycle/scooter, expect it to break before you hit 4000km. Just save up your money for a Japanese example and possibly just wait for the right bike listing to come along as well.

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b2b0a1 No.14579


Meh, i will keep looking to see if anyting interesting shows up.

The CB750 is out of question because i will certainly drop the bike, and it's parts are very expensive it is gorgeous straight from the factory, i would keep it original. And i fear the CB450 would be the same, and some stupid legislation says that i can only use that ugly, square headlight.

The only option for 80s bikes is to pick a CG 125 or something similar, really. But then there's the issue that they might be too small for me…

Honestly, i'm thinking of geting a new off-road oriented dual sport to get the hang of it, and then buy the "pretty bike" in the future.

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9321dc No.14586

File: 3b0b4178c9e9c83⋯.jpg (34.36 KB,462x527,462:527,what the.jpg)


>looking at 80s bikes

>ugly, square headlight.

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085161 No.14636

How do I get good with cars?

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d2043e No.14641


Drive them more

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edf60c No.14665

1st time buyer here.

Limit is £5000.

Narrowed it down to a 350z or a golf GTi.

Any others that I should check out for easy maintenance that are reasonably fast?

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122fc8 No.14671


What kind of 350z could you ever buy with £5000? You're at risk of buying a beaten up ride that will cost you more than your initial buying price. A 3ed gen golf is more reasonable. You could also go for a VR6 for this price range or a 306 S16.

For some extra lulz and mechanical complexity you could buy a 88 Supra or RX7. While they're not extra fast for today's standards, they still can outrun most of the dailies on the street.

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a8c009 No.14672

File: ca807103e047882⋯.jpg (336.71 KB,1600x1200,4:3,RO 4679 007.jpg)

There is a spoopy ghost in this car and I do not want to junk it for personal reasons.

I replaced the emissions vent valve solenoid about half a year ago by suggestion of error code.

The check engine light turned off for many moons.

It came back on for some reason with the error code PO440.

* Missing or loose fuel cap

* Incorrect fuel filler cap used

* Fuel filler cap remains open or fails to close

* Foreign matter caught in fuel filler cap

* EVAP canister or fuel tank leaks

* EVAP system hose leaking

* Fuel tank leaking

The fuel tank is not leaking.

The gas cap is brand new.

I don't see or hear any hose leaks.

At what point in a car's life do you start pulling all the hoses and installing brand new ones?

Also, the paint is flaking and I probably need to repainted at some point. What grit sand paper should I use, and do I need enamel or latex base paint?

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a8c009 No.14679


Holy gosh golly gee I think it was the gas cap. I didn't think a fucking gas cap could go bad, but the light went off. This was the best $6 fix ever.

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4e3af9 No.14695


>easy maintenance







If you want easy maintenance you do not want any of these things. I don't know about the 306 because they don't sell them in the USA.

If you want a decent sports car daily, here are some options off the top of my head (from my knowledge of USDM and limited knowledge of EUDM)

>any Honda Si or Type-R model, or an S2000 (you're lucky in that you have way more options there than we do)

>B13 Nissan Sentra SE-R, any Silvia (imo newer Fairladies are ugly, and they are heavy)

>3rd gen Toyota MR2 (tiny, terrible cargo space, stupid reliable), or any Celica

>mini trucks can be fun

>Saab NG900 (not 9-3 - the first generation is basically just a refreshed NG900 but they designed a new engine management system and updated the internals to be lighter and less durable)

>Mk3 VW maybeeee, don't really know much about them

All I know about European Fords is that the ones they sent over here have pretty shitty electronics.

I have no idea what the market looks like over there so who knows what you could find from this list for 5k GBP.

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dcbe4a No.14699


I agree with the maintenance part.


>type R or S2000 for £5000 lel

>silvia for £5000 lel

>3rd gen MR2 for £5000 lel

nah mate

But a 306/205 gti are easy and realiable. They look pretty blend though.

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561e4f No.14747


MR2 Spyder owner here.I paid $2800 for mine. You can easily find one in decent condition for $4000 if you're patient/dedicated. Replacement costs for 80% of the parts are cheap too since it shares parts with the Celica, Matrix, etc.

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122fc8 No.14750


The European car market is nowhere as cheap as the American one. So much that I already considered buying a new Audi in a US dealership to import it back to Europe to save some monies (yes, even after the taxes and fees and shipping).

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f166a6 No.14775


You must mean the new car market. Here in baltics for 5k you can get any mid-tier car in acceptable condition that is hardly 10 years old.

Yeah though, te new car market is absloutely unbearable.

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122fc8 No.14789


Yes you can, but not an MR2 in decent condition or a S2000.

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252ff2 No.15048

So what's yalls opinions on modern Mustangs or Ford Focus?

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0e6a4c No.15051

Hey /o/, if you had zero experience at all and wanted to start learning how to build a motorcycle from the ground up, where would you start and what path would you take?

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ef9fe4 No.15054

First time buyer looking for a utilitarian used car in the 5k-7.5k range. Basically I just need something that will get me comfortably from place to place and won't break down easily.

Things I care about:

>Gas mileage



>Comfortable and preferably somewhat spacious

Things I do not care about:

>Looking good

>Being "fun to drive"

>Being modifiable

Things that would be nice to have but are not deal breakers:

>Good handling

>Quiet interior

>Not looking like complete garbage

Any suggestions? Also are hybrids a good idea when you get them used, or is the potential to have to replace the battery too high?

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2e5e04 No.15056


As usual, Ford can't build a decent engine in less than 20 years. AFAIK all new models are plagued with electrical and transmission problems.


>Gas mileage



>Comfortable and preferably somewhat spacious

>Not looking like complete garbage

90s to early 00s Honda Accord. Toyota Camry is also good but doesn't come in a manual.

If you also need:

>Quiet interior

90s to early 00s Lexus ES

>Good handling

First generation Lexus IS (probably).

Just a few of my suggestions, and easy ones. Basically anything Toyota or Honda will be reliable (there are exceptions) and personally I would avoid anything newer than mid 2000s because I don't like electronics.


I would stay away from them because of the expensive parts from a relatively new and uncommon technology. I have no idea what the specific wear parts are or how often they have to be replaced.

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ef9fe4 No.15061



Can someone give me a second opinion? I am not adverse to electronics or automatic drive, so these might not be the right choices.

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252ff2 No.15065


thanks anon

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b32579 No.15109

I've got a 2013 FB Civic hatch. The boot/hatch, for whatever reason, comes loose from time to time and sets the door open sensor off. The boot itself doesn't come open but there is play there, almost like the boot latch has only slightly been opened so it still holds the boot shut but there's a tiny bit of wriggle there. I have no idea how to fix this and can't find a similar issues appearing anywhere else online.

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8a9ee1 No.15124


Have you tried taking off the trunk latch and inspecting it? You might need to replace it or even just clean some debris that got in there, which is thankfully a cheap and easy fix.

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b32579 No.15176


I think I found the issue/solution. Seems that when I double hit the unlock on my key fob (to open the windows) it, for whatever reason, decided to briefly unlatch the boot release. It's a new key fob that was programmed to the car so I think that's the root cause. Nevertheless thanks for the suggestion. I did have a look and couldn't find anything and that's what led me to the key fob.

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252ff2 No.15357

What aftermarket radio would you recommend?

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b32579 No.15375


For what car/what do you want it to do? Just a radio?

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090138 No.15379

So I'm getting a rough, scraping sound from the back of my car, an NC Miata. I thought it was the diff at first, but that seems not to be the case. I think it's more likely the universal joint, but how common is this problem, and how can I tell it's not my diff? I know it's not the brakes. They sound much different from the sound I hear, even when I lift my car on jack stands.

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090138 No.15380


I've been wondering the same. There are tablet kits that you can put right in your dash if you're into that. That's what I've been considering. Or did you mean something with nice audio?

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939023 No.15384


used honda civic

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dbdd7e No.15397

File: 81e982ac3d18461⋯.jpg (9.26 KB,225x225,1:1,mogi.jpg)

Alright so I finally watched some episodes of Initial D last Sunday and I'm hooked. I've always considered caring about cars to be normalfag-tier but I think that getting a car and then modding, maintaining, and finetuning it in the same way I would with my PC would be a great experience in the long run. I'm currently 20, nearing 21, but I have my full license. At 18, my dad strongly hinted he'd be ok with buying me a car and even seemed disappointed when I didn't follow up with him about it (I didn't want to spend so much money especially when I considered getting a car to just be an extra hassle), and he will loan me some money for it if I must, but we're not exactly rich so it would still have to be cheap. I want a Japanese car, preferably with the same feel as the Trueno 86 in Initial D gives off. Would be grateful for any suggestions.

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090138 No.15407


First of all, main gril is a whore. Second, Initial D is a boring Chinese cartoon. Third, AE86 is shit. Complete shit. Buy a Miata, or if you feel suicidal, buy an MR2.

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ee9d16 No.15408


I have not watched it, should i?

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dbdd7e No.15412

File: 66da5b34e33e4d8⋯.jpg (92.2 KB,800x444,200:111,MR2.jpg)


Is Mogi being a whore canon? Way to spoil it dude. But the MR2 looks perfect, I've got to figure out a way to convince my dad to let me buy a sports car. I don't think a Miati roadster would be practical in my area of leafland.


Yes, watch the first two episodes and you'll see why.

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dbdd7e No.15413

File: 113cc12e7a1c9da⋯.jpg (138.29 KB,800x535,160:107,Miata Hardtop.jpg)


On second thought, it looks like some of the newer Miata models come with hardtops. I'll do some research and see if I can one thats feasible to drive where I live.

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c37704 No.15414


Initial D is okay if you only watch the first season.

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d73474 No.15537

Spilled some coolant in my engine compartment, didnt clean it up considering i was in a hurry. Noticed later my belts started to squeak. Is it a big deal and i should clean it from the compartment or will it be fine?

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ead04d No.15543


It will be fine, is just wet now.

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c5db11 No.15557


thanks anon

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8dbd4d No.15641

Longtime neet with no car repair experience here, unfortunately im employed and earning dosh for the next 3 months and for the past couple months i have been contemplating making a mobile neet home by buying a van, ripping shit out of the back and putting comfy stuff in.

I have done digging and know most of the comfy shit, but theres so many conflicting van experiences im lost in which ones are reliable longterm, i also live in aus and this would be a hobby project and not my main ride.

>tl;dr good reliable vans? I havnt checked import laws or pricing but it might be feasible.

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60576e No.15690

Non motorhead in to pick your brains:

I'm looking for a motor with

-high mpg

-very low maintenance ("runs like a tank" level reliability)

-economical to run

-doesn't require booting up (computer controlled "everything is hackable" newer models)

What sort of motors should I be concentrating my search on that fulfills these requirements?

I've got two so far - Toyota MX5, and Fiat Panda but there must be more /o/?


I've heard of a few people from the UK who have done that with a Ford Transit van (driven in Europe for extended holidays, or live there for a while), so there should be vblogs and info about it.

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bde3ec No.15699

File: d0e2e8e470eb898⋯.jpg (52.43 KB,485x441,485:441,1473051142910.jpg)


>Toyota MX-5

It's dangerous to trust anonymous shitposter's advice if you are clueless.

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7e00b4 No.15700

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7e00b4 No.15701

File: e5ff2418f9a142b⋯.jpg (2.69 MB,3720x2480,3:2,2013024270WRC.jpg)


checked with thanks, and a wallpaper

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c612ae No.15702


If you don't want computer controlled, take the latest engine you can find that runs a distro, so probably a late 90's Honda D16, convert to points ignition and bike carbs.

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7e00b4 No.15705


>computer controlled

>they all are

"key ignition" would have been a better descriptor tbh

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853b55 No.15710



>Don't want computerised everything, i'm not a car guy

<Install carbs

Fat chance. Though i never even though of it being possible. It could be, but would take some creativity with fitting, fuel pump and adjusting it so it runs reliably.

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853b55 No.15711

Most cars even today have mechanical ignition keys, if you are wondering about that. Though i am waiting for manufacturers to someday return to carbuerators. I prefer mechanical puzzles over software.

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abb0f4 No.15754

Hey guys. In a few months I'm getting my mom's 06 Chrysler Pacifica and I will be trading it towards something more me. I've been a cyclefag for a while and didn't do much mechanical stuff as a kid so I'd like something I can start to learn maintenance on. I also am a rockhound and would like to start making regular trips from Missouri to Colorado for prospecting. Speed and fashion are not important, but reliability, ease and price of repairs, and ability to eat highway at 80+ mph for several hundred miles up mountains at a time are. Gas mileage and comfiness are important too, and I'll be looking for something cheaper. I know fuck all about this shit so if I'm unrealistic please do tell me.

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df6d14 No.15830


>toyota mx-5

Moving on. Basically any Japanese 4 cylinder. Toyota 22R/22RE, Nissan KA24, whatever similar Honda engines. If you want zero computers you have to go 70s or older.


>carb conversion

Is that even practically possible? I don't think so.


You're chasing the perfect machine, which doesn't really exist. 1st and 2nd generation Toyota 4runners and Nissan hardbodies/first generation Pathfinders should be close in terms of reliability, but 80+ in those will be pretty sketchy to say the least, and they won't be very luxurious either. You'd be lucky to get A/C.

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e60eab No.15832


Carb conversions are possible. There have been plenty of LeMONS racing teams that have given up on trying to figure out how the fuck electrical injection works and just strapped a carbuerator on the engine.

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4e2fa9 No.15857

File: 693008f47d9f6fb⋯.jpeg (2.51 MB,4032x3024,4:3,4396FCF8-716A-4807-8CFE-0….jpeg)

Im looking for learning resources that arnt shit, about how cars work, how to take them apart, how to fix them, something that will give me a strong foundation before i buy a shit bomb and have a go at taking it apart.

Books, audiobooks, youtube, shit like that.

In return you can have this pic of a mclaren that was in the foyer of the shitscraper i work in.

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af2350 No.15863


The only thing I would recommend studying is a basic background of electrics and electronics. Aside from that, the way I learned was I just plunged for said shitbomb and figured it out as I went. It's incredibly helpful when you're reading about something and can see it right in front of you in tangible space; I learned so much more by doing than reading any single book or website.

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9f1294 No.15883


Hello, I am in the process of buying a honda S2000 engine to drop into a subaru legacy. I want to put a turbo or two on it but the spacing in the engine bay is a little weird. Any major problems with this or is this swap going to be okay? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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ebcd18 No.15908

So I'm working on a 2010 Dodge Ram 1500 4.7l V8, doing it's spark plugs (which there are 16 of the fuckers because dodge thought two sparkplugs was a good idea). As I'm working on it, it's kinda hard to remove the coil packs from the top row. This change is long overdue and apparently the boots for the coil packs have bonded slightly to the old sparkplugs.

Well one went and fucking broke on me while I was pulling it out, so now I have an old sparkplug in the block, with a broken boot keeping me from removing it. So do I just have to keep digging out old rubber, or is there helpfil hint one of you guys have?

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30e7ea No.15910


Two spark plugs per combustion chamber actually allows for a cleaner and more thorough burn, so it's not as pointless as you might think. As for removing the boot remnants, try hitting it with a blowtorch and burning the rubber out.

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97ed7e No.15984

Collegefag here, caught the LS400 bug a few months ago and honestly considering buying one as my first car. Basically just want a reality check whether this is totally stupid or not:

* Budget is $6000 for car and all immediate repairs, would like to keep it under $5k

* Live in Minnesota - rust, RWD rarity, all that shit

* Have access to a battered to shit 04' Impala that will most likely be gifted to me when I move out if I don't buy the LS400

* Only mechanical experience is oil and bulb changes and binging on Chris Fix

Really smart or super dumb?

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a540a5 No.15985


Stick to the Impala. Invest those 5 grand in that. Less shit to break and easier to fix.

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97ed7e No.15986


That was my instinct, but I have a feeling that the value of LS400s is going up and I'm running out of time to get a decent one before the prices go up. It's my attainable dream car, always loved the looks of early nineties luxury cars like the BMW E38, etc. and hearing that the LS400 is actually reliable and has modern features turned me on to the idea of buying one. Also the Impala is shit, no expensive repairs so far but has rust, paint damage and tree sap on top of an ugly gold color.

Unless my theory about values going up is wishful thinking? I know 80s German cars values have been skyrocketing lately and LS400 looks to be next in line.

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6a0c8b No.15988


If the value goes up, it'll be in ten years or more. Japanese luxuries aren't a thing to collect for now (except Centuries, but…). I'd stick to the Impala too.

If one things fucks up on your LS400, you're in for a shitload of pricy repairs you wouldn't afford.

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ca2c52 No.16005

So I was a huge faggot and fucked the paint on my high gloss black rim. Do I just have to bite the bullet and take them somewhere to be repaired?

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c42681 No.16088

sup faggots

i'm going to be getting a different car in about a year. will be getting something new or with less than 15k miles. can spend about 45-55k.

looking for something with power thats not a mustang or a challenger. my current car has about 310hp and i'm hoping to get something in the 400-500 range to replace it

some of my ideas

lexus rcf

cadillac ats-v

amg cla45

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1ce6af No.16089


Eurofag point of view here:

Don't get the CLA. Even by our standards it´s cramped as hell. Get a C-class AMG or a M2/M3 or even M4 if you find one that cheap.

Consider the Audi RS3 if you're not afraid of small sedans or hatchbacks.

I personnaly love the ATS-V and find the lexus a bit dull, but that's only a matter of taste.

If you don't need space, consider a Porsche. Caymans or entry level 911 are possible to find at that price. You won't have more than 400 hp (or maybe you could, the US market is really cheaper than ours) but boy you'll feel like they're there.

How about a GT-R? I'm pretty sure you can find one at your prices. You get awd and well, all the power you need.

If you wanna be a bit excentric, try the Giulia Quadrifoglio. I'm pretty sure you can find one for 50k used in the US. It's a sedan, close technically to the Charger but hey, Italian spirit. You get power and space.

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7e4eda No.16121

File: 45dfdc3279851ce⋯.jpeg (96.32 KB,660x440,3:2,f150.jpeg)

I got a '02 F150 5.4L XLT Sport 4x4, approaching 150k miles in good shape for a steal. So much of a steal I can mod her a bit and still make money selling her if I needed.

I'm currently considering a K&N 57-2541 Cold Air Intake and a Magnaflow 15749 Exhaust for her. Opinions?

Other parts i'm considering for an upcoming tune-up I'd like /o/'s opinions on:

NGK 97287 iridium plugs

NGK 48688 ignition coil on boots

Gates K060990RPM serpentine belt

Gates belt pulleys, tensioner.

Mobil1 Annual synthetic oil / filter

K&N fuel filter

Centric pads, shoes, hardware kits, rotors.

??brand DOT4 brake fluid.

??brand power steering fluid

??brand door hinge grease

Rain X 2 in 1 all season wiper fluid

Bosche Icon wipers

Also looking to spend an afternoon soon cleaning her. Is Meguiars the best? I'm talking full detail here: exterior body soap, clay bar, wax, polish, glass cleaner, chrome cleaner, interior fabric, carpet, and plastic surfaces.

Thank you very much for any input.

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a0285c No.16208


Skip the K&N air filter. Everything else looks good.

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7e4eda No.16209


any particular reason why? or brand you recommend? seems like a pretty popular mod.

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a0285c No.16215


Waste of money. Unless you actually seriously hop up the engine, the stock airbox works just fine.

<but the box said 15 horsepower

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7e4eda No.16233


didnt say 15, but i've read 10hp is common. thb im a little interested in the fact that you knocked the cai and not the exhaust. i've read the exhaust gives gains of 0-3% in most cases.

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a0285c No.16264


An exhaust would at least sound nice.

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97ed7e No.16292


LS400 fag back again, pretty sure I want to buy one (at least enough to test drive one and fall in lust). However, I've run into another obstacle: my dad, after telling him about it, had a hissyfit about it being rear wheel drive and is threatening to kick me out of the house if I buy one. The fact that I would buy winter tires for it was no consolation for him. Evidently a 3 ton RWD conversion van with bald-ass all seasons is safe though, and so is driving summer tires in the winter in his new BMW "because it has all wheel drive". I digress but has anyone had any success changing parents' minds in this situation?

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fe863f No.16304


Live in your Lexus then

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4e6b23 No.16325

File: 01f0cdd49392e06⋯.jpg (16.88 KB,480x360,4:3,download.jpg)

what is the best way to start learning how to fix up my car and buy a new car….

….if i am a complete frail woman who doesn't like to get dirty but needs to do car maintenance?

i don't know anything about fixing up cars, mechanical engineering, nothing like that…

ty for any responses

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07cbed No.16341

File: 98c27deb996d3fb⋯.jpg (351.36 KB,1134x850,567:425,95-97.jpg)

File: c9f9f45d72a2ff0⋯.jpg (25.6 KB,480x360,4:3,98-02.jpg)


Does your dad also hate you driving stick because you won't be able to concentrate on your driving?

If you're not planning on moving out any time soon, just bite the bullet and get used to driving an FF car. Look for a 9th gen (95-02) Lincoln Continental if you're really against the impala, it's the closest you'll get to a v8 fwd luxury sedan with that budget. It sucks that you wouldn't get shat on for driving a fucking Northstar Cadillac Deville, but hopefully in a few years you can move out and laugh all the way to the bank even if the LS 400 price goes up by a few thousand. I should know how it feels not to get a Japan luxury v8, decent 1st gen Infiniti Q45s are a rarity

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41e97c No.16391


Any updates, anon?

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26a62d No.16398


If you plan to live there through college, you're going to have to compromise. Even if he relents, he will be bitter and it will be a source of friction as long as you're there. You should probably get your first wreck or two out of the way before you buy your dream car anyway, body work is expensive, assuming you don't total it out. For what it's worth, if you don't yet understand why the AWD BMW or the van is safer on ice than a FR V8 sedan, I'm inclined to agree with your pops.

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07cbed No.16414


Holy shit, I was so tired I didn't realize he was talking about snow conditions. It makes sense now.


Your father is only looking out for you. I wouldn't even drive an FR V8 unless I absolutely had to. No engine weight keeping the rear wheels down means you'll be sliding into a tree or pole before you can say "sandbags in the trunk".

My point still stands, drive an FF or AWD. get a late 90s/early 00s Continental if you have money to burn, want a v8 sedan, and don't want to drive the Impala.

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ef9d68 No.16711

I have two questions about my 99 Cadillac Seville STS. The first one is rather simple, the second I don't even know what the issue is. The first question is how do I clean out 10 day old dairy stains/mold from my carpet? The second question is a sloshing noise it makes especially getting out of first gear (perhaps the noise of trapped fluid going into motion). Seems like if I accelerate fast with it I'll sometimes hear a sloshing that seems to be related to the accelerator in some part. My dad knows a lot more about cars then I do and even he doesn't know what to do. So far nothing has happened as a result of it thankfully.

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bd143d No.16728


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57edc2 No.16749


>Is Mogi being a whore canon?

Yes she sleeps with "daddy" 3 times a month and gets perplexed by Takumi's wage. They go out and by Third Stage someone lets Takumi know she's a whore and has already fucked a guy from school. Mogi goes to a restaurant with "daddy" to break it off and Takumi catches them, ends the relationship there. Mogi later appears at his birthday party and Takumi says its better to part ways, mogi goes off to uni to meditate on her past.

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f7725f No.16795

File: 57f43147cc8b071⋯.jpg (51.34 KB,493x600,493:600,njjak5Mo9S1r0c1kwo1.jpg)


Was it explicitly even told that she sleeps with him?

As far as I know, compensated dating doesn't have to involve sexual favors. Some geezers are just thirsty for company.

Still, it doesn't salvage Mogi from being dirt.

At least because her Takumi could get a new engine and we could get a Celica scene.

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fa94f1 No.16827


>Was it explicitly even told that she sleeps with him?

Nope but the geezer hints it with complimenting her in the first episode. The letter also implies it.

If it wasn't for that relationship and have it more as Takumi finding out his friend was a whore then i could watch it again.

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a02734 No.16883

Decent cars in the UK that aren't completely gimped by insurance? Looking for something fun to drive as a daily but everything that isn't a cuckbox costs a shitload to insure. Budget around £15k

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64bac1 No.16925

found a great deal on a 2005 RX8 with only 17k miles for just under 3700 dollars. tiptronic but i can't complain for the price. one owner no accidents. my question is are there any red flags i should be on the lookout for since i'm new to rotaries? her acceleration from a dead stop is nothing to write home about but i'm guessing that's just the inherent low torque?

also, assuming the previous owner didn't maintain it properly, like failing to pre-mix, is it still low enough miles that the damage wouldn't be too severe?

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d662b5 No.17020

>04 v70 starts smanging on the 1-2 shift

>check tranny fluid

>very dark, didn't smell test, but no particulate on the dipstick

>about 96k miles, don't think it's been changed once by the previous owner

>fucking nip, two nukes weren't enough

am I fucked? is this "transmission service" territory, or will a simple fluid replacement help? I've heard that if it's never been flushed, don't flush it because the sediment actually helps. or is that just an old daddies tale?

it's autotragic, pls no bully, it was cheap

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101584 No.17023


>04 v70

You mean a Volvo? What do the nips have to do with that?

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d92e83 No.17027

I'm thinking of getting rid of my mk6 GTI because of the faulty timing chain tensioner that will grenade my car.

I've never worked on a car but I think I could change it myself with the proper tools a manual and patience but I don't know what else would fail on me blow up the engine. Question is I don't know what I want, I'm fucking done with Honda, ugly as sin with fake exhaust, vents and the boy racer faggots, American cars are shit, Subaru are for gays and stoners and are legitmately awful. I don't understand why cars can't be simple, every car has one or 2 major faults that are off putting. Guess I'll start walking everywhere.

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e7a124 No.17037


previous owner was a nip.

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2c4c5f No.17092

95-05 covers three generations and some pretty dramatic mechanical differences for the Odyssey.

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1377ae No.17093

I've got a 2009 Mitsubishi eclipse and it started giving me PO172 after an oil change. I've replaced the MAF and a faulty O2 sensor and it still runs like shit and wants to die while idling. What do I do?

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c542f5 No.17094


Maybe it's not the sensor itself, but the wire connecting to it?

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96a152 No.17095


Replaced the wires with the sensor

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0cfe71 No.17251

so the timing belt on my shitty piece of junk broke on the highway and the interference engine threw the valves into the piston and sprayed oil and coolant all over the road. Car was worth $1300, new engine is $600, how do I find some autist buy buy my wreck?

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1e447f No.17268


You can't, just cough up the cash for the engine. Then you will be able to sell it with a tag "Just rebuilt engine"

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28a625 No.17277

Hey, frog here buying his first car. Is a 2007 Toyota Auris an okay car?

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a2d302 No.17281


Fellow frog here, the Auris is the most ok car you can buy. The most average.

Thing to consider: if you want to buy one new, ask for a steep cut since the Auris is going to be discontinued soon.

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e36d4e No.17569

I was driving on the highway in my minivan when I noticed that the steering wheel felt as though it was pulling toward the right side. Tires don't appear to be damaged. I think it might be an alignment issue with the axle but I wanted to have a better understanding before going in to the shop to get it checked out. I recently moved from out of state and I don't want to get screwed over by the mechanic. Anything I should do/look out for before going?

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5bab85 No.17690


Yeah sounds like you just need an alignment. Is this car new to you/has this one happened recently? If it's been going on for a while you should be able to see a wear pattern on your tires that correlates with your symptom of pulling right

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5bab85 No.17691


Such a shitty attitude to dismiss everything that easily. A car is only as reliable as you are. Of course with thousands of vehicles driving around every day every make and model is going to run into some issues but you can do your best to avoid those problems with proper maintenance and planning

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8d1e02 No.17714

File: 0dc7062d3c57c90⋯.webm (2.72 MB,320x180,16:9,20190131_121006.webm)

Have a problem with my 2001 Honda Prelude, car wants to start but immediately dies upon firing. I can hear the fuel pump come on, and it isn't throwing any codes. Any ideas? I looked up the ignition switch issue, but wiggling the key/holding it in makes no difference. No prior warning.

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9ec17b No.17716


Belt maybe? Spark Plugs?

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8290e9 No.17723



To update this, I think it was a combination of muh winter vortex and something else. I got it running once the weather warmed up, but it was only around -20c the day it was giving me grief, and it's previously been golden as low as -30c. None of the typical temp sensitive stuff I researched made sense either. It had fuel pressure, spark, battery and starter were fine. Any reason why my car would suddenly become unable to start in previously acceptable temps?

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ce0a28 No.17955

could use a first car suggestion. I'm thinking a slightly older camry or accord. rather no a shitty civic. max price 15k

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565a16 No.17957

File: 56b802ea78e0972⋯.jpg (75.22 KB,653x653,1:1,9e04969cb9e4fc1002810b2960….jpg)

Recently inherited some steel. A couple of Hyundai Tiburons, one of which is the project car with a 6 speed standard and a 2.7 that has a hole in it. Probably caused by the super charger and other shit that is installed. The donor is also a 2.7 but automatic and stock. Can I do a swap? Is it just a matter of changing the fly wheel and tuning the ecu? Should I keep the super charger? If not will I be running too rich as the fuel system is upgraded? Never worked on foreign before.

Also was handed a 2001 F350 7.3 standard that is belching oil out the exhaust. I changed the turbo rings and pedestal rings. Wasn't a lot play on the turbine. Is the turbo fucked? Something worse? Starts cold with a little love.

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7001dc No.17969

File: 36a6878b12e3f3c⋯.jpg (57.44 KB,575x431,575:431,2001.jpg)

I put an H22A4 in my 2001 prelude because the first one was blown and now my fucking vtec won't work. I paid 2700 dollars and I cant even rev past 6500rpm. It's like it has a limiter on it. It's the same stock ecu on the same stock engine why is it not working? I got code 22 and code 65 cause my cat is out. Is my cat being out literally ruining everything because it was fine on the car on the 1st engine

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6450c8 No.17985


What was in it before? Same engine?

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a12988 No.18002

Off-road question here

Can one put manual locking hubs on portal axles?

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504386 No.18010

File: 54b02ba2a6f2040⋯.jpg (4.52 MB,4656x3492,4:3,20190407_120816.jpg)

Help, please. I've tried everything to get this torx shit out. I've tried using an Allen key, I've tried hammering in a size bigger torx bit, I've tried using an extractor, I've tried cutting a line in it to get a flathead in, nothing works.

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77cebb No.18011


While I have a sinking suspicion that this is the /o/ version of the Dragunov (or something like that) that got cut up on /k/ ruse cruise.

Try drilling the bolt out, drill the head away first (so you can see how big the bolt is) and then drill the bolt out starting with bits that are smaller than said bolt (if you want to avoid needing to tap new threads, get bigger bolts).

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1cccef No.18012


This Jeep is already beat to shit, and is already getting new paint in the somewhat near future. I'm not really worried about scratching the paint, but I am worrying about drilling too far in and hitting the windshield. I'll give it a shot though next time I get a chance to work on it.

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a8d69b No.18013


May as well try and do it right; purchase an easy-out kit and pray the bit doesn't break.

Next time use an impact driver as soon as you detect it's being a bitch.

What I would do at this point would be to cut that groove a little cleaner and try an impact driver on it as is. That hole looks like it's fairly deep, so should have weakened the hold the screw has on it.

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77cebb No.18014

File: 96b82d0cea3c625⋯.jpg (49.21 KB,600x414,100:69,fHeDf.jpg)

File: 3e144cb069ace01⋯.jpg (84.29 KB,1200x795,80:53,ds-30-with-drill.jpg)


Measure how long the other bolt is and get a drill stop to keep the bit from going to far in.

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a8d69b No.18016


Overkill. If it's that much of a concern, just mark the depth with a winding of painter's tape.

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77cebb No.18017


Might be, but if he's asking this many questions on something like this he either isn't experienced (usual) or really doesn't want ANY chance of damage to it (I'm like this with some things of my grandfather's I've fixed) so I'm giving him the safest option either way.

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d1b6b6 No.18168

File: c6bd7d586aa961e⋯.png (261.82 KB,474x267,158:89,ClipboardImage.png)

Got myself a non running 86C 1.3 digijet and can't get the damn thing to start. So it has compression, spark and fuel, tried spraying some shit in the intake and it starts and runs on that shit, but won't run on it's own. Removed the injectors and they all spray like they should upon cranking the engine, so what the hell is going on? Some kind of bullshit sensor makes them spray at the wrong time?

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af2350 No.18170


Could be old gas. Drain it and try with fresh shit.

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d1b6b6 No.18176


Didn't help, both new fuel pumps didn't help also. Noticed that the timing belt is kinda loose ant it looks like it jumped a tooth, gonna try if fixing that finally does the trick tomorrow.

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632dd1 No.18183


good luck

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d1b6b6 No.18186





So, finally got the little red bastard running and it only took me a week. Wasn't the timing belt tho, got it nice, tight and in time and it still didn't help. Luckily got another pair of hands to help me that decided to move the MAF valve by hand as I as cranking it and it fired right up. Funny enough it was one of the first things I checked, I figured if it's causing no start unplugging it would make the car start and run like shit, apparently not. Anyway, the thing is adjustable by loosening the spring and moving a plastic gear around, so we got it to idle and sort of drive, still runs like shit, but that's still a huge leap forward.

So, anybody knows how to properly tune the MAF on an old fuel injected VW?

Also managed to rip the tow hook off, so there's some fucking welding to do now

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20b521 No.18191

So i need new belts for an 80s era vehicle. They're not made any more, do i have other options? Can i take the worn out one i do have and just compare it to whatever the parts store has to see what could fit? There is one chink branded belt that might work as it has the same part number, but i don't know ho wmuch i trust the stinky chinkys

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af2350 No.18192


This is why I distrust EFI. Carburetor master race reporting in.


Take it to the local parts store and see if they can find a match.

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d1b6b6 No.18193


I've been driving an old diesel lately and it only had one screw that you could adjust. Turn it in for more go, turn it out for less smoke, so way easier than carbed. Anyway, https://itinerant-air-cooled.com//viewtopic.php?t=7761 found this, looks simple and straightforward. Fuck.

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d1b6b6 No.18198


Fuck, so it still doesn't want to start without starting fluid and runs like shit. Oxygen sensor? I doubt simple vacuum leaks would cause that. Spark looks fine, although spark plug leads and distributor cap look crap, gonna replace those anyway.

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af2350 No.18203


Did you try cleaning out the injectors? They like to clog up if they've been sitting.

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af2350 No.18204


Also probably a stupid question, but you checked to see there were no check engine codes, right?

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d1b6b6 No.18205


Car is made in 1990, so no OBD2 port, that would make the whole deal way too easy. I'm not even sure if it has an old 2x2 diagnostic connector, gonna try looking for one when I get to it. Also the temperature sensor might be out, maybe that contributes to this pile of problems also.

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af2350 No.18206


Temp sensor could definitely be part of it. The ECU reads it to adjust ignition timing depending on if the engine's cold iron or at operating temp. And here's how to check codes on old Volkswagens:


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d1b6b6 No.18207

Thanks for that! I thought the little car as too low tech to get it diagnosed the modern way. Hopefully this will narow the ghost hunt a little bit

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25698d No.18209

I have two questions;

The second one is more important than the first one but the first leads to the second so here goes;

>I turned 17 and got my Provisional license 11 months ago and I needed a car to go to work in.

>My dad surfed craigslist and found a "DUAL ExHaUST CONVERTIBLE" (2005 Chrysler sebring)

>My older brother told me to get an old Toyota since those were reliable (should have listened to him)

>I personally wanted a moto or moped since I saw they were fun but my parents said I needed a car.

>We get option no. 1 since my dad worked it all out and I start driving. 3 months later is starts sounding bad, keeps over heating.

>It's a coolant leak.

>I leave it in my drive way and I haven't driven it since.

>I tried to see where it was with a cursory look a few times but gave up each time. The drips coalesce at the bottom of the engine block underneath the car.

>I think that the leak may not be accessible to fix without ripping the car apart.

>I want to fix it and sell it and get at least some of my money back.

How do fix the leak? I will be willing to read manuals or do what ever, but I only have what I have in my garage which are two floor jacks and some miscellaneous tools.

Second Question;

How do I buy a used motorcycle on craigslist without being ripped off as netop just happened in Question 1?

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af2350 No.18210


Get some ultraviolet coolant dye and a blacklight. And tell your dad he's a niggerfaggot for forcing a Chrysler product upon you. As far as used motorcycles, Kawasaki Ninjas are always a safe bet.

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25698d No.18211


Thanks for the tips!

I've heard of the ulraviolet dye since my dad told me about it after we figured out the problem was the coolant system.

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20b521 No.18214


>Take it to the local parts store and see if they can find a match.

Thanks anon. i did that this weekend. Got both belts i needed for less than $25. They didn't have the right one, but they had one that was pretty much identical.

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d1b6b6 No.18215


I've cranked it with the fuel rail removed and they all seem to spray evenly, don't know if they need eny further cleaning


Couldn't find the damn connector anywhere, maybe only facelift models had it and this one's too old. http://myplace.frontier.com/~janvdb/vw/Engine/vwfault.html This says there might be some connector behind the firewall, but didn't find anything also. And changing the temp sensor did nothing. Starting to get annoyed now

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d1b6b6 No.18216


Also the thing idles way too fast, just dies when I try to accelerate

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af2350 No.18218


Did you see what the owner's manual said as far as where the connector might be? Also have you checked it with a timing light yet?

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d1b6b6 No.18219


Haynes manual for facelift model says it's under the dash, but I can't find it in mine. Didn't check it with the light yet, but tried moving the distributor around and by ear the spark seems just about right. Removed the intake manifold today to check everything around it for leaks, as I suspect the engine might be getting excess air somewhere. I suspect the idle (air bypass) valve might be stuck open, that would make sense. Just need to figure out a way to test it before blindly spending money on more parts as I'll spend more on parts than I did on the car itself at this pace soon.

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af2350 No.18220


Reassemble the intake, start the engine, and spray ether where you think the leak is. If it revs up when you spray a certain spot, then there's a leak.

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d1b6b6 No.18221


Good advice, going to do that if I don't find any obvious leak. Noticed the PCV valve is stuck open, so I'm thinking it can allow unmetered air from the crankcase in the intake and lean the mixture out. And the idle valve doesn't move when I give it 12V also, so hopefully I found the cause for high idle at least.

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d1b6b6 No.18226

File: d91e54297a2391b⋯.png (740.6 KB,528x960,11:20,ClipboardImage.png)



So got rid of all the vacuum leaks (nothing major), cleaned the idle valve (it was stuck) and messed with the AFM a little bit and got it to run a bit nicer. Anyway, the exhaust spits out loads of crap out, so decat is imminent. Runs (and backfires) way better with the exhaust removed, so I think I finally got most of the bugs out. Now it need a little bit of welding, tuning in the AFM properly, new brake discs and pipes, some other little bits and pieces and it should be happily back on the road again.

Also the piston rings were stuck, had tons of blowby and compression sucked but letting it sit overnight with kerosene in the cylinders and changing the oil the next day actually did help. Neat.

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658764 No.18316

Are aftermarket head units a cost-effective way to get all your favorite bugman gizmos in an older car, or just a meme? If not a meme, what are some good brands to look out for?

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dbdf7f No.18323

how do I know what engine will fit and hook up to my stock wires and bolts and shit.. sorry if i sound like a dumb nigger, but i'm new to mechanics, and curiosity is a natural thing.

There must be a site that lists all car specs, what fits what doesn't. is there?

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dbdf7f No.18324

Typically, what would be the first 6 car components you upgrade, if you're diy'ing your car?

>inb4 stickers

>inb4 fart can

>inb4 cardboard fender

ib4 i think you get the point

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af2350 No.18330


Yes, and they also will probably sound a lot better than the stock head unit. I like Pioneer units.


>sorry if i sound like a dumb nigger

Don't worry, you absolutely do. :^)

It's a lot more complicated than you probably think it is to swap an engine. Most anything involves modifying your wiring harness and fucking with or replacing your engine computer; anything that wouldn't need any of that is probably not worth doing in the first place. Best thing to do is look up your specific car and see what other people did, and how easy or hard it was.



>Headers and Exhaust


>Sway Bars

>Wheels and Tires


Making more power is one thing, but being able to actually use it is far more important.

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dbdf7f No.18331


thank you sir.

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dbdf7f No.18342

So I was cleaning my front caliper. Since I'm new at repairing my car. Things happened..

Little to my knowledge, did I know that removing the brake fluid line from the caliper would trigger a problem. When I put everything back together. I pumped the brakes and they got tighter and tighter(check)

But when I tested out the brakes when I started the car my brake peddle got all squishy and didn't stop the vehicle, I had to pump them to stop the car. Is this because I lost brake fluid and air got into the brake line?

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dbdf7f No.18346


ah I fixed it. lol.

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dbdf7f No.18379

WOuld it be ricey if I installed a cold air intake into a 1.8-liter four-cylinder with a standard five-speed manual transmission?

I'm not looking to be the fastest bad ass mf in the "hood", but a minor performance upgrade. thoughts?

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3ae51a No.18391


No, it would not be rice. Go for it. It turns into rice the moment you install a 100 money ebay turbo kit from China.

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af2350 No.18423


<b-but the box said 10 horsepower!

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658764 No.18453

If I wanted to get a more affordable car with an automated manual transmission, where would I look?

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658764 No.18454


I should probably point out that I'm a burger and limited to what is sold here.

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74f130 No.18474

What does everyone think of the Skoda Octavia VRS? I'm considering buying one amongst some other things (E92 BMW 325D, MX5 NC)

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ae1b7a No.18475


Škoda Octavia VR5 and NC Miata are great choises for driver cars. Škoda is one of the few fast cars you can stuff your family inside too and they might just not notice it's a fast car.

Dump the BMW, that generation was kinda meh. You want a BMW to show off, get and older 7 series.


The hell is a automated manual? No clutch, not a manual. No middleground.

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74f130 No.18476


Yeah Ive been a fan of the octavia for a while, I believe its essentially a golf gti in a saloon body so whats not to love? I'd have the miata over everything else without question if it wasnt for fuel economy, I have a 20 mile commute each day. I've been considering a 635d over a 7 series, any reason this is retarded? I've also been looking at previous Gen Audi A4s and A6s.

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658764 No.18491

Do you have any websites or blogs you follow to keep up on automobile news and the like?

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fda92f No.18495


No. I do not follow the news.

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658764 No.18498


I see. I'd like to learn more about the technical aspects of cars, and absent taking a class, I'd have hoped keeping up with good auto blogs and lurking here would be a good way of accomplishing that goal, as it worked well enough with firearms. Since /o/ is a bit too slow to properly learn anything from lurking, I was hoping there were some good blogs on the subject.

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658764 No.18584

What were the major changes made between the RX-7 and RX-8?

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38f2c8 No.18591


>Number of seats,

>turbo vs na

>engine model, big power difference, see above

saying there were changes made between them is a bit inaccurate though, the rx8 is not a successor car, they have totally different design concepts

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5028e4 No.18626

Hey /o/, I have a 2008 Chrysler Sebring convertible that'll crank, but wont run. Last time I had this issue I was able to just replace the slot 26 (engine ASD relay feed 2) fuse and it ran for 4 months and then this happened. Now it wont accept new fuses. I have a replacement relay but the relay box had totally different relays making me wonder where the fuck this one is supposed to go. Any ideas and advice would help.

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5cad9a No.18627


Ah, I see. I only knew they both used a Wankel engine, which I think is kino. Although if the RX-8 is NA, I'll probably go for it when I can afford a car that's fun as well as a practical one.

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6eddd3 No.18628


A good mate of mine has an RX8 and I have to say it's wonderful when it's working, I'd never buy one myself due to the reliability. My taste in unreliable 2nd cars is more 70's British stuff.

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5cad9a No.18629


So you're the one who posted about the Thatchermobile?

This wouldn't be a practical car, I have a FWD automatic Toyota for practicality. Even if I do decide to go for it, this is isn't a purchase I would make for at least a few years, when I have my more immediate needs taken care of. I know it will need lots of tender love and care to keep running, since this would be a "fun" car rather than a daily driver I think I can live with that. I just like Wankel engines, they're a neat concept that, like so many others, were forced off the road due to regulations. The RX-7 was another option I was looking at, but most people seem to agree that the 8 handles better, and I feel like it would be easier to acquire parts for a newer car. As much as I like the 7, especially the 90s styling, it seems like Initial D, among other factors, has inflated its price.

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7f00c2 No.18636


Depends, which Thatchermobile? I have two myself and I've only posted about them here once or twice.

What country are you from? RX-7s here cost 10x more than RX-8s, usually more.

My friend's RX8 cost him £400, though admittedly it needed a new transmission and rear suspension. I say they're an unreliable car but he took his around western Europe a couple of months ago and it didnt die. Still wouldn't daily it though.

As a weekend car you're making a solid choice with the 8 anyway, the engine is tiny and so far back in the bay as to practically be midengined. My favourite thing about it is the sound though, it's really not like other cars.

Before you buy one study all the buyers guides you can get, ideally you want to get the engine compression tested. Parts aren't expensive but a lot of mechanics wont touch a wankel so keep that in mind, you'll likely have to do your own spannering for anything involving that.

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5cad9a No.18640


I'm a burger. From the quick searches I've done, it seems like an RX-7 ranges from just a little more than to about double that of an RX-8 with similar mileage. I assume the variation is from the different generations of each car being better or worse. I've got a few buyer's guides bookmarked, probably won't seriously use them for another couple years but I'm glad I'm have them.

>you'll likely have to do your own spannering for anything involving that.

Yep, that's part of the appeal. I want to learn to work on my own cars.

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